General theory thread and motives rehashed #2

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Even if they stayed in a tent, they probably went somewhere like Magnolia to take a shower, etc. He simply said he was coming down from the house and saw the girlfriend looking-----she LOOKED only--obviously she didn't find it because it was already gone. But that gave him a good idea that the person who hid it there had informed her of its location. He merely observed her looking in the culvert.

Doobie, let me be sure I'm understanding what you're saying about Ronald's apparent conclusions as to how JO's girlfriend came to be looking in the culvert.

You're saying that by her looking, it gave him a good idea that the person who hid it there had informed her of it's location?

LOL, that's rich my friend! This is coming from someone who says he went STRAIGHT to the same ditch and "found" his gun after it was allegedly "stole" and hid there by Joe!

How was HE supposed to have known where to look, praytell?

No way you can make this stuff up!
Doobie, let me be sure I'm understanding what you're saying about Ronald's apparent conclusions as to how JO's girlfriend came to be looking in the culvert.

You're saying that by her looking, it gave him a good idea that the person who hid it there had informed her of it's location?

LOL, that's rich my friend! This is coming from someone who says he went STRAIGHT to the same ditch and "found" his gun after it was allegedly "stole" and hid there by Joe!

How was HE supposed to have known where to look, praytell?

No way you can make this stuff up!

I am just saying what I understood from the Cobra tapes. Whatever. All I know is HE isn't the one who's had to take 5 or 6 lie detector tests. Of course he could be lying about this, but I personally can't say I KNOW he's lying. It's just my opinion--pardon me for having one guys.
This is how I see this played out....Moo
Misty told Ron that she was pregnant. Ron blew-up, Misty left for a weekend of partying. Misty's friends and family were against Ron and telling her that she should leave him. Misty and "friends/family" decided to get even with Ron. They planned to clean him out while he was at work. I think Misty may have had second thoughts and tried to avoid babysitting. Over the weekend, Ron had already hid all his guns, drugs, money at A.S. or T.N.'s. One or All of these folks became very angry and Haleigh paid the price.
I do not believe for a second, that Joe forced Misty into this and she went out with him the next day hanging posters. You dont "hid under the covers" while someone kills a child then wake up the next day and be friends with them again.
I will never understand why not one single adult stood up for this little girl.
I am just saying what I understood from the Cobra tapes. Whatever. All I know is HE isn't the one who's had to take 5 or 6 lie detector tests. Of course he could be lying about this, but I personally can't say I KNOW he's lying. It's just my opinion--pardon me for having one guys.

Doobie, Nooooo I meant absolutely no disrepect for your opinion. I value your posts and input.

It just struck me funny that RC would think that about the girl when he told everyone about finding the gun.

If my post offended you with my attempt at humor, please accept my apology.
Maybe this part is clearer to me because I share Bern's theory. I dunno, but this is how I see it.

  • Ron believed he was responsible. He wanted to keep everything on the down low to avoid opening a can of worms. Not only was LE asking questions, Kim P and DCF were snooping around.
  • Later he suspects the story was not the way Misty originally told it, but now he's guilty of a cover up. And there's still that can of worms.
  • You said yourself that Ron's first interest is protecting himself. When it comes to avenging Haleigh's murder, I think he's capable of holding back if it would mean going to jail.
  • Just to add, I think the big fight with Timmy and the dead rat occurred at a time when Ron was beginning to put the pieces together and was paranoid. I think suspecting, but not know for sure, if Misty and Tommy were lying to him was tearing him up.
I like your post, but I don't think, by this time, Misty's lying was tearing Ron up. I honestly think there's the possibility that he was covering for Misty, (in whatever role she played), & he didn't want the truth to come out. To me, this whole ratgate, points to Misty being the guilty one, Tommy being in on the cover-up, & Ron covering for Misty. But, Tommy's latest stories, say otherwise. He's too involved, by his own accounts, & Misty is stuck in the background, hiding under the, as to not mess up his story. So...I'm back to square 1! again. just completely guessing.
I like your post, but I don't think, by this time, Misty's lying was tearing Ron up. I honestly think there's the possibility that he was covering for Misty, (in whatever role she played), & he didn't want the truth to come out. To me, this whole ratgate, points to Misty being the guilty one, Tommy being in on the cover-up, & Ron covering for Misty. But, Tommy's latest stories, say otherwise. He's too involved, by his own accounts, & Misty is stuck in the background, hiding under the, as to not mess up his story. So...I'm back to square 1! again. just completely guessing.
I get what you're saying, but from the contempt all over Ron's face on "wedding day" and other times, I just cant envision a scenario in which Ron would ever cover for Misty.... unless in some way it benefits him or he THINKS it benefits him. Then, yeah, Im with you. Now, OTOH, Misty covering for Ron is not implausible to me.
I get what you're saying, but from the contempt all over Ron's face on "wedding day" and other times, I just cant envision a scenario in which Ron would ever cover for Misty.... unless in some way it benefits him or he THINKS it benefits him. Then, yeah, Im with you. Now, OTOH, Misty covering for Ron is not implausible to me.
Ron, is the type, IMO, that puts on a rough exterior, (public face), but what's going on inside, is a whole other story. I think Ron is a very insecure, man, who relies on his GM, his mom, & his gf for just about everything. & for whatever reason, I think he needed Misty, (to protect himself from stat charges, for 1), but I also think he loved Misty. That dour wedding day look, was to show that he was the man, IMO, but I don't think even Misty would've married him, (& been so danged giddy about it), if that's how he treated her, in private. The jail tape, where Ron was talking to some chick, showed a glimpse of the smooth, sweet talking Ron. & remember the butt slap video? Ron showed he had a flirty, affectionant side! & I think Misty saw a lot more of that than we did.
Just throwing this tidbit out here: Gunshot wounds do not always bleed as much as we might expect. Gunshot wound to the head or face may bleed copiously, but a shot to many other parts of the body might barely bleed at all.

ETA: I know that came in a discussion about other stuff but I have seen posts saying gunshot was not a possibility because they could never have cleaned up "all the blood." So, just the above is just a FWIW...
I still have the opinion that Haleigh..was shot and killed...elsewhere..NOT at the Green residence...due to the LE UNSURE if a crime was committed there at Green lane..

BUT, there was the LE saying, during the river search, that they now ruled it as a Homocide...and that area was near the Magnolia residence..

Something they found, in THAT area, changed it to "unsure of a crime" (Green residnce) to a homicide..(Near the Magnolia residence)...which is close to the Shell Harbor..

Could it have been traces of Haleigh's blood found??? If she died of a gunshot..
What else could the LE have found..that would make them fairly sure she was killed there?? Strangulation??..what evidence from that??.......Drug overdose??..what evidence from that???

IMO..I lean towards the LE found SOMETHING to make the statement they believe that Haleigh is dead and to prepare for a funeral...I am guessing it is Haleigh's blood..

IMO...They could have found some blood evidence..there..and the DNA was Haleigh's..They are still being very very TIGHT LIPPED on what they found..

I also believe that GGM came to the MH that was about GETTING bury Haleigh in..

I know this sounds morbid..(so sorry)..but someone probably washed her body and buried her in CLEAN clothes...and secretly and quietly buried her and the evidence how she died...

all in my own opinion...I am hoping something breaks soon..
Folks, I’m hot right now. I’m hot because I’m d**ned tired of all the lies in this case. This one is so convoluted, I don’t know if I can or even want to try and wade through it.

Last night I made a post in this thread regarding what was very recently revealed new information that Ronald Cummings allegedly “found” his gun under the driveway at Hank SENIOR’s house at 130 Magnolia and NOT under this driveway at Tommy’s house at 116 Tyler:


This past Friday, August 20th, Art Harris posted this:

Hank Croslin, Sr. told me. “I had to keep them apart,” he said. He said Overstreet vowed to get even, and that Cummings sloughed it off after he found the gun where he claims Overstreet hid it, in a drainage pipe that runs under the Croslin’s former driveway.

Two days later, on Sunday, August 22nd, TJ Hart posted an article which contained audio from Cobra claiming the same thing, that Ronald Cummings had told him that he found the gun in a culvert under Hank SENIOR’s driveway. I cut out the video snip below, but the full recording from TJH’s site is at:

Last night after making the post, I started thinking about it. Why, after 18 months, would these two articles appear within TWO days of one another with information that was vastly different from what we had been told previously? I also remembered pictures of Magnolia that Ger had posted at WS when she finally located the correct address.

I decided to call on an Angel for help. I contacted Ger, and like she has so many times in this case, she went to Magnolia today with her camera to answer my questions and get the truth. Well, guess what folks.






Why or how could these two articles that are clearly contain lies be published within TWO DAYS of one another after 18 months?

I don’t know if I have the energy required to even begin to sort through this mess.

Someone’s a d**n liar. Decide for yourself who you think it is.
Where is the first picture taken? It looks like it does have drainage pipe under the drive; but the other pictures obviously show there is not one there.
This case is soo confusing. Too many liars! Just wish someone would grow some kahunas and tell the truth!
CP..Right now I am thinking just about everyone connected to this case is a DAMN liar...
That includes investigators, private investigators, lawyers, investigative reporters..IMHO.. They are ALL lying......JMHOOTS
Where is the first picture taken? It looks like it does have drainage pipe under the drive; but the other pictures obviously show there is not one there.
This case is soo confusing. Too many liars! Just wish someone would grow some kahunas and tell the truth!

Butterflytat, I think the first picture is of Hank Croslins home on Tyler St. There does seem to be a drainage pipe under the driveway. But Ron told Cobra it was at the Magnolia address. I wonder why?
Where is the first picture taken? It looks like it does have drainage pipe under the drive; but the other pictures obviously show there is not one there.
This case is soo confusing. Too many liars! Just wish someone would grow some kahunas and tell the truth!

The first picture is of Tommy Croslin's former residence at 116 Tyler not far from the MH at 202 Green Lane where Haleigh was allegedly abducted from on February 9-10..
CP... Wonder IF TJ Hart and Cobra know there isn't a culvert, drainage ditch on Magnolia and that is WHY Cobra revealed what Ron C told him....What do you think? Like you, I don't know IF I have the energy to wade through all this quagmire..JMO
Ger, If by chance you are reading here... I want to say thank you for everything you do to keep us informed
ron: you know what? i felt like a criminal… i went straight down to the ditch…
because i figure if it`s on his premises and the law finds them… guess what?

cobra: boom, back to you!

ron: No… if it`s on his premises… then he`s in trouble.cobra: yeahron: so, you put it in the ditch and anybody could have put it there, right? got my s*** right out of the culvert… took it home… sprayed it…cleaned it… and there it was.
Cobra should go back and review his tapes. Ron did not say that he put the gun in a ditch or culvert at Hank, Sr.'s house. In fact, he wasn't clear about where he put it, but there are indications that the culvert was at Tommy's house. For one thing, in the Cobra tapes, Ron talks about coming out of his room and walking around the corner to find Joe's girlfriend looking in the culvert. Around the corner from Ron's house would be Tommy's house, not Hank, Sr.'s.
ETA: Art Harris states, "the Croslin's former driveway." That could be a reference to Tommy and Lindsy's house on Tyler.

Thank you, Ger. You're the best. And big thanks to Nomoresorrow who had the patience to transcribe the Cobra tapes.

Ron: joe had his old lady come from wherever she was from in her new cadillac
and when i come down out from my room that day… after i hid it…ok?…after..
i didn`t tell nobody… so he thought that was where it`s at …and I come around the corner and guess where his girlfriend`s at?
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Thank you Papa...I just got home from work and started reading and when Cobra mentioned on the video that you put up I just got done googling 130 Magnolia and seen there was no such culverts. You beat me to it. I hadn't gotten this far yet. Besides if Haleigh was shot with a gun I don't think it was on Magnolia. Those houses are pretty close together and someone in the neighborhood would have reported hearing a gun shot. Just my opinion on that.
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