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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I couldn't agree more. The whole business sounds sketchy and unprofessional in my opinion. For the size of investment and types of contracts that the business would be handling I was surprised to see that there wasn't even a proper email address server in place and it was being run through a hotmail
account?? The fact that senior employees have so quickly and publicly commented on DM's work ethic and professionalism is unheard of regardless of the types of charges that he is facing. JMO

There's really only been the one with the really negative comments, hasn't there?

Maybe these two, WM and DM, who never had an interest in the family business, were in way over their heads and, for a while anyway, let someone else take control of it all.

There's really only been the one with the really negative comments, hasn't there?

Maybe these two, WM and DM, who never had an interest in the family business, were in way over their heads and, for a while anyway, let someone else take control of it all.

Yes, employee singular. My bad. It is not uncommon that WM and DM may have hired outside consultants with more specialized knowledge to run the business. I am just surprised that they didn't have confidentiality agreements within the consultants contracts. That is standard procedure but then again who knows if they had contract lawyers in place even on retainer to negotiate on behalf of Millardair?
I agree with you Alethea, but I wonder if the someone who might have been taking control was doing it for the Millard's or to them?

I know the alternative theories thread is locked, but I still wonder if WM was being pressured by outside forces when he died. Perhaps someone here can help me, I have been wondering about the MTO certificate cancelation and if there was an ulterior motive to shutting it down. If planes were flying in from around the world to be serviced and repaired at the hanger with no passengers to screen, how thoroughly would customs inspect each aircraft, or would they have to be searched by customs agents at all without there being any passengers and just housing trusted crew members who have a different screening process already? If customs just gave the planes coming in for maintenance and repairs a cursory look over, I could see that being very attractive and immeasurably valuable to OC. WM could have been pressured from OC to let them use the hanger for the purposes of international smuggling, and either the pressure could have been too much and suicide seemed the only escape, or he could have been killed to eliminate his objections and at the same time help to keep the young new owner in fear for his own life should he not want to play along. They could have even shot WM in the eye to match DM's profile picture, as an additional threat, meaning play along or we can make you look guilty. DM could have then decided that his only escape from the situation would have been to cancel the MTO certificate and scrap the whole hanger plan and try to salvage what was left of his family fortune for the 20 cents on the dollar AS warned him it would return. Then, in this scenario, OC would be looking for a way to get back in control. Killing DM would not likely have accomplished this, because likely the remaining relative would have taken over and they would have had to start their intimidation all over again. It would be more effective to have DM arrested and kept in a controlled situation and have some of the evidence of his supposed guilt to be left on the doorstep of the next CEO as a warning: 'Play along and your son lives, but blow this again and it will get worse, and don't forget, we know where you live, too'. It could explain why DM is not even considering asking for bail, and why, even if he knew who did it, why he would not tell for fear for his mothers life, and also why he would feel remorseful for TB's murder. It would also explain why TB's body was found on DM's property, why the truck was at MB's house, and it could explain why the incinerator either was not used or was not used to completely obliterate all traces of the body, and why he didn't just dump ashes out of a plane like DM has the resources to do. It would also explain why TB's phone wasn't turned off until about 40 minutes after he left home and why TB's phone was found so close to his house despite the 40 minute absence (if the test drive was a one way trip to Brantford, and then they parted ways and TB continued home alone, and was waylaid by someone else when he was almost there). It would also explain why DM didn't properly cover his tracks like he could have in the days before his arrest, why no friends or family are speaking out (in fear), it even explains why he smiled at SB, because really, if he was just a psychopath, he would have gone back and eliminated that witness without a second thought as well. This is the only theory I have been able to come up with that seems to fit all the mysterious pieces of the puzzle so far, but please feel free to poke holes in it.
I agree with you Alethea, but I wonder if the someone who might have been taking control was doing it for the Millard's or to them?

I know the alternative theories thread is locked, but I still wonder if WM was being pressured by outside forces when he died. Perhaps someone here can help me, I have been wondering about the MTO certificate cancelation and if there was an ulterior motive to shutting it down. If planes were flying in from around the world to be serviced and repaired at the hanger with no passengers to screen, how thoroughly would customs inspect each aircraft, or would they have to be searched by customs agents at all without there being any passengers and just housing trusted crew members who have a different screening process already? If customs just gave the planes coming in for maintenance and repairs a cursory look over, I could see that being very attractive and immeasurably valuable to OC. WM could have been pressured from OC to let them use the hanger for the purposes of international smuggling, and either the pressure could have been too much and suicide seemed the only escape, or he could have been killed to eliminate his objections and at the same time help to keep the young new owner in fear for his own life should he not want to play along. They could have even shot WM in the eye to match DM's profile picture, as an additional threat, meaning play along or we can make you look guilty. DM could have then decided that his only escape from the situation would have been to cancel the MTO certificate and scrap the whole hanger plan and try to salvage what was left of his family fortune for the 20 cents on the dollar AS warned him it would return. Then, in this scenario, OC would be looking for a way to get back in control. Killing DM would not likely have accomplished this, because likely the remaining relative would have taken over and they would have had to start their intimidation all over again. It would be more effective to have DM arrested and kept in a controlled situation and have some of the evidence of his supposed guilt to be left on the doorstep of the next CEO as a warning: 'Play along and your son lives, but blow this again and it will get worse, and don't forget, we know where you live, too'. It could explain why DM is not even considering asking for bail, and why, even if he knew who did it, why he would not tell for fear for his mothers life, and also why he would feel remorseful for TB's murder. It would also explain why TB's body was found on DM's property, why the truck was at MB's house, and it could explain why the incinerator either was not used or was not used to completely obliterate all traces of the body, and why he didn't just dump ashes out of a plane like DM has the resources to do. It would also explain why TB's phone wasn't turned off until about 40 minutes after he left home and why TB's phone was found so close to his house despite the 40 minute absence (if the test drive was a one way trip to Brantford, and then they parted ways and TB continued home alone, and was waylaid by someone else when he was almost there). It would also explain why DM didn't properly cover his tracks like he could have in the days before his arrest, why no friends or family are speaking out (in fear), it even explains why he smiled at SB, because really, if he was just a psychopath, he would have gone back and eliminated that witness without a second thought as well. This is the only theory I have been able to come up with that seems to fit all the mysterious pieces of the puzzle so far, but please feel free to poke holes in it.

Good theory but... How do you explain the stolen HD and possible other stolen vehicles in the hangar? IMO in the real world if WM had anyone approach him about illegal business adventures to do with his business, which he had big hopes and plans for, I believe he would have been intelligent enough to confide in someone, even if that someone was DM. Do you believe then if DM is that squeaky clean, intelligent, person some reports claim him to be, don't you think he would not have gone to LE to reveal that information once his beloved father was found dead? During the first investigation into his father's death, I am positive LE would have asked DM numerous questions regarding his father's mental, physical state and as to whether his father had had any enemies or run ins with anyone. What I find surprising is LE did not question other people (employees) as to WM's state of mind just before his death. Especially when there is such wealth. Hmm, did WM leave a suicide letter?

Do you believe these outside forces would have enough audacity to assume WM or DM would not turn them into LE? And especially if someone did murder his father; DM would have been devastated IMO.

Unless DM wanted his father removed from the picture and thought the illegal plans were a good investment. Was DM doing some shady business and WM caught onto it? Did DM kill his father or have someone do it making it look like a suicide to remove his father from the picture? Maybe some outside force approached DM about illegal adventures...

I guess there are so many possibilities as to what could have happened, and DM may have been framed but I don't think so IMO. I believe DM felt smothered by his father's requests/plans for his future, so he removed that burden (his father) and continued to live his life precariously. All JMHO.
I agree with you Alethea, but I wonder if the someone who might have been taking control was doing it for the Millard's or to them?

I know the alternative theories thread is locked, but I still wonder if WM was being pressured by outside forces when he died. Perhaps someone here can help me, I have been wondering about the MTO certificate cancelation and if there was an ulterior motive to shutting it down. If planes were flying in from around the world to be serviced and repaired at the hanger with no passengers to screen, how thoroughly would customs inspect each aircraft, or would they have to be searched by customs agents at all without there being any passengers and just housing trusted crew members who have a different screening process already? If customs just gave the planes coming in for maintenance and repairs a cursory look over, I could see that being very attractive and immeasurably valuable to OC. WM could have been pressured from OC to let them use the hanger for the purposes of international smuggling, and either the pressure could have been too much and suicide seemed the only escape, or he could have been killed to eliminate his objections and at the same time help to keep the young new owner in fear for his own life should he not want to play along. They could have even shot WM in the eye to match DM's profile picture, as an additional threat, meaning play along or we can make you look guilty. DM could have then decided that his only escape from the situation would have been to cancel the MTO certificate and scrap the whole hanger plan and try to salvage what was left of his family fortune for the 20 cents on the dollar AS warned him it would return. Then, in this scenario, OC would be looking for a way to get back in control. Killing DM would not likely have accomplished this, because likely the remaining relative would have taken over and they would have had to start their intimidation all over again. It would be more effective to have DM arrested and kept in a controlled situation and have some of the evidence of his supposed guilt to be left on the doorstep of the next CEO as a warning: 'Play along and your son lives, but blow this again and it will get worse, and don't forget, we know where you live, too'. It could explain why DM is not even considering asking for bail, and why, even if he knew who did it, why he would not tell for fear for his mothers life, and also why he would feel remorseful for TB's murder. It would also explain why TB's body was found on DM's property, why the truck was at MB's house, and it could explain why the incinerator either was not used or was not used to completely obliterate all traces of the body, and why he didn't just dump ashes out of a plane like DM has the resources to do. It would also explain why TB's phone wasn't turned off until about 40 minutes after he left home and why TB's phone was found so close to his house despite the 40 minute absence (if the test drive was a one way trip to Brantford, and then they parted ways and TB continued home alone, and was waylaid by someone else when he was almost there). It would also explain why DM didn't properly cover his tracks like he could have in the days before his arrest, why no friends or family are speaking out (in fear), it even explains why he smiled at SB, because really, if he was just a psychopath, he would have gone back and eliminated that witness without a second thought as well. This is the only theory I have been able to come up with that seems to fit all the mysterious pieces of the puzzle so far, but please feel free to poke holes in it.

Thank you for this are not alone in your views, a few of us here agree that there may be a link to some sort of OC. We have suggested like yourself that WM may have been killed by OC and that DM was set up....

There are a few other interlinked type theories that cannot be posted here as it involves others who are not LE POI's so it cannot get off the ground in discussion due to the rules of WS...which is fine and understandable but does leave a lot of potential elements left unspoken. IMO MOO

Have you had a good look at the pics of DM? I find some of the older pics compared to some of the later pics quite interesting..... I was wondering if you had noticed anything too. JMO

It would not take much for some form of OC (and I am not talking about the obvious OC) to get involved in a situation where they could extract money or use facilities to obtain money eg: hangar. If that use was about to come to an end I could see them getting quite upset. Maybe WM was being blackmailed and when he was taken out of the equation maybe DM decided to close shop and thats why MillardAir has been slowly winding down. Maybe DM has upset a few people by taking away their 'livelihood'....

Even the Harley was apparently found in its own trailer... like it had been given up on.

I think that there are others involved in this and they have been quite diligent in putting all the crumbs leading to DM's door...

Thanks again for your post...good to know that a few are thinking along similar lines.... JMO MOO

May I politely ask if you could possibly put your larger posts into paragraphs, I found it a little difficult to read without paragraphing (MOO) although I enjoyed reading the post. Thank you
I agree with you Alethea, but I wonder if the someone who might have been taking control was doing it for the Millard's or to them?

I know the alternative theories thread is locked, but I still wonder if WM was being pressured by outside forces when he died. Perhaps someone here can help me, I have been wondering about the MTO certificate cancelation and if there was an ulterior motive to shutting it down. If planes were flying in from around the world to be serviced and repaired at the hanger with no passengers to screen, how thoroughly would customs inspect each aircraft, or would they have to be searched by customs agents at all without there being any passengers and just housing trusted crew members who have a different screening process already? If customs just gave the planes coming in for maintenance and repairs a cursory look over, I could see that being very attractive and immeasurably valuable to OC. WM could have been pressured from OC to let them use the hanger for the purposes of international smuggling, and either the pressure could have been too much and suicide seemed the only escape, or he could have been killed to eliminate his objections and at the same time help to keep the young new owner in fear for his own life should he not want to play along. They could have even shot WM in the eye to match DM's profile picture, as an additional threat, meaning play along or we can make you look guilty. DM could have then decided that his only escape from the situation would have been to cancel the MTO certificate and scrap the whole hanger plan and try to salvage what was left of his family fortune for the 20 cents on the dollar AS warned him it would return. Then, in this scenario, OC would be looking for a way to get back in control. Killing DM would not likely have accomplished this, because likely the remaining relative would have taken over and they would have had to start their intimidation all over again. It would be more effective to have DM arrested and kept in a controlled situation and have some of the evidence of his supposed guilt to be left on the doorstep of the next CEO as a warning: 'Play along and your son lives, but blow this again and it will get worse, and don't forget, we know where you live, too'. It could explain why DM is not even considering asking for bail, and why, even if he knew who did it, why he would not tell for fear for his mothers life, and also why he would feel remorseful for TB's murder. It would also explain why TB's body was found on DM's property, why the truck was at MB's house, and it could explain why the incinerator either was not used or was not used to completely obliterate all traces of the body, and why he didn't just dump ashes out of a plane like DM has the resources to do. It would also explain why TB's phone wasn't turned off until about 40 minutes after he left home and why TB's phone was found so close to his house despite the 40 minute absence (if the test drive was a one way trip to Brantford, and then they parted ways and TB continued home alone, and was waylaid by someone else when he was almost there). It would also explain why DM didn't properly cover his tracks like he could have in the days before his arrest, why no friends or family are speaking out (in fear), it even explains why he smiled at SB, because really, if he was just a psychopath, he would have gone back and eliminated that witness without a second thought as well. This is the only theory I have been able to come up with that seems to fit all the mysterious pieces of the puzzle so far, but please feel free to poke holes in it.

Thank you. Of the many theories I 've had (some combined with some of the others out there), you just put into words some of the thoughts and ideas I couldnt put to rest. You filled a lot of holes in my main theory. Mainly, I thought the value to OC of DM and the hangar had more to do with his ability to fly (smuggle) and store. I didnt consider the value of having a business which would allow for planes to not go through usual Customs checks. Brilliant. Now I look forward to the advice of some members here who would know more about planes and airports....
I agree with you Alethea, but I wonder if the someone who might have been taking control was doing it for the Millard's or to them?

I know the alternative theories thread is locked, but I still wonder if WM was being pressured by outside forces when he died. Perhaps someone here can help me, I have been wondering about the MTO certificate cancelation and if there was an ulterior motive to shutting it down. If planes were flying in from around the world to be serviced and repaired at the hanger with no passengers to screen, how thoroughly would customs inspect each aircraft, or would they have to be searched by customs agents at all without there being any passengers and just housing trusted crew members who have a different screening process already? If customs just gave the planes coming in for maintenance and repairs a cursory look over, I could see that being very attractive and immeasurably valuable to OC. WM could have been pressured from OC to let them use the hanger for the purposes of international smuggling, and either the pressure could have been too much and suicide seemed the only escape, or he could have been killed to eliminate his objections and at the same time help to keep the young new owner in fear for his own life should he not want to play along. They could have even shot WM in the eye to match DM's profile picture, as an additional threat, meaning play along or we can make you look guilty. DM could have then decided that his only escape from the situation would have been to cancel the MTO certificate and scrap the whole hanger plan and try to salvage what was left of his family fortune for the 20 cents on the dollar AS warned him it would return. Then, in this scenario, OC would be looking for a way to get back in control. Killing DM would not likely have accomplished this, because likely the remaining relative would have taken over and they would have had to start their intimidation all over again. It would be more effective to have DM arrested and kept in a controlled situation and have some of the evidence of his supposed guilt to be left on the doorstep of the next CEO as a warning: 'Play along and your son lives, but blow this again and it will get worse, and don't forget, we know where you live, too'. It could explain why DM is not even considering asking for bail, and why, even if he knew who did it, why he would not tell for fear for his mothers life, and also why he would feel remorseful for TB's murder. It would also explain why TB's body was found on DM's property, why the truck was at MB's house, and it could explain why the incinerator either was not used or was not used to completely obliterate all traces of the body, and why he didn't just dump ashes out of a plane like DM has the resources to do. It would also explain why TB's phone wasn't turned off until about 40 minutes after he left home and why TB's phone was found so close to his house despite the 40 minute absence (if the test drive was a one way trip to Brantford, and then they parted ways and TB continued home alone, and was waylaid by someone else when he was almost there). It would also explain why DM didn't properly cover his tracks like he could have in the days before his arrest, why no friends or family are speaking out (in fear), it even explains why he smiled at SB, because really, if he was just a psychopath, he would have gone back and eliminated that witness without a second thought as well. This is the only theory I have been able to come up with that seems to fit all the mysterious pieces of the puzzle so far, but please feel free to poke holes in it.

I had also thought it was more likely being done to the Millard's, rather than for them. I hadn't made it as far as OC, more just thinking someone was taking advantage of them for their own benefit. But, this certainly does fill a lot of the holes and questions for me.
I had also thought it was more likely being done to the Millard's, rather than for them. I hadn't made it as far as OC, more just thinking someone was taking advantage of them for their own benefit. But, this certainly does fill a lot of the holes and questions for me.

I can't think of any scenario that doesn't involve OC*. And a big OC, not a little OC. The question is, could any of his friends have been bought to participate in the framing?

(*with the exception of the popular belief that DM and MS were indeed shopping around for a guy to murder and burn beyond recognition so they could have his coveted Dodge Ram truck parts. Of course I am aware that this could very well be the sad and senseless truth. I just hope LE is careful with ALL the information they have, so that someone else isn't getting away with murder.)
Do you believe these outside forces would have enough audacity to assume WM or DM would not turn them into LE? And especially if someone did murder his father; DM would have been devastated IMO.

Swedie! :seeya:
My only guess is that OC secures their dominant position before imposing any orders and demands. You can use your imagination here but I would think there is a threat of exposing any prior crime of the target's (let's say some involvement in chop shop even if it's just use of space for awhile) or making it very clear they have the ways and means of murdering one's loved ones without any qualms about doing so. :twocents:
WM could have been pressured from OC to let them use the hanger for the purposes of international smuggling, and either the pressure could have been too much and suicide seemed the only escape, or he could have been killed to eliminate his objections and at the same time help to keep the young new owner in fear for his own life should he not want to play along. They could have even shot WM in the eye to match DM's profile picture, as an additional threat, meaning play along or we can make you look guilty. DM could have then decided that his only escape from the situation would have been to cancel the MTO certificate and scrap the whole hanger plan and try to salvage what was left of his family fortune for the 20 cents on the dollar AS warned him it would return. Then, in this scenario, OC would be looking for a way to get back in control. Killing DM would not likely have accomplished this, because likely the remaining relative would have taken over and they would have had to start their intimidation all over again. It would be more effective to have DM arrested and kept in a controlled situation and have some of the evidence of his supposed guilt to be left on the doorstep of the next CEO as a warning: 'Play along and your son lives, but blow this again and it will get worse, and don't forget, we know where you live, too'. It could explain why DM is not even considering asking for bail, and why, even if he knew who did it, why he would not tell for fear for his mothers life, and also why he would feel remorseful for TB's murder. It would also explain why TB's body was found on DM's property, why the truck was at MB's house, and it could explain why the incinerator either was not used or was not used to completely obliterate all traces of the body, and why he didn't just dump ashes out of a plane like DM has the resources to do. It would also explain why TB's phone wasn't turned off until about 40 minutes after he left home and why TB's phone was found so close to his house despite the 40 minute absence (if the test drive was a one way trip to Brantford, and then they parted ways and TB continued home alone, and was waylaid by someone else when he was almost there). It would also explain why DM didn't properly cover his tracks like he could have in the days before his arrest, why no friends or family are speaking out (in fear), it even explains why he smiled at SB, because really, if he was just a psychopath, he would have gone back and eliminated that witness without a second thought as well. This is the only theory I have been able to come up with that seems to fit all the mysterious pieces of the puzzle so far, but please feel free to poke holes in it.

Bolds are mine.
1. Then, in this scenario, OC would be looking for a way to get back in control. In other words, "business as usual". I'd love to know what regular deliveries are making their way to the hangar? We know DM was trying to sublet the property I think by March. I'd love to know whether DM was actually able to lease to recover some money to pay the bank loan or if he was forced into a sub-leasing situation before he got arrested for theft and murder?

2. It could explain why DM is not even considering asking for bail, and why, even if he knew who did it, why he would not tell for fear for his mothers life, and also why he would feel remorseful for TB's murder. I am not ruling out that if he was in fact framed by OC, some of LE knows already. Of course, with do not contact lists and such, he may not even know who on the outside is trustworthy to corroborate his information, so it might be difficult to give LE 'the proof'. But yes, he is in solitary confinement and he seems to be in no rush to ask for bail.

3. It would also explain ...... why no friends or family are speaking out (in fear) I wouldn't!

4. it even explains why he smiled at SB, because really, if he was just a psychopath, he would have gone back and eliminated that witness without a second thought as well. Good point.
I apologize for my run-on paragraphs, my teachers always warned me about that!

Swedie, I would explain the Harley by saying that it was stolen and chopped by another branch of the same people my theory suspects are squeezing the Millards. I think the only reason it was not originally liquidated was that once the mechanics found one set of hidden VINs they knew the bike was not worth stripping to check each and every part for other hidden numbers. I have mentioned that it was conveniently still in its own easily movable trailer and that it could have showed up there at the hanger at anytime during the week, my guess would have been the same night when the other trailer was being placed in MB's driveway.

Other than the confirmation on the stolen Harley, the LE involved have not specifically confirmed that the other vehicles there are reported as stolen, only that they suspected some might be, and that they found parts with destroyed VINs, from what I recall. How hard would it be to scoop up some extra scrapped stolen parts from the same chop shop that disassembled the Harley and bring them over with the trailer and scatter them around? Personally I imagine many of the cars found are from CM's collection and I doubt CM was buying stolen cars, although anything is possible. But I find it odd that we haven't had confirmation on other stolen vehicles, and I find it odd that the Harley was returned to the owner. From what I have been told, courts always require the best copy of all evidence presented, meaning if it came down to having an item present or just a photo of an item, the item itself would be preferable, and even if it were not brought into the court, it would be held in custody until after the trial in case the evidence is disputed.

I would also hazard to guess that if OC wants to put their claws into you or your business, they would probably either get something incriminating on you first, or create something incriminating to stop you from going to the police. Or they could just threaten your loved ones. I don't think that they make it that easy just to go to the police and say 'Some goon from some OC is trying to blackmail me!' Isn't there some saying about what happens to rats or snitches? Although that could fit, WM did end up with a bullet in his head, didn't he?

And to follow that logic, once a loved one has already been murdered by OC, is that really when you would feel confident to go to the police? They followed through on one threat, who knows who they may have threatened to kill next? And they could threaten things worse than death, I imagine. So then isn't the intelligent thing to do to give them what they want, to say protect your mother? Or to delay giving them what they want (by cancelling the MTO certificate) until you no longer have something that they want, and then let them threaten the next owner. Or to change the business so that it is no longer what they want.

And finally Swedie I don't think DM would have had to kill his father to get control of the hanger, isn't is highly quoted that the hanger was to be Dellen's project, his future? Why would he have to murder to get something that was meant to be his anyway, that doesn't really make sense. I realize you have probably already made up your mind that he is guilty, and I apologize that I haven't figured out how to quote your post here yet, but to me people are not guilty just because they have been arrested and use their right to remain silent. I think the because the media has not been able to get a word from him, they have instead done everything that they can to roast DM so thoroughly that I imagine most people feel the same way you do. And isn't it a little one sided? Perhaps because MS's sister has apparent connections in the media, she may have pulled some favours and kept his name out of the spotlight as much as possible. There must be 50 DM articles for every one on MS.

To me this case really does not make sense in a lot of ways, it does not seem cut and dry and easily explained as a thrill kill or for profit, there really seems to be no motive. It would be like my daughter killing someone for a pair of shoes she could easily buy. And I think it's the lack of sense that has so many people drawn to it. I tend to agree with Blomquist that it seems too neat the way the big crumbs lead right to DM's door and I find a lot of inconsistencies otherwise.

I don't know if DM looks the same in all the pictures, Blomquist, and from what I have seen, aren't most of the pictures taken from other people's facebook pages? They could have tagged anyone, I don't know which ones have actually been verified as him. But I do find the one with the bloody eye must be very old because to me that doesn't look much like him.

Now that makes me wonder, do players see their own profile picture clearly each time they game on that site, or do they just see their own avatar? Is it just something the other players might see occasionally and small, like a thumbnail on a menu? It may be possible in that case that someone else could have put that picture there and he just never noticed.
Thank you. Of the many theories I 've had (some combined with some of the others out there), you just put into words some of the thoughts and ideas I couldnt put to rest. You filled a lot of holes in my main theory. Mainly, I thought the value to OC of DM and the hangar had more to do with his ability to fly (smuggle) and store. I didnt consider the value of having a business which would allow for planes to not go through usual Customs checks. Brilliant. Now I look forward to the advice of some members here who would know more about planes and airports....
I know there's a lot of speculation about DM and his access to planes and an assumption that he had the ability to fly them.
All Aircraft must file a flight plan with NavCanada when they are flying more than 25 nautical miles away from their departure airport. Flight plans of Private and Commercial aircraft can be tracked at Since 9/11, crossing the Canada/US border via small plane is much more difficult than it sounds. All planes would have to go thru "normal" customs checks. Customs are not related to Transport Canada or Nav Canada and all planes must give advanced notice to Customs. CanPass is is the easiest route. Regardless, 2 hours notice has to be given, and failure to do this can result in Customs confiscating the Aircraft and fining the pilot/owner.

It's kind of a romantic idea thinking that planes could be flying in and out of an international airport, smuggling all sorts of things- but I have to say it's extremely far fetched. Between Transport Canada requirements for flight plans, transponders, squawk codes, Nav Canada towers...and Customs plus Homeland Security in the States...nahhhh...much easier to take a car across the border!

The historical data for all three aircraft can be found on the Transport Canada site:
The Bell Helicopter C-FKLK is the only thing that there is really proof of DM flying.

C-GAFF- Piper Navajo-Imported in 2004 by Millardair : latest Certificate of Registration issued November 13, 2012 (this is strange because the previous C of R was issued in Jan 2008, when Millardair went from being Millardair Limited to Millardair Inc. There are no changes on the C of why it was reissued on November 13/12 doesn't really make sense)
C-GMLJ - Piper Navajo with longest history at Millardair-joining fleet in December,1986.
Most pilots who fly the Navajo's hold a Commercial Pilots License or an ATPL and it is approved for single pilot IFR flight if certain weather minimums are met and the auto-pilot is working. Because they were registered as "private" also means that they could not be used for anything commercial or revenue generating. These are complex twin engine aircraft that require a great amount of skill and experience to fly.

A brief history of the old Millardair DC Fleet that they were really known for: MILLARDAIR Douglas C54E/DC-4 Skymaster--C-GFMQ | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

There is absolutely no evidence anywhere indicating that DM held his multi-engine license(required for the other two registered aircraft)or an Instrument rating, which would be needed to fly either of the other two planes in anything but clear skies and if flying above 12,500' a controlled Visual Flight Rules(VFR) clearance or an Instrument Flight rating. Helicopter licenses are different than fixed wing licenses and they are not interchangeable.
Ms.Sherlock, thanks. Do the Transport Canada requirements include planes flying in for maintenance only? Or are some usual requirements not enforced? The flight plans and everything can seem to be on the up-and-up anyway.

(My DM flying /smuggling theory bit the dust when I read Jubalee's, which made a lot more sense.)
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