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I keep trying to put myself in Tara's position.Imaging falling in love with your best friend's husband.It could happen.But wouldn't anyone,even if they know the marriage is in trouble,wouldn't anyone go through horrible guilt,wouldn't anyone halfway decent be completely torn?
Instead she completely and literally started screwing his brain out (excuse my language) I totally agree ,she was in complete control.I am beyond shocked.She denied him to take his children to Disney World,that says sooo much.I also agree she used the cruise with the other guy as a punishment.She admittedly knew about the threatening letters so IMO there's a good chance she knew about the "plan".IMO there's a good chance she helped to plan this or even put the plan in his head.And I doubt she "loved" him so much.I feel like something has to be wrong with her.Was she eaten up with jealousy over Shari?
Oh I'm just sick ,sorry about the rant,but IMO she played a huge role in this and should not get away with it
I usually like Bill's no-nonsense style of reporting and his judgement is usually pretty accurate IMO, but not today... "Instead, she acted like a person who is angry that she has been dragged into this kind of muck. She might be a home-wrecker, but she wanted no part of more serious sins."

We've had conflicting reports on how (and how much) she looked at Coleman during her testimony. In the article above, McClellan states that she only looked at him once, when asked to identify him. Someone else (Chris Hayes?) said that she gave him a long, "friendly" look when she first sat down. (I'm sorry, I don't have time to look for the link). That makes a big difference in my mind of how the jurors might view her.
When the prosecution rests, I wonder if the defense will move for an acquittal? :floorlaugh:

Wouldn't you just LOVE to hear Pastor Ron's sermon at Grace Church this Sunday??? I'm dying to know how he can even show his face in front of the congregation, much less preach about anything after what's come out about his beloved offspring. Do we have any locals who'd be willing to go check it out???
5-1-11 "Dealing with Anger"
TL must have some extra endorphins or something if it's true that KC and M both wanted some of the action. That must have driven CC crazy as well since I would imagine she told him about it. I agree, he felt he needed to move quickly.

I don't know that she was involved in the plot though. I would think there'd be some text message about it somehow and the divorce papers story wouldn't have been shared. But that also could have been the only part of the plot that was sneaky enough to elude LE too. :dunno:
5-1-11 "Dealing with Anger"

You have GOT to be kidding me. That whole website just takes the cake, starting with their motto: "A light place in a dark world"????? What a bunch of hypocrites! Who on earth would continue going there in light of all the evidence that's come out about their spiritual leader's greedy, lustful and morally-bankrupt family?
Wow - Pastor gave definition of anger - to choke; to strangle.....
There's more but that caught me off guard! I thought I'd listen to see if he had any personal revelations. So far, it sounds like he's describing Chris.
Let's not get too crazy complaining about CCs family who are not on trial here. :tyou:
I have a question.....How do they know the ring she wore was the promise ring? Did she say this? (meaning the mistress)
OK. Hold on. CC says Nov. 5 was the day Tara changed his life. :sick:

Nine days later the Colemans received the first threat letter.

TL says their relationship did not become sexual until December.

Did she testify yesterday as to when they started talking about him getting a divorce/marrying TL? Was it even before they had sex? Before the first threat letter?

(And Aimee, yes, under questioning from Kris Reitz, Tara testified yesterday that the ring was a promise ring from CC.)
Let's not get too crazy complaining about CCs family who are not on trial here. :tyou:

I understand Kimster. I think some of us are just trying to understand what happened in the Coleman brothers' lives. When it was just Chris, I wondered if he was a bad apple. Now that we see the problems all 3 of them have, I want to understand why. (I know it's none of my business!! :innocent:)

I knew the elder Coleman's (Ron's family) and they were a great family. When I first heard about Chris, I told my family (3 who are LE) he had to be innocent because he had such a good family. They told me the evidence pointed straight to Chris. Then I started reading on WS and realized quickly that Chris was guilty - then heard about Brad and Keith. I was shocked, but not nearly as shocked as when I read some of the information about the boys' parents. Life moves ahead I guess, but I prefer the memories from many years ago.
I'm not so sure I believe Tara about the sex starting a month later.

Maybe it depends on one's definition of...ummm..."sex."

I doubt Tara "changed his life" by revealing her perspective on various philosophical matters. Chris does nor seem mature enough nor smart enough that there are too many other options on what would rock his world and move him to sleeping on a couch in the basement with a beautiful willing wife upstairs.
OK. Hold on. CC says Nov. 5 was the day Tara changed his life. :sick: Nine days later the Colemans received the first threat letter.

TL says their relationship did not become sexual until December.

Did she testify yesterday as to when they started talking about him getting a divorce/marrying TL? Was it even before they had sex? Before the first threat letter?

(And Aimee, yes, under questioning from Kris Reitz, Tara testified yesterday that the ring was a promise ring from CC.)

I'm with you - Tara changed his life BEFORE the "physical" relationship. And she was "so serious" about him that she went on a cruise with another man.... and apparently was proud of the sexting she received from Keith. I think most of us can never understand Tara or Chris - they had some similar characteristics.
'We're in Hawaii being bad': Racy videos show Coleman on vacation with Tara Lintz

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Tara Lintz, Christopher Coleman's former mistress and Sheri Coleman's high school best friend, testified wearing a black suit, scarlet blouse and the promise ring Chris Coleman gave her.

She was on the stand at the triple murder trial Thursday for about 30 minutes
Good article and thanks for the link Aimee! A few more details here than in the PD ones...

"When Coleman told Lintz that he would lose his deposit, she pretended to be Sheri Coleman and got on the phone with the Disney customer service and Chris Coleman. The vacation was postponed."

(I had read other articles to mean that TL pretended to be SC to confirm that the trip had been postponed.)

"Coleman's Blackberry was loaded with notes about Lintz -- her bra and panty sizes, what kind of food she liked or disliked, her jewelry preferences, her dog Gizmo's birthday..."

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omg - she wished him "good luck" the night before the murders. DISGUSTING
Howdy Ev'body,

Thanks for sharing your comments and thoughts, I've appreciated reading them...

A few thoughts/musings of my own here...

Tara testified they texted "constantly." They also noted that she and Chris texted the evening of the murders (or within hours before, if you figure the murders didn't occur at 11PM, but maybe 3AM). So...she repeated "constantly" a lot... Now then, is texting something LE can read after the fact, well people get charged for texting on their phones rights, so they must be able to tell whether texting activity is going on?

LE did a good job of checking things out, have we not heard a few things that are coming still? Maybe like there was constant texting until 11PM or X o'clock AM, then there was a 40 minute dead silence from texting (15 minutes to take the victims' lives, 15 minutes to decorate the house with spray paint, 10 minutes to play with himself in the shower), and then there was more constant texting until 5:42AM?

About the black eye (or is it eyes), Sheri didn't have a battered face when they went for snow cones (or was it an ice cream)? Do they have a witness account of seeing them there at the place they got the treat? Dark sunglasses? If no battered face or sunglasses, then that definitely happened after the fact.

What time was Chris texting Tara that night? Or did that happen when he supposedly went to the gym? What is the timeline on the dinner, ice creams, his gym the night before, any other texting or phone calls to Tara that night? Where is the period of dead silence? Did Sheri catch him playing with himself in the basement while on the phone, did they get into a fight, she went to pack the car and he came against her then? If so, where were the boys?

The neighbor's camera, did it catch when they left for snow cones, when they came home, when Chris left to go to the gym that night and then came home?

Has the jury been shown a timeline on comings and goings, and stopping and startings of texts and phone calls, or is that coming yet -- once they get a bunch more facts out there? Was Sheri's phone found, or were calls tracked?

The loading of Sheri's car, was that caught on video? I can't open the hatch of my car with the garage door shut, did Sheri's car have a hatch that would have required the garage door to be open when loading? If so, was the loading of the car ever caught on film -- did it happen that night?

And about Tara, I might guess that there was a matter of someone saying something to affect how she testified, i.e. you wouldn't want to be arrested as accessory would you? (there might be PLENTY of reason to go that direction). Maybe you could just show up in a "scarlet" low cut blouse with "black patent 4 inch open toed heels" (street walker kinda look eh?), we'll give you the promise ring we've been keeping in custody for you -- you could slip that on your finger for a bit, and you could act kinda dumb when we ask if you think you had sex with Chris when you went to Arizona to be with him (Um, huh huh, let me think, uh huh...dunno, well maybe, probably, huh huh.) That all might work well to help get Chris convicted.

On the other hand, I've wondered if the scarlet blouse (good grief! or was it hot pink) and trotting shoes were to make good pictures for the Enquirer (or to sell), after all if your life is ruined by this, some could think that they might as well juice up the pictures so that the magazine's sell real well and then the mags pursue them for some real big bucks for a story later?

Could Tara really really really have been so senseless, uncoached by reasonable people with her best interest in mind, as to have thought dressing as she did was an okay or appropriate thing for a murder trial? The murders of two little children? Of a high school friend? I can only imagine there was an ulterior motive for the way she dressed (as mentioned above.)

As per Disneyland, I don't think Tara wanted to be face to face with Sheri if they went to visit her in Florida while there. Maybe she knew she couldn't hide what was going on, or felt too guilty for that kind of thing face to face, or maybe she was just plain ticked that Chris would force Sheri and her to see one another by bringing them to Florida. Maybe she wanted Chris to tell Sheri that he and Tara were a thing and Chris didn't want to do that yet. Maybe she was just very ticked that he might have fun with his family. Seems obvious that she wanted his fidelity, he was sleeping with her, not sleeping with Sheri -- a hotel room in Florida would put them in bed together?

The bits that the defense was throwing, like that a brother made phone calls about Sheri's life insurance... I'm glad someone straightened it out that it was the brother and his ex-wife who sold it to them for Sheri.

Evidently Tara hasn't spoken to Chris since May 5th... Was she told she better not, or did she choose not to? So she hasn't spoken, did she write him or get messages to him through someone else? Or is she furious with him for being such an idiot? She had a 100K sugar daddy on the line and he had to screw it all up by murdering his family, he ruined her life.

Yes, and I wonder about the difference between a "soft look" at Chris and just a "yes, that's him over there" look.
Let me preface my post by saying that I know Sheri wasn't perfect. No human being is perfect. We have choices and some people make better ones than others and that's just the way it is while we live and breathe in these mortal bodies.

But I also want to say that I wish I would have known Sheri when she was here. She sounds like a very sweet woman and she seemed to do her best to be a loving person!!!

She probably knew TL wasn't following the Lord, so she suggests that she attend a Joyce Meyer conference. Probably in order to help TL find joy and happiness in her life. Instead, TL starts an affair with her husband. That just makes me so :mad:

And then she wants to take her boys to Disneyworld. They were old enough to remember the trip for the rest of their lives! I remember when I was 6 and my parents took me to Disneyland. Oh my gosh, to see that Matterhorn from the freeway was so exciting and here I am over 40 years later remember exactly what I saw and felt!

And then Sheri wanted to take the time to help the impoverished in other countries. If that sounds like a vacation to anyone, it isn't. I've known quite a few who go on missionary trips and it's hard work! And those countries don't have the comforts of home, and certainly not the comforts of jet setting around to conferences like CC was use to doing!

It's just sickening all the way around and the more I hear about what CC and the lot of them were doing, I just wanted to remind everyone of what Sheri was doing. I'm so glad that someday I will get to meet her in heaven!!! :heart:

Reporter’s Notebook Mistress Tara Lintz testimony

The following is a near complete transcription of Thursday April 28th testimony of Tara Lintz. I’m not a court reporter, and while I write furiously, I’m writing with pen an paper, thus unable to transcribe word for word. The following is accurate, but not directly quoted unless you see “quotes.” [Anything in brackets like this is an observation].

The State called Tara Lintz.

[The Courtroom quieted. Some people in public seating nudged their neighbors. We could hear loud clacks of heels strike the floor as Lintz approached the courtroom. The Court swore her in. Lintz took a long, soft & friendly look at Chris Coleman. Coleman looked back at her with a peaked complexion. He appeared to swallow].
Is that the ring? We had a video yesterday that showed a different ring? I think anyway...

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