General Discussion Thread #2

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I am on the other side of the boat. I have had an irrate man pull a gun on me and threatened to kill me, I was beat up by this angry pissed off man and if I had not survived he would have had a similar story I am sure.
I'm sorry to hear that!!! I'm glad you managed to survive the attack!

We are all capable of killing, it just the degree of the circumstance that forces us to step into that realm when rational thought is no longer valid. I myself, cannot tell you with absolute certainty that should I think there is an intruder in my home, that I would have the wits about me to investigate in a calm manner, I could very well just go screaming down my passage with my machete, ready to lob the head off anything that moves. I hope to never be in the position!
I'm sorry to hear that!!! I'm glad you managed to survive the attack!

We are all capable of killing, it just the degree of the circumstance that forces us to step into that realm when rational thought is no longer valid. I myself, cannot tell you with absolute certainty that should I think there is an intruder in my home, that I would have the wits about me to investigate in a calm manner, I could very well just go screaming down my passage with my machete, ready to lob the head off anything that moves. I hope to never be in the position!

But we are not all capable of killing someone face to face, and neither is OP...
Yes exactly but now the media have picked up on the fact that the stuff found in his house could be used for sexual dyfunction, every girl who has ever been in the vicinity of OP will now be hounded for an interview finding out if he was a good shag! :p

Well I think rather than that, his former gfs will be tracked down to find out if he was given to jealous rages.

In fact, I read yesterday or so that Ms. Taylor has been subpoened by the authorities, probably just for this purpose. I also recall reading earlier that she was about to write a tell-all book or article and suddenly changed her mind. Maybe scared off by OP or his protectors? JMHO

But I think Ms Taylor will be a helluva witness. She's implied he was pretty bad. Just speculation, of course, but it would not surprise me if he turns out to be like Phil Spector, who liked to take out his gun and point it at people, until he finally fired one into the face of the woman he was convicted of.

So I respect your opinion, Carol. And that's all mine is too. But as I wrote yesterday, I think his affidavit is a set of lies and absurdities, and all his previous behavior shows he is a loose cannon by nature. As that NY Times reporter wrote, "reckless ...and an adrenaline junkie." That was in re to everything from driving to his gun thing.

My opinion is that he, in a jealous rage, struck her, then did not want to lose everything and deliberately killed her. And again to me his affidavit is a set of lies, absurdities, improbabilities etc. Obviously I would not convict him now, but have little doubt that there will be enough there at trial to accomplish this--proving premediatated murder of Reeva--not an "intruder". JMO
Well I think rather than that, his former gfs will be tracked down to find out if he was given to jealous rages.

In fact, I read yesterday or so that Ms. Taylor has been subpoened by the authorities, probably just for this purpose. I also recall reading earlier that she was about to write a tell-all book or article and suddenly changed her mind. Maybe scared off by OP or his protectors? JMHO

But I think Ms Taylor will be a helluva witness. She's implied he was pretty bad. Just speculation, of course, but it would not surprise me if he turns out to be like Phil Spector, who liked to take out his gun and point it at people, until he finally fired one into the face of the woman he was convicted of.

So I respect your opinion, Carol. And that's all mine is too. But as I wrote yesterday, I think his affidavit is a set of lies and absurdities, and all his previous behavior shows he is a loose cannon by nature. As that NY Times reporter wrote, "reckless ...and an adrenaline junkie." That was in re to everything from driving to his gun thing.

My opinion is that he, in a jealous rage, struck her, then did not want to lose everything and deliberately killed her. And again to me his affidavit is a set of lies, absurdities, improbabilities etc. Obviously I would not convict him now, but have little doubt that there will be enough there at trial to accomplish this--proving premediatated murder of Reeva--not an "intruder". JMO

I agree with you Shane.I think he knew exactly who was killing!!JMO
From personal experience, I've locked myself in the bathroom to protect myself from a partner before. Especially during serious arguments. If I needed to use the bathroom, I wouldn't lock the door but then again, Reeva and OP weren't dating for that long so she could have locked it to actually use the toilet. I think he was so angry that she locked herself from him that he started trying to break down the door with the bat first and THEN started shooting. JMO
I agree with you Shane.I think he knew exactly who was killing!!JMO

I think there will be so much at trial.
Just from the news stories, we have Reeva's former bf warning her that there were things known about him,and he urged her to drop him. Reeva's "Joburg dad" also noted the jealousy and recommended against him. Ms. Taylor former gf, apparently has some very bad things to say--and will as she was already subpoened. Firing the gun in a restaurant that could have ricocheted and hurt or killed someone.

And by trial time, I presume the prosection will have massive evidence including whose blood on the bat, earwitnesses, forensics including blood spatter analysis. As well as much evidence to prove his "intruder" excuse is a bald face lie. No barking dogs, no break-ins at the high security complex?, his leaving the balcony window open while sleeping etc.

AND as Dershowitz (not a fan) pointed out he is married to his affidavit--once one thing is proven to be a lie, the whole thing collapses. I think many things therein will be proven to be lies.

From personal experience, I've locked myself in the bathroom to protect myself from a partner before. Especially during serious arguments. If I needed to use the bathroom, I wouldn't lock the door but then again, Reeva and OP weren't dating for that long so she could have locked it to actually use the toilet. I think he was so angry that she locked herself from him that he started trying to break down the door with the bat first and THEN started shooting. JMO

Well what I think that is different here from your experiences (hopefully), is that I believe OP had already struck her when she fled to toilet to lock herself in. ANd re OP--unlike your experiences (hopefully) OP did not let up once she was locked in. Rather the opposite--he feared that there was now a living witness to his assault and his fame, fortune and especially freedom was going to be all lost if he left a living witness.

Like at the bail hearing. I think he sobbed or otherwise reacted strongly, every time there was an indication that he might be going away for a long time. Again his reactions all seemed to be that of a guilty person. JMHO.
I believe the detective once in charge of the investigation is who you mean to say is u for charges, not the prosecutor.
Someone asked about the hand wound, others about the crushed skull.

"...A source close to the investigation said: “There was lots of blood on the bat. Forensic tests will show whose it was.”

Officers have specifically asked analysts to test for traces of *steroids and other drugs.

As well as bullet wounds to the head, arm, hand and hip, Reeva suffered a fractured skull, a postmortem revealed.

It was also claimed a cartridge was discovered in the bedroom of 26-year-old Pistorius after the *Valentine’s Day slaughter at his Pretoria home.

The source said: “The suspicion is that the first shot, in the bedroom, hit her in the hip.

“She then ran and locked herself in the toilet. She was doubled over because of the pain. He fired three more shots. She probably covered her head which is why the bullet went through her hand.”
I'm really struggling to carry on my defence with nobody being open to possibility. For a start, as stated in a previous post, my family have been the victims of a home invasion while we slept. I absolutely cannot even begin to describe the utter fear, horror and anger we felt on waking. Strange intruders, possibly armed, stood over me while I slept in my lounge, my young daughter slept in her bed where possibly they stood in her doorway. The removed what they could carry from our home, leaving our front gate standing wide open and their point of entry to our home, leaving us extremely vulnerable to a second attack that same night.

I myself, can totally related to OP fear and terror, forcing him to do the unimaginable without thinking in a clear rational way..he didn't think to look in the bed for Reeva because he thought she was really could be as simple as that! Is that so hard to imagine?

Yes, we a hearing all the bad boy stories told by anon sources, the bashed in skull has not been confirmed. Steroid use has not been confirmed. Sexual dyfunction has not been confirmed by even a pissed off ex girlfriend. He has more than likely been in arguments, been threatening for what ever reason...but what male between 20-30 has not found a need to prove their manhood some way or another. Yes, I do not deny that I'm sure more will come to light when trial rolls around but until such time, I am finding it hard to even read all the crap being passed in the media as fact, told by police " sources" Please google SAP bribery. Give an officer R100 bucks and they wil tell you anything you want to hear which is then fobbed off as fact.

And yes, admittedly, there are a lot of gaps that need filling and I need more information but there is nothing more I can argue now without concrete fact. I'm still on the fence and think his story is plausible for now.

So you would be a great person to place yourself in OPs shoes. You understand the terror of an invasion. So tonight if you simply heard bathroom noises would you go shoot down whoever was in the bathroom without making certain that it was not your children or husband? I would think not. This is all that I am stating. Is that it was not a life or death situation at anytime, even if it was an intruder. His response showed a horrible lack of judgement that cost someone their life. I don't believe many of the things I read in the media either, I am waiting for it to come straight from trial. Judging only from what we know from the bond hearing I think he is guilty because there are too many things that don't make sense. And if it proves that it was not planned then he still needs to be punished for how horribly he messed up. If that was my sister I would not rest until he was unable to hurt anyone else with accidental fires in restaurants and crazy shootings at simple noises in a dang bathroom with a guest in his home. He is unbalanced and paranoid. There is a difference between being aware of danger and prepared for it and a paranoid danger to society and OP is the latter. And that takes a lot for me to say because I strongly believe in gun rights and personal protection, especially for a handicapped person in a dangerous country but he has lost that right IMO.

Good find red.

It includes something I wrote/deduced here that has beed doubted.

"...Details of the post-mortem examination of South African model Steenkamp were withheld from last week’s bail application hearing."

So it appears as I noted that Prosecution were setting trap for defense to spill all their beans, while they pulled this crucial evidence.
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