General theory thread and motives rehashed #6

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I have never heard of LE demanding a State's Attorney retract anything. He speaks for the State and nobody else. Only the judge could hold him accountable for those words by making him explain them or give evidence to it and the judge failed to do that.

Exactly. This is why I think a State Attorney's statement that Tommy is a suspect carries weight, and have such a hard time understanding why some people think it means nothing.
I agree. Collateral damage implies innocent victims, and was a poor choice of words on my part.

Misty being the target is no reason to let others go if they are dealing drugs, too. Even Donna, whom I don't believe for a second had anything to do with Haleigh, might be able to go over all her interactions with Misty and end up revealing something to LE helpful to Haleigh's case. As far as Ron, having him get in the car gave them five charges instead of four to bargain with. The state used two, and still have three left. I consider that well played. I think it's highly likely Ron was giving information about Haleigh in order to get the charges dropped, but for me, anyway, the fact two charges were dropped and Ron was not required to plead to anything regarding Haleigh is a sign whatever information he had to give was not incriminating to him.

LE saying Misty is the key, along with a lot of other things LE has said about Misty, leads me to believe LE thinks Misty knows some crucial information to this case that she isn't sharing, whether that information incriminates her or not, and IMO would be a perfectly good reason for LE to target her.

To use Caylee's case as an example, at first LE didn't have a body, but they had a missing child, they had the smell of decomp in the trunk, they had a hair showing decomp, they had a mother whose child had been missing for a month and who didn't report it, and then they had irrefutable proof everything that mother said about what happened to Caylee after July 15th was a lie.

What do they have in this case? LE said they found no evidence of foul play at the MH. They also said what they found at the MH doesn't match what they were told happened that night, but they never said what it was, so it could just be things don't quite add up vs. definitive proof a specific thing happened or didn't happen. IMO, they may think it all they want, but they have nothing substantial to prove Haleigh is dead, like remains or bloodstains.

I agree with you. They targeted Ron, Misty, Tommy, and Hope. Donna was a whole different situation.

I also think they got some information from Ron and it probably involved his work hours. Not enough to charge him with murder of Haleigh but enough if they ever get more evidence.
Exactly. This is why I think a State Attorney's statement that Tommy is a suspect carries weight, and have such a hard time understanding why some people think it means nothing.
Because it meant nothing and had no weight by itself. The only thing it could have caused was a lawsuit and Tommy would never be successful in that because of all the lies he told to get out of jail.
I have never heard of LE demanding a State's Attorney retract anything. He speaks for the State and nobody else. Only the judge could hold him accountable for those words by making him explain them or give evidence to it and the judge failed to do that.

I'm not impressed with LaRue nor do I find him to be a fair judge. Took some nerve on his part to admonish Tommy for dealing drugs while an investigation was going on yet he never said a word to Ronald Cummings.I'm not buying something doesn't stink to high heaven down there...JMHO
I'm not impressed with LaRue nor do I find him to be a fair judge. Took some nerve on his part to admonish Tommy for dealing drugs while an investigation was going on yet he never said a word to Ronald Cummings.I'm not buying something doesn't stink to high heaven down there...JMHO

I agree. There is a smell and it will come out at some point what was really going on.
All the rest of them were not collateral damage though. In the tape of the last drug deal Ron was the specific target. The drug agent told Misty to tell Ron to get in the car to do the deal. If they just wanted Misty there was no reason to do that.

In all drug bust there is the possibility to use a person who gets busted as an informant to go up the chain and not charge the informant with the deal. If they did not really want to bust Ron or Tommy or Hope they could have done that but they did not. They targeted each one of them.

Now for the mystic statement "Misty is the key" made by LE. What does that mean?

1. Misty is the number one suspect? Why not just call her a suspect?

2. Misty is the one that can unlock the case? Imagine the truth in a vault and Misty knows something that can open that lock to the vault and the truth come out.

3. Misty is the Key because whoever did something to Haleigh did it because of Misty. Misty is why the crime was committed.

Why did LE say Misty was the Key and never said what or who the lock was?
Misty being called the key, could be for any one of those reasons. A lot of people think #1 is the case. Misty did get the most time, and 25 yrs is a long time, for a girl who wasn't directly involved in Haleigh's death. So, I can understand people suspecting #1, but I sure hope LE isn't still playing this game, because it isn't accomoplishing a thing. I, myself, have always leaned towards #2. I pictured Misty holding back some piece of bombshell information, that if she told, would break this case wide open. But, your #3 is interesting, and it's the one I catch myself thinking about now...especially since Misty supposedly turned down ammunity...and her jail nterview was enlightening, to say the least. It was totally self serving and she seemed perterbed that RC had turned on her...playing a little defense, I believe.
I agree with you. They targeted Ron, Misty, Tommy, and Hope. Donna was a whole different situation.

I also think they got some information from Ron and it probably involved his work hours. Not enough to charge him with murder of Haleigh but enough if they ever get more evidence.
Oh, I think something was up with RC's work hours, but I also think something was up with the bus stop and his whole loving good by. Haleigh drove home? please....Did you ever get a chance to read CC's account of being at the bus stop? She claimed she sat on the hood of her car, smoking a cigarette, in order to get RC's attention. Why she couldn't just walk up to him, is beyond me. Anyway, IMO, it looks like RC has been covering for Misty. What exactly that includes, IDK, but I do believe this is some of the information, LE is after. Did Misty murder Haleigh, or was something else going on? I remember FH saying she heard Misty was in on a plot to steal RC's gun, so IMO, this is where a lot of the mystery lays. She also heard that Misty hit Haleigh with a board. This was such a random scenario, that it stood out, amongst all the other theories. I've never forgotten it, and think it may play a part in what happened to Haleigh. MOO.
Didnt Ron say he was told Misty would get 114 years? His reasoning because of a female judge??
Been thinking about this one too. I remember a NG show with RC and TN. Now part of this is fuzzy so bear with me. I believe that NG asked who was at the MH that night. TN mentioned a cousin (no name, but she was good at that) and RC said the cousin wasn't there. My first reaction was neither of them were there so how would they know.

I wonder what the relationship between Hope and TN was. Could it have been just an accidental slip that she even mentioned a cousin? If it had been Joe, why would RC be so alert to remove him from the scene, but with Hope, yep, I can see it.

Well, let me see, how exactly would Ron know who was at the MH that night if he was at work until 3 am?
If the only reason the prosecution called Tommy a suspect, was to inflame the judge, well, Tommy's had plenty of time to file a complaint, sue, demand a correction, appeal for a new trial, or whatever it is people do in these situations. Now, this is a guy who filed a complaint because of bad plumbing, so I wonder why he hasn't at least tried to clear his name? If I was in his shoes, I'd be demanding a new trial, based on 'inflaming' the judge. I'd be saying, 'ok, I'm a suspect? Then put up or shut up'. But, the same man, who whined about his stinking cell, and then petulantly said he was done talking, has done nothing, to take that suspect label off his back. I guess being called a suspect in a child's murder, and getting hosed with those 15 yrs, isn't as annoying as bad plumbing? If this is the case, Tommy needs to get his priorities straight. IMO, he accepted the suspect label and those 15 years, because the last thing he wants to do, is defend himself against the accusation. All MOO.

Good post dodie20!
IMO, Tommy knows exactly why he is a named suspect.
I think I know too.
I doubt he will do anything to get LE looking his way again or for as long as he can prevent charges.
They're coming though. Before he ever walks out of that cell.
Duties of State's Attorney
The principal duties of the State's Attorneys are usually mandated by law and include representing the State in all criminal trials for crimes which occurred in the State's Attorneys geographical jurisdiction. The geographical jurisdiction of a State's Attorney may be delineated by the boundaries of a county, judicial circuit, or judicial district.

Their duties generally include charging crimes through informations and/or grand jury indictments. After levying criminal charges, the State's Attorney will then prosecute those charged with a crime. This includes conducting discovery, plea bargaining, and trial.

In some jurisdictions, the State's Attorney may act as chief counsel for city police, county police, state police and all state law enforcement agencies within the State's Attorney's jurisdiction.

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Well, let me see, how exactly would Ron know who was at the MH that night if he was at work until 3 am?

Good question.. He also knew exactly how far apart the beds were and exactly where Haleigh's bed was located that night eventhough he claims he was at work...JMHO
Okay, the SA is able to do all that, but Tommy wasn't put in prison for any crime other than his drug conviction.

Am I missing something here? This is not complicated and I'm not understanding what this has to do with finding HaLeigh.
Oh, I think something was up with RC's work hours, but I also think something was up with the bus stop and his whole loving good by. Haleigh drove home? please....Did you ever get a chance to read CC's account of being at the bus stop? She claimed she sat on the hood of her car, smoking a cigarette, in order to get RC's attention. Why she couldn't just walk up to him, is beyond me. Anyway, IMO, it looks like RC has been covering for Misty. What exactly that includes, IDK, but I do believe this is some of the information, LE is after. Did Misty murder Haleigh, or was something else going on? I remember FH saying she heard Misty was in on a plot to steal RC's gun, so IMO, this is where a lot of the mystery lays. She also heard that Misty hit Haleigh with a board. This was such a random scenario, that it stood out, amongst all the other theories. I've never forgotten it, and think it may play a part in what happened to Haleigh. MOO.

BBM IMHO.. IF Misty was trying to steal Ron C's gun I suspect it was because Ron C had threatened her with a gun.. And IMHO IF Misty really did hit Haleigh with a board it was an accident and she was attempting to defend herself against an attack from Ronald Cummings..JMHO
Well, let me see, how exactly would Ron know who was at the MH that night if he was at work until 3 am?

That's a reasonable question. I'm curious myself why he didn't give her the same answer as numerous other times:


"I don't know Mz Nancy, I was at work"
Well, let me see, how exactly would Ron know who was at the MH that night if he was at work until 3 am?

For that matter, there seemed to be a lot of questions being answered that I don't see how they would know:

How could Teresa Neves know the bedroom door was ALWAYS open?
Teresa Says The Bedroom Door Was Always Open - YouTube

How could she know there was ALWAYS laundry on the floor?
Laundry ALWAYS In The Floor - YouTube

How could GGM Sykes know the TV was ALWAYS going?
GGM Says TV Was Going - YouTube

While I don't understand how they knew these answers, you gotta admit it sure made Misty's story work better, didn't it?
For that matter, there seemed to be a lot of questions being answered that I don't see how they would know:

How could Teresa Neves know the bedroom door was ALWAYS open?
Teresa Says The Bedroom Door Was Always Open - YouTube

How could she know there was ALWAYS laundry on the floor?
Laundry ALWAYS In The Floor - YouTube

How could GGM Sykes know the TV was ALWAYS going?
GGM Says TV Was Going - YouTube

While I don't understand how they knew these answers, you gotta admit it sure made Misty's story work better, didn't it?

Or was it Ron/TN/AS's story that was pushed off on Misty?
So last night I was flipping through the channels while cooking and settled on something just to have noise, well it was some show on wrestling, and there was this wrestler, running around, screaming stuff like, you are a sorry piece of trash, you will be wasted when the time comes, etc, all I could think about all of Rons dumb vigilante threats, so now I am more and more convinced he was a "macho" wrestler fan and he stole some wrestlers fighting mantra. That pic of a smug Ron on the Today show is gross, btw.

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