General theory thread and motives rehashed #2

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whatever he was up to, might beTommy's ace in the hole. If Ron was up to no good, & Tommy was there, then that may be why Ron never went after him, or ratted him out. I've had the feeling that Tommy has something on Ron. Too many guns, drugs, & wild weekends. I've also felt that even though Misty was gone, that Ron still ran with her family. That incident, whatever it was, may have been the real motive, behind the dead rat. ya know? you'd think all of this would've scared this bunch straight. but no...they had to go & get busted for trafficking.

I never thought about it like that, Dodie. You and Whisp, brought up very good points. There is no doubt in my mind that Tommy has something on Ron. What it is, I'm not sure. but whatever it is, Ron didn't/don't want that information known. I also agree that there were a lot of lies BEFORE Haleigh went missing and I am so confused by this. Why the need to lie BEFORE she went missing? I think that the timeline started before Haleigh went missing,too. IMO, something happened before Haleigh went missing and whatever that was, led to her disappearance on Feb 9. This is one of the reasons that I am convinced that Ron knows exactly what's going on. You're right, this information may be Tommy's ace in the hole.

Ron has been no help to this investigation and you would think that being Haleigh's father, he would've at least tried to find out what happened to his daughter, no matter the cost. He has done absolutely nothing but remain "partners-in-crime" with the girl that is known as "the key" to this entire investigation. I mean, really, you have to question that. That just shows me that Ron is guilty as sin, whatever the crime, and he sacrificed his only daughter for the cause. That there is a sorry individual.:furious: May God have mercy on his soul.

JMO of course
Misty's story:

7:30am, misty and ron drive Haleigh to Welaka to pick out a special outfit to wear to school. They both drive her to the school in San Matio and misty walks Haleigh into the classroom.

They go home and sleep and lay around till rc gets ready for work. Jr is sleeping.

3:45pm, Monday, Feb 9... He picked up Haleigh and didn't even bring her in the house. He did not take jr for the ride to the bus because Jr was sleepintg. He stopped the car and let Haliegh out. He does not go in the house. He drives off to go to work at 3:45 but not before kissing Haleigh, misty and JR.....awwww! He arrives at PDM by 4:15 and is 45 min early for his 5:00pm shift (per his attorney)

I have no idea and can't even imagine why TN was not able to be there (if she lived close by), so has totally separated herself from the house. GMA appears at night to tell us misty is there and ok and the kids are great and she leaves after she and misty bring the laundry in to the house and she puts clean shirts on the kids while they are on the porch. Somewhere around 8:00pm. At this exact time, misty puts Haleigh to bed and notices a urine smell on tffe bed. AS is gone and the phone rings. Misty and ron get into an all-out war on the phone (?) about babysitting....hmmm.

misty shuts off her phone and goes about her chores of cleaning and washing. She even removed a blanket from her bedroom window to wash it so she could sleep with a cover. What ever happened to the blanket that was on the bed that day? Anyway she turns off the lights and goes to sleep. It is 10pm and all is well. .... "BAM" she wakes up for no reason and sees the kitchen light on and her back door at the side of the house is ajar (she says wide-open) but it closes by itself within a few inches. She then must open it and notices the screen door is wide open with a cement block used as a doorstop. She freaks out and has decided to call ronald (apparently, he didn't answer). She then notices Haleigh is not in her bed and runs all around the place looking for her. When she opened the front door rc was there. She asked him if had Haleigh and he says "No". She told him the back door is wide open and your daughter is gone. He turns the place upside down and looks for Haleigh there and tells her to call 911.

If it were me, I would not have been brave enough to open any doors that led to the outside. She is one brave cookie. If she didn't get a hold of rc, I wonder if she called another person. She must have seen dozens of missed calls on her cell, right? It did not cross her mind to call 911. She waited for rc to get there to know what to do.

If both doors were locked and misty was asleep, the only person that could take Haleigh was already in the house ...if not...then they had a key. If misty wasn't the perp, than the perp was already in the house when misty fell asleep or entered after she fell asleep by key. In this scenario, that leaves us with Hank jr/JO or WBG visiting while misty was sleeping..OR..RC (or another with a key) coming home and removing Haleigh. All this is based on misty being alseep at 202 Green Lane.

If JR's recollection is valid, it appears he did not know the person that took Haleigh from the house and Haleigh did not wake up. Do we believe him? A well developed four year old would know what was going on if it wasn't too confusing. I thought he was in the living room by himself when misty fell asleep....but the story keeps changing.

All we have is TN and ronald no where near that MH for at least 12 hours that day.

Why couldn't TN have responded to ron's call herself, why did she send her mother over to check on the kids? The reasonable answer is because she didn't live nearby. She had to say she did to explain the quick arrival from PP. If that scenario is true than TN got some kind of call about the kids way before 3:34am. If she did than she and ron have a story they haven' shared. If she didn't, then she is simply a quick responder and travels and the speed of light. Hey, it can happen...I've seen it happen in the movies. AS is no slouch either, as she arrived shortly after TN. Why these two were allowed in amazes me. They both fooled the LE, that's for sure.
Ron's Story

He was at work is his mantra but we have to piece together the pieces he told us in interviews.

He drove Haleigh to the bus stop t 8:00am on the morning of Feb 9.
He picked Haleigh up at the bus stop at 3:30pm, he allowed her to sit on his lap and steer the car all the way home. He says, Haleigh "Loved on him, he kissed Haleigh, misty and jr goodbye. Told Haleigh he would see her when he got home from work and he left. It was 3:45.

He told us the doors were locked, and the one was deadbolted and nobody could get that door opened. It was difficult. Haleigh couldn't reach the lock anyway as he installed it and put it up high. He insisted he checks the doors everyday before work to make sure they are locked. He told us Haleigh was afraid of the dark.

Very soon after the crime, he told us that all three were sleeping in the same bed together on Feb 9. Two days later, he insisted Haleigh was in a bed by herself four feet from Misty.

He said he arrived home about 3:23 am and misty told him his daughter was gone. He did not answer the phone call from misty because he was close by and pulling into the driveway. He told Cobra the cops wanted to know what took him so long to get home and he told LE that he drives like a "cracker" coming home from work. He also told them he stopped at the top of the hill and picked up cigarettes, peanuts and beer.

He told his pastor that he worked eight hours, did an honest day's work and came home to find out he didn't have a daughter.

He said he would kill the person who took his daughter and that he would shoot right through the back of the patrol car to get him. He said he isn't afraid of prison...and to put that on the tape. He concluded with he had better people to talk to them some m-f-ers who weren't coming. He hung up on the operator. He was observed sitting in the driveway when LE arrived.
Now, for some reasn these two #$# want to make sure that they tell everyone person who will listen that the doors were locked. They will not give an inch on this. Why? When admitting that a door was unlocked could give them an out and get them off the hook, they INSIST the doors were locked and one deadbolted. When asked how a perp could get in, rc says, "A crowbar" WTF? there were no signs of forced entry and a crowbar wouldl certainly leave gauges of wood on the ground. Then he says a pick lock artist or a locksmith. Of course, misty parrots him and gives the same answer she heard the love of her life give, natch.

....Are these two Dodo Birds? They have an out if they would have admitted perhaps the door was not locked that day....but NOOOooo, they are going down saying they were.

Okiedokie then, now they have backed themselves into this story, how do they think they are going to get out of this w/o one or both being the perp? I never understood this insistance on their part concering the locked doors......crazy!
Now, for some reasn these two #$# want to make sure that they tell everyone person who will listen that the doors were locked. They will not give an inch on this. Why? When admitting that a door was unlocked could give them an out and get them off the hook, they INSIST the doors were locked and one deadbolted. When asked how a perp could get in, rc says, "A crowbar" WTF? there were no signs of forced entry and a crowbar wouldl certainly leave gauges of wood on the ground. Then he says a pick lock artist or a locksmith. Of course, misty parrots him and gives the same answer she heard the love of her life give, natch.

....Are these two Dodo Birds? They have an out if they would have admitted perhaps the door was not locked that day....but NOOOooo, they are going down saying they were.

Okiedokie then, now they have backed themselves into this story, how do they think they are going to get out of this w/o one or both being the perp? I never understood this insistance on their part concering the locked doors......crazy!
IDK why they won't budge on certain things...the doors being locked, Haleigh being scared of the dark, the man in black, Misty not being gone. Every one of these things could've led to an answer, but they backed away from them all. maybe CPS insisted that the doors be locked, so the kids couldn't wander? I would guess that poor parenting leads to a lot of that, so CPS may have a written rule. It looks like Ron was in danger of losing custody, but he managed to keep Jr. after this mess, so CPS must've been just toying with him.
There was something I heard way back when Shoemaker was discussing Ron's work hours that night, that I cannot find info on now.

Shoemaker stated Ron arrived at work in time for the start of his shift on 2/9/2009. He went on to state Ron usually arrived about 45 minutes early for his work shift...but he did not arrive early for his shift that night.

Does anyone recall ever hearing Shoemaker say this?

I am not sure it would mean much if RC left for work that day later than usual, but I am trying to fit together things about that day that differ in any way from any other day.
There was something I heard way back when Shoemaker was discussing Ron's work hours that night, that I cannot find info on now.

Shoemaker stated Ron arrived at work in time for the start of his shift on 2/9/2009. He went on to state Ron usually arrived about 45 minutes early for his work shift...but he did not arrive early for his shift that night.

Does anyone recall ever hearing Shoemaker say this?

I am not sure it would mean much if RC left for work that day later than usual, but I am trying to fit together things about that day that differ in any way from any other day.

You jolted some gravel out of my brain. Shoemaker said that rc usually arrives 45 minutes each day for work. On that day, he arrived 30 minutes early for his 5:00pm shift. When asked if that was his regular shift time, Shoemaker answered, "Yes".
Considering misty is the one who picks up Haleigh from the bus after school almost every single day, this was an odd occurrance for ron to do so. This could be a ruse.

1. Did he pick her up because he could not find misty and had no choice?
2. Did he just say he picked her up and really didn't due to DCF problem with misty not having a license to drive?

He always presents with the best scenario, all done for the benefit of how he appears to DCF. This is what has derailed this case. Both TN and he have managed alone to muddle the facts. They must have weighed the options and decided rc's image as a father supercedes the real facts to find Haleigh.

The problem we have is separating allhis lies. Does he lie to protect his hold on custody of jr and present in the best possible light or does he lie to cover up a very bad action that involved his child's life/death?
Considering misty is the one who picks up Haleigh from the bus after school almost every single day, this was an odd occurrance for ron to do so. This could be a ruse.

1. Did he pick her up because he could not find misty and had no choice?
2. Did he just say he picked her up and really didn't due to DCF problem with misty not having a license to drive?

He always presents with the best scenario, all done for the benefit of how he appears to DCF. This is what has derailed this case all along. Both TN and he have managed alone to derail the investigation. They must have weighed the options and decided rc's image as a father supercedes the real facts to find Haleigh.

The problem we have is separating allhis lies. Does he lie to protect his hold on custody of jr and present in the best possible light or does he lie to cover up a very bad action that involved his child's life/death?
& that question is the real key to this case.
In reviewing Maj Bowling's words, the first ones I found were this:

Spokesman Major Gary Bowling says detectives are putting together a "dense timeline" to get a picture of where Haleigh Cummings was in the thirty hours prior to her disappearance, and stretching the timeline through the last thirty days.

Thirty hours before Haleigh went missing brings us back to approximatley 9:00pm Sunday, the 8th. What was really going on Sunday? of course tn tells us misty and ronald spent all of sunday night and through the morning discussing their problem..*cough*
Why in the world is it necessary to go back thiry hours and know where Haleigh was? IF she was in school, that solves most of the mystery. Something is way off the hinky meter. Where was Haleigh that weekend? And why does it matter to LE is she was at school. I can't wrap my head around their concern of her whereabouts 30 hours before she went missing...

I am going to assume that Haleigh was NOT at 202 Green Lane the entire weekend before. Where was she and why doesn't Bowling know where she was...
Why in the world is it necessary to go back thiry hours and know where Haleigh was? IF she was in school, that solves most of the mystery. Something is way off the hinky meter. Where was Haleigh that weekend? And why does it matter to LE is she was at school. I can't wrap my head around their concern of her whereabouts 30 hours before she went missing...

I am going to assume that Haleigh was NOT at 202 Green Lane the entire weekend before. Where was she and why doesn't Bowling know where she was...

Wow, how interesting!

Could it be that Haleigh may have been witness to something illegal in those thirty hours that she needed to be silenced???

It's promising to know that LE is looking in new directions to perhaps track down
a motive for Haleigh's disappearance.
Hi Mystery..that was old news. I was trying to go back to the beginning and look at each of their alibies.

This was at the beginning. I hope TN or rc told LE where she was. RC said, "Besides, I wasn't there, I was at work, I have nothing to tell them". This was said during the six months he and misty refused to talk with LE. rc was forced to explain his phone records. He attended that meeting with Shoemaker. Nothing else was to be discussed.
misty has done all the talking, tn has given quite a bit also but rc has nothing to offer.

JO arrived exacty two weeks prior to Haleigh gone missing. misty must have seen him during the two weeks. misty was with nay during her hit and run on Jan.28 which was the catalyst for her to meet WBG. Misty had her cousin JO in town plus she had a new love and drug interest with WBG. I think this could have been a classic "Girl gone Wild" two week adventure. I don't think she was interested in ron or babysitting anymore.

Early sunday, rc told her to come home and bring condoms, according to Nay. She told nay she was not going to go back to rc but nay thought differently and drove her to her brother's house. Not once did we hear about misty's concern for her father's recent hospitalization (bad accident the previous night, requiring air lift) and if she was concerned. This did not enter either of their statements. She was driven to a brother's house. I am guessing it was timmy's, wherever that was. Timmy was also in a car wreck and was on pain medicine that night.
It would be interesting to know when they weren't doing drugs....DANG!
Misty's story:

7:30am, misty and ron drive Haleigh to Welaka to pick out a special outfit to wear to school. They both drive her to the school in San Matio and misty walks Haleigh into the classroom.

They go home and sleep and lay around till rc gets ready for work. Jr is sleeping.

3:45pm, Monday, Feb 9... He picked up Haleigh and didn't even bring her in the house. He did not take jr for the ride to the bus because Jr was sleepintg. He stopped the car and let Haliegh out. He does not go in the house. He drives off to go to work at 3:45 but not before kissing Haleigh, misty and JR.....awwww! He arrives at PDM by 4:15 and is 45 min early for his 5:00pm shift (per his attorney)

I have no idea and can't even imagine why TN was not able to be there (if she lived close by), so has totally separated herself from the house. GMA appears at night to tell us misty is there and ok and the kids are great and she leaves after she and misty bring the laundry in to the house and she puts clean shirts on the kids while they are on the porch. Somewhere around 8:00pm. At this exact time, misty puts Haleigh to bed and notices a urine smell on tffe bed. AS is gone and the phone rings. Misty and ron get into an all-out war on the phone (?) about babysitting....hmmm.

misty shuts off her phone and goes about her chores of cleaning and washing. She even removed a blanket from her bedroom window to wash it so she could sleep with a cover. What ever happened to the blanket that was on the bed that day? Anyway she turns off the lights and goes to sleep. It is 10pm and all is well. .... "BAM" she wakes up for no reason and sees the kitchen light on and her back door at the side of the house is ajar (she says wide-open) but it closes by itself within a few inches. She then must open it and notices the screen door is wide open with a cement block used as a doorstop. She freaks out and has decided to call ronald (apparently, he didn't answer). She then notices Haleigh is not in her bed and runs all around the place looking for her. When she opened the front door rc was there. She asked him if had Haleigh and he says "No". She told him the back door is wide open and your daughter is gone. He turns the place upside down and looks for Haleigh there and tells her to call 911.

If it were me, I would not have been brave enough to open any doors that led to the outside. She is one brave cookie. If she didn't get a hold of rc, I wonder if she called another person. She must have seen dozens of missed calls on her cell, right? It did not cross her mind to call 911. She waited for rc to get there to know what to do.

If both doors were locked and misty was asleep, the only person that could take Haleigh was already in the house ...if not...then they had a key. If misty wasn't the perp, than the perp was already in the house when misty fell asleep or entered after she fell asleep by key. In this scenario, that leaves us with Hank jr/JO or WBG visiting while misty was sleeping..OR..RC (or another with a key) coming home and removing Haleigh. All this is based on misty being alseep at 202 Green Lane.

If JR's recollection is valid, it appears he did not know the person that took Haleigh from the house and Haleigh did not wake up. Do we believe him? A well developed four year old would know what was going on if it wasn't too confusing. I thought he was in the living room by himself when misty fell asleep....but the story keeps changing.

All we have is TN and ronald no where near that MH for at least 12 hours that day.

Why couldn't TN have responded to ron's call herself, why did she send her mother over to check on the kids? The reasonable answer is because she didn't live nearby. She had to say she did to explain the quick arrival from PP. If that scenario is true than TN got some kind of call about the kids way before 3:34am. If she did than she and ron have a story they haven' shared. If she didn't, then she is simply a quick responder and travels and the speed of light. Hey, it can happen...I've seen it happen in the movies. AS is no slouch either, as she arrived shortly after TN. Why these two were allowed in amazes me. They both fooled the LE, that's for sure.

Great summary Whisp. Does anyone think that following the heated argument on the phone where Misty finally turns her phone off, puts the children to bed and quickly leaves the MH. When Ron could not get Misty on her phone, he left work, arrived at the MH and discovered Misty gone and woke Haleigh with all his yelling and throwing a temper tantram and harmed Haleigh after she woke. Realizing that Haleigh was dead, he took her and put her close to the dumpster. Called his mom and told her what happened and she instructed Ron to return to work before he is missed and that she would handle everything else. Someone in the Cummings family picks up Haleigh from the dumpster site and takes her to a red pickup parked near the railroad tracks and takes her away. Around 2:15 am, Misty returns to the Mh to discover Haleigh gone and looks outside while calling her family, crying and screaming into the phone (neighbor hears and looks outside, sees Misty crying and talking on the phone at around 2:15 am). Panicked, she dials Ron, over and over and he doesn't answer and we all know the rest of the story.........................
It would be interesting to know when they weren't doing drugs....DANG!

Well, I was going to post that after January 20, 2010 but even then they all managed to get antidepressants...............go figure........:waitasec:
misty has done all the talking, tn has given quite a bit also but rc has nothing to offer.

JO arrived exacty two weeks prior to Haleigh gone missing. misty must have seen him during the two weeks. misty was with nay during her hit and run on Jan.28 which was the catalyst for her to meet WBG. Misty had her cousin JO in town plus she had a new love and drug interest with WBG. I think this could have been a classic "Girl gone Wild" two week adventure. I don't think she was interested in ron or babysitting anymore.

Early sunday, rc told her to come home and bring condoms, according to Nay. She told nay she was not going to go back to rc but nay thought differently and drove her to her brother's house. Not once did we hear about misty's concern for her father's recent hospitalization (bad accident the previous night, requiring air lift) and if she was concerned. This did not enter either of their statements. She was driven to a brother's house. I am guessing it was timmy's, wherever that was. Timmy was also in a car wreck and was on pain medicine that night.

If I recall correctly, WBG mentioned that he talked with Misty that Monday, February 9th and she said that she was going to see her father that day and that she would see him later, but he claims he never heard from her again.
Wow, how interesting!

Could it be that Haleigh may have been witness to something illegal in those thirty hours that she needed to be silenced???

It's promising to know that LE is looking in new directions to perhaps track down
a motive for Haleigh's disappearance.

LOL, just my own opinion but I think that Haleigh and Jr. most likely saw something illegal most every day of their very young lives.
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