General Discussion Thread #2

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WARNING: A fluff headline. Story is far less interesting than the title.

Murder suspect Oscar Pistorius bragged about 'taking on an intruder with gun', claims American writer

Michael Sokolove spent time with athlete ahead of London 2012 Paralympics
American writer reveals his shock at the runner's obsession with weapons
Claims Pistorius bragged about getting ready to confront intruder with gun


It was semi confirmed by Botha in court who said OP was wearing some sort of patch/ bandage on his shoulder so I'm sure his doctor could ask it up if it comes into question again.

Still curious to know whether the injury was present prior to that evening or if something happened that evening that prompted him to apply a patch.
But I think that would be a different sound, and not carry as far.

I believe at least 2 locations were claimed for those who heard shots.
We can't refute the evidence...there were 4 shots fired, confirmed by both sides. It could have been the cricket bat that were mistaken for shots thou, they are pretty solid and I can well imagine that to bash a door with one will make one hell of a noise. If I look at our cheapie bathroom door it would make a noise, I can well imagine that OP had an expensive solid door since his house is very upmarket. It would have taken considerable strength to break it down with the bat IMO.
thanks whiterum

but I've seen many like this--

"...They claimed that police found one bullet casing in the sprinter's bedroom. Detectives have reportedly surmised that he chased his girlfriend and fired the first shot before she locked herself in the bathroom and he then fired three more through the door.

A post mortem examination on the body of the 29-year-old model revealed that, as well as bullet wounds to the head, arm, hand and hip, she suffered a fractured skull, the newspaper reported....."
You are quoting from articles that came out before the bail hearing even started so anything before bail was all purely speculation. As you now know, 4 shots were fired through the bathroom door. It's also been speculated that Reeva only had 3 shots to her body, possibly being shot through the hand into her person.
Off topic

Please try electric cigarettes. I don't touch the real things now since December 2012 after being a genuine 60 a dayer. :what:
Wow, congrats!! I have one, also read Alan Carr book and watched the movie, been on Zyban, tried cold turkey, patch etc etc...I guess it's a state of mind. The husband calls them "your little friends". I shall persevere and hopefully one day... :)
You are quoting from articles that came out before the bail hearing even started so anything before bail was all purely speculation. As you now know, 4 shots were fired through the bathroom door. It's also been speculated that Reeva only had 3 shots to her body, possibly being shot through the hand into her person.

Can you summarize changes made in bail court from initial reports?

Unless you just did.

Of course, by actual trial time, who know what they will be said.

Did you see the article about these sisters that IIRC will be (were) brought in for crime scene cleanup here? They said they frequently find evidence not found or removed and have to call forensics back. Sometimes the definitive evidence of who wtc.
Pistorius drops claims against assault accuser

<snip> Ms Taylor-Memmory's lawyer, Lidene Botha, of Pretoria-based Sarel Roux attorneys, has refused to confirm the settlement, stating only that "we are in talks and I am bound by a confidentiality clause". -

is this the same firm Sarel Roux that's representing Oscar?
Pistorius drops claims against assault accuser

<snip> Ms Taylor-Memmory's lawyer, Lidene Botha, of Pretoria-based Sarel Roux attorneys, has refused to confirm the settlement, stating only that "we are in talks and I am bound by a confidentiality clause". -

is this the same firm Sarel Roux that's representing Oscar?

PR team in action ... Too late for public not to remember it but wouldn't that have been a bad look? He wouldn't have had to pay would he since he filed against her .. I hope she files against him now for pain and suffering but am guessing no. Disgusting. I am deeply disgusted by everything to do with OP this, the shooting of Reeva and the memorial he held make it nearly impossible for me to stay in touch with this story in any rational manner. I dread the trial and the inadequate punishment I feel will follow. Poor Reeva .. Thoughts go to her friends and family and what they must be going through.
Mrs. G, i figure this is just to keep her and her family quiet. totally agree, this becomes more disgusting with each passing day.
thanks whiterum

but I've seen many like this--

"...They claimed that police found one bullet casing in the sprinter's bedroom. Detectives have reportedly surmised that he chased his girlfriend and fired the first shot before she locked herself in the bathroom and he then fired three more through the door.

A post mortem examination on the body of the 29-year-old model revealed that, as well as bullet wounds to the head, arm, hand and hip, she suffered a fractured skull, the newspaper reported....."

This is an article that came out before testimony started. No one mentioned a casing in the bedroom at the hearing. But IMO, If the casing in the bedroom were true, it would have been mentioned, because it effectively proves premeditation, and torpedoes the intruder theory.
I wonder why???? Could be that they haven't examined it yet...or they know it confirms OP's statement???

Likely because they're not done with it yet. This is a ploy, using the media as a pawn, to villianize the prosecution, IMO.
I don't intend to be mean or prejudice against amputees... and I don't know much about protheses (legs) and how long it takes to put them on and how sturdy they can be.

I am impressed that, with what many say must have been his emotional state at the time, Oscar was able to carry Reeva's body down the stairs of the house while using his prosthetic legs, WITH NO DIFFICULTY (at least we did not here of anything.) You'd think he would be panicky and upset (for example, his continuous crying at the bail hearing), but instead, according to him, he attached his artificial legs and then carried her down the stairs. If it had been me killing my loved one, I would have fallen apart and been found hugging that person and crying. He either has incredible presence of mind in emergencies, or was "cold and calculating."
If he has now settled the claim against the girl he himself was apparently going to press charges against (?) - does this mean he can pay Reeva's family off and not face a trial? I don't know how SA law works if the accused offers to pay off any relatives as part of a settlement scheme.

Surely if he can just hand out money to stop a case proceeding against him, then anyone with money can do the same and avoid justice? Does it work differently in the case of alleged murder? I'd have thought if he did offer Reeva's family money, then that could be construed as 'interfering with witnesses' if they were called to give evidence in court?

Pardon my ignorance!

Italian town suspends sponsorship deal with Pistorius: report

The Italian town of Gemona where South African murder-accused Paralympic star Oscar Pistorius used to train has frozen a sponsorship deal with him, a report revealed on Sunday.

Town mayor Paolo Urbani told City Press that a decision to suspend his contract was taken after the athlete was arrested for the alleged murder of his model girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, on Valentine’s Day.

In November, the town signed a five-year sponsorship deal with him, worth 15,000 euros ($19,500) per year, the newspaper said.

“The contract with Oscar is suspended. We are not in a hurry to find a new ambassador,” Urbani told City Press.


If he has now settled the claim against the girl he himself was apparently going to press charges against (?) - does this mean he can pay Reeva's family off and not face a trial? I don't know how SA law works if the accused offers to pay off any relatives as part of a settlement scheme.

Surely if he can just hand out money to stop a case proceeding against him, then anyone with money can do the same and avoid justice? Does it work differently in the case of alleged murder? I'd have thought if he did offer Reeva's family money, then that could be construed as 'interfering with witnesses' if they were called to give evidence in court?

Pardon my ignorance!
Bees Roux is a well known Rugby player, beat a police officer to death as he said the officer in question was trying to rob/solicit a bribe from him which BTW, is more than likely very true. This should answer your question.
It would not surprise me if OP donates money to Reevas family, be it from genuine remorse or to buy their silence however, he will still look like the sh't anyway. He should rightly assist them as he has killed their bread winner but I do think it has been a little uncouth to have their financial hardship splashed in the media when Reeva has barely been dead 2 weeks. Should the family no longer voice opinion, statements or interviews about the case, I would imagine that it safe to assume that he has given them financial assistance...never bite the hand that feeds you and all that.
Off topic

Please try electric cigarettes. I don't touch the real things now since December 2012 after being a genuine 60 a dayer. :what:

Same here. Haven't had a real smoke since December 2012. I really haven't had an urge for a real one either. I wasn't a heavy smoker compared to some (maybe 10 on a non-stressful day). Even though I was diagnosed with emphysema about a year and half ago, I didn't quit instantly. When he told me that I was shocked. I thought only people like 60 and above got it. Let me tell you though these e-cigs work. I can breathe a helluva lot better and have a little more energy.

I wonder though. I really haven't heard of any negative side effects because
it's just too good to be true.

Beware though because some of the cheapies are not high quality and you can get ripped off by the more expensive ones also.
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