General theory thread and motives rehashed #3

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The Sunshine Law, unique to Florida, lets the public view documents in a case that were received by the defendent/victim.

The way the public receives documents is through discovery. Every piece of paper the Defense asks for can be put through the public domain. We don't have a defendent w/Haleigh so we can't see the docs. BUT AFAIK, we can view the documents that have been presented to any of these perps, i.e. search warrants, court dockets, affidavits, etc.

We will not be entitile to sensitvie docs (notes of investigators) till someone is charged. The other CAVEAT (I haven't found any info yet) is LE can realease documents if case is considered COLD. This is not "in stone", this is what I have been led to believe.

Or they can just release information when they want to make someone look bad like they did with the jailhouse calls.
This thread is getting REALLY long! Don't you guys have any mods who care about you anymore? :gasp:

Don't want to interrupt the conversation flow, so I'll open a new thread when there aren't as many people posting as there are now. Just a head's up.
You Rock:rocker:
Wouldn't Jr have recognized "the man in black" if TN & friend did the deed?

What kind of grandparent gets caught up in the disposal of their grandchild? The doper-punk kids, yes I can see. The grandparents being part of the crime IDK - that's way out there IMO. The cover up yes, I agree they are involved in - I don't get it or like it but I see it. (Just look at Cindy Anthony.)

AS & TN could have helped create a much better story than the door is open & HaLeigh's gone, if they had her body. Besides why not call 911 and blame whoever for some accident or just remove drugs from the house and say they have no idea where HaLeigh could have gotten her hands on drugs - not to mention if she died with no visible injuries - wouldn't they assume natural causes until an autopsy said different?

I just can't see them disposing of this little tiny girl - their grandbaby!

Well, I can see the grandmother and great grandmother covering for Ronald Cummings. I can't see the grandmothers disposing of Haleigh. However, I can see them calling one of the men folk in the family like say Ron's father or uncle to do the final placing of Haleigh in her resting place. I can easily see the grandmothers participating in the coverup. Grandma Sykes taking Jr. away to her house so that he will not witness what is taking place. Teresa cleaning up the MH so that drugs and guns are not present when LE answers the 911 call. I think that the mention of "Haleigh's favorite outfit" was part of the truth. I do think that Haleigh if ever found, will be wearing her "favorite" outfit. I think that it will be found that Teresa was with the children that day, not Misty. I do believe that Teresa and Tommy and Timmy were used to get Misty over to the MH that very early morning and coerced or promised something in exchange for her making the 911 call and claiming to be there "babysitting". Ron was sent into work to make an appearance and to stop by the convenience store to buy beer and nuts to stall getting home. I do think that Misty was suppose to have called 911 prior to Ron coming home and that is why Ron stopped by the store first, to give her more time. Grandma Sykes stated that she had received a call from Ron very early on but did not answer it then, but decided to answer it later and then discovered that Haleigh was missing. My thoughts on this is that the call was made to Grandma Sykes to let Teresa (who was on standby at her mother's house) to bring Jr. back to the MH. They did not need to answer the call since it was just a signal to know that it was time to bring Jr. back to the house so that the 911 call could be made. Teresa took a photo of Haleigh from Grandma Sykes home and took Jr. over to Ronald's home and then waited by the railroad tracks until it was time for her to arrive at Ron's MH. Unfortunately, she arrived too early for this timing to be credible. I do believe that either Teresa or Hope was there during the 911 call, hence the third voice heard on the 911 call. Jr. was most likely asleep in her truck.
This thread is getting REALLY long! Don't you guys have any mods who care about you anymore? :gasp:

Don't want to interrupt the conversation flow, so I'll open a new thread when there aren't as many people posting as there are now. Just a head's up.

LOL, I noticed the number of posts this morning and I must admit we have felt like the red-headed stepchild lately. Thank you for noticing and helping us in our hour of need. LOL.
Or they can just release information when they want to make someone look bad like they did with the jailhouse calls.

I think you are right there, Dr. Fessel. Their, LE, case of "Misty is the key" worked much better when they could release her jailhouse videos as well as Tommy's. Ever wonder why we didn't get to see Donna's or Hope's??
If I wasn't on my second glass of wine I wouldn't say this but........everytime I read or view anything that Greenwood publishes I can't help but think that some village has lost their idiot.

Lone, we are obviously on the same wavelink. I too am on my second glass of wine. I'm drinking Gnarley Head Old Vine Zin. What do you drink?
O/T We have a missing woman here in my town, and I was thinking about adding her here at Ws, but don't have any idea how to do it. And with 2 glasses of Gnarley Head, I probably couldn't handle it anyway. As Scarlett says...Tomorrow is another day. Enjoy your drink...:toastred:
My limited personal experience goes the same way regarding ron cummings. When I spoke with a media outlet who reported incorrectly about Greenwood, they admitted that Greenwood had not said that to them and that he indeed hadn't spoke about the case for a year.

Since I had them on this, I asked why hasn't anyone reported information about ron cummings work hours on that date or even just the routine hours of work. Wow! this guy said, "LOOK, we support our Sheriff's dept..they told us ron cummings is not a suspect and we stand by that"

....Their tone was obnoxious. I was stunned. They admitted they hadn't spoke w/Greenwood for a year yet quote him in an article that week and led the reader to assume they had. Yet they stand by those words spoken a yr ago and don't even do any research. They are not interested.

I stand by my statement that this town supports their Sheriff, and abides by his wishes. They are afraid to stand up to LE and be heard.

There is a very deep-seeded reason for all this Whisp, as I believe you know.
You're right. For some reason I thought TC was involved with that. Maybe it was just my thinking he took plants there. If TC wasn't involved at all w/mondex, then I will remove my suggestion that Pot Plants are related to him.

I flip flop between Tommy going over with Timmy and Chelsea to clean up the MH of the plants and Nay Nay with her Lincoln Town Car going over to the Mh that night. There is just too much info out there about that Lincoln and the trunk being bleached out and the Lincoln being stuck and all. I wish we knew more about that part of the story.
OT but the boyfriend of the Duke Lacrosse Rapist accuser has died from being stabbed by the accuser.................
Lone, we are obviously on the same wavelink. I too am on my second glass of wine. I'm drinking Gnarley Head Old Vine Zin. What do you drink?
O/T We have a missing woman here in my town, and I was thinking about adding her here at Ws, but don't have any idea how to do it. And with 2 glasses of Gnarley Head, I probably couldn't handle it anyway. As Scarlett says...Tomorrow is another day. Enjoy your drink...:toastred:

Hey, told you we were physic sisters! I'm drinking a bit of Cabernet myself. I do love Gnarley Head Old Vine Zin though, pass me a glass of that.
Thank you for explaining just how things do not seem to apply nor work the way that they naturally would/should for this case.. This is just further angering on top of all the other frustrations..

What is with this investigation or should I say its' "investigators"? What are they afraid of that would warrant them sitting on us having a look-see at the docs such as search warrants/affidavits?? Certainly seems as tho in the 2+ years that someone has indeed requested the release of such docs as SW/affidavits[and fully realize we would not be privy to mush more than this due to no one being charged}..but am perfectly fine with only having access to the affidavits/Search warrants..Look at the entire treasure trove of information that the affidavits and search warrants have been to us in the Hailey Dunn case.. These docs alone would tell us alot and as I said help a whole lot to be discerned fact from fiction...

What is it they are hiding?? and are they willing to let this case go unsolved in order to continue to cover/hide the release of such docs as the search warrants/affidavits?? Just some legit questions of just what the he!! is going on down there in Satsuma where it seems that have to answer to noone{No wonder RC always had such a sense of entitlement as in having to answer to noone..seems this entire town/county is run with those exact same feelings of arrogance}..jmo tho..
Thank you for explaining just how things do not seem to apply nor work the way that they naturally would/should for this case.. This is just further angering on top of all the other frustrations..

What is with this investigation or should I say its' "investigators"? What are they afraid of that would warrant them sitting on us having a look-see at the docs such as search warrants/affidavits?? Certainly seems as tho in the 2+ years that someone has indeed requested the release of such docs as SW/affidavits[and fully realize we would not be privy to mush more than this due to no one being charged}..but am perfectly fine with only having access to the affidavits/Search warrants..Look at the entire treasure trove of information that the affidavits and search warrants have been to us in the Hailey Dunn case.. These docs alone would tell us alot and as I said help a whole lot to be discerned fact from fiction...

What is it they are hiding?? and are they willing to let this case go unsolved in order to continue to cover/hide the release of such docs as the search warrants/affidavits?? Just some legit questions of just what the he!! is going on down there in Satsuma where it seems that have to answer to noone{No wonder RC always had such a sense of entitlement as in having to answer to noone..seems this entire town/county is run with those exact same feelings of arrogance}..jmo tho..

LOL, I feel your pain, I truly do and I do believe that you have answered your very own, see your last paragraph!
This thread is getting REALLY long! Don't you guys have any mods who care about you anymore? :gasp:

Don't want to interrupt the conversation flow, so I'll open a new thread when there aren't as many people posting as there are now. Just a head's up.

:gthanks: :yourock:

You always come through!
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