GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #4

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Why samanthaj, you must almost have a lovely view of the Eiffel Tower from there :rolleyes:
Hi All - my husband and I use the Find My Friend app as he is a cyclist and we've had a couple of scares with him coming off his bike/getting flats in remote areas. I can confirm that the app shows yourself as the blue dot, and other people as an orange and white icon - see screen capture of where I am currently towards the bottom left side of the screen near Milton showing in blue.

Thanks Samanthaj, I don't have an iPhone or this app so I have never seen how it works. How accurate is the dot to exactly where you are? It's surprising at least one of the police didn't realise the blue dot was GBC phone not Allison. They wasted time and resources searching the neighbours property because of it.
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Thanks Kimster. Is it likely be fully operational in time for the court case on Monday in Brisbane?
And there was this from OW, now O Baden hyphen W.

Quoting a Bible passage that refers to being "struck down but not destroyed", Mr Walton went on to criticise coverage of the Brookfield mother-of-three's disappearance and death.

"Precious friends, on another matter you need to be aware that the media are glorying in the most revolting and salacious gossip. They seem determined to do all possible to damage and destroy.

"They have virtually imprisoned us in the house! They have NO regard for Allison or her family - despite their 'crocodile tears' for Allison. I warn you that there may be more and worse to come."

Mr Walton - who is married to Mr Baden-Clay's sister, Olivia - also told how the family had made a collective decision to remain quiet.

"Please do not put your trust in what you read and do not lose faith at this time.

"We have decided not to speak publicly to the media and to grieve in private.

"We may pay the price for this in the 'court' of public opinion."
Thanks Samanthaj, I don't have an iPhone or this app so I have never seen how it works. How accurate is the dot to exactly where you are? It's surprising at least one of the police didn't realise the blue dot was GBC phone not Allison. They wasted time and resources searching the neighbours property because of it.

GBC's reaction (or lack of one) was still an interesting snippet and another little piece of the puzzle - the fact that he didn't seem relieved or want to rush over to the neighbour's himself and look for Allison at least.
GBC's reaction (or lack of one) was still an interesting snippet and another little piece of the puzzle - the fact that he didn't seem relieved or want to rush over to the neighbour's himself and look for Allison at least.

Maybe he was happy for the police to go on a wild goose chase next door where he knew there was nothing to find there. So he did not say anything about his phone being the blue dot. That makes sense to me.
Dastardly - it's like he's living in a sitcom [emoji34]

"Dastardly" made me think of The Fantastic Five - not that i ever read any of those books. A very colonial English word, in my book.
Agree with this 100%
My sister went through a dangerous time with her ex-husband while extricating herself from the marriage. She had to play a very careful game---calm and smiling was her face to him, while desperately trying to find public support. She did find that paying him a lot of money made him go away, eventually. And he didn't want anything more to do with the children after he got the money. He was very well-educated and a high-up government employee too. AND EVENTUALLY HE HAD HIS TIME IN JAIL TOO. Not for murder, although he did attempt to poison my mother, sister, and I. That's why we were on our guard. At the time we didn't have enough evidence, we just chose to fly under his radar and get my sister away safely.
The trial has really brought home to me how much private pain and worry Allison must have borne.
The image of the narcissist in the middle with lonely spokes radiating out is illuminating to me. I would also add that IMO you can "sense" a psychopath by listening to a group of family/friends/employees talk about their misery---sooner or later one name will pop up again and again, and voila! One person is revealed at the centre of anguish and destruction. What it takes is for people to get together and open up! If any of you feel you might be under attack, no matter how subtly, please consider finding as many trustworthy people as you can and telling them about your feelings, particularly if you have a viseral "gut" intinct to pull away from someone.
I wish Allison had gotten away.
My understanding leads me to imagine that she had tried every reasonable and rational way to live with GBC. The trigger for her to leave him might have been, for all we know, the conference. Allison might have taken Toni's presence there in her stride, Toni and Allison might have talked, compared stories, both gotten angry but also both enlightened about GBC. The outcome would equal divorce, loss of sex (Trooper's 'extra bonk' description is so apt), major loss of face, no more loans to the social pariah, no more family man construct...still, people can and do rebuild themselves from these uncomfortable outcomes. So I must agree with those who say the pivot was the insurance $$$. Just too much dosh to turn a back on.
So sordid.
So tragic. Waste of a beautiful life.

This is so frightening to me. I have a close friend who is living a miserable life at the moment. She is married to a narcissist. The things he says and does are sending her mad.It is like he pushes and pushes her and then when she gets angry he uses it to his advantage. He is always belittling her with comments about her low paying job and how she has no ambition. She has told him her ambition in life is to be a good mother with happy children and to be happy herself. He makes all the decisions in that house. He treats her like a child. But she loves him and is always trying to make him happy. But it is never good enough. She has suffered from depression and anxiety in the past but has recently started to stand up for herself. When this happened he insisted she go back on antidepressants because " she wasn't herself". He is very secretive and has passwords on his phone and ipad, even his own personal computer hard drive. He is in charge of all the money and they have been experiencing financial problems that she has only just found out about. She says she thinks he is having an affair although he denies it and tells her it is the depression talking. He has had affairs in the past.
I worry because he has told people he is afraid she is suicidal. He even told her parents this. She has told me and other friends and her doctor that this is not true. I worry because she would never imagine he would hurt her physically. But I'm sure Allison thought the same thing.
It is hard to help her because she still loves him. All I can do is listen to her and let her know I am here if she needs. But , how I hate him for what he is doing to her.
And there was this from OW, now O Baden hyphen W.

Quoting a Bible passage that refers to being "struck down but not destroyed", Mr Walton went on to criticise coverage of the Brookfield mother-of-three's disappearance and death.

"Precious friends, on another matter you need to be aware that the media are glorying in the most revolting and salacious gossip. They seem determined to do all possible to damage and destroy.

"They have virtually imprisoned us in the house! They have NO regard for Allison or her family - despite their 'crocodile tears' for Allison. I warn you that there may be more and worse to come."

Mr Walton - who is married to Mr Baden-Clay's sister, Olivia - also told how the family had made a collective decision to remain quiet.

"Please do not put your trust in what you read and do not lose faith at this time.

"We have decided not to speak publicly to the media and to grieve in private.

"We may pay the price for this in the 'court' of public opinion."

Oh yeah, revolting and salacious and apparently all true and confirmed by GBC himself. And according to him, there are more salacious affairs (and dastardly deeds too I'm thinking) that haven't even been discussed!

I hope they were mortified by his admissions regarding the other women - but I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't and thought all the blame lay at Allison's feet for driving GBC to it by not meeting his needs. :sick:
Thanks Kimster. Is it likely be fully operational in time for the court case on Monday in Brisbane?

Yes, we're making sure of it. In fact, we would have upgraded earlier this week, but didn't because of this trial. :kimsterwink:
"Dastardly" made me think of The Fantastic Five - not that i ever read any of those books. A very colonial English word, in my book.

Oh yes, very Enid Blytonish. Right up there with scoundrels and rotters. I keep thinking of Dick Dastardly from the Wacky Races cartoon that I used to watch as a kid too.
You are such a clever, compassionate and witty bunch. I have officially abandoned my nightly fiction in favour of WS.

A few things:

1. Fuller IS a supersmartstonecoldfox.

2. The NOTE/S. As to that reportedly made out to the jury (did I really just type that? A NOTE to the JURY?! Either he has seen that attempted on some (misleading) B-grade crime show, in which case he sure knows what a crime scene is OR he has again made legal history...), my best guess as to its content, given the timing, would be that it claimed 'it all came out wrong/you gotta believe me'. Dissemble, deflect, placate. You get the drill. As to the other, to His Honour (?!) regarding the app, of ALL the things over those four days he reckons he might wanna correct the record about, take another bite at the cherry over, it's the APP? As Trooper says, 'it's not even wrong'!

3. Re: the significance of the impending Toni/Allison collision. That whole potentiality was DIRECTLY related to money. Hearing GBC flat out deny ANY concern (contrary to prior statements and all commonsense) makes me think he was completely preoccupied with it on the 19th. That afternoon and early evening's calls were taken up with it. He told Allison to take herself off for a coffee post appointment (a strange suggestion, given all we know). If you also keep in mind Allison's REALLY brave, bold and thereto unprecedented calling out of GBC just the day before (having fun with your companion, no seats down), the fact that she clearly wanted to look 'just so' for this conference and that she THOUGHT she had a recently opened line of communication with GBC, you can imagine a situation in which a newly emboldened Allison picks her moment, over, say, the washing up, to say something like 'I suppose that Toni will be there tomorrow', or worse, something to the effect that she was looking forward to seeing Toni. I do accept that Toni was more likely than not to steer clear of Allison that day. HOWEVER, I think (and I think it had occurred to GBC) that Allison MIGHT JUST have had the guts and inclination to approach Toni. That would have spelt certain discovery of the renewed affair, Allison no doubt walking out, with the girls and taking any asset worth taking, including her insurances. I am 99% convinced that the conference was the catalyst for events that evening. Equals motive. Urgent motive :(

Great post :seeya: Food for thought there. what you said,
3. He told Allison to take herself off for a coffee post appointment (a strange suggestion, given all we know).

I think we have to ask ourselves, How could this benefit Gerard?

Did he need to keep Allison away from His Parents house. (And also make him self look like Husband of the Year.)
Was Toni in her car and driving over to confront the whole Baden Clay Clan at the BBQ ?

After her hair appointment, Allison was heading over to have a BBQ Dinner with the Baden Clays! Pool party , cousins , new baby celebrations etc.

That's why he suggested , insisted? That Allison go have a coffee , instead of joining them for dinner! (Certainly not shopping, as they had no money)

(Toni was going to take her Man , and do the job that GM promised he would do "leave it to me now") Toni was really pissed off, angry, and was not waiting another minute. It's now, or tomorrow at the conference, your marriage is over GM.
He was **** scared that Toni was on the war path, driving over to find him and confront Allison and involve the whole family. He needed to keep Allison away from his fathers house , whilst he tried to calm Toni down. It worked! He calmed her down. He said he was telling Allison tonight.

He couldn't keep Toni quiet. The **** was going to hit the fan , that night, or the next day at the conference.
His world was about to change within the next 15 hours.
What to do? What to do? ****! It's all over red rover!
Gerard's getting stressed .
Toni hasn't come to his Parents home. Yes! He still has 15 hrs till it's over.
He must get the children home as quickly as possible, in case Toni heads there.

His world is spinning, he sees no options.
His dream of Allison throwing herself in front of a bus, or tripping down a hole, so he could be a rich widower and single parent never happened!
It wasn't going to end that way.
Gerard rationalising his dreams. Why why, didn't I get what I wished for. I believed it, I spoke it,I visualised it, so what happened to my Super Powers? This is what I wanted! I wanted to be rich! I hate her! I thought she just die. She will walk away happily, and I will have nothing!

He needed to get back his control , his dream. Rich and successful.
He was now at his most dangerous.

He knew that within 15 hrs, Allison would be leaving him.
By lunchtime probably. Packing up the children and heading to live in his house at the Gold Coast (next door to Allison's Parents) new schools, furniture, new life for Allison. She would be spoilt by her parents. Noooo. Not happening!
I need to get that house ready for sale tomorrow, not sit at home blocking her from leaving. I don't have time for this. I can't stop her. I have no power. I'm weak.

He would loose his Narsccisstic supply(Allison).
He would loose his share of the property at the Gold Coast.
He would have to negotiate Children's Contact Arrangements.
He couldn't remain living in the Brookfield house.
He would loose the business
He would loose the cars
He would be left with the old bed and furniture
He would be poor and get to live with Toni in her unit!
He had no income to rent anywhere else.
He couldn't afford petrol in his car.
He would go bankrupt.
He'd loose his position in the Brookfield society and school.
He would have to Rely on Toni and she was bossy, so he wouldn't be the king.
He would need a divorce solicitor, to regain his power, but he had no money to do that. Allison would be calling the shots.
He would have to ask and really negotiate with Allison.
He would be left solely, with the mess that he had created in his business.
All eyes on the looser, ..... Gerard Baden Clay.
Left facing all those people he owed money to.
He was loosing his false self, and facing his real self.
This was worse than dying! He was going to die.
The King was about to loose his thrown , castle and kingdom.
He was going to be cast out to live with the ugly wrench.
So he had a choice.
Do or die. It was a Black or white decision.
He decided to do the DO. He would live and Allison must die. :banghead:
She had insurance. He couldn't pay it. She must die now. He wouldn't get the chance again.
It would be too obvious if he killed her after she left him!
But how?
Time is ticking..
It's 10pm now and he will surely die by 10 am.
He has 12 hrs ... till he dies!
There were no busses to hit Allison so she had to some how fall down a hole!

She had to fall. He was in a rush now. He was shaking and rushing. She had to go walking to fall down a hole. Insurance would keep his dream alive.
Toni, could go jump ! This was all her fault anyway!
(I think OW planted the depression idea, after she found out he had thrown her under the bridge. Tablets lying around, Allison suicidal etc)
And the rest is history :banghead:
This is so frightening to me. I have a close friend who is living a miserable life at the moment. She is married to a narcissist. The things he says and does are sending her mad.It is like he pushes and pushes her and then when she gets angry he uses it to his advantage. He is always belittling her with comments about her low paying job and how she has no ambition. She has told him her ambition in life is to be a good mother with happy children and to be happy herself. He makes all the decisions in that house. He treats her like a child. But she loves him and is always trying to make him happy. But it is never good enough. She has suffered from depression and anxiety in the past but has recently started to stand up for herself. When this happened he insisted she go back on antidepressants because " she wasn't herself". He is very secretive and has passwords on his phone and ipad, even his own personal computer hard drive. He is in charge of all the money and they have been experiencing financial problems that she has only just found out about. She says she thinks he is having an affair although he denies it and tells her it is the depression talking. He has had affairs in the past.
I worry because he has told people he is afraid she is suicidal. He even told her parents this. She has told me and other friends and her doctor that this is not true. I worry because she would never imagine he would hurt her physically. But I'm sure Allison thought the same thing.
It is hard to help her because she still loves him. All I can do is listen to her and let her know I am here if she needs. But , how I hate him for what he is doing to her.

If you haven't already please tell her about Allison.
If this is half way, the finished picture is going to be incredible! Well done.

Yes, please do consider giving it to the Dickie household so that they can all find joy in looking at it.

Maybe scan it three times so the girls could all have it on the wall in the future homes as adults.
I think she had a nice hair do, looking forward to the conference as she was determined to do all she could to keep the business running, felt confident, felt empowered in her relationship with GBC and was very hopeful he truely wanted to save their marriage. She was getting through all the questions she had in her diary to ask him, he was participating because of Carmel Ritchie bullying him into shutting up and listening to her. Things were looking very good in her mind, she was far away from her depressed times. Her youngest was now at school and she had breathing space to persue her own exciting ventures.

I now think that Carmel Ritchie's advice for the 15 min sessions didn't lead to GBC exploding in an argument. It was the conference that was the catalyst.

Yes agreed Im sure she was feeling confident and looking forward to the future.....
“Allison and I had been through a period of about nine years where we had hardly had any physical intimacy at all,” Mr Baden-Clay said.
“Yes, there were a number of women that I went to for sex. We talked about some of them during that period.”
Mr Baden-Clay has admitted to having a month-long affair with his former colleague Michelle Hammond about the time he and his wife conceived their third child in 2006.

Read more:

"Went to women for sex"...not a very nice way to say that!
And to be having an affair and conceive at the same time is particularly sad. I sincerely hope Allison didn't know that!
Btw thanks for the lovely feedback re drawing everyone
GBC's reaction no surprise- it was highly indignant, then drinking from the cup, 'I did not kill my wife', super indignant - ' I object to these....' (I can't and won't quote him) - he was struggling to keep his demeanor - he obviously would have like to have said more but he was on the stand. I just remember him sipping from the cup the entire time - (he must have a bladder like a camel). His voice was calm and lowered and he shook his head it was the little bit hurt voice until the very end when he countered with 'I would never....... the dastardly things that was said' whilst firmly sipping water, cup in hand. Not sure this actually what you wanted but I was a bit more focused on the questions that Fuller was asking.

Thanks Liadan, I appreciate it. Lol re the little bit hurt voice, paints the perfect picture. It must have been an amazing scene to witness, FINALLY someone putting him on the mat about what he is accused of. Finally.
"Indignant" - The exact word I was going to use to describe his response. I too was focused on Todd Fuller - it was such a dramatic and significant moment in the trial, the culmination to this point. GBC did seem to shrink back a little. But indignant is the word that sums it up. IMO.

Thanks Tangled :)
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