General Discussion Thread #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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But also, loud non stop talking...which sounded like fighting?
Far cry from screaming and shouting! IMO.

If the verbal part was heard from a great distance--I think we can call it shouting in the least.
If the verbal part was heard from a great distance--I think we can call it shouting in the least.
Lol, when I have my girlfriends over and a little erm...too much wine is passed around, we get pretty loud, excitable and my husband tells me we are all eventually shouting over each other to be heard. He says we talk so loudly, it's possible to wake the dead. Naturally to us, we appear all normal. :blushing:
I'm sure OP and Reeva were not the only ones celebrating valentines that night. Just saying.. :)
RE The Earwitnesses Testimonies:

If these came from a significant distance, hopefully the Prosecution will have done the appropriate things before trial. Accurately measure the distance, but importantly take the likely defense objections into account beforehand.

If the listeners to shouting and shots fired were at a seemingly large distance, perhaps a physicist could testify as to sound waves, interference patterns etc. But here the Prosecution should have someone at OP's house fire a gun and have a man and woman argue loudly, and simulateneously have people with recorders at the earwitnesses houses.

Then defense's objections will be moot if brought up in court.

And I see no reason for the earwitnesses to make this up, and there seems to be several of them.
Lol, when I have my girlfriends over and a little erm...too much wine is passed around, we get pretty loud, excitable and my husband tells me we are all eventually shouting over each other to be heard. He says we talk so loudly, it's possible to wake the dead. Naturally to us, we appear all normal. :blushing:
I'm sure OP and Reeva were not the only ones celebrating valentines that night. Just saying.. :)

But to me there is a difference between playful shouting & angry shouting
Lol, when I have my girlfriends over and a little erm...too much wine is passed around, we get pretty loud, excitable and my husband tells me we are all eventually shouting over each other to be heard. He says we talk so loudly, it's possible to wake the dead. Naturally to us, we appear all normal. :blushing:
I'm sure OP and Reeva were not the only ones celebrating valentines that night. Just saying.. :)

But the well-known gold standard test is have your neighbors called the police? Maybe only your hubby finds it loud. :)
shorts and a vest top are what millions of women wear in bed, it is a version of pajamas just with shorts not long trousers,

I find nothing odd that she was wearing shorts and a vest top

It sounded like he was referring to street clothes to me. He didn't mention pajamas.
But the well-known gold standard test is have your neighbors called the police. Maybe only your hubby finds it loud. :)
Haha, ok..point taken!

Eta..I will add it seems neither does OP neighbours call police. :p
Rihanna and Chris Brown also looked happy right before their incident.

She could very well be unhappy or have been starting to think twice about the relationship without telling anyone. He is extremely high profile and it's easy to be blended. Also.. I doubt anyone would write nasty things about Valentines on Twitter or Face. Sosial media is made for sugarcoating, boasting and self-pr!

Whether she was happy or unhappy (most accounts say she was extremely happy), she still got shot dead by her boyfriend. Happy couples can argue. Relationships have peaks and valleys. He killed her for some reason. We need to find out why.
If I am sitting in my living room with a window open & I hear a scream in the middle of the night,first I would call police,but if I did not & the next morning I see & hear that the woman 4 doors down got killed.I am going to guess it was her scream I heard-but that just me!!

I know crime is bad there in SA, are their lots of women screaming at 3 am In OP's area?

No, I imagine there is not. But it's also not been established that a woman was screaming at 3am. It's been established that OP WAS screaming at that time though.
I wish we could find a transcript of Botha's testimony.
I imagine the casing in the passage way...if you look at reconstructions, there is a small passage way leading into the bathroom...he could have been standing at the entry to the bathroom when he fired the first shot. Guess we can only speculate until we actually see the evidence from ballistics.

For what it's worth, Botha also discusses where OP must have been standing when he fired the shots:

He said the shots were fired from an acute angle and not directly at the toilet door. "If you were to fire straight at the door, you would miss the toilet basin. [The shooter] would have had to stand in a corner next to the shower with his back against the washbasin to fire those shots."

Read more:

An acute angle. He was aiming for the person on the toilet, no doubt (if we can give Botha's testimony any creedence).
For what it's worth, Botha also discusses where OP must have been standing when he fired the shots:

He said the shots were fired from an acute angle and not directly at the toilet door. "If you were to fire straight at the door, you would miss the toilet basin. [The shooter] would have had to stand in a corner next to the shower with his back against the washbasin to fire those shots."

Read more:

An acute angle. He was aiming for the person on the toilet, no doubt (if we can give Botha's testimony any creedence).
Hmm..bizarre, I'm not familiar with guns so wouldnt know how a casing landed in the passage if OP was standing in front of the basins. Especially since all bullets were found in the toilet. Is it possible he was moving and shooting at the same time? First shot from the doorway, moving towards basins while firing the rest of the shots, it would only be a step to the right actually. Also, if OP bashed the door in with the bat, how credible would ballistics be through the door??
RE The Clothes

I have not commented on this.

Just wanted to say that people have been asking for sources, and I believe it is the Carte Blanche online magazine site that I saw their "exclusive video" of both of them driving up to the gate--10 minutes apart IIRC.
And IIRC the alleged earwitnesses said that there was no screaming after the first shots, and until the final shots 17 minutes later. But plenty of shouting before the first shots.

Of course we haven't heard from these witnesses directly, in their own words, yet. It's all hearsay, so far, and there may well be inaccuracies.

It's negated IMO if the person hearing the screaming is over 1000 feet away. How does that person discern which house it's coming from to begin with?

They probably wouldn't be certain at the time, but it might be possible after the event to eliminate all other possibilities.
Lol, when I have my girlfriends over and a little erm...too much wine is passed around, we get pretty loud, excitable and my husband tells me we are all eventually shouting over each other to be heard. He says we talk so loudly, it's possible to wake the dead. Naturally to us, we appear all normal. :blushing:
I'm sure OP and Reeva were not the only ones celebrating valentines that night. Just saying.. :)

I have seen this discussed in the thread a few times and I was a bit puzzled. Out of interest, do people celebrate Valentine's on the night of the 13th rather than the night of the 14th? I had never heard of that.
Does anyone have the date handy for when OP said he went into (armed) "full recon mode" against his washing machine?
Oh, also on that site ...

Door is key to Oscar defence

Durban - Oscar Pistorius’s defence team is eagerly awaiting the opportunity to examine the toilet door through which Reeva Steenkamp was shot, calling it one of the most critical pieces of evidence still outstanding.

The door was removed by police before Pistorius’s team had the chance to examine the crime scene.

Durban forensic pathologist Reggie Perumal, who has been hired by the defence, said the State was only going to start its assessments of the door now that Pistorius’s bail application was over.

“It is critical that we examine this door so that we can see the trajectory of the bullets and establish exactly where she was in the toilet when she was shot. Next to the post-mortem results this is the most crucial information needed,” he said.

Perumal, who was present at the post-mortem of Steenkamp’s body
and took more than 200 photos, said many of the rumours about the crime or events leading up to it, such as her having been pregnant, were easily ruled out.


More on different issues at link.

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