Karyn Maughan ‏@karynmaughan 4m4 minutes ago
#OscarPistorius: the Appeal Court effectively denied me the right to a fair trial...
if only it had been a fair trial...
Karyn Maughan ‏@karynmaughan 4m4 minutes ago
#OscarPistorius: the Appeal Court effectively denied me the right to a fair trial...
Now, can anyone explain why Nel didn't oppose bail?
Can someone please tell me if OP is now free for the next 4 months? No community service because he can't be monitored while doing it, so he now has less stringent conditions than before. He's free to do what he wants for 5 hours a day. Does that include drinking, partying and going down to the shooting range?
Now, can anyone explain why Nel didn't oppose bail?
That was really interesting. Although his original conditions of house arrest were never published, Kelly Phelps et al plus many lawyers said it was a harsh punishment - not that I could see it - but he previously had the same hours of freedom. In what universe is only being able to enjoy 5 hours of freedom a day considered harsh punishment. Oh, that's right. He did have to sacrifice 2 days a month doing community service.
Normal conditions of house arrest ... we were led to believe ... said no socialising outside the home, no lunches, parties, travel etc. It sounds to me like he can pretty well do as he likes.
I also thought it was interesting that the judge said he had to surrender his passport!!! What??? That should have been done long ago.
There's something very, very wrong with the SA judicial system.
For my fellow Aussies - Baden-Clay's murder conviction has been downgraded to manslaughter on appeal!!!
....because he's useless and completely overrated.......can't deny the obvious....
My guess is they know that Roux will be appealing on the grounds that Pistorius was denied the right to a fair trial and are playing along so they don't give him any ammunition to further his argument. They are playing the long game now and they can well afford to too IMO. The SCA judgement was strong and the will be asking for the longest possible sentence when the time comes. That will be their main consideration and they won't be too anxious about what happens in the meantime. Nel even mentioned today that they don't see Pistorius has any chance of successfully appealing to the CC but acknowledged he still has the right.
It's disappointing to see the smug murderer smirking and not be incarcerated like the common murderer he is but none of this should detract from the fact he is going back to prison and the NPA's job is to ensure that they do everything to ensure that is for as long as possible. If the conditions were too stringent Roux would argue that the time spent on bail amounted to a punishment and should be deducted from whatever prison time he is sentenced to. This chimes with what the presiding judge said when he was minded no to confine him to the house as it seemed like a "punishment".
Chillax folks. It simply means he will do more prison time eventually and every day that passes Oscar is a step closer to his rightful place.
Off topic: I do believe having watched his conduct this morning that, irrespective of the findings of Weskoppies, he is an out and out sociopath! There is definitely something of the night about that young man.
....because he's useless and completely overrated.......can't deny the obvious....
Thanks, Paul. Excellent counsel. What do I owe you?
I can understand why LemonMousse was so desperate to have Advocate Kenny Oldwage represent Oscar and not Roux.
Roux is a master. From the
moment he walked into the courtroom, he was in control. He knew exactly what he wanted, he explained it clearly to the judge and he even had the judge believe that house arrest at the mansion was a form of imprisonment and thus to harsh. Classic.
Well Oscar, the road ahead of you is long and arduous but vindication for you lies at the foot of the Constitutional Court in 2016. Godspeed.
....because he's useless and completely overrated.......can't deny the obvious....
I would like Nel to explain why he didn't oppose bail if only to understand why a convicted murderer has now been given over 4 months to roam the streets and be among the public. I would like to know why that is right. Has OP suddenly become a peaceful humble person? Has his vicious temper been replaced by an inner calm? How exactly has he changed from the manic nutcase who gunned down Reeva in a toilet? Where are the psychiatric reports that prove he's a changed person and is no longer a risk to innocent people?