George Anthony Demanding Justice After Violent Confrontation

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You are just so right. If you've ever experienced menacing people at your house and at your door, you just do NOT go out there. You dial 911 and pray to God the door doesn't come down before the police arrive. I cannot fathom mixing a 911 call with an exit of the home unless it is on fire and you have summonsed the fire dept.
Nor ro mwnrion, bur 911 TELLS you to stay on the phone. A friend of mine called 911 when kids were breaking lights on their street. She was told to stay on the line, but her husband had to be Mr. Macho and go out to confront them. He got beaten up for his efforts. It's standard procedure to keep the caller on the phone to prevent them from escalating the situation outside. Too bad the Anthonys don't listen.s
Logic can be taught, but one must have a willing student. The minds on this forum are so closed you couldn't pry them open to input ANY information.

I suspect you are right. It would seem that a good many posters believe that it is ok to behave reprehensibly, without compassion or mercy and with the intent to cause harm to others as long as they don't like the recipients. I can't believe some of the posts I'm reading. It is scary, and part of what my husband refers to as the "stupification of America."

The Anthony's are entitled to the same protections that ALL Americans are. There should be no need for the Guardian Angels, because the POLICE should be stopping the horrible behavior of the "protesters." But in lieu of that, the Guardian Angels will hopefully calm the situation.

Good question. What DID the protesters hope to gain in the search for Caylee by screaming obscenities, throwing coins and banging on doors?

The Anthonys are not responsible for the behavior of anyone else on earth except themselves. They can't make anyone act in the vile ways we've seen. The people screaming and screeching are just bottom of the barrel humanity, and that's something they accomplished without Cindy and George.

The amendment gives the right to peaceful assembly, and that is not what we're seeing happening. The neighbors are now begging for the police to move the protesters because they can't sleep at night, they can't get their kids to the bus stops in the morning safely, etc. It needs to be stopped. BEFORE someone crosses a line and causes real harm.

It should not and does not take sympathy to be able to stand back and recognize bad behavior where one sees it, IF one if fair-minded, that is.

This is not aimed at anyone in particular, but I swear, some of these posts sound like they have been written in the same style as those by KKK members attempting to justify a lynching. I hope those of you who are thrilled that the Anthonys are under seige in their own homes are just exaggerating and don't mean even half of what y'all say. Cuz if you do, there really isn't any hope for our society.
I do not like what is happening at the A's home for the very reason that it does put a bad light on those who want justice for Caylee. But, I have one question...what the heck did the Anthony's expect when they got their daughter out of jail? To live like nothing has happened? They have had plenty of time exercising their rights on air and unfortunately it served no purpose other than to incite the masses. They can't take back their words either. IMO this forum should be a safe place to voice opinions without people having to be compared to the KKK. We all have the choice of not listening to something we find offensive just as we also have the choice to live by example. I truly can't explain where all this anger is coming from. JMHO
Extremely well said kgeaux. :clap:

This has gotten way out of hand and just one more step in our collective downfall.
You are saying that people who don't agree with you are steps in our collective downfall? That's accusing other posters
If police remove everyone involved that's responsible for causing a problem in the neighborhood, where will the Anthony family stay? George and Cindy may have decided to let Casey stay under their roof, but the root cause for people showing up and protesting is Casey. I understand they're not responsible for anyone's actions, but they ARE responsible for creating a situation that allows protesters to use their legal right to protest in their neighborhood. They bait protesters and instead of thanking people that show up to search and helping those people that went out and gave sweat, blood, and tears, they berate them and say TES has a hidden agenda, etc. Yeah, they have a legal right to take Casey in, but shouldn't they have a moral obligation to do the right thing after they realize how much trouble it's causing for the entire neighborhood to have her there? As you can see in what happened last night, it's getting to the point where it's creating the potential for the neighborhood to BE UNSAFE. So, sure, they can dig in and say, "It's our legal right to do this, sorry if the neighborhood suffers, but hey, we're doing it!" But they aren't complete victims here. They're inviting this trouble on themselves.
If police remove everyone involved that's responsible for causing a problem in the neighborhood, where will the Anthony family stay?
Motel 6. I believe Casey would feel at home there from her pictures.
If police remove everyone involved that's responsible for causing a problem in the neighborhood, where will the Anthony family stay?

respectfully snipped 'cause I thought this was what I earlier responded to. I got a chuckle from it...thanks.
I agree....and isn't that violation of TOS as well? That's some serious comparison. :cry:
In all my posting history I have yet to notify the powers to be. I'm of the firm belief that love and kindness rule. So far it's kept me calm...
You are saying that people who don't agree with you are steps in our collective downfall? That's accusing other posters
No, I'm sorry I was not understood. Societies collective downfall. Terrible horrible things that now happen now are on a 24 hour cycle, spread via the internet, things become escalated.
In all my posting history I have yet to notify the powers to be. I'm of the firm belief that love and kindness rule. So far it's kept me calm...
Powers that be run a tight ship here...can you feel the love??? I have never hit the panic button either. For the most part I think most folks here are pretty cool with one another.:cool:
If police remove everyone involved that's responsible for causing a problem in the neighborhood, where will the Anthony family stay?

respectfully snipped 'cause I thought this was what I earlier responded to. I got a chuckle from it...thanks.

I try to keep my posts funny and sarcastically delicious. Even if we don't agree, we all know how to laugh. Nobody here is fighting anyone else.. opinions clash, and sometimes that creates tension -- just have to remember we're all people behind these keys, and it's ok not to be so serious all the time. I'm glad you chuckled.. it was well worth posting then. :D

I have seen no one say they didn't care about the rights of others. What I have seen is people trying to explain WHY the Anthonys are being harassed. In my opinion they have brought it on themselves with their untruths, blaming everyone but their daughter, and being downright nasty to those, like TES, who actually are searching for Caylee while the grandparents are not.

I, for one, am tired of posts telling me the Anthonys are in denial, unable to admit Caylee may be gone, or coping the best they can. Quite frankly, I no longer care what their problem is, I just want Caylee found, even if they don't.

I'm not a member of the KKK, I don't push people, emtpy dog's water bowls on hot days, carry hammers, or tell others to get off their azz and find my grandaughter. MY grandaughter isn't missing, but if any of them were, I would welcome a wake up call.

I think we all need to agree to disagree. I have no respect for lynch mobs, but I haven't seen any. I also have no respect for the Anthonys, if you do, fine, let's disagree, but let's stick to attacking the post, NOT the posters.:furious:

Just my opinion.
...If you search in my posts you will find that I have said not once but twice....that if the media, the webcams & the protestors will go away and stop giving those on Hopespring dirve so much attention...then this case will unfold naturally. Their pent up emotions will implode from within that house.....and none of us need to witness it. And since we are witnessing it, then we have every right to comment on it, regardless of how "baffled" it may seem to others. It is what it is!...

And, if the media wasn't there, the protesters wouldn't be there. I think the media should leave the Anthony house.
They may be innocent of the actual crime committed on Caylee, but, in my opinion, they gave innocent up when they started lying, destroying evidence, obstructing justice. Having her home is legal yes, but how she is home is disgusting. A million dollar interview deal, singing a promissory note, some "anonymous donation." GMAB. The right thing to do, if you have an ounce of humanity, is to make her go back to jail and face the music. :behindbar

Hey don't forget,.... selling their home videos and photos of Caylee. :eek:

I have seen no one say they didn't care about the rights of others. What I have seen is people trying to explain WHY the Anthonys are being harassed. In my opinion they have brought it on themselves with their untruths, blaming everyone but their daughter, and being downright nasty to those, like TES, who actually are searching for Caylee while the grandparents are not.

I, for one, am tired of posts telling me the Anthonys are in denial, unable to admit Caylee may be gone, or coping the best they can. Quite frankly, I no longer care what their problem is, I just want Caylee found, even if they don't.

I'm not a member of the KKK, I don't push people, emtpy dog's water bowls on hot days, carry hammers, or tell others to get off their azz and find my grandaughter. MY grandaughter isn't missing, but if any of them were, I would welcome a wake up call.

I think we all need to agree to disagree. I have no respect for lynch mobs, but I haven't seen any. I also have no respect for the Anthonys, if you do, fine, let's disagree, but let's stick to attacking the post, NOT the posters.:furious:

Just my opinion.

Excuse me but we are a nation of laws. Do these people harrassing the Anthonys not have lives? They are nothing more than an unruly mob. We have courts, laws, police and the Bill of Rights for a reason. These people were not just peacefully assembling but harrassing. Furthermore, no one really knows everything about this case. And I wonder if these people who have inserted themselves in this situation would protest just as vigorously when innocent civilians are killed in Iraq or for the innocent people killed a few days ago by the military in Afghanistan. Americans have an inconsistent moral code and are not morally well -developed. Whatever happened to Caylee was awful and I personally don't think she is alive, however the mob is not helping anything. Why don't they offer to search for her? Or do something constructive?
And, if the media wasn't there, the protesters wouldn't be there. I think the media should leave the Anthony's house.

Respectfully, I agree with this point. But I would add, if the Anthony's did not continue to feed the media frenzy, the media wouldn't be there. Their continued persistance in inserting themselves into the protestor frenzy creates news for the media. I've been there, I've done it, I didn't sleep well at night but it was my job to find news and report it. The general public loves watching this stuff. Good Lord, think of Springer, Maury, pick one. If the Anthony's would stay in their house when crazy people come a callin', and allow their PR people to speak publicly for them, the media would be far less interested in being there for the next spectacle. Ergo, without the media there, the people who are there "protesting" in a dogged effort to see themselves on tv would eventually find somewhere else to go. Respectfully said.
And, if the media wasn't there, the protesters wouldn't be there. I think the media should leave the Anthony house.

I disagree. There were no protesters when Casey was in jail. The protesters only started when she came home. The media had been there long before that. More like, the Anthonys would stay in the hosue if the media weren't there.

And if the media wasn't there the Anthonys might follow the dispatchers instructions and NOT go outdoors. Remember, George went out right after Casey said the media was there.

The family has surveillance cameras. Why don't they use those to pursue the protesters? Why do they have to go outside? In fact, I think the Anthony family and Baez need to learn and repeat this as their mantra.
"No Comment." How many times have we seen Cindy get out of her car and head into the house and turn around to address the media? I thought they had a pr person. Tal;king to the press should be that person's job, not Cindy, George, or Lee's job. The more they talk, the worse they sound imo. They lie lie and lie some more. Someone please send them a copy of "the boy who cried wolf"

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