General Theories and Motives Rehashed #1

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but right under it, Ron eays he found Misty up...I do remember this version making the rounds.
The way this article reads, there was a woman asleep who was woken by Ron and a babysitter/girlfriend already up. Is this just a quickly thrown together article, not well-researched or does it mean that in the very beginning there was a belief that another woman was there? If so, who stated that a woman was asleep and who stated that Misty was already up?

The more I read here, the more I believe that Haleigh was harmed BEFORE Ron went to work. I don't think she was dead when Ron left for work but I do believe that at this point she had been injured. I think that when TN was thrown in the mix she convinced Ron that he must go and stay at work as long as possible.

Ron was spotted at the bus stop that afternoon in the purple altima. The neighbor said that he saw the purple altima parked out in front of the mh that EVENING. So I would assume that sometime that evening Ron was still there. If we have TN calling GMSykes that evening to check on the kids-and GMS got there between 7-8pm. That would mean that TN had to call her before that-maybe around 6:30. If Ron was the one who called his mother (why else would TN feel the need to have the children checked on-if she hadn't received a call saying that something was terribly wrong at the mh)- he had to have called her before 6:30p-maybe around 6pm. Remember, TN:waitasec: said that Ron tried calling GMS but she didn't answer? They made it seem like that happened after the 911 call. But what if this really did happen but not after the 911 call? I always questioned why Ron would call TN (if she was so far away) but his Granny lived closer. He probably did try to call GMS first and when she didn't answer his call, he called his mother-TN despite her distance, KWIM? TN got in touch with GMS around 6:30p and sent her over there BUT TN was definitely on her way.

I think that something was definitely going down at that mh around 5-8p. I know LE said that they were "satisfied" with Ron's work hours...But they didn't clear him-so what does that tell you? I know it was said that there was no way he could leave work...IMO, He didn't want to leave. He needed to make sure he had an alibi so it was safer for him to stay there as long as he could. I think the coverup/cleanup was left to his family.
I think that on that 8:30 call between him and Misty, Ron found out that Haleigh had passed away from her injuries (from Ron)-and that is what the argument was about.
IMO, Ron's involvement starts much earlier in that evening but because Haleigh didn't die on his watch-his alibi is "I was at work". Because the coverup/cleanup was done while he was away from the mh-his alibi is "I was at work". But I think the phone records showed police that those flurry of calls started before Ron got to work.

I think Ron played off the fact that Haleigh DIED after he got to work. Therefore, he felt like because he wasn't there for that part of it-that he had nothing to do with it. Not wanting to believe that whatever he had done to her led to her death.

Hi, Suspicious1,

Bolded in your post and copied here:

"I know LE said that they were "satisfied" with Ron's work hours..." (suspicious1)

It was also stated, I believe by Officer Shauland on one of the shows, that they were "satisfied" with some hours of Ron's (which hours?) "HOWEVER" LE did not know WHAT crime had been committed against HALeigh and LE DID NOT KNOW WHEN THE CRIME TOOK PLACE. Quite clear in his vagueness that Ronald Cummings was in their sights. Then and NOW.

Hello all WS's...I have been "lurking" on this site for some time and reading much helpful ideas, comments, opinions, theories, motives, etc. of this horrible crime of this beautiful little child. This is my very first post....

It seems to me.....Haleigh's body was NOT put into the water at the boat dock, but buried somewhere else...BUT other evidence could have been thrown in there and was found by LE..The reason I am swayed by this, if any of the Grand mas are involved with the cover up, I don't see a Grand mother saying..Lets put her in with alligators...Also, IF she WAS put in the water and Alligators consumed her...there would be some bones/hair/SOMETHING of her.. washed up on shore and visible to fishermen, campers, etc who frequented the area..I am strongly swayed that Haleigh was buried somewhere by the Cummings family. I also believe Ron's tattoo of Haleigh was a "memory" to her..
and he knew she was dead...This case has me "racking my brain" with all the twists and turns it has taken in all these months...The LE knows the whole story, I feel...

This is all just my own opinion..and just my own thoughts..

BTW..what is the link to the basement??? thanks so much!!!
When you posted that yesterday, I had no idea what you were talking about. However when Aksleuth posted this:

I went to the transcripts and saw what you were referring to. I then went to Patty G's videos and found this:

As you said, NG and TN are bringing up the laundry on the floor bit, DESPITE LE saying, in more than one interview, that the door was only slightly ajar. NO ONE with LE said anything about the door being WIDE OPEN like RC and MC, although all referenced the cinderblock.

I believe the "laundry on the floor" angle is simply an added storyline made necessary by the fact of the self closing door not being considered in their original version.

This is bolstered by the fact that when the alleged abductor came in through the inner door, his act of opening the door inward would have swept the clothes out of the way of the door's closing action. You can't have it both ways.

Detective Gary Bowling stated: (4:37 minute mark) - No, we have had a lot of questions about the forced entry into the residence. The back door was ajar. There is a screen door and a back door, the screen door was propped open and the back door was blowing in the breeze so to speak. The natural position of the back door is to fall to about 6” closed and that’s how the door was found. So. we don’t know if the door was locked, you know we’ve had, it is difficult you know, the girlfriend it’s quite a traumatic event, so we’re trying to understand as best we can if the door was locked or unlocked but the one thing is for sure is the door wasn’t kicked open, forced open, pried open, it was very open.
Looks more like sloppy journalism to me. Just noticed the second version contained a few lines below. Easily done on the day after an event takes place. Stories get confused.

It was LE that gave the incorrect version and RC gave the 'official' story to the reporter. But the Greenwood version does not compliment the police report which would have been taken on the night. It looks like Greenwood maybe gave the incorrect quote.

ANOTHER mistatement?? UnFreaken Believable!!

FGS, He is the Spokesman for the Sheriff's Office...tell me this isn't so. He also said the first call came in at 2:13. Come on!

....okay, just beem me up, Scotty:beamup:
Hello all WS's...I have been "lurking" on this site for some time and reading much helpful ideas, comments, opinions, theories, motives, etc. of this horrible crime of this beautiful little child. This is my very first post....

It seems to me.....Haleigh's body was NOT put into the water at the boat dock, but buried somewhere else...BUT other evidence could have been thrown in there and was found by LE..The reason I am swayed by this, if any of the Grand mas are involved with the cover up, I don't see a Grand mother saying..Lets put her in with alligators...Also, IF she WAS put in the water and Alligators consumed her...there would be some bones/hair/SOMETHING of her.. washed up on shore and visible to fishermen, campers, etc who frequented the area..I am strongly swayed that Haleigh was buried somewhere by the Cummings family. I also believe Ron's tattoo of Haleigh was a "memory" to her..
and he knew she was dead...This case has me "racking my brain" with all the twists and turns it has taken in all these months...The LE knows the whole story, I feel...

This is all just my own opinion..and just my own thoughts..

BTW..what is the link to the basement??? thanks so much!!!


Glad to have you here justus4all!
Hi, Suspicious1,

Bolded in your post and copied here:

"I know LE said that they were "satisfied" with Ron's work hours..." (suspicious1)

It was also stated, I believe by Officer Shauland on one of the shows, that they were "satisfied" with some hours of Ron's (which hours?) "HOWEVER" LE did not know WHAT crime had been committed against HALeigh and LE DID NOT KNOW WHEN THE CRIME TOOK PLACE. Quite clear in his vagueness that Ronald Cummings was in their sights. Then and NOW.


That was long ago. They have had more than ample time to narrow the time line down by now.

Yes, LE said they were "satisfied" with Ron's alibi and imo they are also satisfied with the people who gave statements to LE who saw Haleigh after Ron went to work.

Definition of "satisfy or satisfied"

What does satisfied mean? we found 6 entries for the meaning of satisfied

Satisfy \Sat"is*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Satisfied; p. pr. & vb. n. Satisfying.]

[OF. satisfier; L. satis enough + -ficare (in comp.) to make; cf. F. satisfaire, L. satisfacere. See Sad, a., and Fact.]

1. In general, to fill up the measure of a want of (a person or a thing); hence, to grafity fully the desire of; to make content; to supply to the full, or so far as to give contentment with what is wished for. [1913 Webster]

2. To pay to the extent of claims or deserts; to give what is due to; as, to satisfy a creditor. [1913 Webster]

3. To answer or discharge, as a claim, debt, legal demand, or the like; to give compensation for; to pay off; to requite; as, to satisfy a claim or an execution. [1913 Webster]

4. To free from doubt, suspense, or uncertainty; to give assurance to; to set at rest the mind of; to convince; as, to satisfy one's self by inquiry. [1913 Webster]

5. The standing evidences of the truth of the gospel are in themselves most firm, solid, and satisfying. --Atterbury. [1913 Webster]

So LE is "satisfied" with Ron's alibi and Haliegh was seen later in the day after he had gone to work and she was very much alive when picked up from school before then.

Wow, I'm shocked he only got 4 years! I would think that anything one does to assist somebody in covering up/concealing a murder - most especially helping to get rid of the body - would warrant more time than that. What a darn shame. JMHO ~
& all of that county time is counted towards prison time. He's probably already out. but I honestly think Tommy's gonna do more than 4 years.
No kidding. The cell phone records would've made this case much easier to solve. Whatever records they have must be incomplete.

In regars to cell phone records... Are there any Techy's that can answer me this?

mods please move this if I am off topic...

I'm not pointing fingers but several of these folks are in jail on drug charges. I believe a lot of "dealers" (what ever the term is) do use disposable phones/or pay as you go phones that can be reloaded. The money coming in is not on a regular basis like a paycheck at a job would be, so being tied into a cell phone contract probably would not be feasable for them.

Are disposable cell phones able to be traced? Are they registered to the person that bought them with a #? (can LE get forensic records if/when they discover one has been used?) I have never used one.

Another problem with regular cell phones and pings and trying to place a certain person at a certain location IMHO is

a: if the cell is left at home/or anywhere else it doesn't mean the owner isn't moving/traveling at the time. (I forget my cell too often or forget to turn it on until I need it but I am all over the place.)
b: can it be 100% proven that the person using the cell is the owner and not a family member or friend? (I loan my cell to my kids when for what ever reason if theirs aren't working)- Just because my cell is pinging does not mean I left my house. Only that my cell did but not with me.
c: if it's shut off ie: not in service does it still ping? (say I shut it off at the movie theater at 8:00pm and don't turn it back on until 8:00am the next morning) is there any way to track where I was from 8:00 pm until 8 :00 am? or only that at 8pm I was pinging in the area of a movie theater and at 8am I pinged near my home.

It sure sounded like in the 911 call Ron had at least two cell phones. and OT KC stated she had more than one... (and probably did)

I know I have learned one thing I will never loan my cell to anyone I think would ever be capable of commiting a crime cause I'd be scared I'd end up being the POI!

ok my brain is numb now:banghead:
There are my thoughts on ...The LE were SATISFIED...

It could mean...the LE were SATISFIED..with (Ron's alibi, hours worked, Haleigh seen, )........with.the information the LE KNEW to be TRUE and ACCOUNTED for...about his hours

Meaning...IMO....NOT so much with what Ron was saying...BUT the LE were SATISFIED with THEIR OWN CONCLUSION with their OWN findings, information and facts about his hours worked..

It does sound like they are saying they were satified with his hours worked, COULD BE POSSIBLE..that it not what they REALLY are meaning..

I am only stating my opinion, and I am NOT rejecting any other's opinion...

Their statement (the LE) has always bothered me) anyway.... JMO
In regars to cell phone records... Are there any Techy's that can answer me this?

mods please move this if I am off topic...

I'm not pointing fingers but several of these folks are in jail on drug charges. I believe a lot of "dealers" (what ever the term is) do use disposable phones/or pay as you go phones that can be reloaded. The money coming in is not on a regular basis like a paycheck at a job would be, so being tied into a cell phone contract probably would not be feasable for them.

Are disposable cell phones able to be traced? Are they registered to the person that bought them with a #? (can LE get forensic records if/when they discover one has been used?) I have never used one.

Another problem with regular cell phones and pings and trying to place a certain person at a certain location IMHO is

a: if the cell is left at home/or anywhere else it doesn't mean the owner isn't moving/traveling at the time. (I forget my cell too often or forget to turn it on until I need it but I am all over the place.)
b: can it be 100% proven that the person using the cell is the owner and not a family member or friend? (I loan my cell to my kids when for what ever reason if theirs aren't working)- Just because my cell is pinging does not mean I left my house. Only that my cell did but not with me.
c: if it's shut off ie: not in service does it still ping? (say I shut it off at the movie theater at 8:00pm and don't turn it back on until 8:00am the next morning) is there any way to track where I was from 8:00 pm until 8 :00 am? or only that at 8pm I was pinging in the area of a movie theater and at 8am I pinged near my home.

It sure sounded like in the 911 call Ron had at least two cell phones. and OT KC stated she had more than one... (and probably did)

I know I have learned one thing I will never loan my cell to anyone I think would ever be capable of commiting a crime cause I'd be scared I'd end up being the POI!

ok my brain is numb now:banghead:

Does anyone know how many towers are in that area? Most of the players were in a pretty close area and probably would be pinging off the same tower anyway. Ron may have been pinging on a different one and perhaps his mother off of another at some point. I wonder where we would find the tower information?
Very early on I said what I still think about the work hours. LE was satisfied with his work hours (normal work hours--meaning the shift times). As far as what RC told LE, we honestly don't know. Maybe he told them he got sent home from work the Friday before for threatening someone or being drunk. Maybe he had to go in to talk to his supervisor on Monday. Maybe LE knew that and verified that's what happened. And maybe he told them he was somewhere else after he talked to his supervisor and they have witnesses to verify that. All of those things might make them say they are satisfied with his whereabouts too. And the comment that he could not have left work on Monday--well he couldn't leave if he wasn't there. And if he's on film as being there--maybe that's for his disciplinary action. There are many ways to construe the meaning of what they are satisfied with. I can't help but stick to my feeling that he wasn't working Monday. I will admit that a lot of it is because of info from locals, but I have no real proof.
In regars to cell phone records... Are there any Techy's that can answer me this?

mods please move this if I am off topic...

I'm not pointing fingers but several of these folks are in jail on drug charges. I believe a lot of "dealers" (what ever the term is) do use disposable phones/or pay as you go phones that can be reloaded. The money coming in is not on a regular basis like a paycheck at a job would be, so being tied into a cell phone contract probably would not be feasable for them.

Are disposable cell phones able to be traced? Are they registered to the person that bought them with a #? (can LE get forensic records if/when they discover one has been used?) I have never used one.

Another problem with regular cell phones and pings and trying to place a certain person at a certain location IMHO is

a: if the cell is left at home/or anywhere else it doesn't mean the owner isn't moving/traveling at the time. (I forget my cell too often or forget to turn it on until I need it but I am all over the place.)
b: can it be 100% proven that the person using the cell is the owner and not a family member or friend? (I loan my cell to my kids when for what ever reason if theirs aren't working)- Just because my cell is pinging does not mean I left my house. Only that my cell did but not with me.
c: if it's shut off ie: not in service does it still ping? (say I shut it off at the movie theater at 8:00pm and don't turn it back on until 8:00am the next morning) is there any way to track where I was from 8:00 pm until 8 :00 am? or only that at 8pm I was pinging in the area of a movie theater and at 8am I pinged near my home.

It sure sounded like in the 911 call Ron had at least two cell phones. and OT KC stated she had more than one... (and probably did)

I know I have learned one thing I will never loan my cell to anyone I think would ever be capable of commiting a crime cause I'd be scared I'd end up being the POI!

ok my brain is numb now:banghead:
A cell phone will ping to a tower even when not in use. The only way to ensure that it doesn't is to remove the battery. Tower pings do not pinpoint a location, but they narrow it down to the proximity of the tower. Some newer phones have GPS, however, which can pinpoint an exact location.

The owner of a pay to go phones like the Trac-fone is difficult to trace because the buyer does not have to provide identification. It's not impossible though. FBI located the Times Square bomber through his disposable phone.
Identifying an anonymous owner and forensic examination of the phone's historic records are two different things, though. With disposable phones, I'm honestly not sure if those records are accessibly or how long they are retained.

You're certainly correct that just because a phone pings to a certain tower does not prove that the owner was with his phone. The importance of a ping history is that it shows movement. In this case, the records of the various players' cell phones have the potential to show their locations or approximate locations which could be matched against their stories. Even if they were all clever enough to remove their batteries as they moved about after the fact, they wouldn't have thought to do that beforehand. So, at the very least, their cell phone records would provide information about their whereabouts leading up to the event.
Very early on I said what I still think about the work hours. LE was satisfied with his work hours (normal work hours--meaning the shift times). As far as what RC told LE, we honestly don't know. Maybe he told them he got sent home from work the Friday before for threatening someone or being drunk. Maybe he had to go in to talk to his supervisor on Monday. Maybe LE knew that and verified that's what happened. And maybe he told them he was somewhere else after he talked to his supervisor and they have witnesses to verify that. All of those things might make them say they are satisfied with his whereabouts too. And the comment that he could not have left work on Monday--well he couldn't leave if he wasn't there. And if he's on film as being there--maybe that's for his disciplinary action. There are many ways to construe the meaning of what they are satisfied with. I can't help but stick to my feeling that he wasn't working Monday. I will admit that a lot of it is because of info from locals, but I have no real proof.

That seems to be local gossip.

When Cummings was with Crystal Sheffield, 24, his now ex-girlfriend, she became pregnant with Haleigh. To support the baby, Cummings said he left ITT Tech, where he had been studying for months and was pursuing a computer technology degree.

His career since, he said, has been in construction. Work became harder to get once Haleigh disappeared and the economy worsened, he said.

Cummings said having steady work and being a good provider later helped him win custody of his children when he and Sheffield vied for Haleigh and Ronald Jr.

Today, with his father in jail, toddler Ronald Jr. is living with Sheffield.

The night Haleigh vanished, Cummings was working a late shift at PDM Bridge in Palatka. Video camera footage from PDM Bridge confirms he was at work that night.
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