General Theories and Motives Rehashed #1

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Mar 6, 2009
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Sheriff Hardy although he wouldn't name them said he had "several" POI's.

Theories tend to change or evolve when bits of information is released. Rehash your theories and motives here. :) Have fun.
This is the new thread....the other one is locked.
Do anyone think maybe ,The gun went off & hit Haleigh by accident and they all got worrid what to do
This is the thories thread guys. Just a fresh one.

If your theory is the same and you want to start new discussions about it, post it and rehash it with other posters. Sometimes when a thread gets long some of the earlier theories get buried. Has anything we learned recently changed your mind even if it is a minor point. :)

For example when Ronald's attorney came out swinging with his two statements last week it reinforced my feeling that Ron is somehow involved.

I don't have a full theory. I have ideas about who may be involved. I believe Ron and Misty are involved. But one of the things that bothered me is that Ronald claims Haleigh was afraid of the dark she would never go outside. I don't believe it. I have a grandson who is afraid of the dark but one night when my daughter was walking the dog about 11pm in the front yard, he woke, found the door open and did go out in the dark yelling for her. So if Misty wasn't home and had to leave that door open because she didn't have a key, I still hold the thought that Haleigh may have gone outside.

Lots of things bother me that don't add up. I know many people feel that Tommy is involved and have believed that for a long time. I'm just barely getting to a point of belieivng that he helped his sister in disposing of Haleigh . Perhaps that is why he was self-medicating. I just don't believe or feel he would hurt Haleigh.

I also wonder at times have a hard time even remotely considering that Ron would cover for Misty. I think there are other people he would be loyal to, and others he may fear.

I believe Ron and Misty are both very much into what happened. I just don't know what that is. Maybe my mind will never wrap itself around the caregivers of a child hurting that child.

I have to say what set my mind to Ronald and Misty being involved was the day of that big event. Under the tent I can't remember what it is for but all of the investigators were there and standing under the awning and Crystal stood up and tried to talk and could barely get anything out except sobs. Sheriff Harding having a difficult time composing himself he looked like he was going to cry. Yet when Ronald spoke Harding was staring straight into the back of Ron's head. Resolute is the way I read that. A picture is worth a million words. I can't let that picture go.

Anyway some of you are far better at theory than me. 14 months later I still have all parts and pieces flying around in my brain. A rather sad puzzle, missing lots of pieces.
I'm not sure, but something tells me we will be in shock when in all comes out...there's just to many twists and turns.... WAY to many..... I'm done guessing...
Perhaps it would be helpful for us to test our theories with LE statements?

(Maybe there should be a separate thread just for LE statements - if so, I'll acquiesce to the Mods' judgement. I just thought it would be handy if a list of LE statements were embedded in the theory thread, though.)

I'm at werk myself, but I can quickly throw out a few things LE's stated, just for example. (These are not verbatim - I'd need time to look up the direct quotes from LE.) We'd only want to look at LE statements since the drug bust, IMO - where LE had greatly narrowed focus back to folks that Ron and/or Misty know.

LE (after the drug bust) commented that the people responsible and/or with information about the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings were now in jail.

LE said that this was not a stranger abduction, and the person responsible was someone known personally to Misty Croslin and/or Ron Cummings.

LE had said there's more than one POI. They have said this may include POIs who are not in jail currently.

LE said Haleigh is dead, and they are comfortable calling this crime a homicide.

LE has said Haleigh may have died at the area of the search.
(This statement I took in reverse, to mean, LE does not think she died in the Mobile Home.
I could be wrong about that...but perhaps that is what evidence & dogs have told them...)

LE has said they do not believe that Misty was home at the MH all night as she claims to have been.

LE has said Misty is STILL they key.

LE has said Misty is more calm and knows she is in big trouble.

LE has said Tommy's interview led them to bring Tommy to the river search site.

LE has confirmed bringing Misty to the river search site.

LE has said they found & retrieved cinder blocks in the river at the search site.


This just an idea relative to thinking through theories, so please correct or add detail to my thoughts above as you see fit...
My new theory is that LE is in the process of solving Haleigh's murder and trying to bring down a drug ring because the two are closely tied together. It could explain why LE is playing this so close to the vest in terms of information. There are people involved in Haleigh's murder that are still on the outside, and they don't want to tip them off.
For the most part my theory hasn't changed...

Haleigh got caught up in an altercation between Ron C and Misty or Ron C and someone else.. Haleigh was accidentally shot..The incident occurred before Ron C went in to work.

I do have new thoughts as to where the incident may have occurred.. At one time I thought it took place enroute to Timmy's house in Crescent City or at his house, I now believe the incident occurred at Misty's parent's house on Magnolia, or close to Shell Harbor area...
I do not believe Tommy was present or at the scene when the incident occurred..Not quite sure as to whether or not cousin Jo was on the scene, but when he stated.."I didn't do it", I believe him...JMO
For the most part my theory hasn't changed...

Haleigh got caught up in an altercation between Ron C and Misty or Ron C and someone else.. Haleigh was accidentally shot..The incident occurred before Ron C went in to work.

I do have new thoughts as to where the incident may have occurred.. At one time I thought it took place enroute to Timmy's house in Crescent City or at his house, I now believe the incident occurred at Misty's parent's house on Magnolia, or close to Shell Harbor area...
I do not believe Tommy was present or at the scene when the incident occurred..Not quite sure as to whether or not cousin Jo was on the scene, but when he stated.."I didn't do it", I believe him...JMO

Hmmmmm...When's Lisa next due in court? I ask because of Em's theory here, and how Lisa and her knowledge could tie into it. Lisa is not allowed to leave the area, and LE has found reasons to jail both Lisa and Tommy ever since Haleigh disappeared. Could Lisa have knowledge if she came home from Hank Sr.'s hospital bed to a clean up party? :waitasec:
Thanks Gran! :blowkiss: My theories keep changing. I'm not usually "wishy-washy" but with this case, it's unavoidable, IMO!

Here's my theory that I posted last night:

I've changed my theory from Misty trading Haleigh for drugs. I lost my audience on that theory a few months ago!

However, I still believe that Misty resented Haleigh. Haleigh was Ron's heart, they say. And she was either still high or crashing from a three day drug binge and I believe it when they say she didn't want to babysit. I think she was reckless in caring for Haleigh. Because of this lack of caring for Haleigh, Haleigh died. I don't know if they were messing with her, giving her drugs to make her sleep, if Misty got mad at her because she was going to "tell her daddy" or what - but she died in the process. :(

Then Ron came home. The 911 call was made. I don't know if Misty told him what happened just prior to the call or if she told him later, but I believe at some point Ron was told what happened to Haleigh. Why he kept this a secret? I'm not sure but it certainly has to do with Ron's # one priority - drugs. That is what all of these people in this case revolve around - drugs. And just like any addict, they would go to great lengths to protect their drug lifestyle, even if that meant "dealing with Haleigh's death" themselves. They don't trust the cops. The 911 call was probably their biggest mistake in their eyes.

It could be because of the drugs, but if not, I think Ron's first interview with him crying looks fake. The minute I saw that video I said "Oh, this family is involved". Then Misty's first interview came out where she is pushing out those tears. Oh my gosh, now we all know what she REALLY sounds like when she's upset!!! The interviews of Ron with Misty are so telling. She is looking to him for affirmation to make sure he approves of her answers.

Thanks for reading my long late night post. I still am on the fence about this whole case. This is just my number one theory for now.
I have always believed that Misty is the main character in this charade. That being said, since she has been in jail and seeing how miserable she is in jail, I am almost positive that she is the one who hurt little Hayleigh. Think of it this way: We know they have offered her a deal if she will tell what happened. IF she hasn't talked, it can
only be that she is guilty and knows that she is headed for prison. If anyone else had been responsible for Hayleigh's death, Misty would have aleady thrown them under the bus. ANYONE. She will not risk going to prison if she is not the one who "done the deed" MOO, but this is the opinion that will not leave my brain. Still up in the air as to whether or not Ronald is involved or even knows what happened. Only time will tell (hopefully).

I do not believe that Joe hurt Hayleigh. He may have, but the simple fact is that he was way to easy for M & To/C to blame. I also don't think that Tommy hurt her, but he probably did help Misty after the fact.
My theory is a lot like Kimster's. I believe that Misty was ultimately responsible for HaLeighs death, through accidental OD, neglect, maybe she did intentionally hurt her (she has a wicked and revengeful temper). I think Tommy helped in clean up...and the van was involved. I dont think Joe had any involvement, or it was very small. I think that maybe he really knows nothing since after all the fingerpointing, he didnt do any himself...that tells me he doesnt know. I think its possible HaLeigh died because she may have witnessed something. I dont think RC hurt HaLeigh in anyway, other than leaving her with Misty and co. I have, however changed my mind about RC not knowing anything, I think he does know, but is protecting himself in some way because it impliclates him in something (another murder, or crime of somesort involving drugs).

Sadly, I dont think HaLeighs body will ever be found. And unless there is a confession, I dont think we will ever know what really happened to that precious angel.
We know Misty did not want to babysit
We know Ron's attorney states he absolutely was at work by 4:15
We know there was a conversation between Misty and TN, with TN offering to pay Misty to sit with the kids
We know that at some point, Misty decided to do so

In my mind, we have to stop saying RON left the kids with Misty and say that TN did. And then ask: Why.
My theory is rape/murder by JO which was not stopped by his cousins, because of too much drug use and friction with RC. I think there will be charges on 3 cousins, and MC will be tried as an adult, but not serve a long sentence because of her age during the crime and later cooperation.
Does anyone remember when this first happened there was the "rumor" that someone had heard Ron and Misty on the phone that night, it was someone from Ron's work that said Ron as said to Misty "just spank her", or something of that nature?

I'm going to go take a look for that>

If that is true then it makes sense that Misty got fed up with Haleigh and hit her, beat her and Ron told her it was okay. She was coming off of a 3 day binge, loud bratty kids, (no, I'm not saying that was the case), patients were thin she took it too far, Jr was already asleep I think and the bouncing was someone giving her CPR, I don't think the drugs played the deciding part in this Misty did, the drugs were just along for the ride. So far I think that is my theory, Misty is the baby of that family and it seems like there sure are a lot of boys, is she the only girl? Anyway, blood is thicker then water and since JO and RC already got into an argument who cares if he gets blamed, there's no proof so he can never be charged.

I'm all about keeping it simple today, we really give this bunch a whole lot more credit then they deserve.
I think this case starts with a gun (Rons gun) and perhaps a murder of a different "dope boy" by Ron.

The "dope boy's" family then goes after Ron and that is the reason for the million of "gun" stories from the 3 of them.

I am looking at this case as a Croslin/Cummings/Sykes/Neves VS. another dope family.. so here is one of my ideas...

Croslin/Cummings/Sykes/Neves gang was first to shoot (with the gun everyone is so busy lying about and CLEANING)...The "other" gang stole HaLeigh and killed her for revenge.

The reason the Croslin/Cummings/Sykes/Neves gang is not spilling the beans is that they are afraid for thier lives from the "other" gang.

Reason they all are deceptive on the lie dectectors are that YES they are lying, YES they do know, but did they KILL HaLeigh.. NO .. the "other" gang did.

I check the astrologers site and their charts are showing that an older perv that the family knows or is involved with the family is the one that harmed her...if you follow some cases that they chart you will find 95% of the time they are right... HaLeighs brother said a black man wearing black took his sissy.. Isn't Nay Nays husband/boyfried "older and black"?

Sometimes it looks like they are pointing fingers at eachother, but, I am starting to think they are not pointing fingers at eachother, they are protecting eachother... they are one..
Think of Ron pretending to care if the gun was found on Tommy's property..
Granny Sky.. saying "she got a call" almost as if protecting granny H.. but then granny H just spits out... "I called you" ...

I am rambling, I just have to stop:p
In the beginning I thought it was only Misty who did something, then changed my mind after hearing Tommy talking on the jail calls. It was obvious he knew something. After the latest info about Misty saying she grabbed Jr. and covered their head I'm now back to Misty being responsible and Tommy plus perhaps Joe helping afterwards. As I posted on the other thread, Misty seems to have to keep her story to where it will match what Jr. saw and heard. He's more of a witness than anyone realized. Going by the whole story, especially Jr.'s statement to his mom it seems to me:
Misty mad at Ron. Two black men visited Misty and the couch was bouncing.
Something happened to Haleigh
Misty called Tommy who then maybe went and got Joe
Joe and/or Tommy demanded the gun in return for help, Misty couldn't find it
The man helped anyway, but threatened Misty to never tell
Jr. saw a man dressed all in black come in to(prepared) take Haleigh
The other man waited in the trailer doorway, Misty saw him, Jr. didn't
Haleigh may have been crying out from a head or other injury
Jr. covered his head and Misty might have been with him or in the other room
Others may have come in to help with the blanket and clean up situation after Haleigh was taken. There may be only one man who came to take Haleigh because Jr. says A man, singular, took Haleigh.
Whoever took Haleigh may have told a false location in fear of Misty squealing.
I don't think Ronald was directly involved. I do however, believe that Misty, Tommy, and Joe were and maybe even Timmy was in on it somehow. I don't really have a theory of how and why though. Just to make it clear, I do believe that Ronald was involved indirectly. As a parent, you have to make some kind of judgement call about your kids everyday. Ronald knew what Misty had been doing for the 3 days before Haleigh went missing and obviously he didn't make the right call by leaving his children with her. I think he too should have some sort of punishment by the law because of this stupidity that led to his daughter's murder. This is just my opinion.

Off topic: Is there anyway that someone could please send me a message on how I can add a picture to my profile and add a signature. Thanks in advance!

ETA: Thank you Kimster for sending me the message on how to do that! I appreciate it!
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