General theory thread and motives rehashed #2

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I've been wondering how Ron's arrest background plays into this case. Obviously, if he'd been made to serve time, he wouldn't have had custody, & none of this would've happened. But I was wondering about something else. When cops go to the trouble to arrest someone, (especially, for serious drug charges), how do those cops feel, when that perp walks away from trouble, time & time again? Do they keep arresting him, hoping something eventually sticks, or do they leave him alone, wondering, 'what's the point?' Do cops get offended when their work is time & time again, deemed, 'unworthy'? Because I've been wondering... if Ron was some kind of informant, how it came to be...
Here is an interesting clue I just uncovered which proves Ron is involved in his daughter's disappearance and he purposely left Junior at home with Misty Monday afternoon to hide what he was doing to his sister from him …..

Ron Cummings had complete control of his daughter Monday, Feb 9/2009 so there is no way he allowed her to “get stolen” from him, that’s a crock. Ron drove his daughter to school and waited in his car with his son while Misty walked HaLeigh into the school. I heard Ron worked outdoors Monday afternoon for his Aunt but according to Misty, Ron stayed home until it was time to pick up his daughter at the bus stop (around 3 pm). Although Misty’s nephew gets off the same bus and lives close by, on this particular day Ron picked up his daughter only. Misty claimed she stayed at the trailer when Ron left to go to the bus stop because Ronnie Jr was taking a nap, HOWEVER, I think Ron wanted Junior at home so he could hide what he wanted to do with HaLeigh in the car from him. Maybe Ron wanted to explain something to her or give her drugs. Ron purposely left Junior at home with Misty and to make matters worse, Ron told us his daughter was expecting to see him that night after he returned from work!!!!

WBG said Misty told him she planned to visit her father out of town on Monday and Misty told the polygrapher she was with Ronald and his children all day. IMO, Ron was either planning an abduction with Misty’s brothers & cousin Jo or he he pulled this off all by himself and he was outdoors digging a hole in the woods somewhere and that's why he left for work 45 minutes early that day. Terry Shoemaker confirmed Ron did leave 45 minutes early for work so it appears Ronald had an ulterior motive.

I wonder if Joe came to Satsuma to help Ron with a personal matter. Joe PLANNED to have everything wrapped up by a certain day so I suspect Joe didn’t come just to visit relatives.

<snipped> Ron Cummings was charged with drug possession in 2002 and 2004, both times after drugs were found with him in cars&#8221;.
Here is an interesting clue I just uncovered which proves Ron is involved in his daughter's disappearance and he purposely left Junior at home with Misty Monday afternoon to hide what he was doing to his sister from him …..

Ron Cummings had complete control of his daughter Monday, Feb 9/2009 so there is no way he allowed her to “get stolen” from him, that’s a crock. Ron drove his daughter to school and waited in his car with his son while Misty walked HaLeigh into the school. I heard Ron worked outdoors Monday afternoon for his Aunt but according to Misty, Ron stayed home until it was time to pick up his daughter at the bus stop (around 3 pm). Although Misty’s nephew gets off the same bus and lives close by, on this particular day Ron picked up his daughter only. Misty claimed she stayed at the trailer when Ron left to go to the bus stop because Ronnie Jr was taking a nap, HOWEVER, I think Ron wanted Junior at home so he could hide what he wanted to do with HaLeigh in the car from him. Maybe Ron wanted to explain something to her or give her drugs. Ron purposely left Junior at home with Misty and to make matters worse, Ron told us his daughter was expecting to see him that night after he returned from work!!!!

WBG said Misty told him she planned to visit her father out of town on Monday and Misty told the polygrapher she was with Ronald and his children all day. IMO, Ron was either planning an abduction with Misty’s brothers & cousin Jo or he he pulled this off all by himself and he was outdoors digging a hole in the woods somewhere and that's why he left for work 45 minutes early that day. Terry Shoemaker confirmed Ron did leave 45 minutes early for work so it appears Ronald had an ulterior motive.

I wonder if Joe came to Satsuma to help Ron with a personal matter. Joe PLANNED to have everything wrapped up by a certain day so I suspect Joe didn’t come just to visit relatives.

<snipped> Ron Cummings was charged with drug possession in 2002 and 2004, both times after drugs were found with him in cars”.
I just reread that article, & noticed this quote...'His most serious arrests, started after high school'. so, was that the reporter's way of letting us know that Ron had a juvenile record? & I noticed again, that Misty's parents don't take much credit for her upbringing. couldn't her mother have waited & made sure that she got on the bus? geesh...I'm mad at her parents, all over again.
I used to think that the LE was the one holding their cards close to their vest....
Now, I'm begining to think Ronald Cummings holds the better hand...
I think the LE handling the case is corrupt...
The local LE did not want the FBI's help.
I think the only way Haliegh will ever see justice is from the FBI..!!
I have been reading this Forum, since the day Haleigh went missing. I dont often comment. There has been a definate "lull" in the case. During this time, posters have became more & more sure of Ron's guilt.
I know people like Ron and Misty. They are southern, uneducated and they lived in a moble home. These 3 facts alone are enough to make a lot of you cringe. Add to that; Ron is a 25 year old man, dating a 17 year old girl. Sad set of cucumstances, but it happens all the time.
Ron and Misty took Polygraph test, way back in the first hours of Haleigh disappearing. If Ron had failed these tests, We would have heard that by now. Apparently LE was satisfied when Ron's responses. Misty, now that is a whole other story. The LE has continued to say that Misty knows more than she is telling. Just from watching the undercover tapes, it is obvious that Misty was the target.
I see that many poster do not like Ron's Mom nor his grandma. Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinions. I have not seen a shred of evidence that either of these ladies would hurt Haleigh. They are supportive of Ron. Maybe Ron doesn't deserve it but that is what families do.
I feel the key to this case lies with Misty and her "Weekend Friends" One of these girls has a child with Ron. A handicapped child, that he doesn't support. He and Misty had a fight over her being pregnant. Misty was hurt, she was tired of babysitting his kids. She wanted to marry Ron and start her own family. I believe these girls got together that weekend and developed a plan.
"Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned"
I used to think that the LE was the one holding their cards close to their vest....
Now, I'm begining to think Ronald Cummings holds the better hand...
I think the LE handling the case is corrupt...
The local LE did not want the FBI's help.
I think the only way Haliegh will ever see justice is from the FBI..!!

I can't disagree with this but if it is so, who would LE be covering up for? There would have to be a reason for them to refuse the assistance of the FBI and I can't come up with one.

Have they been framing Misty all this time calling her the key all over the place for over a year? [Oh my gosh that would be horrendous if they did that! It could be possible.]
I have been reading this Forum, since the day Haleigh went missing. I dont often comment. There has been a definate "lull" in the case. During this time, posters have became more & more sure of Ron's guilt.
I know people like Ron and Misty. They are southern, uneducated and they lived in a moble home. These 3 facts alone are enough to make a lot of you cringe. Add to that; Ron is a 25 year old man, dating a 17 year old girl. Sad set of cucumstances, but it happens all the time.
Ron and Misty took Polygraph test, way back in the first hours of Haleigh disappearing. If Ron had failed these tests, We would have heard that by now. Apparently LE was satisfied when Ron's responses. Misty, now that is a whole other story. The LE has continued to say that Misty knows more than she is telling. Just from watching the undercover tapes, it is obvious that Misty was the target.
I see that many poster do not like Ron's Mom nor his grandma. Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinions. I have not seen a shred of evidence that either of these ladies would hurt Haleigh. They are supportive of Ron. Maybe Ron doesn't deserve it but that is what families do.
I feel the key to this case lies with Misty and her "Weekend Friends" One of these girls has a child with Ron. A handicapped child, that he doesn't support. He and Misty had a fight over her being pregnant. Misty was hurt, she was tired of babysitting his kids. She wanted to marry Ron and start her own family. I believe these girls got together that weekend and developed a plan.
"Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned"

I found the highlighted portions of your post interesting since I have not heard anyone other than Ron and his lawyer make the statement that Ron passed his poly. If I'm not mistaken the police are well aware of the legal ramifications of saying "passed or failed" with regards to polys. As for the behaviour of Rons ma and gma, I guess you could call an enabler being supportive.:angel:
oh, I also believe LE was targetting all of the players that were arrested in the sting. I believe Hope was brought into the drug case because that is who Ron was supposedly working with in the afternoon of Haliegh's disappearance. I believe LE has not had the opportunity to really nail Hope with anything major enough to make her squirm until now. I'm thinking Hope has more insight into the truth of what happened that day, since she would be witness to Ron's activities ( if he really did work for his aunt that afternoon)
I have been reading this Forum, since the day Haleigh went missing. I dont often comment. There has been a definate "lull" in the case. During this time, posters have became more & more sure of Ron's guilt.
I know people like Ron and Misty. They are southern, uneducated and they lived in a moble home. These 3 facts alone are enough to make a lot of you cringe. Add to that; Ron is a 25 year old man, dating a 17 year old girl. Sad set of cucumstances, but it happens all the time.
Ron and Misty took Polygraph test, way back in the first hours of Haleigh disappearing. If Ron had failed these tests, We would have heard that by now. Apparently LE was satisfied when Ron's responses. Misty, now that is a whole other story. The LE has continued to say that Misty knows more than she is telling. Just from watching the undercover tapes, it is obvious that Misty was the target.
I see that many poster do not like Ron's Mom nor his grandma. Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinions. I have not seen a shred of evidence that either of these ladies would hurt Haleigh. They are supportive of Ron. Maybe Ron doesn't deserve it but that is what families do.
I feel the key to this case lies with Misty and her "Weekend Friends" One of these girls has a child with Ron. A handicapped child, that he doesn't support. He and Misty had a fight over her being pregnant. Misty was hurt, she was tired of babysitting his kids. She wanted to marry Ron and start her own family. I believe these girls got together that weekend and developed a plan.
"Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned"
actually, I don't think Misty was running with Amber', Ron's ex, that weekend. but Misty's own dad, seems to strongly, dislike NayNay, so she may be involved. & I think a lot of posters see Teresa as more than just supportive of Ron. Her being so overly supportive of Misty, is what we find suspicious.
I found the highlighted portions of your post interesting since I have not heard anyone other than Ron and his lawyer make the statement that Ron passed his poly. If I'm not mistaken the police are well aware of the legal ramifications of saying "passed or failed" with regards to polys. As for the behaviour of Rons ma and gma, I guess you could call an enabler being supportive.:angel:

I tend to agree with Gypsy. Being a not very nice guy who dates 17 year olds, and dabbles in drug dealing, liking to be a "big man", does not a patricidal killer make. Just as being a family full of female enablers does not murder make.

Don't get me wrong. None of these people (Croslins or Cummings) seem even remotely angelic and I would never befriend any one of these folks, but just saying - bad behavior and being a kinda "trashy" does not equal murderer.

I think Misty is the key. She knows what happened that night and I suspect Gypsy may be on to something. I believe with all my heart that Tommy knows what's up as well.

I think Ron suspects, but can't prove and is too busy covering his own butt to focus on his "heart" right now.
I found the highlighted portions of your post interesting since I have not heard anyone other than Ron and his lawyer make the statement that Ron passed his poly. If I'm not mistaken the police are well aware of the legal ramifications of saying "passed or failed" with regards to polys. As for the behaviour of Rons ma and gma, I guess you could call an enabler being supportive.:angel:
honestly, I don't remeber LE ever talking about those polys, just Ron saying that they both passed. & then Nancy Grace saying he did, but Misty didn't. It was all of the other tests that Misty took, that were made public. & since Ron didn't see any need for himself, to take any more, there's nothing to comment on there. But if Misty hadn't taken the other ones, we'd be left thinking that she & Ron had passed, & that's it. I would like to see what would happen, if Ronald would submit to some others.
& I'm wondering about some straight up questions. 'did you kill Haleigh? do you know who killed Haleigh?' if either one of them failed those questions, on the original poly, why wasn't someone arrested?
actually, I don't think Misty was running with Amber', Ron's ex, that weekend. but Misty's own dad, seems to strongly, dislike NayNay, so she may be involved. & I think a lot of posters see Teresa as more than just supportive of Ron. Her being so overly supportive of Misty, is what we find suspicious.

Although a good argument has been made, I just cannot see two grandmothers covering up the death of their grandchild. As you said, Theresa is more than just supportive of Ron and I guess that makes her looks suspicious. I do suspect that Theresa was made aware that something happened to Haleigh long before 911 was called. It's just common sense that she couldn't have made it to the mobile home within 3 minutes of being called that night.

I do believe that Theresa is standing by RC and will do whatever it takes to protect him. Now whether she knows the truth as to what really happened that night, I don't know. May she is on a need-to-know basis with her son.

It's possible that the grandmothers are involved, but geez, we are talking the likes of Ma Barker here. It would be extremely rare IMO, but who knows what is possible in today's world.

And now my margins are blown again. Is it just ME?!?!?
I posted this in the Ron Negotiation thread by replying to another poster. I then realized that it should not have been on the Ron Negotiating a deal thread so I moved it here.

IMO, Tommy fingered Joe because Misty fingered Joe. Tommy only knows what Misty told him and that was not much at all. Tommy thinks that he is protecting Misty, why? I don't know, haven't figured that out yet. Misty doesn't seem to have a problem with throwing Tommy to the dogs. The jury is still out about how much Misty really knows. One thought I have regarding Misty is that Misty either doesn't know what really happened to Haleigh because she became involved after the fact and knows only what she was told by mmmmmmmmmmm? either Ron or Teresa I'm guessing. This could explain why Misty's poly and voice analysis results were showing that she was uncertain about some of the answers. I would love to see and hear polys for Ron and Teresa along with Leveled Voice Analysis..................
I think Misty and Ron joined together to stage HaLeigh&#8217;s abduction to punish HaLeigh&#8217;s mother, Crystal Sheffield. Misty told her girlfriend Crystal who she wrote a letter to from jail, that Crystal Sheffield abandoned and neglected her children, so if Misty thought Amber Brooks should loose her son for this reason, than I imagine Misty felt Crystal Sheffield should loose one of her children too, & Ron agreed with her. I think Ron & Misty hid their plan from Junior so he wouldn&#8217;t leak information to his mother and TN and AS did too, if they knew about their plan in advance, which seems apparent. Maybe Ron drove HaLeigh to her grandmother&#8217;s Monday morning to say goodbye to her. Misty and Ron lived together so they had plenty of time to devise an effective plan to steal HaLeigh from Crystal & I believe Joe came to Satsuma to help Ron with the details. We were lead to believe Misty had no interest or desire to babysit Monday night but in this theory, Misty lied and she was involved from the beginning and it was her plan initially. This theory also explains why Ron refused to accept money from L Padilla to find his daughter, Ron doesn't want HaLeigh found because when the truth is known, he will be in big trouble. I hope Misty's relatives transported HaLeigh to another state and LE haven't found her yet. If any of HaLeigh&#8217;s belongings went with her, like extra clothing, LE wouldn&#8217;t know it was missing and no one would tell.
I've been thinking about that last search, & I've been thinking about Tommy. Did Tommy give LE viable information, or was he just going with what was fed him, in a desperate attempt, to get out of jail? I guess if some evidence was found, (besides that Indian bone), we'll soon know. But I've got to say, his attempts to backtrack & play the victim, didn't ring true to me. Misty, IMO, seemed much more believable. This is what I think may have happened. LE told Tommy that they thought Joe was the perp. (because of an overlooked detail, in one of Misty's lie test. ummm hmmm). IMO, they thought, that if they could convince Tommy, they bewlieved he, (Tommy), was just a perifial participant, then he would cough up details & maybe a body. If this is the case, it looks like Tommy fell into their trap, & his lawyer has his work, cut out for him. But, if Tommy didn't give factual locations, means that he made up the whole sordid tale. I don't remember which one, but in one of Misty's lie tests, the interviewer kind of jumped on Tommy, & asked her if he took the kids with him, or babysat, or something like that. (correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm relying on a spotty memory). But it seems to me, after giving it some thought, that LE suspected Tommy, early on, & hasn't really budged. He put himself at the trailer, & backed up the 'Misty was gone', theory, & later put himself IN the trailer. If LE has something to back up their suspicion, I hope it's something tangible, like DNA, & not a bunch of hooy, based on rumors or lies. Also, I'd like to say that even if LE has had reason to suspect Tommy, from the beginning, I sincerely hope they haven't shut other doors, in their single-mindedness. Even if they found his DNA, on the couch, for instance, there could be multiple explanations. I remember how Tommy & Lindsey were planning to move out of state, & I do wonder what his motivation was. But if they were serious, they should've kept it a little quieter, & not blabbed their intentions, to a reporter... because it was shortly thereafter, that he was arrested & jailed, & pretty much forced to stay.
& I'm wondering about some straight up questions. 'did you kill Haleigh? do you know who killed Haleigh?' if either one of them failed those questions, on the original poly, why wasn't someone arrested?

I'm just not sure they would have asked questions about who killed Haleigh because it wasn't certain if she was killed or what.

I imagine that a completely innocent parent with a missing child who has vanished who knows where would get results pointing to skyhigh stress on the LDT if the police asked them a question that presumes her murder.
I'm just not sure they would have asked questions about who killed Haleigh because it wasn't certain if she was killed or what.

I imagine that a completely innocent parent with a missing child who has vanished who knows where would get results pointing to skyhigh stress on the LDT if the police asked them a question that presumes her murder.
I actually thought about that, but Misty wasn't a parent, & she has taken some pretty recent tests. I was wondering what would happen if the interviewer explained the type of questions, ahead of time. Maybe explained that were going to cover all bases, so be ready for questions, regarding a live/dead Haleigh. If Ron would take another one, those questions, would now be expected, since LE has declared this a homicide. I wonder if the river search evidence doesn't pan out, if LE will reclassify this case again.
Although a good argument has been made, I just cannot see two grandmothers covering up the death of their grandchild. As you said, Theresa is more than just supportive of Ron and I guess that makes her looks suspicious. I do suspect that Theresa was made aware that something happened to Haleigh long before 911 was called. It's just common sense that she couldn't have made it to the mobile home within 3 minutes of being called that night.

I do believe that Theresa is standing by RC and will do whatever it takes to protect him. Now whether she knows the truth as to what really happened that night, I don't know. May she is on a need-to-know basis with her son.

It's possible that the grandmothers are involved, but geez, we are talking the likes of Ma Barker here. It would be extremely rare IMO, but who knows what is possible in today's world.

And now my margins are blown again. Is it just ME?!?!?

There is a huge difference between being involved in hurting or killing Haleigh and covering it up to keep Ron out of jail. Both TN and GGma Sykes has a history of enabling Ron in ways most Mothers/Grandmothers would not. I personally call it "sick enabling" because the way the Mothers/Grandmothers support one son over EVERYONE else no matter what. I liken to an abused wife who will do anything to support her abusive husband.

They supported him and covered for him over and over dating minor teenage girls instead of standing up for Haleigh and/or Junior because they did not want to babysit. Why stand up for Ron in the custody proceeding, if they did not want to help? Because Ron wanted custody and what Ron wants, Ron gets.

GGma Sykes said it all when she said she was angry that Misty left Ron without a babysitter. Really...when. According to GGma Sykes Misty was back at the MH to babysit the night Ron went to work.

IMO, their choice was chose Haleigh who they already lost and lose Ron also. Or chose Ron and not give Haleigh a proper burial. I don't think it was a hard choice for them.
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