General theory thread and motives rehashed #2

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While browsing the old threads for links I found the articles below. Actually one article had the other article link inside the article. I thought that I had seen all of the different versions of what happened that early predawn period just prior to the 911 call, but I guess I thought wrong. Ron is the storyteller in both of these articles. He actually puts himself at the MH prior to the discovery that Haleigh is missing. You need to read the entire articles, there is a lot of subjects covered here.,2933,491008,00.html
these are some of the reasons, that so many of us suspected Ron. but then the stories changed, & he was never called to task. just LE pointing out Misty's inconsistencies. From what I could tell, her incosistencies were also his, & often times, he seemed to be the one, changing the stories.
these are some of the reasons, that so many of us suspected Ron. but then the stories changed, & he was never called to task. just LE pointing out Misty's inconsistencies. From what I could tell, her incosistencies were also his, & often times, he seemed to be the one, changing the stories.

You are absolutely right, Dodie. And IIRC, early on LE said that Misty was NOT the only one with inconsistencies. So IMO, LE knew Misty was not the only one telling lies. And if you consider Ron not cooperating with LE (for months) and hiring a criminal defense attorney....Why would Ron do that if he thought LE was on his side? And if it was his lawyer who told him to stay away from LE...why? Still, why would that happen if they thought LE was on their side and trying to help them? IMO, he did that because LE was poking holes in HIS story.

JMo of course
While browsing the old threads for links I found the articles below. Actually one article had the other article link inside the article. I thought that I had seen all of the different versions of what happened that early predawn period just prior to the 911 call, but I guess I thought wrong. Ron is the storyteller in both of these articles. He actually puts himself at the MH prior to the discovery that Haleigh is missing. You need to read the entire articles, there is a lot of subjects covered here.,2933,491008,00.html

I find it strange that in both of these articles, written on different days, both say that it was HALEIGH that got up to use the bathroom, not Misty. I don't recall hearing that scenario before.
I find it strange that in both of these articles, written on different days, both say that it was HALEIGH that got up to use the bathroom, not Misty. I don't recall hearing that scenario before.
I remember that being said, but can't see why they'd change that part of the story, unless they realized it would work better with Misty up & around. & now Misty claims to have been not only awake, but hiding under the covers. When will this madness ever end? Every single one of these people have lied, & I still don't believe that Ron passed a LDT. How could he with all of these changed stories?
I remember that being said, but can't see why they'd change that part of the story, unless they realized it would work better with Misty up & around. & now Misty claims to have been not only awake, but hiding under the covers. When will this madness ever end? Every single one of these people have lied, & I still don't believe that Ron passed a LDT. How could he with all of these changed stories?

Because all he's ever said was "I was at work."

What's most offensive about that is that he suggests this as his answer and seems proud that he was at work while fiends were doing unholy things with his daughter.
And then we have Lt Greenwood's initial release to the public:

Law enforcement officers with boats and aircraft are searching an
area of southern Putnam County for a 5-year-old girl last seen at
home about 10 p.m. Monday, authorities said.
A missing and endangered child alert has been issued for
Haleigh Cummings, last seen in the Hermit's Cove area of
Satsuma when she was in bed. About 3 a.m. the girl's father
came home and saw her missing, said Lt. Johnny Greenwood
of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office.
A woman believed to be
the father's wife or girlfriend was also asleep in the residence.

Greenwood said the father noticed Haleigh missing and woke the
He said there is no immediate evidence of foul play but
that the home off Seven Sisters Road is very near the St. Johns
River and that there are canals reaching into the neighborhood.
I know this was an early report, but you'd think Greenwood would've clarified the wife/girlfriend part, & considering that Misty was barely 17 years old at the time, I do believe referring to Misty as a 'woman', was stretching it just a bit. I've actually thought that TN was probably grateful that this didn't happen while Misty was still 16. I read one early report that referred to Misty as Ron's cousin. I never did think that a reporter made such a random mistake, & suspected that TN was behind that one.
While browsing the old threads for links I found the articles below. Actually one article had the other article link inside the article. I thought that I had seen all of the different versions of what happened that early predawn period just prior to the 911 call, but I guess I thought wrong. Ron is the storyteller in both of these articles. He actually puts himself at the MH prior to the discovery that Haleigh is missing. You need to read the entire articles, there is a lot of subjects covered here.,2933,491008,00.html
another weird thing about this very early article...LE, themselves, put it out there about DCF & prior problems with Cummings, Crosln, & the children. not Crystal, as Ron claimed. Considering that Misty had only been around for months, I wonder what kind of problems she had...& if she was in trouble, how could TN sing her praises & want her to babysit? maybe the problems were because of her age? LE also said that Ron, Crystal, Misty & several others were offered LDTs. I wonder who the others were...
another weird thing about this very early article...LE, themselves, put it out there about DCF & prior problems with Cummings, Crosln, & the children. not Crystal, as Ron claimed. Considering that Misty had only been around for months, I wonder what kind of problems she had...& if she was in trouble, how could TN sing her praises & want her to babysit? maybe the problems were because of her age? LE also said that Ron, Crystal, Misty & several others were offered LDTs. I wonder who the others were...

We do know Crystal, Chad, Ron C and Misty took the LDT..MG stated she took a voice analysis test...
WBG stated he was given a polygraph
Tommy stated months ago before he took a LDT he never took one or was offered a LDT..

Who else was offered a LDT, I don't know but I would think IF they offered MG the opportunity to take a LDT, LE would have offered TN and GGMS the opportunity to take one also..
We have no information as to whether TN and GGMS were offered one and took one or declined the offer...I suspect they graciously declined...Maybe Merchant knows...
IMHO...Tim Miller should have told Ron C, TN and GGMS he would gladly arrange for Misty to take a LVA but ONLY IF they also agreed to do one... JMHO...
I find it strange that in both of these articles, written on different days, both say that it was HALEIGH that got up to use the bathroom, not Misty. I don't recall hearing that scenario before.

Exactly! How did something that important be so easily changed to Misty getting up to use the bathroom? Ron has changed the story so many times yet no one in the media including the talk shows have addressed this. Not the same with Misty though. Every word she has said has been thoroughly dissected. Ron fed the stories to Misty. Why was he given a pass?
We do know Crystal, Chad, Ron C and Misty took the LDT..MG stated she took a voice analysis test...
WBG stated he was given a polygraph
Tommy stated months ago before he took a LDT he never took one or was offered a LDT..

Who else was offered a LDT, I don't know but I would think IF they offered MG the opportunity to take a LDT, LE would have offered TN and GGMS the opportunity to take one also..
We have no information as to whether TN and GGMS were offered one and took one or declined the offer...I suspect they graciously declined...Maybe Merchant knows...
IMHO...Tim Miller should have told Ron C, TN and GGMS he would gladly arrange for Misty to take a LVA but ONLY IF they also agreed to do one... JMHO...

I agree that TN and GGMS most likely declined the offer of LDT. These two have been given a pass since day one and they were closest to the children than anyone else besides Ron.
I remember that being said, but can't see why they'd change that part of the story, unless they realized it would work better with Misty up & around. & now Misty claims to have been not only awake, but hiding under the covers. When will this madness ever end? Every single one of these people have lied, & I still don't believe that Ron passed a LDT. How could he with all of these changed stories?

I think these two articles are important because Ron had a different story for each article. JMO but Ron and Mom seemed to be revising the story on the fly. I think the only way Ron would have passed the LDT was if he was asked if he showed up for work that night and he answered yes. He probably did show up for work, don't know when or for how long but he was seen at work. A LDT is only as good as the questions asked.
I don't know if this is a relation to Joe, but I was browzing the National Enquirer website, & they had an article, in the crime section, about an old case involving a Sylvia Overstreet & a Jim Overstreet, in Tennessee. It's probably not related, but still an interesting read. I'm trying to google, to see how the story ended. That site always ends their stories with a cliffhanger.
While browsing the old threads for links I found the articles below. Actually one article had the other article link inside the article. I thought that I had seen all of the different versions of what happened that early predawn period just prior to the 911 call, but I guess I thought wrong. Ron is the storyteller in both of these articles. He actually puts himself at the MH prior to the discovery that Haleigh is missing. You need to read the entire articles, there is a lot of subjects covered here.,2933,491008,00.html

See, I remember bringing this up in the past and other, and each time a statement was made that put Ron in the mix some how people would say the media is misreporting and if it was not on video, then it was not gospel.

I do agree that in the beginning the media did mis-report on somethings. But looking at things, the way LE finds items of interest, then claim they didn't, the way they claim the never searched the river, then if you go back to earlier articles they did, and all the stories that have been mended by Ron or TN. Misty was their "puppet" IMO and that is why she has given so many conflicting stories. IMO, all of her stories originated from Ronald.

Something else that has always bothered me is that LE sent TES away and didn't want the publics help. When has LE ever not wanted the publics help in a missing person case?


Though both Ducket and Padilla have offered their assistance, Gary Bowling, a spokesperson for the Putnam County Sheriff's Office, said officials are not actively seeking help from volunteers at present time.

Deputies, volunteers search region; 'The world is a suspect,' sheriff says
Posted: February 14, 2009 -

authorities announcing on the fourth day of their investigation they had found new evidence. It happened after more than 100 civilian volunteers teamed with police to broaden the search for Haleigh in the thick woods around her family's Green Lane mobile home near the banks of the St. Johns River.
The Putnam County Sheriff's Office wouldn't give details about the evidence or where it was found, with Capt. Steve Rose describing the findings as "items of interest." Authorities wouldn't say if the discovery hinted that Haleigh was alive.But they said state crime lab personnel have made processing all the evidence in the abduction case their first priority.

Investigators: No hard leads in Haleigh case

Posted: February 12, 2009

“We do believe it is an abduction,” Bowling said.
He said investigators now are trying to build a timeline, including everything they can about who was involved in Haleigh’s life in the past 30 days until the hours before she was found missing and the moments when Cummings arrived home from a normal shift of work about 3 a.m. as Croslin was calling for help.
“It’s a very easy area to search,” said Maj. Gary Bowling of the Sheriff’s Office.
A cinder block at the back door to the trailer and a continuing collection of evidence at the mobile home also point away from homicide, Bowling said.
“There is nothing glaringly evident that there was a homicide in the house,” he said.
I think the AC man was there and I also think GGS was there. The timeline from LE was always after 7 pm. Just because GGS didn't tell us about it until she blew up with her "that's a crock" comment, doesn't mean she didn't tell LE right away. We have never been privy to much factual info from LE and probably never will be if this case never goes to trial. I also think MC was at the MH that night, simply because RC specifically bought 2 brands of cigarettes. Why would he bother to buy her brand if he didn't think she was there? A pack of cigarettes ain't cheap anymore!

I also think RC denies the fight because in his mind there WAS NO FIGHT. He never outright accused JO to his face, but sent him taunting little hints and kept his eye on him after finding the gun. If there had been a FIGHT, I think JO would have been black & blue all over and come out the loser.

As far as Haleigh is concerned I now believe she either really was abducted or she was taken from the home for what a certain party considered her own protection. It's a small area and gossip about Misty & Ron probably traveled fast. Someone knew things
weren't good and saw their chance. JMO
But why wouldnt Misty simply list Sykes as a visitor along with AC guy and brother and kids when asked who had been at the home on Feb 9?

And if Haleigh was in danger such that she'd be taken for her own protection, why leave poor Jr in the mix? Unless Im mistaken, generally, if one very young child is removed from a home bc of danger or abuse, the other very young child is removed too regardless of gender.

Does anyone have the police report where it listed who had been at the home on that date?
I remember this telling, very well. mainly because it made more sense than the other ones. I wonder if this was an honest mistake, on Greenwood's part, or if Ron changed his story. Maybe he didn't like the implication that he could've been up & alone with Haleigh, while Misty was asleep? But then I heard that Misty met Ron at the door & asked him if he had Haleigh, & then I heard that Misty was at the door & said that his daughter was gone. I don't get why an innocent father, would have any need to change his own story.

Why is it always Greenwood? How many honest mistakes is a Spokesman for Law Enforcement allowed?

This is the story I remember and it also makes sense. It makes it seem like misty was on the sofa and ron pointed out the light, the door, and Haleigh missing. Then tells her to call 911.
I thought I saw it and couldn't believe it. She had a shirt tied in the front..OMG!

................the best she was ever dressed was her "In the middle of the night drive like a bat of hello" outfit. Never saw anything like that again....even for the wedding.

Yep, her clothes on Feb 10, 2009 appear to be carefully chosen, clearly not her style from all the pictures we have seen since.
I think Misty said a relative of Ron's worked or had worked at the AC place. The AC man being a relative grew out of that, IMO.

What's strange about this is that LE flew over to this guy and him cleared before 5:00am. That tells me ron was very happy to have this guy as a witness. rc never fails to mention him when asked who was there. It also seems that rc knew him and where he lived.

But what really bothers me is why ron didn't have LE go to Chelsea's STAT. That would have made more sense. RC should have been perked up and leading them to JO not the AC guy. Ron likes this guy at the mh and I can't figure out what is so darn important about that A/C guy for ron.

The officers that arrived were given no leads. OH...sorry they were, after talking to TN, TN decided to give Crystal a call to see if she had Haleigh. She should have left LE call but that I'm sure TN wanted to do it.

Why did n't JO come to ron or misty's minds when LE arrived?
What's strange about this is that LE flew over to this guy and him cleared before 5:00am. That tells me ron was very happy to have this guy as a witness. rc never fails to mention him when asked who was there. It also seems that rc knew him and where he lived.

But what really bothers me is why ron didn't have LE go to Chelsea's STAT. That would have made more sense. RC should have been perked up and leading them to JO not the AC guy. Ron likes this guy at the mh and I can't figure out what is so darn important about that A/C guy for ron.

The officers that arrived were given no leads. OH...sorry they were, after talking to TN, TN decided to give Crystal a call to see if she had Haleigh. She should have left LE call but that I'm sure TN wanted to do it.

Why did n't JO come to ron or misty's minds when LE arrived?

Early on the report was that the AC man was called by the owners of the MH. He was doing a routine check for them. Also TN did not call CS to see if she had seen HC, she called to tell her HC was missing. Unless you have a link that is what I have always understood.
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