GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #4

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Yes, but there was the feeling they were 'coached'. They also said things like Mummy or Daddy didn't argue, and any disagreement only lasted a few seconds. This was similarly spoken of by GBC. Apparently there were debriefing sessions at the Nigelaine home, there could have been many things that were reinforced as true, which the girls might not have experienced, but came to believe because the information was given to them by people they loved and trusted. Remember that in questioning one of the girls was asked about a particular statement she made, asked "how did you know that", and she responded it was because Daddy told her. Perhaps Allison did sometimes go for walks but maybe it wasn't as common or regular as has been made out.

I don't think the girls would have had time to be coached on the afternoon of Alison's disappearance. They went straight to school with Aunty Olivia. From my understanding the night "debriefing" sessions occurred later
The car was only 8 weeks old so the new carpet fibres and the leaves would have been in the barrel and filters. I'm fairly sure new carpets shed more fibres.
NBC would have had to go through that roundabout to get to GBC;s wouldn't he? And OBW? It would be interesting to see what times their cars came through as I doubt they'd go through the roundabout to get to Anstead.

Yes, NBC would have. OBW doesnt live in Brisbane, she came down from Townsville, cant recall when. As far as going to Anstead is concerned, I wouldnt be at all surprised if GBC took varying routes there and back to avoid attracting attention. He would have had a heightened fear of being noticed or detected so may have thought he'd be more likely to be noticed if he went the same route there and back.
However Alison's own daughters when interviewed on the afternoon that GBC reported her missing stated she went for walks in the morning

The thing is did they actually see her leave the house or where they asleep when she went and GBC told them that. They could also be referring to the treadmill.
Day 14

He further agreed the Captiva had been parked nose-in to the car port.

He said the car was not reversed into the car port when he got up that day.

NBC said it was reversed in when he got there

Mr Baden-Clay said both the cars were in the driveway when he arrived at his son’s home, the Captiva in the carport with the bonnet facing out towards the road

Thanks Amee, i thought i was going mental. That was before i saw that the search function would take a while to go through the database. Plus I have brain fog from surgery yesterdday.
Many thanks FromGermany!
I may have missed something (although I have been reading the summaries each day) but I don't believe this witness was called as a witness. If they were not there must be a reason and we can't count this as evidence.
I don't think the girls would have had time to be coached on the afternoon of Alison's disappearance. They went straight to school with Aunty Olivia. From my understanding the night "debriefing" sessions occurred later

She probably coached them for all we know.
Again, it is my understanding police confiscated NBCs vacuum cleaner. I am sure it would have been extensively tested. However no evidence produced that the the car was vacuumed.
They could have been coached that morning as GBC spoke to them about their missing Mum. Reinforcing about Mum going for regular walks. If she supposedly walked in the early morning before they got up, how would they know she really did walk? Maybe she did go for walks, but I do feel the girls could have said things they had heard said - as they are young children they dont always make the distinction between what they experienced or saw, and what they believed to be true because they were told.

Personally I think that Allison hated exercise and regular walks, and possibly tried to do it to lose weight, but was probably not very frequent or consistent. Any excuse not to is what I would have thought, and if you had just had your hair done the night before, and had a conference the next day, you wouldnt go for that walk.
However Alison's own daughters when interviewed on the afternoon that GBC reported her missing stated she went for walks in the morning

Wonder if they had been briefed, debriefed, or ordered in what to say?
There was plenty of opportunity for that to occur.
The prosecution will know the PJ pants are missing. They gave Gerred a chance to explain but he just kind of deflected. Although he's probably certain he gave a great answer, i'm pretty sure in the closing argument this will be one of the big points stressed to the jury and it will be clear that they were nowhere to be found,which is a massive blue and white chequered flag.
Why weren't questions regards the actual whereabouts of the pyjamas addressed at trial. The residence was a crime scene and would have been searched. Surely is would have been a simple question to ask the police who searched the BC house?
If Toni was weary of waiting she only had to pick up her phone, ring Alison and spill the beans. A conference with hundreds of people present would not necessarily be the best forum
I may be a bit behind or have missed something...wondering if anyone can shed light on my wondering if anything at all had been discussed in the trial regarding police closing the roundabout at kenmore that night? Seemed like so much went into that exercise, that it surely must have been important???

I agree, I do feel that there was something significant - as you say they had I think two closures for a period of time, which is unusual unless it is really important. Unfortunately they couldnt get enough corroboration or additional information to use, so nothing has been mentioned in court. But that doesnt mean nothing happened there that was significant!
Again, it is my understanding police confiscated NBCs vacuum cleaner. I am sure it would have been extensively tested. However no evidence produced that the the car was vacuumed.

I believe they confiscated the dustbag of the vacuum cleaner or contents therof. Good point, nothing has been mentioned.
This interview was the afternoon of Alison's disappearance. It seems to confirm Alison went for walks and took her phone with her
I don't think the girls would have had time to be coached on the afternoon of Alison's disappearance. They went straight to school with Aunty Olivia. From my understanding the night "debriefing" sessions occurred later

The girls weren't interviewed until June though IIRC.
Fuller showed the bedroom photo's and asked GBC about the pj's.

Is Fuller implying Allison had them on when she was murdered and was changed into her walking gear by someone else. In which case the Pj's should be in the house and GBC being so up on his wife's wardrobe would know where they were. He deflected that question saying "they are not in the photo." and offered no alternative to the jury of which I am aware.

Even if they were in the house had been washed and folded GBC said when asked by Fuller no he had not cleaned.

GBC objected when Fuller suggested that the jumper was pulled over Allison's head when she was fighting him off.........................
Then he asked the direct question "Or did that happen LATER as you moved her body?

The pj's have nothing to do with money, Toni, stranger or suicide
They IMO have either
* vanished
* were not worn at all
* or had been washed as part of the clean up
It seems to me the pj's are important where ever they are.
The girls weren't interviewed until June though IIRC.

Seems it was the day Allison was missing they where interviewed

The Baden-Clays’ eldest daughter recalled waking that morning to find her father in the kitchen, making their school lunches.

“I said, ‘Where’s Mum?’,” the girl told police.

“He said, ‘I think she’s gone for a walk’.”

The court heard it was not unusual for Mrs Baden-Clay to walk for half an hour each morning. She typically walked near Brookfield State School.
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