General Discussion Thread #2

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More on the substance found in OP's home. Note at the bottom, he was tested eight times in six years. That's less than twice a year. Perhaps the threat of testing is not strong enough to deter these athletes.

I find little of value in this article. It primarily has statements from third parties.

Previous posts here (other than from me) stated that the Testis Compositum contains testostereone from pig. Here it’s bull.

They allegedly interviewed the manufacturer of the product.

I find the reporter’s last name to be fascinating.
And I recommend people read the comments—some are quite astute

If the article were not disingenuous, it would have done the simple, straightforward thing that I have done twice here (and do now a third time): list the entire ingredients—which are all extreme dilutions. The author and newspaper could have gotten the manufacturer to list the entire ingredients as I have done. (It is the same product and manufacturer that I have listed before.)

It will not raise anyone’s testosterone levels. The article even says the police retracted their claim of finding testosterone. People should find out what e.g. 8X means if they do not know, or they can use the code at the end of the ingredient list, or ask here.

Unless someone can prove there is another version of this product, this case is closed.

Heel BHI, Biotherapeutics, Testis Compositum, 100 Tablets
Supplement Facts:
Each 300 mg tablet contains as active ingredients: Aralia quinquefolia 4X, Testis suis 4X, Agnus castus 6X, Ascorbicum acidum 6X, Caladium sequinum 6X, Picricum acidum 6X, Strychninum sulphuricum 6X, Cantharis 8X, Cor suis 8X, Curare 8X, Damiana 8X, Embryo totalis suis 8X, Manganum phosphoricum 8X, Phosphorus 8X, Diencephalon suis 10X, Ferrum phosphoricum 10X, Magnesia phosphorica 10X, Selenium metallicum 10X, Zincum metallicum 10X, Glandula suprarenalis suis 13X, Cortisone aceticum 13X, Conium maculatum 28X, Lycopodium clavatum 28X 3 mg each in a lactose base. Inactive ingredients: Lactose, magnesium stearate.
(1X=1:10 dilution, 2X=1:100, 3X=1:1000, etc.)
It's not just about the testing though. These days the athletes have so many different ways to get 'around' the testing, just look at Lance Armstrong. Track and Field has long been rife with PED's and it's even worse in international countries.

One early theory of mine (that still on the table for me) is that he was on something that night that led to his actions. I can even foresee a scenario where it went down exactly how he says, his decision making influenced by steroids (not checking on RS, firing blindly, paranoia, etc).

If we are to believe that it went down exactly how OP says that would mean the two separate witnesses who gave sworn affidavits about screaming, fighting etc, coming from his house are liars and he is telling the truth.

Lying would be of no benefit to them whatsoever but it certainly would for OP.
If we are to believe that it went down exactly how OP says that would mean the two separate witnesses who gave sworn affidavits about screaming, fighting etc, coming from his house are liars and he is telling the truth.

Lying would be of no benefit to them whatsoever but it certainly would for OP.

They gave sworn affidavits? How can anything about the witnesses be taken for granted when a) it came from Botha and b) he couldn't even get right the distance of where one of the witnesses were. What else didn't he get right about the witnesses?
I find little of value in this article. It primarily has statements from third parties.

Previous posts here (other than from me) stated that the Testis Compositum contains testostereone from pig. Here it’s bull.

They allegedly interviewed the manufacturer of the product.

I find the reporter’s last name to be fascinating.
And I recommend people read the comments—some are quite astute

If the article were not disingenuous, it would have done the simple, straightforward thing that I have done twice here (and do now a third time): list the entire ingredients—which are all extreme dilutions. The author and newspaper could have gotten the manufacturer to list the entire ingredients as I have done. (It is the same product and manufacturer that I have listed before.)

It will not raise anyone’s testosterone levels. The article even says the police retracted their claim of finding testosterone. People should find out what e.g. 8X means if they do not know, or they can use the code at the end of the ingredient list, or ask here.

Unless someone can prove there is another version of this product, this case is closed.

Heel BHI, Biotherapeutics, Testis Compositum, 100 Tablets
Supplement Facts:
Each 300 mg tablet contains as active ingredients: Aralia quinquefolia 4X, Testis suis 4X, Agnus castus 6X, Ascorbicum acidum 6X, Caladium sequinum 6X, Picricum acidum 6X, Strychninum sulphuricum 6X, Cantharis 8X, Cor suis 8X, Curare 8X, Damiana 8X, Embryo totalis suis 8X, Manganum phosphoricum 8X, Phosphorus 8X, Diencephalon suis 10X, Ferrum phosphoricum 10X, Magnesia phosphorica 10X, Selenium metallicum 10X, Zincum metallicum 10X, Glandula suprarenalis suis 13X, Cortisone aceticum 13X, Conium maculatum 28X, Lycopodium clavatum 28X 3 mg each in a lactose base. Inactive ingredients: Lactose, magnesium stearate.
(1X=1:10 dilution, 2X=1:100, 3X=1:1000, etc.)

Testosterone versus testosterone booster. It seems the product in OP's bedroom can effectively boost testosterone levels. Who knows how much those levels can be boosted if testis compositum is not taken properly. My guess is, this remedy of his had an adverse effect on him, or perhaps he had something stronger stashed away elsewhere. Who knows at this point?
Tangential followup.

Previously posted was the South African case whereby video showed that police beat a taxi driver/suspect and dragged him to the police station. He was found dead in his cell. I wrote here that, unlike all the assumed statements that his injuries were from being dragged to the station, that I thought his injuries were more likely caused from a beating by police in his cell.

Now 8 policemen have been arrested, and will remain in custody until trial.

Note the articles say that the taxi driver was beaten to death in his cell.
They gave sworn affidavits? How can anything about the witnesses be taken for granted when a) it came from Botha and b) he couldn't even get right the distance of where one of the witnesses were. What else didn't he get right about the witnesses?

The fact that Botha couldn't get the distance right doesn't render the witness accounts null and void. As for the witnesses, I would think I'd be able to tell what general direction shouts were coming from. My guess is that the houses in that exclusive neighborhood aren't very close together. If I'm wrong, let me know. The witness accounts of shouting are VERY important, IMO.

I tell ya, if a testifying officer had to get every single thing right in order for the prosecution to have a valid case, then we'd all be in trouble with every case. No one is perfect. I understand the credibility of this Botha character has really come into question, for good reason. But you asked what else did he get wrong about the witnesses... well, the witnesses can clear that up.
Testosterone versus testosterone booster. It seems the product in OP's bedroom can effectively boost testosterone levels. Who knows how much those levels can be boosted if testis compositum is not taken properly. My guess is, this remedy of his had an adverse effect on him, or perhaps he had something stronger stashed away elsewhere. Who knows at this point?

It was already stated that it was used for muscle pain. "Booster"? I think a good run might boost someone's level's more than these dilutuions. Already stated that they will not raise anyone's testoseterone levels.

Respectfully, people can (and maybe should) read how homeopathy works and makes things work properly in the body. No boosting of testosterone levels occurs in such energy balancing.

People are imparting (perhaps without realizing it) drug methodologies to a homeopathic remedy--it doesn't work that way. (Analogously many other modalities work similarly. E.g. acupuncture could correct impotency without having any testosteone or such. Not saying any impotency involved with OP--I'll go with the muscle recovery till proven otherwise.)

Please read up on homeopathy, if not familiar with it.

They gave sworn affidavits? How can anything about the witnesses be taken for granted when a) it came from Botha and b) he couldn't even get right the distance of where one of the witnesses were. What else didn't he get right about the witnesses?

No, this came from Gerrie Nel in his summing up and I trust this man would know what he was talking about. Botha might pretend he does not know his *advertiser censored* from his elbow but I'm sure he knows fine well the distance between 600 and 300 metres, even a child would know that.
The fact that Botha couldn't get the distance right doesn't render the witness accounts null and void. As for the witnesses, I would think I'd be able to tell what general direction shouts were coming from. My guess is that the houses in that exclusive neighborhood aren't very close together. If I'm wrong, let me know. The witness accounts of shouting are VERY important, IMO.

I tell ya, if a testifying officer had to get every single thing right in order for the prosecution to have a valid case, then we'd all be in trouble with every case. No one is perfect. I understand the credibility of this Botha character has really come into question, for good reason. But you asked what else did he get wrong about the witnesses... well, the witnesses can clear that up.


And I already wrote what I think is the definitive thing here.
By trial time, the prosecution should have gotten tape recorders, witnesses etc. and reproduce shouting at OP's location and record and witness what is heard at the witnesses location.

THis will prove the matter and render irrelevant what Botha said about it.
One thing I could use clarification please.

Were the police definitely at OP's home a few hours earlier?

If so, even more sad that Reeva did not leave with them.
The fact that Botha couldn't get the distance right doesn't render the witness accounts null and void. As for the witnesses, I would think I'd be able to tell what general direction shouts were coming from. My guess is that the houses in that exclusive neighborhood aren't very close together. If I'm wrong, let me know. The witness accounts of shouting are VERY important, IMO.

I tell ya, if a testifying officer had to get every single thing right in order for the prosecution to have a valid case, then we'd all be in trouble with every case. No one is perfect. I understand the credibility of this Botha character has really come into question, for good reason. But you asked what else did he get wrong about the witnesses... well, the witnesses can clear that up.

OP's neighborhood has areas where the houses are quite close together and other areas where they are not close to other neighbors at all.

The aerial shot that has been going around shows that OP's house has two neighbors that I would describe as being "very close". So, as I have mentioned before, I would love to know what those neighbors heard, if anything.

Additionally, I'm hoping that the judge adjudicating this case is allowed to tour the site of the crime. Given the very meager dimensions of the bedroom / bath area, I think the judge may be better able to decide if a reasonable person would not know if their girlfriend was missing.

It was already stated that it was used for muscle pain. "Booster"? I think a good run might boost someone's level's more than these dilutuions. Already stated that they will not raise anyone's testoseterone levels.

Respectfully, people can (and maybe should) read how homeopathy works and makes things work properly in the body. No boosting of testosterone levels occurs in such energy balancing.

People are imparting (perhaps without realizing it) drug methodologies to a homeopathic remedy--it doesn't work that way. (Analogously many other modalities work similarly. E.g. acupuncture could correct impotency without having any testosteone or such. Not saying any impotency involved with OP--I'll go with the muscle recovery till proven otherwise.)

Please read up on homeopathy, if not familiar with it.


What I know is that a substance labeled "testis compositum", or more specifically "testocompasutium co-enzyme", was found in vials in OP's home, and articles that I have read say it's used for sexual enhancement and it's also a testosterone booster. The brand marketed in America includes porcine testiclar matter. The brand made in Germany (same one? not sure) contains bovine testicular matter.

Here is one more tidbit, from "Livescience": "Dr. Jon Patricios, a sports physician, told the Telegraph that athletes are not advised to use testis compositum since it may increase their testosterone levels. Testosterone supplements are banned for most professional athletes; they’re also known to increase aggression, according to the New York Times."

It's my belief that OP was pumped up on this stuff, or maybe this stuff in addition to something else.
The fact that Botha couldn't get the distance right doesn't render the witness accounts null and void. As for the witnesses, I would think I'd be able to tell what general direction shouts were coming from. My guess is that the houses in that exclusive neighborhood aren't very close together. If I'm wrong, let me know. The witness accounts of shouting are VERY important, IMO.

A picture is helpful. Sadly, I could not find the wide angle aerial shot of his neighborhood.

But the picture linked below show 2 very close neighbors. Additionally there is another behind the one close on the top. Additionally, there is a neighbor directly adjacent to him across the street.

What I know is that a substance labeled "testis compositum", or more specifically "testocompasutium co-enzyme", was found in vials in OP's home, and articles that I have read say it's used for sexual enhancement and it's also a testosterone booster. The brand marketed in America includes porcine testiclar matter. The brand made in Germany (same one? not sure) contains bovine testicular matter.

Here is one more tidbit, from "Livescience": "Dr. Jon Patricios, a sports physician, told the Telegraph that athletes are not advised to use testis compositum since it may increase their testosterone levels. Testosterone supplements are banned for most professional athletes; they’re also known to increase aggression, according to the New York Times."

It's my belief that OP was pumped up on this stuff, or maybe this stuff in addition to something else.

I have listed the complete ingredients 3X. No testosterone--just extreme dilutions of things.

Anyone else, can do the same. Instead of "claims", list links and ingredients list.
Valentine's Proposal?

This is of course speculation.

We have from Mr Myers that OP seemed infatuated with Reeva from the beginning. And Valentine's Day often has a proposal.

Is it possible that OP either proposed or planned to? Maybe until he saw a Valentine's email from a previous lover?

It has been said that alcohol was imbibed by both at dinner there, and I have proposed that his behavior may be adversely affected by alcohol and caffeine.

But anyway, if OP thought she was "the one" for him, and then was either turned down (his proposal) or another suitor's message was uncovered, we can see how rage then ensued. Especially for someone who had a history of aggressive or poorly controlled behavior.

His rage was then unlimited probably when she told him not only "no" to his proposal but that his screaming and controlling attempts had ended the relationship.

Total rage from him, and the subconscious meme of "if I can't have you, no one else will." And he reached for the nearest object (bat), and then to kill the witness after injuring her.

Just speculation here.

And I already wrote what I think is the definitive thing here.
By trial time, the prosecution should have gotten tape recorders, witnesses etc. and reproduce shouting at OP's location and record and witness what is heard at the witnesses location.

THis will prove the matter and render irrelevant what Botha said about it.

Exactly, the defence very eager to rubbish the witnesses statements ASAP, of course they have too since they negate OPs version.
Hi everyone -- been a busy day for me. Is there a place where I can read -if it exists- OP's affidavit of what happened?
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