General Discussions #6

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06-09-2005, 01:46 PM
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The police took the Durango. (Don't know where it is now)
Raven drives the VX.
The Acura is with family members.
I don't know where the motorcycle is or was.

...i had thought janet's family...but digging up the post, it could be either...
lauriej said:
06-09-2005, 01:46 PM
Rooster vbmenu_register("postmenu_677484", true);
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 100

The police took the Durango. (Don't know where it is now)
Raven drives the VX.
The Acura is with family members.
I don't know where the motorcycle is or was.

...i had thought janet's family...but digging up the post, it could be either...
If I had to guess, I would guess Raven's family.
Hello: Well thanks to all of you, I stayed up until 3:00 a.m. I saw a reference to this case on the Natalee H. site and came over. Once I started reading I could not stop! I live in Hillsborough, could walk to the courthouse, less than 5 minutes from Eurosport and probably 10 minutes from their home. I have friends who live very near to the house, why haven't I heard about this? There seems to be no local media coverage. Thank you all for all your hard work. Having said all this, I have at least a couple of items to offer (nothing major, and I do not know either Janet or Raven). There is a soccer field just up the road from where I live at St Mary's catholic school where there are pick-up soccer games every night and weekend! Going the back way from Raven's house, it is probably 10 - 15 minutes away at the most. As NCBanker has mentioned, many of the people who play there are hispanic. I know many of the families because I work for Head Start and many of the children attend our programs. Many of these parents do not speak English, may be an additional reason no one has come forward to say they played with Raven that night. JMO of course Also, I am wondering if the fact that the Durham DA's office is in a state of turmoil, might have anything to do with why there has been no arrest in the case. In case you haven't heard, and I do apologize if this is already posted somewhere, (I didn't get through all of the threads last night!) Jim Hardin of Michael Peterson fame was made a judge last month or so, Michael Wilfong took over as head of DA, Freda "Pure T" Black resigned as well as one or two other attorneys. There is also one other attorney on maternity leave. Sound very short staffed. So it may be the hold up is with the DA not the LE. IMO most other crime in Durham is drug and gang related, seems this case would be given priority in homicide. Even the drunk driving vehicular homicide case that is getting a lot of press seems to be moving along despite multi attempts by the accused to stall it. Finally, I have a friend who works for the Durham courts, I will see if she has any insight and let you all know. I apologize for jumping in and rambling on, hope you all don't mind. Just let me know what else you'd like me to look into.
booradley said:
I apologize for jumping in and rambling on, hope you all don't mind.
Are you kidding? Your information about the soccer issue is amazing! We've been going crazy trying to research soccer in that area, and until now, all we've had is speculation about pick-up games! Thank you a million times for that information! And welcome to WS ... I certainly look forward to more of your insights. :)

ETA: I also look forward to hearing anything your friend who works in the courts might have to say. It's such a sad commentary that you are so local, and you've heard nothing about the case. Do you watch the news or read the paper frequently? If so, the fact that you haven't heard about this case certainly says something to me.
booradley said:
Hello: Well thanks to all of you, I stayed up until 3:00 a.m. I saw a reference to this case on the Natalee H. site and came over. Once I started reading I could not stop! I live in Hillsborough, could walk to the courthouse, less than 5 minutes from Eurosport and probably 10 minutes from their home. I have friends who live very near to the house, why haven't I heard about this? There seems to be no local media coverage. Thank you all for all your hard work. Having said all this, I have at least a couple of items to offer (nothing major, and I do not know either Janet or Raven). There is a soccer field just up the road from where I live at St Mary's catholic school where there are pick-up soccer games every night and weekend! Going the back way from Raven's house, it is probably 10 - 15 minutes away at the most. As NCBanker has mentioned, many of the people who play there are hispanic. I know many of the families because I work for Head Start and many of the children attend our programs. Many of these parents do not speak English, may be an additional reason no one has come forward to say they played with Raven that night. JMO of course Also, I am wondering if the fact that the Durham DA's office is in a state of turmoil, might have anything to do with why there has been no arrest in the case. In case you haven't heard, and I do apologize if this is already posted somewhere, (I didn't get through all of the threads last night!) Jim Hardin of Michael Peterson fame was made a judge last month or so, Michael Wilfong took over as head of DA, Freda "Pure T" Black resigned as well as one or two other attorneys. There is also one other attorney on maternity leave. Sound very short staffed. So it may be the hold up is with the DA not the LE. IMO most other crime in Durham is drug and gang related, seems this case would be given priority in homicide. Even the drunk driving vehicular homicide case that is getting a lot of press seems to be moving along despite multi attempts by the accused to stall it. Finally, I have a friend who works for the Durham courts, I will see if she has any insight and let you all know. I apologize for jumping in and rambling on, hope you all don't mind. Just let me know what else you'd like me to look into.

Hi boo - I'm local as well, and the drama in the DAs office has certainly been on my mind with regards to this case. I had to LOL when you wrote "pure t".... I think the humor in that is a "southern thang" as they say, and I laughed hard at the time, and still do on occasion! But, I digress...

I've often speculated that the hold-up with any movement in this case may in fact have nothing to do with lab results, etc., but instead may be all about alibis...and especially alibi versus TOD. Who knows. And boy, while I completely understand the thinking of you and NCBanker, with regards to the Hispanic soccer teams in the area, I really do hope the hold-up is not as simple as that - getting someone to talk (who may be an illegal alien, etc), re., an alibi. But, maybe so. Who knows. I can tell you this, if I were in that situation, and it was ME that had to establish my alibi - I don't care if I was playing soccer with Osama bin Laden that night, somehow, someway, I'd find Osama again, and if nothing else, get him to give a statement thru an attorney or something.. I mean if someone questions a person's involvement in the murder of their wife, then I would HOPE that person worked overtime to even help LE, if necessary, verfiy an alibi...if not, the cloud of suspicion remains, indefinitely... But again, that's me....
With Raven only being gone from the home for a couple of hours, TOD might end up being completely worthless. I really don't think that TOD is going to help anything unfortunately.
I'm wondering again if the hold-up could simply be trying to find anyone that might have been there that night. Booradley, do you know if the pick-up games at that field are well-organized - do they keep records of who shows up, etc., or is it just a bunch of folks getting together without the hassle of record-keeping, etc.?
booradley said:
There is a soccer field just up the road from where I live at St Mary's catholic school where there are pick-up soccer games every night and weekend! Going the back way from Raven's house, it is probably 10 - 15 minutes away at the most.
Boo - Is this the soccer field on the corner of St. Mary's Road and Pleasant Green (or maybe it's Schley on that side of of St. Mary's)? If so, you raise a really good point about that being a possibility.. I had never thought of that field before... but you're absolutely right, I bet it's not even 10 minutes from Ferrand! (ok, so I tend to drive a little on the fast side! LOL... but I checked on Yahoo maps, and the distance from that intersection at St. Mary's Road, to 2606 Ferrand, looks to be about 8 miles).

And as JG posted, I wonder what the deal is with that field...who plays, when, etc. I have been by there before on a weekend when soccer was being played, and as I recall the people playing were in uniforms, not that that matters really, but I guess it could be used for organized teams, p/u games, whatever...

Might be worth "digging into" a little, just to get a better sense of that field, who plays there, etc.

Anyone who plays in the area have any insights??
Yes, that is the field I am talking about at St Mary's and Pleasant Green I think. Did you see an article in the paper last week that talked about selling the school (St Mary's?) I thought I remember it saying that the soccer field could be used by rec and parks if county bought the school, implying that now it is just being used informally. SES I think you are right about the time it would take to get there being around 10 minutes or so from Raven's home. I think it is very possible that he might have been at that field rather than the one in carrboro mentioned by someone else, just because of the proximity and because having worked at Eurosports in Hillsborough, he probably knew people in immediate vicinity to play at St. Mary's. One last thought. I too have noticed folks wearing uniforms playing on Sunday mornings at St Mary's. Other times during the week when I go by, seems more informal ie. no uniforms. I will ride by this pm and see if anything is going on there. To answer your question Jersey Girl, yes I am an avid reader of all local papers, watch local news less frequently, I saw absolutely nothing about this in either paper (must have missed the intial report right after the murder) but have seen no follow up. Do you think LE is being so tight with this case because of what happened with Michael Peterson case, so much media, so much speculation? Just a thought.
booradley said:
Jersey Girl, yes I am an avid reader of all local papers, watch local news less frequently, I saw absolutely nothing about this in either paper (must have missed the intial report right after the murder) but have seen no follow up. Do you think LE is being so tight with this case because of what happened with Michael Peterson case, so much media, so much speculation? Just a thought.
I don't know the impact that the Peterson trial had on the town since I'm not local. But if you, as an avid news follower, haven't seen this story until now, it's obvious that LE hasn't been reaching out for any of the soccer players from that night to come forward. So it seems like they aren't necessarily hung up on that issue. So possibly either his alibi is verified (or at least they've spoken with the people he claims to have been with), or for some other reason they don't need to reach out to the public.

Of course, with the limits of narrowing TOD and the extremely close proximity of that field to the house, I'm not sure Raven's alibi would mean anything at all if he played at that field that night. In that case, I imagine that the hard evidence would be that much more critical.
JerseyGirl said:
I don't know the impact that the Peterson trial had on the town since I'm not local. But if you, as an avid news follower, haven't seen this story until now, it's obvious that LE hasn't been reaching out for any of the soccer players from that night to come forward. So it seems like they aren't necessarily hung up on that issue. So possibly either his alibi is verified (or at least they've spoken with the people he claims to have been with), or for some other reason they don't need to reach out to the public.

Of course, with the limits of narrowing TOD and the extremely close proximity of that field to the house, I'm not sure Raven's alibi would mean anything at all if he played at that field that night. In that case, I imagine that the hard evidence would be that much more critical.
I can understand LE being tightlipped because of the Peterson trial...what I don't understand is why the media is being tightlipped?

I am thinking that the alibi really doesn't matter much. I mean we have a window of less than four hours of Janet's murder. If he was playing soccer from 8:30 to 10:30 or 7:30 to 9:30 or not at all, I don't think it would clear him. Janet could have been killed prior to him leaving or after he got home or he didn't go at all. I agree with JG, TOD is only going to be able to be established within a couple of hours so maybe insignificant in this matter as evidence. I guess what could happen is that IF Raven told LE he was playing soccer and they found out he didn't or wasn't there the exact times he said he was, then he would be a liar (duh!) and why would he lie about where he was on the night his wife was murdered?
ewwwinteresting said:
I guess what could happen is that IF Raven told LE he was playing soccer and they found out he didn't or wasn't there the exact times he said he was, then he would be a liar (duh!) and why would he lie about where he was on the night his wife was murdered?
Good point. And even if one would lie about being at a soccer game, I imagine it would still take a while to determine that lie, and only after interviewing a number of people that really were at that location on that night.
ewwwinteresting said:
I can understand LE being tightlipped because of the Peterson trial...what I don't understand is why the media is being tightlipped?
If you think about it, what does the media really have to go on other than speculation? It doesn't look like any friends or family of the Abaroa's want to talk about anything pertaining to the case. And this is unfortunate because the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I think that if someone were to break the silence, even if LE asked them to pipe up, this case would probably have the media attention it needs. If someone was willing to talk about the affairs, more about the embezzlement charges, Raven's mental health, etc. this could light the fire and get LE to make some kind of statement.

BTW, welcome to the new members. Did someone ever give bluegirl some help?
Jenifred said:
If you think about it, what does the media really have to go on other than speculation? It doesn't look like any friends or family of the Abaroa's want to talk about anything pertaining to the case. And this is unfortunate because the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I think that if someone were to break the silence, even if LE asked them to pipe up, this case would probably have the media attention it needs. If someone was willing to talk about the affairs, more about the embezzlement charges, Raven's mental health, etc. this could light the fire and get LE to make some kind of statement.

BTW, welcome to the new members. Did someone ever give bluegirl some help?
Yes, except SES did a great post (albeit long :) ) on all kinds of stories the media could run in addition to doing their own reportive investigation. Even a story about LE making a statement about non random and then no followup would be a story. Now I do have to agree with you Jen, if anybody would talk, there would be much more interest in this case by the media.
booradley said:
Yes, that is the field I am talking about at St Mary's and Pleasant Green I think. Did you see an article in the paper last week that talked about selling the school (St Mary's?) I thought I remember it saying that the soccer field could be used by rec and parks if county bought the school, implying that now it is just being used informally. SES I think you are right about the time it would take to get there being around 10 minutes or so from Raven's home. I think it is very possible that he might have been at that field rather than the one in carrboro mentioned by someone else, just because of the proximity and because having worked at Eurosports in Hillsborough, he probably knew people in immediate vicinity to play at St. Mary's. One last thought. I too have noticed folks wearing uniforms playing on Sunday mornings at St Mary's. Other times during the week when I go by, seems more informal ie. no uniforms. I will ride by this pm and see if anything is going on there. To answer your question Jersey Girl, yes I am an avid reader of all local papers, watch local news less frequently, I saw absolutely nothing about this in either paper (must have missed the intial report right after the murder) but have seen no follow up. Do you think LE is being so tight with this case because of what happened with Michael Peterson case, so much media, so much speculation? Just a thought.

Boo - It just occurs to me, as I recall, that field doesn't have lights does it? And if Raven was playing a p/u game in April, in the evening (as he presumably didn't get home until late, as the 911 call is 10:58pm), then it was too early in the year for it be daylight then.... I may be totally wrong, but for the life of me, in my head, I can't picture lights at that field.
JerseyGirl said:
Good point. And even if one would lie about being at a soccer game, I imagine it would still take a while to determine that lie, and only after interviewing a number of people that really were at that location on that night.
...this may or may not make sense to anyone but myself but....

...i saw something a couple of years ago...........( maybe 'cold case files.......maybe law & order, of 'those' programs..)

...anyway, the POI had said he was at an outdoor concert( or something like that....small , concert-in-the-park thing..)).................the POI says,"sorry, i was there alone.............lots of people, i didn't know any of them.....blah blah..."

...LE took every pair of shoes the guy owned, then took 'soil samples' from the place where the concert was.................voila', they couldn't place any of his shoes at the 'concert'...........and they cracked his alibi........

...yes..i know............that was a

...but, didn't LE take a lot of raven's shoes ?

...could raven have said........."yes, i played in an impromptu pick up soccer game...............sorry, can't name any of the others.....blah blah......."
...LE then says..........."ok, give us all of your shoes, and WE'LL place you at that game/that soccer field...........or not.".(.based on soil, samples ? )

...or maybe i'm just grasping at straws..........
lauriej said:
...could raven have said........."yes, i played in an impromptu pick up soccer game...............sorry, can't name any of the others.....blah blah......."
...LE then says..........."ok, give us all of your shoes, and WE'LL place you at that game/that soccer field...........or not.".(.based on soil, samples ? )
...or maybe i'm just grasping at straws..........
This was my initial reaction when I heard they took soil samples from the Durango--that they were trying to put Raven at the soccer field that night. But the shoes make more sense.
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