General Discussion and Theories #3

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Rest in Peace, Tim. You will not be forgotten.

A ‘hard-working country boy’ senselessly lost

By Molly Hayes



Photo courtesy of the Bosma family

Tim Bosma, 32, leaves behind his two-year-old daughter.
Once again:


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TB was killed and SB suffers.

DM is not suffering: he gets three hots and a cot each and every day and by his reports he has so much respect his prison peers call him "Big D" he has visits from family each and every week. I think the worst thing he's dealing with is boredom.

If someone meant to make someone's life a living hell, well SB is the victim here, NOT DM.

An innocent man or woman sitting in a jail cell with crap food and a hard metal bed, surrounded by others who also do not like their current living conditions or who enjoy their 8 hours of power a day IMO is far from 'joyful' imo. Couple that with the inability to talk to family and friends and the inability to walk in the park etc...I would call it suffering.

DM is apparently in a single cell with no other occupants.... when do you suppose he gets called 'Big D' ?? On his way to court? MOO :twocents:
What family does DM really have to come visit him? No father, siblings...just MB? Does she turn up there every week? She hasn't been at the court proceedings (newspapers are reporting DM straining, looking for people who aren't there) If mom was a regular visitor you'd expect that she'd show up at a regular time (e.g., after work Tuesdays) and DM could have given "Dee" more info...

I think he is trying to sound more in demand than he really is.

He has cousins and aunts and uncles I believe.... and family appears to be close..... not sure how this is not understood JMO
Can you clarify what you mean by this? Are you suggesting that prosecutors demonstrate bad behavior in their profession, at the hands of the Crown, as that is the expectation of the job?

It is what it is.... and no not 'at the hands of the crown' that is not what my post says at all..... sanctioned means :

sanc·tion (sngkshn)
1. Authoritative permission or approval that makes a course of action valid. See Synonyms at permission.
2. Support or encouragement, as from public opinion or established custom.
3. A consideration, influence, or principle that dictates an ethical choice.
a. A law or decree.
b. The penalty for noncompliance specified in a law or decree.
5. A penalty, specified or in the form of moral pressure, that acts to ensure compliance or conformity.
6. A coercive measure adopted usually by several nations acting together against a nation violating international law.
tr.v. sanc·tioned, sanc·tion·ing, sanc·tions

In other words..... working hand in glove so to speak.... you have to form your own conclusions jmo

I think juries are essential because of this..... JMO and MOO
(Saying we "hope" DM is guilty makes it sound like we have something personal against the guy, or arbitrarily want someone to go to jail just because. It would be more accurate to say we believe the evidence so far and that LE has the right person. It's not personal.)

Not all evidence has come to light... I think thats why people feel someone should be presumed innocent as is their right. Believing half of a story and forming a judgement on that is rather shortsighted imo.... whereas those who choose to retain the presumption of innocence stance...are open to all that comes along in the way of evidence and take it all into consideration.

Unless people know or personally know of someone how in their right mind can they have something personal against the guy ? So no I dont believe its personal.... all have a right to an opinion....

On another note.....

IMO 'society' has become very judgmental and imo base their notions on the constant barrage of conditioning that comes their way.... I am never surprised by it...... although sometimes disappointed... Thats not saying that my view applies to anyone here...just my view in general.
An innocent man or woman sitting in a jail cell with crap food and a hard metal bed, surrounded by others who also do not like their current living conditions or who enjoy their 8 hours of power a day IMO is far from 'joyful' imo. Couple that with the inability to talk to family and friends and the inability to walk in the park etc...I would call it suffering.

DM is apparently in a single cell with no other occupants.... when do you suppose he gets called 'Big D' ?? On his way to court? MOO :twocents:

MOO, until there is actual, factual proof that DM is innocent, I think you will be hard pressed to find sympathy for him in this forum, or anywhere else. As has been stated many times before TB is the victim. :moo:
An innocent man or woman sitting in a jail cell with crap food and a hard metal bed, surrounded by others who also do not like their current living conditions or who enjoy their 8 hours of power a day IMO is far from 'joyful' imo. Couple that with the inability to talk to family and friends and the inability to walk in the park etc...I would call it suffering.

Oh come on, there is a mattress on that hard metal bed.

Whe DM wrote:

I'm somewhat horrified at imagining how many innocent people might be imprisoned right now.

He should have wrote:

I'm outraged knowing innocent people like me are imprisoned right now.

He couched his words with too many modifiers for me to believe that he, or any of his prison peers, truly thinks themselves innocent.

DM is apparently in a single cell with no other occupants.... when do you suppose he gets called 'Big D' ?? On his way to court? MOO :twocents:

I just want to add my 2 cents on this supposed letter of DM's. What I noticed was how chipper he seems in the letter. Here he is in jail charged with a brutal murder, claiming his innocence and he's joking about being called the Big "D". Big D? That would be Big Devil.
Snoofo .... I think you have brought up a very good point .... as I was replying the previous thread was closed so I dragged your quote forward ... I hope that is OK. Thanks.

Snoofo post #1020 previous thread .. Generally this doesnt happen, as you say, but in exceptional cases it can. Exceptional cases do actually exist as we see them ib the headlines once in awhile.

Maybe DM did not allow himself or his property to be used for crime and his decision backfired.

Maybe he thought he'd be the cool guy and did allow some minor chop jobs to be stored and worked on in the hangar by the boys. Then, things got out of hand and he try to pull all stops pissing off many who were quite cozy with the arrangement.

Maybe he refused oi participate in or facilitate a major drug trafficking operation.

Many decent stand up people do find themselves in the snakepit, in the real world.

You have struck a chord Snoofo ... this is a common scenario .... a normally straight person rubs shoulders a bit with the criminal element (CE) .... a few chopshop parts etc.

The CE will always lever and weasel for more involvement .... they tighten the screws more and more .... and it is hard to "divorce" from them ... you cannot turn to LE because you are already implicated .... besides to turn to LE is anathema within the CE.

1. .... try this , it tastes just like chicken
2. .... want some more , I can sell you some
3. .... need some money , sell some for me
4. .... Gotcha
Snoofo .... I think you have brought up a very good point .... as I was replying the previous thread was closed so I dragged your quote forward ... I hope that is OK. Thanks.

You have struck a chord Snoofo ... this is a common scenario .... a normally straight person rubs shoulders a bit with the criminal element (CE) .... a few chopshop parts etc.

The CE will always lever and weasel for more involvement .... they tighten the screws more and more .... and it is hard to "divorce" from them ... you cannot turn to LE because you are already implicated .... besides to turn to LE is anathema within the CE.

1. .... try this , it tastes just like chicken
2. .... want some more , I can sell you some
3. .... need some money , sell some for me
4. .... Gotcha

So someone said to DM and MS, do what I say or I will kill a complete stranger you have absolutely no links to and blame it on you (somehow)?

I think I would blow them off. Do your worst. It would never stick.
Snoofo .... I think you have brought up a very good point .... as I was replying the previous thread was closed so I dragged your quote forward ... I hope that is OK. Thanks.

You have struck a chord Snoofo ... this is a common scenario .... a normally straight person rubs shoulders a bit with the criminal element (CE) .... a few chopshop parts etc.

The CE will always lever and weasel for more involvement .... they tighten the screws more and more .... and it is hard to "divorce" from them ... you cannot turn to LE because you are already implicated .... besides to turn to LE is anathema within the CE.

1. .... try this , it tastes just like chicken
2. .... want some more , I can sell you some
3. .... need some money , sell some for me
4. .... Gotcha
IMO, Arnie, even if DM was involved in some form of chop shop or drug ring and was now worried about being implicated in crimes of that nature-it simply does not make sense that this wealthy, highly intelligent, humble, philosopher type of person would rationalize that resorting to murder was a viable option to appease his "drug ring"/"chop shop" masters. IMHO, the only thing that prevents all of us from using a gun and mask to take money out of the bank rather than the bank machine is we know that the robbing banks is stealing, which is morally wrong, plus it's against the law and it's certainly not the answer to not having money in our pocket. Even if we felt pressured into robbing the bank, we would have to be willing to deal with the consequences if and when we got caught.

IMO, if I shot the teller while I was robbing the bank, I seriously doubt that I'd be given any mercy if I said I was robbing the bank to pay my drug supplier and unfortunately, I accidentally killed the teller. DM, even if under pressure, had options. He's a 27 year old man with access to good lawyers. He brushed elbows with DP many months prior to the murder-he could have certainly run his situation by DP at that time. If DM somehow had to make this crazy decision that resulted in his involvement in the senseless murder of an innocent man, then DM should be held responsible. Once again, IMHO, we all have options. MOO
agree M c Sherlock that DM and MS( let us not forget him too) shall be accountable for the murder of TB..IMO...and let us wait as I have said often for the Crown to deliver their case in COURT...long way off DM lawyer even stated probably will not happen to some time in 2014!( COURT DATE)

Now to those of you who feel DM is innocent and MS ...........IMO I would be having some explaining to do ( I think of the lucy Ball show when Rick used to say " Lucille you got some explaining to do")

....JMO only if I was not guilty I be chirping LOUD and clear...who wants to sit in Prison....solitaire confinement ...I think it was said he only gets 1/2 hr time out/ DAY ....

YET we have not heard one word that DM has done ANY of his explaining of his inocense...Yes could be due to PB ...but this is awfully strange!...JMO again...2 cents worth...robynhood.
Some misunderstandings
I was not implying a few chop shop parts leads directly to murder
I was implying how a small association with CE (years ago) can eventually draw a person deeper than they ever wanted to go.
Point being it is hard to get out of those clutches.
I think that is what Snoofo was trying to say
And I agree .

CE often try to target those with money and resources.
Sometimes it works.
Sometimes it leads to deadly consequences.

It is what it is.... and no not 'at the hands of the crown' that is not what my post says at all..... sanctioned means :

sanc·tion (sngkshn)
1. Authoritative permission or approval that makes a course of action valid. See Synonyms at permission.
2. Support or encouragement, as from public opinion or established custom.
3. A consideration, influence, or principle that dictates an ethical choice.
a. A law or decree.
b. The penalty for noncompliance specified in a law or decree.
5. A penalty, specified or in the form of moral pressure, that acts to ensure compliance or conformity.
6. A coercive measure adopted usually by several nations acting together against a nation violating international law.
tr.v. sanc·tioned, sanc·tion·ing, sanc·tions

In other words..... working hand in glove so to speak.... you have to form your own conclusions jmo

I think juries are essential because of this..... JMO and MOO

Thank you for your response BQ, I do know the meaning of the word, but will admit I was in a hurry when I posted earlier, and perhaps should have waited until I had more time to properly word my post and question.

However, at this point I am just going to drop the issue and move on as I am biased on the whole subject. Both my father and brother are Crown Attorneys, neither of whom have ever been defence lawyers I might add, and there is also a long line of LE in my family, and close friends as a result. I guess sometimes, these types of comments just hit close to home if you know what I mean, so moving on...:seeya:
Some misunderstandings
I was not implying a few chop shop parts leads directly to murder
I was implying how a small association with CE (years ago) can eventually draw a person deeper than they ever wanted to go.
Point being it is hard to get out of those clutches.
I think that is what Snoofo was trying to say
And I agree .

CE often try to target those with money and resources.
Sometimes it works.
Sometimes it leads to deadly consequences.


The easiest way to get the criminal element off your back is to develop a relationship with LE because then you're a HEAT SCORE and no one will want to admit knowing you/go near you. (Well they might drop by and beat the crap out of you to demonstrate their feelings about this. But they won't want to draw you deeper into their activities at this point.)

You are suggesting DM will go to long lengths to lie about his involvement to save his own skin. Isn't that what he is doing now?
The easiest way to get the criminal element off your back is to develop a relationship with LE because then you're a HEAT SCORE and no one will want to admit knowing you/go near you. (Well they might drop by and beat the crap out of you to demonstrate their feelings about this. But they won't want to draw you deeper into their activities at this point.)

You are suggesting DM will go to long lengths to lie about his involvement to save his own skin. Isn't that what he is doing now?

I think he's remaining silent, isn't he? Hard to lie when you don't speak.
I think he's remaining silent, isn't he? Hard to lie when you don't speak.

Well he did write that letter that starts with a whopper (The prisoners here call me Big D)...isn't he in solitary away from all the others?
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