George and Cindy Anthonys Body Language and Comments Indicates They Are Feigning

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Do you think they are going to be unhinged angry next time we see mom and pop or sad since the judge ruled and now the defense is in full on death penalty prep mode?

Oh my , listen to Miss Tennis here! She says Casey is out there.....[ame][/ame]
I remember the first time I heard George's story about putting Caylee in the car seat was during one of his television interviews, I'm thinking Good Morning America possibly. The reason I remember it is because on the youtube recording of it I watched, a woman who may even have been from this site, WS, was recording it off her TV and she put up a disclaimer that when George says that, it is HER own voice reacting to what he said, she audibly gasped and said something like "what? he put her in the car??". I'll try and find it.
Ok let me try to get this straight in my own head.

In the LE interviews, GA states that he watched Caylee and KC go out the door and leave like any normal day. (Will have to look it up to see exactly what was said. My memory is foggy on that part)

In the interview that Gnatcatcher speaks of, GA put Caylee in her car seat.

In the SA deposition he stated that he didn't put Caylee in her car seat, but only held the door open for KC.

You would think they would try to get their lies straight, but they don't. They think we're all stupid and will just forget all their prior statements. I'm willing to bet that none of the above happened, and GA doesn't really recall the last time he seen Caylee.
Ok let me try to get this straight in my own head.

In the LE interviews, GA states that he watched Caylee and KC go out the door and leave like any normal day. (Will have to look it up to see exactly what was said. My memory is foggy on that part)

In the interview that Gnatcatcher speaks of, GA put Caylee in her car seat.

In the SA deposition he stated that he didn't put Caylee in her car seat, but only held the door open for KC.

You would think they would try to get their lies straight, but they don't. They think we're all stupid and will just forget all their prior statements. I'm willing to bet that none of the above happened, and GA doesn't really recall the last time he seen Caylee.

I agree with you that none of the above probably happened. But I believe that GA DOES recall the last time he saw Caylee, so does CA & LA. I am sure they go over those moments everyday. They just can't tell the truth about it. MOO
What about this as a theory as to why they continue to publicly support her prior to the trial: They fear her. Her defense at trial just may be that she last saw Caylee, she was with her Dad on June 16 and HE is responsible for her accidental death. Since then, she has been covering up for her father's crime. That explains his suicidal remorse. She's keeping quiet to protect him. Now mind you, this is a LIE but it could be a possible defense scheme at trial which she would be more likely to present if they dropped their irrational unconditional belief that she is innocent.

I think you are on to something with this theory :waitasec: That would explain a lot. I believe if BC is directing them to proclaim KC's innocence, he is doing them a disservice, UNLESS your theory holds true, then of course, he is doing them a favor if it all works out in the end (they do not get thrown under the bus by KC, AL and JB).

GA does not believe in KC's innocence, but he is trying to hold his family together, I don't believe that CA believes it either, but she desperately wants to, and she needs GA to follow suit.

I wonder if CA and GA came out and stated they doubt KC, if that would make KC break, or get more defiant?
Oh no! I don't remember Georges "carrying" Caylee statement. At three years old, she was three feet tall and around 35 lbs. You don't carry them at that age unless you have to (and pardon the bad phrase), they are dead weight at that point.
My nephew is about to turn four. He is very tall and heavy. He has been independent for some time, hates being carried like a baby. Wants to walk like a big boy.
Unless he is sleeping and I hold him against the front of me with his head on my shoulder.

IF (big fat if) George did see Casey carrying Caylee out, he probably barely glanced their way. Especially if there was tension from the drama the night before. Caylee could have already lost her life at that point and that could have been the first transportation of her body.

Off to find that audio :banghead:

Caylee was 2-point-something at the time... she turned three in August, I believe, at least a couple of months after she "disappeared".

I agree about GA's probable state of mind.... but that's what he said in his sworn statement as well as on the air - that he saw them go out just as he was watching his favourite cooking show/news at around 1 pm...

I think as you do, that by then Caylee was not just asleep... but did he realize that? For me, it's 50:50. A former cop, a father, a grandfather and a husband can usually tell what's happening in his own home... but then again... he just might have wanted to shut the whole thing out.

I'm not so sure I'd blame him, given the circumstances, for a while. But forever? I don't think that's his doing, if you know what I mean... There is someone else in that household who wears the pants, to use a metaphor.

But IF he knows something, IMHO, it would be his duty to come forth for the sake of his granddaughter, if no-one else. I'm not convinced he can, and that would be a shame, IMHO.

BTW... I hope you enjoy your time with your nephew for many years :)

I think you are on to something with this theory :waitasec: That would explain a lot. I believe if BC is directing them to proclaim KC's innocence, he is doing them a disservice, UNLESS your theory holds true, then of course, he is doing them a favor if it all works out in the end (they do not get thrown under the bus by KC, AL and JB).

GA does not believe in KC's innocence, but he is trying to hold his family together, I don't believe that CA believes it either, but she desperately wants to, and she needs GA to follow suit.

I wonder if CA and GA came out and stated they doubt KC, if that would make KC break, or get more defiant?

I think they tried that when KC was first imprisoned, but it didn't quite work, at the time, but it got pretty close ("she's close, she's close" words to that effect) until Caylee was finally found very close indeed...

After that argument that they supposedly had the night before Caylee "disappeared", I find it very hard to believe that someone didn't think something was very wrong...

When Casey had no work in order to support herself, at least, how could she afford a full-time "nanny" to look after her child, take her to theme parks and to the beach and whatever else she was telling LE.

How many of us would leave our pets (let alone our children) to care for them for even five minutes with someone whose supposed appartement was vacant for months? Wouldn't we go there and check it out, and check the "nanny" out? No disrespect to Zenaida Gonzales, who had to suffer at her hands as well. I hope justice serves her.

I think KC picked out the name because it was the most immediate she could think of... because from what I've read, there was a woman by that name living just down the street from her parents' home where she lived. Not in an empty appartment which she never bothered to check out...

How many of us would have our hand held down by a woman accompanied by another, with three children in tow (I stand to be corrected if I've got that wrong), and give up our child because we were ordered to go steal, party and have fun?

How many of us would "look" for our missing child in a night club, while dancing, drinking, and just hanging out at the same time?

How many of us would be getting tatoos about The Good Life - Bella Vida, getting a nail job and shopping for undies while our child is somewhere out there "missing"? My guess would be none.


Thank you for that link... I remember watching it what seems like ages ago! Somehow, it still seems to me like it's all about CA - everyone can make of that what they will.

What got me then, and still gets me now is the comment about collapsing on the floor... just to get the ratings high... (words to that effect).

I can understand her pain and distress. The drama... that's another story, IMHO.

Sometimes I sleep for less than 3 hours a night... and I haven't lost any member of my family (thank God!). When you deal with trauma, you don't blame the rest of the world for it while you're in the process of asking for their help...

Ok let me try to get this straight in my own head.

In the LE interviews, GA states that he watched Caylee and KC go out the door and leave like any normal day. (Will have to look it up to see exactly what was said. My memory is foggy on that part)

In the interview that Gnatcatcher speaks of, GA put Caylee in her car seat.

In the SA deposition he stated that he didn't put Caylee in her car seat, but only held the door open for KC.

You would think they would try to get their lies straight, but they don't. They think we're all stupid and will just forget all their prior statements. I'm willing to bet that none of the above happened, and GA doesn't really recall the last time he seen Caylee.

From what I've read, it seemed as if he was just sitting watching TV (cooking/news) as KC walked out holding Caylee, with a back-pack in tow. I've never read anything about GA holding the car door (or any door, for that matter!) open for her at that point in time. :waitasec:

Does anyone have transcripts/videos on this? If so, I'd be interested to read or watch. Thanks in advance.

I agree with you that none of the above probably happened. But I believe that GA DOES recall the last time he saw Caylee, so does CA & LA. I am sure they go over those moments everyday. They just can't tell the truth about it. MOO

(bolding mine)

I believe that as well.


I love watching these early videos. There were so many interesting statements made by Cindy in this one.

One that stood out towards the end was:

"The Orlando area gets what I'm about."

LOL! They sure do!

Also, loved the avoidance of answering Greta's question about if CA had straightup questioned KC about where was Caylee...and suddenly CA feels faint and talks about Greta wanting her to pass out for the sensationalism.

I can honestly say that I have NEVER met anyone quite like Cindy A.
I love watching these early videos. There were so many interesting statements made by Cindy in this one.

One that stood out towards the end was:

"The Orlando area gets what I'm about."
LOL! They sure do!

Also, loved the avoidance of answering Greta's question about if CA had straightup questioned KC about where was Caylee...and suddenly CA feels faint and talks about Greta wanting her to pass out for the sensationalism.

I can honestly say that I have NEVER met anyone quite like Cindy A.

Bold by me - This cracks me up totally. Cindy was loving the local media back then and hating the national media since Greta and Nancy were asking the hard questions. Now, she won't talk to anyone except Good Morning America, CBS Early Show or the Today Show - the softball question shows. She is so transparent. She would be much better off not talking to anyone in media ever again.
That's where I got embarrassed for him. It was so obvious that he was struggling to add details so that his thinking would be validated.

His grimaces were totally puzzling to me where I was expecting a somber response. He was making goofy faces as if he were explaining a stunt or something with comic relief.
He was like a "barker" at a carnival. Gosh, he even appeared downright ebullient... extremely odd demeanor considering.
Ok let me try to get this straight in my own head.

In the LE interviews, GA states that he watched Caylee and KC go out the door and leave like any normal day. (Will have to look it up to see exactly what was said. My memory is foggy on that part)

In the interview that Gnatcatcher speaks of, GA put Caylee in her car seat.

In the SA deposition he stated that he didn't put Caylee in her car seat, but only held the door open for KC.

You would think they would try to get their lies straight, but they don't. They think we're all stupid and will just forget all their prior statements. I'm willing to bet that none of the above happened, and GA doesn't really recall the last time he seen Caylee.

I really do not think George knew of all the conflicts with Cindy & Casey. If he had, alot of the chaos would have been addressed.

IMO Cindy & Casey had a blow up after the nursing home at the pool. At first, Cindy says she was in the pool with Casey & then changes it to being there with Caylee. Casey felt it was too cold. Whatever.....Cindy describes Casey as a "sociopath" befiore Caylee was found. The heart sticker on the duct tape could possibly represent an abduction or the song, "The Kiss"

IMO Whatever happened occurred after Casey & Caylee left the next day...To return.
If Casey was as obsessed with her cell phone as suggested....

She left Caylee in the pool Monday afternoon & Caylee drowned.
Scent dogs track from pool across backyard.

She was now NOT the perfect mother.

The movies rented with Tony explain her thinking at the time.
Looking for Tony's opinion of this scenariio.

(Heart shaped sticker on duct tape=Silence/truth")
The Whole bunch of them are "out there"!!!!! God forbid! We must just cross our finger that this trial goes for Caylee!!!!! It Will!!! It will! Justice for our Gal!!!!!!!!!!Night all.

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