General Discussion Thread #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I will be interested to hear just where the earwitnesses, (and on the 20/20 some saw lights on all night?), and lightwitnesses really live.

It was clear in the bail hearing that Botha did not or could not tell in measurements. I am uncertain if it is b/c he does not know, (I cannot tell you in measurements how many feet/yards/etc.. the house beside me is, or the house across the street), or if Botha was paying small penance of a debt to his "known Mr. Pistorius". We will not know until trial I suppose.
Also, eyewitnesses could have heard him hitting door with the bat and confused that with shots.
Also, eyewitnesses could have heard him hitting door with the bat and confused that with shots.

But I think that would be a different sound, and not carry as far.

I believe at least 2 locations were claimed for those who heard shots.
Also, eyewitnesses could have heard him hitting door with the bat and confused that with shots.

IIRC, based on what was said at the bail hearing, the prosecution is having the bat tested in an attempt to determine whether it was used to break down the door. The door was broken, so obviously something broke it, and OP claims he broke it with a combination of kicks and bat, but prosecution is testing the bat to be sure. If OP had his legs on when he broke the door down, is it possible he used his shoulder to assist in breaking it? Just wondering if that could tie into the sore shoulder assertion by the defense. I honestly don't know if a human shoulder could break a door panel, but maybe someone else here knows. Seems unlikely to me, but I always hear about people putting their fists through walls, so I don't know.

I suppose there's also the possibility he kicked the door, shoved against it with his shoulder, hit it with the bat and shot at it. If he was attempting to break the door down for whatever reason (whether to threaten Reeva or to attempt to rescue her) it would make sense that he would use his body/shoulder in addition to the other methods he has claimed. I do wonder if that's tied to this shoulder injury we've heard about from the defense.

All of the above is just my opinion.
IIRC, based on what was said at the bail hearing, the prosecution is having the bat tested in an attempt to determine whether it was used to break down the door. The door was broken, so obviously something broke it, and OP claims he broke it with a combination of kicks and bat, but prosecution is testing the bat to be sure. If OP had his legs on when he broke the door down, is it possible he used his shoulder to assist in breaking it? Just wondering if that could tie into the sore shoulder assertion by the defense. I honestly don't know if a human shoulder could break a door panel, but maybe someone else here knows. Seems unlikely to me, but I always hear about people putting their fists through walls, so I don't know.

I suppose there's also the possibility he kicked the door, shoved against it with his shoulder, hit it with the bat and shot at it. If he was attempting to break the door down for whatever reason (whether to threaten Reeva or to attempt to rescue her) it would make sense that he would use his body/shoulder in addition to the other methods he has claimed. I do wonder if that's tied to this shoulder injury we've heard about from the defense.

All of the above is just my opinion.

Shoulder injury, I believe was claimed to exist before that night.
And was used by defense as pretext for switching his usual sleeping position in the bed.
IIRC, based on what was said at the bail hearing, the prosecution is having the bat tested in an attempt to determine whether it was used to break down the door. The door was broken, so obviously something broke it, and OP claims he broke it with a combination of kicks and bat, but prosecution is testing the bat to be sure. If OP had his legs on when he broke the door down, is it possible he used his shoulder to assist in breaking it? Just wondering if that could tie into the sore shoulder assertion by the defense. I honestly don't know if a human shoulder could break a door panel, but maybe someone else here knows. Seems unlikely to me, but I always hear about people putting their fists through walls, so I don't know.

I suppose there's also the possibility he kicked the door, shoved against it with his shoulder, hit it with the bat and shot at it. If he was attempting to break the door down for whatever reason (whether to threaten Reeva or to attempt to rescue her) it would make sense that he would use his body/shoulder in addition to the other methods he has claimed. I do wonder if that's tied to this shoulder injury we've heard about from the defense.

All of the above is just my opinion.

Interesting as shoulder shoving the door would definitely result in a height issue with the door.

As far as a shoulder being able to break a door open there are many factors to consider. Material of door being most important. Then strength, height, weight available at those amounts, and previous weak points from shots and/or bat hitting door.

Bat hitting door could sound like shots depending on, again, materials of door and bat, width, volume, blah, blah, blah....and so on.
Oscar's tweets until Feb. 14.

He noted his new Foundation, movie recommendations, and there's a religious statement from "Armor of God":

"When you start focusing on a loving God who’s given everything & stop focusing on what seems to be going wrong, you will see breakthrough."

If only...


What time of day in SA? That is ironic!
that was before Feb 14.

Oh, okay. I did not click his twitter link to find out, for some reason I did not want to, can't tell you why. No cigarettes, again, for a few days, can't think clearly. (Trying to quit again, could seriously go off on people if they were in my way, so I can sort of understand when people go crazy.) Doh!! Thanks.
Shoulder injury, I believe was claimed to exist before that night.
And was used by defense as pretext for switching his usual sleeping position in the bed.

Yes. But I don't know if that has been confirmed or if it's only ever been mentioned by his defense in the context of explaining that he slept on the opposite side of the bed that particular night. It's possible there are others who can confirm he had this shoulder injury earlier in the day or even days earlier, but I don't think that was mentioned. If any explanation was given, I missed it.

Oh, okay. I did not click his twitter link to find out, for some reason I did not want to, can't tell you why. No cigarettes, again, for a few days, can't think clearly. (Trying to quit again, could seriously go off on people if they were in my way, so I can sort of understand when people go crazy.) Doh!! Thanks.

Good luck
Well, I thought 1 casing was said to be found in the bedroom.

I think his rage occurred in the bedroom, and he may have first hit her with the bat, (or else first shot her without the bat), she screaming, fled into bathroom and then collapsed. Or else he could have rendered her unconscious (or dead) in the bedroom and carried her to the toilet for his scheme. I don't think they can prove if it was locked or not after he smashed it--and fiddled with it if need be.

As far as I'm aware Shane,the evidence showed that a total of four shots were fired. There were four bullet holes in the toilet door. So all of those bullets went through the toilet door, so she could not have been shot or shot at in the bedroom.

One bullet casing was found in the passage leading from the bedroom to the bathroom. It was found near the entrance to the bathroom. OP apparently said he fired all shots from the Bathroom door entrance. Nel said that did not happen because only one casing was found near the bathroom entrance the other three casings were found on the bathroom floor. Showing he was closer to the toilet door when three of those four shots were fired.
As far as I'm aware Shane,the evidence showed that a total of four shots were fired. There were four bullet holes in the toilet door. So all of those bullets went through the toilet door, so she could not have been shot or shot at in the bedroom.

One bullet casing was found in the passage leading from the bedroom to the bathroom. It was found near the entrance to the bathroom. OP apparently said he fired all shots from the Bathroom door entrance. Nel said that did not happen because only one casing was found near the bathroom entrance the other three casings were found on the bathroom floor. Showing he was closer to the toilet door when three of those four shots were fired.

thanks whiterum

but I've seen many like this--

"...They claimed that police found one bullet casing in the sprinter's bedroom. Detectives have reportedly surmised that he chased his girlfriend and fired the first shot before she locked herself in the bathroom and he then fired three more through the door.

A post mortem examination on the body of the 29-year-old model revealed that, as well as bullet wounds to the head, arm, hand and hip, she suffered a fractured skull, the newspaper reported....."
Yes. But I don't know if that has been confirmed or if it's only ever been mentioned by his defense in the context of explaining that he slept on the opposite side of the bed that particular night. It's possible there are others who can confirm he had this shoulder injury earlier in the day or even days earlier, but I don't think that was mentioned. If any explanation was given, I missed it.

It was semi confirmed by Botha in court who said OP was wearing some sort of patch/ bandage on his shoulder so I'm sure his doctor could confirm,if it comes into question again.

A forensic pathologist hired by Oscar Pistorius, the Paralympic sprinter accused of murdering his girlfriend, claims he is being denied access to a crucial piece of evidence by the prosecution.

Reggie Perumal, a respected South African crime-scene expert, told The Sunday Times the defence team had not been granted permission to inspect a bullet-riddled bathroom door two weeks after the shooting, despite repeated requests.


Oh, okay. I did not click his twitter link to find out, for some reason I did not want to, can't tell you why. No cigarettes, again, for a few days, can't think clearly. (Trying to quit again, could seriously go off on people if they were in my way, so I can sort of understand when people go crazy.) Doh!! Thanks.
Last tweet was on 12 Feb.

Lol..good luck. I wish I could pack it in. I've had a terrible chest flu for the last few days..and it disgusts me that I can hardly damn breathe but still wake in the morning and grab my smokes. Argh....
Last tweet was on 12 Feb.

Lol..good luck. I wish I could pack it in. I've had a terrible chest flu for the last few days..and it disgusts me that I can hardly damn breathe but still wake in the morning and grab my smokes. Argh....

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Please try electric cigarettes. I don't touch the real things now since December 2012 after being a genuine 60 a dayer. :what:
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