General theory thread and motives rehashed #6

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I saw this tweet from Levi..
Levi Page @Levi_Page
Dominic Piscitello with the PCSO, told the Palatka Daily News LE would speak with Misty or Ron(imprisoned) if they had any information

Levi do you have a link? I noticed Piscitello didn't mention Tommy.
IMHO.. I suspect the reason is PCSO knows Tommy didn't kill Haleigh. JMHO

I read this tweet earlier and must admit that I'm a little confused over the wording. Does Piscitello mean that LE would speak with Misty or Ron (If Misty and Ron) had any information? or is Piscitello saying that if they (LE) had any information? What?
I read this tweet earlier and must admit that I'm a little confused over the wording. Does Piscitello mean that LE would speak with Misty or Ron (If Misty and Ron) had any information? or is Piscitello saying that if they (LE) had any information? What?

It was in an article, The Palatka Daily article:

"If Misty has something that she would want to tell us then by any means, she knows that I'm waiting in the wings for her to tell me anything that she thinks she has," he said. "Ronald too."

Piscitello said as cases similar to Haleigh's are reported across the nation, he inquires with law enforcement agencies to check for any connections.

"We are always looking for answers," he said. "Someone is out there that can give us that piece of information we're missing. That one piece we need to finish the puzzle."

Hope she is found soon
The only way I see Tommy helping them out is if he was there at the MH doing drugs with Misty. I think he told the truth, that Haleigh was put in the river. He tried to blame JO but that didn't fly. I think it was Tommy and Misty that got rid of her and Ron knew they were doing it. They were all into the drugs, selling them and doing them. I think everyone had something on someone and that is why they flooded LE and the media and us, with lies, after lies. If Haleigh got a hold of a oxy or Misty gave her one, it would have killed her. She had respiratory problems to begin with and one pill would kill her. Every thing combinded with the drugs, if a child died in the home, him sleeping with an underaged girl would have upset his world big time. So the plan had to be, something that they could say it wasn't their fault and Caylee was all in the news and it was the perfect story to tell. And it works if no one ever finds a body, so where do you put a body you don't want found in FL? What is the easiest thing to do if you are too lazy to dig? So this is only my theory on what happened, it could have happened a lot of other ways, but to me, this is what makes sense with what I know.

I see what you're saying, and like I said, it's a possibility Haleigh was tied to a cinderblock and dropped in the St John's. But that just seems too harsh, KWIM?

Take Caylee Anthony for an example. From day 31, IMO it was crystal clear her mother flat out killed her and disposed of her, all by herself, so it was a question of 'what would Casey do?' My guess was she was carried around in the trunk for a couple of days and then dumped close to a road.

I don't see Ron, Misty, or Tommy as being the same way as Casey. That's why I want a workable theory, to try to pin down how and who, so then I can start thinking about 'What would X do?'

So going with your theory, the 'how' is overdosed, but not deliberately. IMO, this would make the death a shock, not planned or prepared for. IMO, that would involve some grieving, and some care being taken in where Haleigh's body was put.

IMO, Ron did love Haleigh, and under these circumstances it's hard for me to see him suggesting or being okay with her body being tied to a cinder block and thrown off a dock into a river that has alligators in it. If this is what happened, I doubt her remains will ever be found. But if it didn't, maybe they could be.

In your theory, I see Tommy as the most likely to have disposed of Haleigh's body, either with or without Misty. So now I'm trying to come up with ideas of where he would have put her.
I think a normal person knows "love" and wouldn't do a lot of things because they "love" someone. I think you need to re-define "love" when discussing druggies......... A druggie would do a lot of things a straight person wouldn't. A druggie "loves" their next high above everything else. Ron and Misty and the rest of the bunch...druggies.
I see what you're saying, and like I said, it's a possibility Haleigh was tied to a cinderblock and dropped in the St John's. But that just seems too harsh, KWIM?

Take Caylee Anthony for an example. From day 31, IMO it was crystal clear her mother flat out killed her and disposed of her, all by herself, so it was a question of 'what would Casey do?' My guess was she was carried around in the trunk for a couple of days and then dumped close to a road.

I don't see Ron, Misty, or Tommy as being the same way as Casey. That's why I want a workable theory, to try to pin down how and who, so then I can start thinking about 'What would X do?'

So going with your theory, the 'how' is overdosed, but not deliberately. IMO, this would make the death a shock, not planned or prepared for. IMO, that would involve some grieving, and some care being taken in where Haleigh's body was put.

IMO, Ron did love Haleigh, and under these circumstances it's hard for me to see him suggesting or being okay with her body being tied to a cinder block and thrown off a dock into a river that has alligators in it. If this is what happened, I doubt her remains will ever be found. But if it didn't, maybe they could be.

In your theory, I see Tommy as the most likely to have disposed of Haleigh's body, either with or without Misty. So now I'm trying to come up with ideas of where he would have put her.

I think putting my child in a couple of bags and leaving them in a swamp is just as bad, let alone driving around with them in my trunk. KWIM? People do this in many child murder cases. Tommy and Misty were not her parents, and Ron could not be involved, if he thinks she died on his drugs or because he told Misty to give her something to get her to bed. He had a lot to lose, and he was using, and this changes a person. Many mothers that kill their children, put them in water to bury them. I know it sounds so cold, but it is a fact of life. It happens and we all here hate it, but it does happen. Haleigh will be found one day, There is a case here where a child went missing about 41 years ago. She may have fallen in a river. They found a childs jaw bone about her age just in 2003, and it was washed a shore very near where she went missing so long ago. It is being tested as I post to see if it is her. My point is, if God wants her found, no river will keep her bond. She will surface when it is time.
I think a normal person knows "love" and wouldn't do a lot of things because they "love" someone. I think you need to re-define "love" when discussing druggies......... A druggie would do a lot of things a straight person wouldn't. A druggie "loves" their next high above everything else. Ron and Misty and the rest of the bunch...druggies.

I disagree. I think druggies are a dysfunctional lot, but I still think most of them are capable and do love others, dysfunctional as it may be. IMO, love comes in many forms and different degrees.
I didn't say they weren't capable of love.....I said you couldn't count on them not throwing a child in the river or who knows what because of their love.

IMO, people think if you don't think Ron is the killer you must think he is Mr. Wonderful. IMO, if people practiced a little more reading comprehension, there might not be so much misunderstandings.

My opinion is Ron didn't have anything to do with Haleigh's death and to this day still doesn't know what happened to her. Anyone who reads further will see I think that Ron lied to LE starting with the 911 call, and continued to lie and obstruct to the point this case will probably never be solved. I don't know that I consider that 'involved', but I sure don't consider it innocent. Haleigh was his daughter, and I'm sorry he was able to use what info he had to get time knocked off that IMO he should be serving, and also get use immunity for what IMO he should be prosecuted and serve some more time for. Info that IMO he should have been getting in every LE's face and relaying to them from the minute he found out his daughter was gone.

I also think it's a crying shame from what I saw that Hank Croslin tried harder in the jail visits to get the truth about what happened to Haleigh than it seems her own flesh and blood ever did.

All MOO.

It was stated at his sentencing he agreed to a plea deal, and gave a proffer. Part of giving a proffer, means that afterwards if the state attorney is satisfied with the information the defendant gives, he is granted immunity.

If Ronald had no involvement there would be no use for immunity. The only reason he could be granted immunity would be if he had involvement in what happened to Haleigh, and he wanted to make sure he isn't prosecuted for it.

Judging by the motions filed by Ronald ever since the deal, he keeps trying to get the sentence modified and claims the sentence is illegal, even though he agreed to the sentence. This tells me that Ron is nervous because he knows he wasn't 100% truthful in his deal with the state attorney.

If he wasn't truthful and left things out, the offer is off, and he will no longer be protected by immunity.

The plea deal should have put to rest the mystery about whether Ron was involved or not.

Let's face it. Looks like LE and the state attorney set a trap and Ronald fell right into it.
I didn't say they weren't capable of love.....I said you couldn't count on them not throwing a child in the river or who knows what because of their love.

There are people who claim that both Ron and Misty abused Haleigh. There are pictures of Haleigh with bruises and lacerations on her body. Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but if you really love your children you don't abuse them?
"If Misty has something that she would want to tell us then by any means, she knows that I'm waiting in the wings for her to tell me anything that she thinks she has," he said. "Ronald too."- CAPT Piscitello

Ok, so here is a cop, who is working Haleighs case, who says Ron can tell more if he wants. How much more stuff has to come out for people to believe he knows MORE??
My theory, with massive gaps:

All my opinion only.
I think Ron went to work, and Misty was at the home with the children. I think most of the day played out as reported. I think at some point Misty killed Haleigh. I don't know why, maybe she wet the bed, maybe she wouldn't go to sleep, maybe she didn't feel good and was cranky. Maybe she got up and caught Misty doing something and Misty panicked. I also don't know if Tommy was there, or if he came in later.

I think Misty, probably with Tommy's help, disposed of the body. I then think Misty, probably with Tommy's help, came up with a story to tell Ron. I don't know what that story could be, but IMO it had elements of Ron being at fault for what happened, whatever that was being something Ron could get in big trouble with the law for, and also Misty being attacked in some way.

I don't think Ron is a sociopath, but I do think his number one priority is to protect himself. So I think whatever Ron was told made him feel guilty towards Misty, and maybe made him think, at least for a little while, he had a chance of getting Haleigh back. I just don't think Ron had it in him to put his daughter before himself. I also think Ron's ego played a big part in him believing the lies he was told.

So, at the end of the day, Ron believes he is protecting himself, which IMO is in character. Misty is not covering for anyone but herself, which is in character. Tommy is covering a little for Misty, but mostly for himself, which is in character. Joe had nothing to do with any of it, isn't covering for anyone, knows nothing, so was very easy to point fingers at. Hank doesn't know, but suspects his kids are involved, and that's why he's acted like he has. And all this is what Ron was withholding from LE, and what he used to buy his plea deal, why he needed immunity, and what he can testify to. None of this provides enough evidence, though, to charge anyone.

End of theory.

Thanks for your theory. I appreciate your taking the time to spell it out and even point out there are gaps.

My problem with the Misty/Tommy theory, or any Croslin theory is stated by CP below. As I read your post, I had the same thoughts as CP's running through my head.

Hello Lanie. I came to the conclusion long ago that none of us really know what happened to Haleigh. As theories go, your's is probably as good as any, essentially being that Misty did it and Tommy helped. I get it. It could be, but if true, there's something I'll never understand.

How and why did practically every member of the Cummings family rush to so strongly defend the very person who, according to their own storyline, was solely responsible, that evening, for the safety of this beloved child?

We've all seen the Art Harris interview, why did Teresa Neves so gushingly tell how Misty was the best girlfriend her son had ever had?

We all saw GGM's "That's A Crock" interview. Why did GGM praise this girl so staunchly that it almost seemed she was ready to fist fight anyone who said otherwise?

We even saw Crystal Cummings call the Nancy Grace Show and request air time so she could go on and on about how wonderful the very person who's only stated defense was that she slept through it all! Why did she do that?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but none of these people had even known this underage girlfriend much more than 2 months! TWO MONTHS! Yet roughly 30 days after Haleigh vanished, they're all at a party celebrating Ronald Cummings having married the very person your theory, and fundamental logic, would dictate as suspect number one! It didn't stop there either, did it? A couple of days after the party, they were ALL in New York yuck yucking it up with Ronald and this girl on their honeymoon!

I just don't get it Lanie. Your theory seems perfectly logical at first glance, but you know what really puzzles me?

A year later, why did Teresa's story about Misty change from saying she warmed her heart to wanting to see her hung like a witch at a public square?

Why did GGM's story change, a year later, from glowing acclaim for Misty to stating she only went over there because she was MAD that Ronald had let her come back?

For me to accept your theory as plausible, I need to understand why this family's stories about your suspect changed so dramatically. Most importantly of all, I need to know why they said what they did in the early days of this investigation if it wasn't true.

CP, I couldn't have said it any better. No matter how many times I try to look at the Croslins, I can't help but wonder about the strange actions of the grandmothers. Why embrace Misty in the beginning and rather viciously protect her (that's a crock!) only to turn around and toss her to the dogs, or more precisely, string her up like a witch?

For me, no "Croslin did it" theory fits in light of the actions of the grandmothers.

Speaking of those grandmothers who were so vocal in support and later condemnation of Misty, why are they not still begging for help in finding the culprits, or at least in finding Haleigh's location? Why?
Speaking of those grandmothers who were so vocal in support and later condemnation of Misty, why are they not still begging for help in finding the culprits, or at least in finding Haleigh's location? Why?

Probably because they have listened to what the world thinks of Misty and their actions towards her and they are now trying to save face, and act like they too were Mistys victim, this complex cunning 16 year old at the time who snowed the whole family. They know Ronald did this, but they just dont want to admit it. That whole exchange at the jail with Teresa and Ron, where she says, you have something to tell me, and he dances around it, saying I love you. I think they just want him to tell the truth, tell where shes buried and move on, they will forgive him.

Has anyone in her family said anything today?

Tomorrow there is a vigil at Annettes, so I am sure there will be some coverage, hopefully. Its technically the 10th thats observed as the day she went missing.
Tomorrow there is a vigil at Annettes, so I am sure there will be some coverage, hopefully. Its technically the 10th thats observed as the day she went missing.

Yes, they use the 10th because it fits better with their claim that Misty, and Misty alone, was the one with the children that night/early morning.
Tomorrow there is a vigil at Annettes, so I am sure there will be some coverage, hopefully. Its technically the 10th thats observed as the day she went missing.

They have always held the vigils on the 10th.. IMHO just another attempt on the part of the Cummings/Neves/Sykes Clan to keep the truth from ever being revealed... IMHO.. They ALL know what happened to Haleigh occurred on the 9th of February, 2009 and not the 10th....JMHO
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