General theory thread and motives rehashed #2

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Although a good argument has been made, I just cannot see two grandmothers covering up the death of their grandchild. As you said, Theresa is more than just supportive of Ron and I guess that makes her looks suspicious. I do suspect that Theresa was made aware that something happened to Haleigh long before 911 was called. It's just common sense that she couldn't have made it to the mobile home within 3 minutes of being called that night.

I do believe that Theresa is standing by RC and will do whatever it takes to protect him. Now whether she knows the truth as to what really happened that night, I don't know. May she is on a need-to-know basis with her son.

It's possible that the grandmothers are involved, but geez, we are talking the likes of Ma Barker here. It would be extremely rare IMO, but who knows what is possible in today's world.

And now my margins are blown again. Is it just ME?!?!?

The part that I can't get over is that they [Ron and his mother and grandmother] didn't get any answers from Misty even though she was living with Ron and his grandmother while they were married.

I wonder if they asked her questions and what answers she gave them.

JMO I would keep pressing her for answers until she broke if she lived in my house. There wouldn't be any need for the private lie detector tests and all that. I would demand answers and I wouldn't shut up until I got them. From Ron's interviews with NG it sounded like he asked her, she couldn't give straight answers so he just said no problem.

They HAVE to believe her to stick up for her for so long. [Maybe I should say they HAD to believe her.] Then all of a sudden Ron's mother didn't sound like she still believed her when she visited Ron in jail.
The part that I can't get over is that they [Ron and his mother and grandmother] didn't get any answers from Misty even though she was living with Ron and his grandmother while they were married.

I wonder if they asked her questions and what answers she gave them.

JMO I would keep pressing her for answers until she broke if she lived in my house. There wouldn't be any need for the private lie detector tests and all that. I would demand answers and I wouldn't shut up until I got them. From Ron's interviews with NG it sounded like he asked her, she couldn't give straight answers so he just said no problem.

They HAVE to believe her to stick up for her for so long. [Maybe I should say they HAD to believe her.] Then all of a sudden Ron's mother didn't sound like she still believed her when she visited Ron in jail.
I don't know what Misty told Ron and the Cummings on the night Haleigh "disappeared", but whatever she said made Ron think that he was responsible, IMO. There was no time to ask a lot of questions that night because in order to protect Ron, a plan had to be enacted before he arrived home from work. Otherwise, he'd have no alibi. Once the cover up commenced, there was no turning back.

In March of 2009, Crystal hired Kim P., who brought forth allegations of child abuse against Ron. That is why, IMO, all was quiet on the western front until late July, after Ron was cleared in the DCF investigation.

Father Of Haleigh Cummings Cleared In DCF Inquiry

The Florida Department of Children and Families said it found no evidence that the father of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings physically abused his children.DCF said the investigation is closed and 25-year-old Cummings will keep custody of his son, Ronald Jr.

No matter what suspicions the Cummings held about Misty, they maintained silence in order not to jeopardize Ron's position. That meant perpetuating the image of Ron and Misty as a caring and responsible young couple. In private, I suspect, all was not so quiet. Soon after the DCG cleared Ron, TN hired Mark Nejame and appealed to Tim Miller for helpm telling him that Misty was "ready to crack". A chain reaction of events followed, including the hypnosis/LDT/LVA, Ratgate, the Cummings/Croslin brawl at AS's mobile home, the divorce, Tommy's arrest for the gun theft, and the draining of the Mondex pond, among others.

IF my suspicions are right and Ron is not directly responsible for Haleigh's death, he and TN served her a terrible injustice by their rush to cover up the truth. Now, I fear, the truth is so mired in murk it will never be identified.

MooMoo and all that.
I don't know what Misty told Ron and the Cummings on the night Haleigh "disappeared", but whatever she said made Ron think that he was responsible, IMO. There was no time to ask a lot of questions that night because in order to protect Ron, a plan had to be enacted before he arrived home from work. Otherwise, he'd have no alibi. Once the cover up commenced, there was no turning back.

In March of 2009, Crystal hired Kim P., who brought forth allegations of child abuse against Ron. That is why, IMO, all was quiet on the western front until late July, after Ron was cleared in the DCF investigation.

Father Of Haleigh Cummings Cleared In DCF Inquiry

The Florida Department of Children and Families said it found no evidence that the father of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings physically abused his children.DCF said the investigation is closed and 25-year-old Cummings will keep custody of his son, Ronald Jr.

No matter what suspicions the Cummings held about Misty, they maintained silence in order not to jeopardize Ron's position. That meant perpetuating the image of Ron and Misty as a caring and responsible young couple. In private, I suspect, all was not so quiet. Soon after the DCG cleared Ron, TN hired Mark Nejame and appealed to Tim Miller for helpm telling him that Misty was "ready to crack". A chain reaction of events followed, including the hypnosis/LDT/LVA, Ratgate, the Cummings/Croslin brawl at AS's mobile home, the divorce, Tommy's arrest for the gun theft, and the draining of the Mondex pond, among others.

IF my suspicions are right and Ron is not directly responsible for Haleigh's death, he and TN served her a terrible injustice by their rush to cover up the truth. Now, I fear, the truth is so mired in murk it will never be identified.

MooMoo and all that.
awhile back, when I tried to figure out why Ron & his family would cover for Misty, Jr. was the only logical answer I could come up with. But if Ron wasn't responsible, you're right...what a disgrace to Haleigh. I truly believe that if Misty were responsible, & Ron had gone after her, Crystal would've backed him up. no problem with him losing custody. So, seems like a horrible plan, & a big waste of time. He doesn't have Jr., their name is mud, & he's sitting in jail on an almost million dollar bond. If Ron isn't responsible, he sure went about keeping his name clean, the wrong way, didn't he? oh the irony. But, I've gotta say...even if Ron wasn't responsible, I can see TN & GGS covering for him, anyway, but, I don't see Ron going to that extreme, just for Jr. maybe he played it to them, like it was for Jr., but if this is true, I think he did it more for Misty.
I don't know what Misty told Ron and the Cummings on the night Haleigh "disappeared", but whatever she said made Ron think that he was responsible, IMO. There was no time to ask a lot of questions that night because in order to protect Ron, a plan had to be enacted before he arrived home from work. Otherwise, he'd have no alibi. Once the cover up commenced, there was no turning back.

In March of 2009, Crystal hired Kim P., who brought forth allegations of child abuse against Ron. That is why, IMO, all was quiet on the western front until late July, after Ron was cleared in the DCF investigation.

Father Of Haleigh Cummings Cleared In DCF Inquiry

The Florida Department of Children and Families said it found no evidence that the father of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings physically abused his children.DCF said the investigation is closed and 25-year-old Cummings will keep custody of his son, Ronald Jr.

No matter what suspicions the Cummings held about Misty, they maintained silence in order not to jeopardize Ron's position. That meant perpetuating the image of Ron and Misty as a caring and responsible young couple. In private, I suspect, all was not so quiet. Soon after the DCG cleared Ron, TN hired Mark Nejame and appealed to Tim Miller for helpm telling him that Misty was "ready to crack". A chain reaction of events followed, including the hypnosis/LDT/LVA, Ratgate, the Cummings/Croslin brawl at AS's mobile home, the divorce, Tommy's arrest for the gun theft, and the draining of the Mondex pond, among others.

IF my suspicions are right and Ron is not directly responsible for Haleigh's death, he and TN served her a terrible injustice by their rush to cover up the truth. Now, I fear, the truth is so mired in murk it will never be identified.

MooMoo and all that.

Ratgate and the Cummings/Croslin brawl occurred before TN hired Mark Nejame. That leads me to believe TN was afraid of the truth being revealed about what had really happened....Also, IF I remember correctly TN had been recently asked to leave PCSO headquarters and not come back... Thats when she started revving up that bus to implicate Misty, Tommy or anyone else she could, just as long as it wasn't her son...JMO
Ratgate and the Cummings/Croslin brawl occurred before TN hired Mark Nejame.That leads me to believe TN was afraid of the truth being revealed about what had really happened....Also, IF I remember correctly TN had been recently asked to leave PCSO headquarters and not come back... Thats when she started revving up that bus to implicate Misty, Tommy or anyone else she could, just as long as it wasn't her son...JMO
MN and TM publicly announced that they would be joining the search effort on August 14th, so TN must have approached MN at least a week earlier, who then put her in touch with TM. This would've taken place at just about the same time the brawl (Aug 5-6) and Ratgate (Aug 8).

More help in search for Haleigh
Updated: Friday, 14 Aug 2009, 5:04 PM EDT
Published : Friday, 14 Aug 2009, 4:39 PM EDT
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) - High profile Orlando defense attorney Mark Nejame and Texas EquuSearch founder Tim Miller announced Friday they will be helping in the search for a missing Putnam County girl.

I think she was revving up the bus for awhile but held tight until the DCF investigation was over.
I think when forming a theory for the disappearance of Haleigh, one has to study and understand the phone calls Ron was reported making to Misty's phone the night his daughter disappeared.
I'm not exactly sure of the amount of calls Ron placed to Misty's phone that night - the figure 20 to 30 seems to close to what I read in reports.
It must have been important for Ron to reach Misty when you consider the number of calls made to her.

But why did he need to speak to her?

Was he concerned about his children? Did something take place with the children, or just Haleigh, or Jr. before he left for work?

Did he want to make sure Misty knew he would be working till 3 a.m. and not be home at midnight? If that were so, wouldn't he ask Tommy to relay that information when he phoned Tommy's home that night to ask if Misty was there?

Was Ron still so angry with Misty and her "party" weekend that he wanted to continue an argument over the phone that evening? Or did the two of them do as TN said and stayed up all Sunday night "talking" things out?

Phone records show that Ron placed those large amount of calls to Misty that night, but we don't know why he was trying to reach her.
It could have been to simply remind her to turn off the oven. Or was it something more damaging that he wanted to speak to her about?

Any ideas?

I'm sure LE questioned Ron about those calls and his reason behind them. But, did he ever provide answers to LE about his calls? I don't really know.

And, once we can nail down Ron's reason for the numerous phone calls, then we can go on to finding out just why Misty didn't answer those calls?

just my questions
I think when forming a theory for the disappearance of Haleigh, one has to study and understand the phone calls Ron was reported making to Misty's phone the night his daughter disappeared.
I'm not exactly sure of the amount of calls Ron placed to Misty's phone that night - the figure 20 to 30 seems to close to what I read in reports.
It must have been important for Ron to reach Misty when you consider the number of calls made to her.

But why did he need to speak to her?

Was he concerned about his children? Did something take place with the children, or just Haleigh, or Jr. before he left for work?

Did he want to make sure Misty knew he would be working till 3 a.m. and not be home at midnight? If that were so, wouldn't he ask Tommy to relay that information when he phoned Tommy's home that night to ask if Misty was there?

Was Ron still so angry with Misty and her "party" weekend that he wanted to continue an argument over the phone that evening? Or did the two of them do as TN said and stayed up all Sunday night "talking" things out?

Phone records show that Ron placed those large amount of calls to Misty that night, but we don't know why he was trying to reach her.
It could have been to simply remind her to turn off the oven. Or was it something more damaging that he wanted to speak to her about?

Any ideas?

I'm sure LE questioned Ron about those calls and his reason behind them. But, did he ever provide answers to LE about his calls? I don't really know.

And, once we can nail down Ron's reason for the numerous phone calls, then we can go on to finding out just why Misty didn't answer those calls?

just my questions

If Ron really made that many phone calls to Misty's phone a logical assumption is he really needed to speak with her. However, I cannot figure out what he would need to speak with her about so desperately as to keep trying over and over when she didn't answer, yet feel comfortable about staying at work and not going home to see what was up. OR, at least calling LE for a welfare check at the MH.

As for whether Ron cooperated with LE when questioned about the numerous phone calls, I doubt he did. Ron cooperated with LE initially to some extent but soon stopped doing that. IMO, LE received the phone records and asked Ron some questions about the calls, and that's when Ron officially became uncooperative.

Ron (and possibly TN and GGMS) did not want Haleigh's investigation going in a certain direction, for some reason. One has to wonder why! Even if he or they had nothing directly to do with the disappearance, it's a huge red flag to me when a parent and/or other family members do not cooperate in every way possible to help find their missing child.
Ron was refusing to talk to LE since March of 09. His reasoning was, "After I told them I was at work, what else is there for to tell them?".

In August of 09, a new FDLE investigator took over the case. He wanted and insisted on speaking with rc. Shoemaker and rc went to speak with FDLE Joliceur. Shoemaker insisted that only the phone calls were to be discussed. Upon leaving the meeting, Shoemaker revealed that there was a HUGE fight at about 8:30 between rc and misty and rc tried to call her at least 20+ times after that.
I suspect Shoemaker has minimized the number of calls. I also suspect the reasons are not as they tell the public. Shoemaker has been able to put a special spin on this case.

The question is why would rc not be willing to talk with LE for six months regardless of their questions? He nor misty were available or open for discussions about Haleigh during those six months and the public was furious. I have felt from day one, his main focus, along with tn and AS was to keep jr at all costs. They were firmly invested in keeping jr. There entire game plan seems to revolve around that. He would protect misty from LE just to protect himself from looking bad...that is the way he rolls. This behavior is exhibited starting at the 911. Misty continued his sense of order and caring in his household starting with, "I always put Haleigh to bed at 8:00pm, cuz that is her bedtime, she has school" From this point forward, it was repeated constantly as if it must be imprinted to make sure she is a good "mommy" and rc has family values. I doubt she reiterated this on her own.

I will stand by the fact, he married misty to stop the Public, LE and/or misty from accusing him of being a pedophile. He married her for no other reason, IMO. He did not want to find out what happened to Haleigh (if misty acted alone); he did not want to know that part because that would reflect on him. Afterall, that is what this is all about...keeping jr from Crystal and at the same time making himself appear above reproach for being a good father.

RC did not want misty found guilty of anything, only because it reflects on him. Even if rc did not persoanlly harm Haleigh, his behavior would be the same. That is why we have problems with figuring things out. He muddles up the case....and misty lies and befuddles it.
I think when forming a theory for the disappearance of Haleigh, one has to study and understand the phone calls Ron was reported making to Misty's phone the night his daughter disappeared.
I'm not exactly sure of the amount of calls Ron placed to Misty's phone that night - the figure 20 to 30 seems to close to what I read in reports.
It must have been important for Ron to reach Misty when you consider the number of calls made to her.

But why did he need to speak to her?

Was he concerned about his children? Did something take place with the children, or just Haleigh, or Jr. before he left for work?

Did he want to make sure Misty knew he would be working till 3 a.m. and not be home at midnight? If that were so, wouldn't he ask Tommy to relay that information when he phoned Tommy's home that night to ask if Misty was there?

Was Ron still so angry with Misty and her "party" weekend that he wanted to continue an argument over the phone that evening? Or did the two of them do as TN said and stayed up all Sunday night "talking" things out?

Phone records show that Ron placed those large amount of calls to Misty that night, but we don't know why he was trying to reach her.
It could have been to simply remind her to turn off the oven. Or was it something more damaging that he wanted to speak to her about?

Any ideas?

I'm sure LE questioned Ron about those calls and his reason behind them. But, did he ever provide answers to LE about his calls? I don't really know.

And, once we can nail down Ron's reason for the numerous phone calls, then we can go on to finding out just why Misty didn't answer those calls?

just my questions

Just to add alittle twist to your comment about the phone calls, we also have Misty in one of the jail phone calls telling her father that she called Ron over and over the night that Haleigh disappeared and was upset that Ron never answered the calls. :waitasec: Makes you wonder if the phones were switched that night? Ron reportedly called her numerous times and Misty didn't answer...........Misty called Ron numerous times and he didn't answer. It is enough to make you dizzy. :sick:
If Ron really made that many phone calls to Misty's phone a logical assumption is he really needed to speak with her. However, I cannot figure out what he would need to speak with her about so desperately as to keep trying over and over when she didn't answer, yet feel comfortable about staying at work and not going home to see what was up. OR, at least calling LE for a welfare check at the MH.

As for whether Ron cooperated with LE when questioned about the numerous phone calls, I doubt he did. Ron cooperated with LE initially to some extent but soon stopped doing that. IMO, LE received the phone records and asked Ron some questions about the calls, and that's when Ron officially became uncooperative.

Ron (and possibly TN and GGMS) did not want Haleigh's investigation going in a certain direction, for some reason. One has to wonder why! Even if he or they had nothing directly to do with the disappearance, it's a huge red flag to me when a parent and/or other family members do not cooperate in every way possible to help find their missing child.

I would like to know how many times he called his mother. I also think that it is suspicious that LE has not mentioned any other phone calls he made other than to Misty and to Tommy. I think that is strange.
If Ron really made that many phone calls to Misty's phone a logical assumption is he really needed to speak with her. However, I cannot figure out what he would need to speak with her about so desperately as to keep trying over and over when she didn't answer, yet feel comfortable about staying at work and not going home to see what was up. OR, at least calling LE for a welfare check at the MH.

As for whether Ron cooperated with LE when questioned about the numerous phone calls, I doubt he did. Ron cooperated with LE initially to some extent but soon stopped doing that. IMO, LE received the phone records and asked Ron some questions about the calls, and that's when Ron officially became uncooperative.

Ron (and possibly TN and GGMS) did not want Haleigh's investigation going in a certain direction, for some reason. One has to wonder why! Even if he or they had nothing directly to do with the disappearance, it's a huge red flag to me when a parent and/or other family members do not cooperate in every way possible to help find their missing child.

Thanks krkjx for clearing up when Ron officially stopped cooperating with LE. So, it was around the time the phone records became available to LE. I would guess then, that his calls to Misty were of great interest to LE either because of the great number of calls that night or just him making calls to the person caring for his children the night his daughter disappears. Now, I'm more deeply curious about his calls to Misty that night. Hmmmmm!
Just to add alittle twist to your comment about the phone calls, we also have Misty in one of the jail phone calls telling her father that she called Ron over and over the night that Haleigh disappeared and was upset that Ron never answered the calls. :waitasec: Makes you wonder if the phones were switched that night? Ron reportedly called her numerous times and Misty didn't answer...........Misty called Ron numerous times and he didn't answer. It is enough to make you dizzy. :sick:

Oh yeah, lonetraveler. I do recall Misty's claim Ron didn't answer her calls to him. But, I got to say, I didn't believe her. She's lied so much, well, I think they all have in this case, that it sounded like her getting back at Ron. But of course, there's not one whimper coming from LE about Misty's cell records that night.
Where's that wall for banging my head?
I am not 100% sure when LE officially got the phone records but it was around the time of RC and MC's wedding that the records were being discussed just about everywhere. Nothing specific came from LE that I recall but AH, NJ, JVM and other news sources were talking about all the phone calls. RC began making statements that he had nothing further to tell LE, that they should just focus on finding his child and the media should get out of his face. He had appeared cooperative initially but he was getting more and more irate with every question anyone asked him, and eventually he said, "I'm done." And it seems that was pretty much it for him cooperating.

Just blows my mind that a parent would quit trying to find his child, or quit cooperating with those who are trying.
I am not 100% sure when LE officially got the phone records but it was around the time of RC and MC's wedding that the records were being discussed just about everywhere. Nothing specific came from LE that I recall but AH, NJ, JVM and other news sources were talking about all the phone calls. RC began making statements that he had nothing further to tell LE, that they should just focus on finding his child and the media should get out of his face. He had appeared cooperative initially but he was getting more and more irate with every question anyone asked him, and eventually he said, "I'm done." And it seems that was pretty much it for him cooperating.

Just blows my mind that a parent would quit trying to find his child, or quit cooperating with those who are trying.

BBM.. IMHO there is no eventually to it... IIRC He stated.. "I'm done" in that first plea video, just a couple of hours after the 911 call was made..JMO
I think when forming a theory for the disappearance of Haleigh, one has to study and understand the phone calls Ron was reported making to Misty's phone the night his daughter disappeared.
I'm not exactly sure of the amount of calls Ron placed to Misty's phone that night - the figure 20 to 30 seems to close to what I read in reports.
It must have been important for Ron to reach Misty when you consider the number of calls made to her.

But why did he need to speak to her?

Was he concerned about his children? Did something take place with the children, or just Haleigh, or Jr. before he left for work?

Did he want to make sure Misty knew he would be working till 3 a.m. and not be home at midnight? If that were so, wouldn't he ask Tommy to relay that information when he phoned Tommy's home that night to ask if Misty was there?

Was Ron still so angry with Misty and her "party" weekend that he wanted to continue an argument over the phone that evening? Or did the two of them do as TN said and stayed up all Sunday night "talking" things out?

Phone records show that Ron placed those large amount of calls to Misty that night, but we don't know why he was trying to reach her.
It could have been to simply remind her to turn off the oven. Or was it something more damaging that he wanted to speak to her about?

Any ideas?

I'm sure LE questioned Ron about those calls and his reason behind them. But, did he ever provide answers to LE about his calls? I don't really know.

And, once we can nail down Ron's reason for the numerous phone calls, then we can go on to finding out just why Misty didn't answer those calls?

just my questions
maybe it was something as simple, as Ron keeping tabs on Misty. she doesn't answer, so he calls Tommy, & Tommy either tells him then, or gets back with him, that Misty is crashed. so, no need to worry, or rush home. that would also explain his surprise that Misty was awake, when he did get home. if any of that story is EVEN TRUE. We've heard too many variations on his 1st seconds back home. I'm sorry, but I've been especially suspicious of Tommy again. That scenario would also give Tommy a window of opportunity, if he found the kids home alone, or Misty crashed. & I wouldn't be thinking this, if Tommy hadn't put himself at that *%#*$$ trailer.
also, does anybody know what kind of phone Tommy used? landline or cell? if it was a cell, he could've taken that call from Misty's.
also, does anybody know what kind of phone Tommy used? landline or cell? if it was a cell, he could've taken that call from Misty's.

I don't know if he used it but at the time the Croslins had a land line.
Since we are almost a year from that statement of Bowling, I am going to say thay have nothing regarding any cell phones. If they didn't have it by August of 2009, unlikely they have the information they need.
THEORY: It's a cold case even though it has not officially been declared cold. Reason for LE not naming it a cold case is that officially stating investigation is closed would mean all information would be available under Sunshine Laws. (Is this correct? Someone please correct this if I am wrong because this is how I am interpreting the Sunshine Law.) Even if the case has gone cold it may not be officially declared cold for a long time, perhaps years. There will be no arrests, and we will hear nothing further from LE.

All JMO.
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