George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#3

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Maybe it's not suspicious at all....

Don't you think that if George had to admit that Casey murdered Caylee then his life, his work, his family, would all be a huge failure. In his heart he can't think his own daughter, a child he loved, would murder her own daughter.

BUT, ask yourself this. If Caylee had been murdered by a stranger do you think George would still want to kill himself? I don't think so. He would be so full of anger you would have to make sure he didn't take out the perp himself. Not sitting in a motel like he did like night.

Now, take it a step further. Wouldn't George be FURIOUS that Casey had been wrongly accused of killing Caylee if this were the case? You bet he would. Not depressed but mad. Ready to fight for his beloved daughter.

But, if he left a note saying Casey did it then he knows his family would be ruined, he would be hated, and he wouldn't be there to help them.

The only thing that makes sense is George knows in his heart Casey did it and that is why he wants to end his life. His own daughter took away the most precious thing to him in the world. But, to save face and his family, even in the event of death George felt he couldn't speak the truth.

All of this is my opinion of course.

I totally agree with this, Tricia. Not to mention the fact that all we have to go on is one reporter's interpretation of what their source told them was written in that note. Maybe something got lost in the third and fourth hand account translation.

It is very possible that George stated that the Casey HE knows wouldn't have done something so atrocious as to harm her daughter and that maybe the company she was keeping led to her to doing this heinous act. It might be the only way that he can reconcile himself to the fact that Casey actually DID hurt his beloved little Princess.

Caylee was the one person in the world who loved her Papa JoJo absolutely and totally UNCONDITIONALLY. Nothing was required of him to receive her love--he didn't need to duck the truth about job/employment issues, it didn't matter to Caylee if he had or made any money. Caylee was content to walk to the mailbox with him, or to ride around the neighborhood in her little red wagon--his time, love, hugs, and kisses were what she wanted from him, and it is obvious that he willingly gave those to her.

There is a lot to be said for unconditional love.

I am certain that George likely feels that same unconditional love for Casey, as well. She is his daughter--NO MATTER WHAT. The difference is that Casey is an adult and places/placed requirements on him that tarnished the sanctity of their relationship. She, as an adult, placed conditions on love. Casey made choices that adversely affected the way they interact, mainly out of her own selfishness.

Caylee, on the other hand, was too young to make those choices. Her unconditional love was that borne of innocence.

Sadly, Casey's selfish choices destroyed that innocence, and now George has to accept that the daughter he raised and loves/loved unconditionally was the one who took that innocence away from him.

I honestly don't think he can fathom that his little girl (and in his eyes, Casey is STILL his little girl), could be capable of taking the life of little Caylee. He must find somewhere to lay the blame.

If he can lay the blame at the feet of the company that Casey was keeping and that it ultimately led to her harming Caylee, then he can still hold in his heart that his daughter is worthy of his unconditional love.
Something was mentioned about George applying for a job Thursday. If he was treated badly at an interview due to all this, I can see that making him even more depressed and upset. I imagine the family is in dire financial straits by now and I can't imagine having that worry along with murder of a grandchild and a daughter in jail.

I read somewhere today that he didn't show up at the interview. I'm not even sure he had one scheduled.
I see no other place to post this but there was great coverage tonight on Larry King Live about GA . Mark Garagos (sp ) and Dr. Phil, a lot of good insight on the show. I hope George is able to make it to the end of the trial and I wish it could be hurried along for his sake.

I hope so too, because the worst is yet to come. I hope he can find it in himself to do what's right and not sacrifice the rest of his life for someone who doesn't deserve it.
I hope so too, because the worst is yet to come. I hope he can find it in himself to do what's right and not sacrifice the rest of his life for someone who doesn't deserve it.

I was driving home tonight in the leftover snow you sent over more OK?

All I could think was, "wouldn't it be great if LE or some entity could put George up somewhere with friendly supervison?" For a LONG time...I know its just wishful thinking but that house, being shut up in that house must be horrid.

My number one wish would that George just lets the truth come out in full so that poison can leave him and he can heal, regain some dignity.

The last 6 months of walking the tightrope between family and LE surely has been impossible.
I was driving home tonight in the leftover snow you sent over more OK?

All I could think was, "wouldn't it be great if LE or some entity could put George up somewhere with friendly supervison?" For a LONG time...I know its just wishful thinking but that house, being shut up in that house must be horrid.

My number one wish would that George just lets the truth come out in full so that poison can leave him and he can heal, regain some dignity.

The last 6 months of walking the tightrope between family and LE surely has been impossible.

I'm socked in with blinding fog right now, so I'll send that over instead of snow ok?

Omg, that tightrope was never more obvious than in that LKL interview vs the FBI interview.

You know how that old saying goes..."the truth will set you free".

I just want them all to stop and tell the truth.

ETA: I don't want to see their lives ruined, or see them go to prison for 20 years for OJ, I just want the truth.
I think GA had gotten between and rock and a hard place and finally just snapped. His love for Caylee runs so deep that he doesnt want to think KC did this because her loves her as well. Most of us know the different types of love we feel for adults and babies. I believe that George considered himself a "failure" in life and in turn, had come to the realization that the daughter he brought into this world was a narcisstic sociopath and he had enabled her all her life in this. Instead of making her accountable for her lying and stealing, he let things slide by. One reason he enabled her in my opinionis that he saw alot of himself in KC. Both are unable to get or keep a job, both talk with a silver tongue and sound very convincing no matter what comes out of their mouths, both have a need to constantly be groomed to perfection. ie the "hello beautiful". You notice he never has a hair out of place and the perfect tan.

All this being said, I do truly think he had every intention of taking his own life and would have if law enforcement hadn't arrived to intervene. To me, the alcohol was for him to relax more as he wrote page upon page in a suicide note. He had to make sure what he wrote was "perfect" and to Cindys satisfaction as well. He would not name her as a murderer but in his heart he has known the entire time that KC did indeed murder her daughter and the beautiful grandchild that he was able to see, feed, touch, comfort, Play with, wipe tears away from, pull her in her wagon, and list goes on and on, almost EVERY single day of her short sweet life. A person can only take so much and I think George is wallowing in guilt and is now getting the treatment he so desperately needs. I'm glad he was found in time and maybe, just maybe, he will let go of some of the guilt he feels so that he can tell the police what they need to hear. We all know what that is. This is IMO only and just a few late nite thoughts

Tricia did you notice there is no mention of the FBI being brought in on this attemped suicide?

With respect,
I read somewhere today that he didn't show up at the interview. I'm not even sure he had one scheduled.

As a currently unemployed person my mind goes to practical matters, i.e., his hospital stay will just add more financial problems to those they have already had. Also, with this on his record I don't think he can work as a security officer anymore, and in his interview with LE, it seemed like he really liked that job, was proud of it, said his wife was happy, etc. That's a shame. He just can't seem to catch a break, and I suspect that he has struggled with depression before all this happened.

Sorry if that was a little O/T. As yet another survivor of a sociopathic sibling (there are a lot of us here) I know how they tear a family to shreds and eventually make the whole family sicker than it was to begin with. I feel bad for this family as they may have had hope once upon a time.

I'm socked in with blinding fog right now, so I'll send that over instead of snow ok?

Omg, that tightrope was never more obvious than in that LKL interview vs the FBI interview.

You know how that old saying goes..."the truth will set you free".

I just want them all to stop and tell the truth.

ETA: I don't want to see their lives ruined, or see them go to prison for 20 years for OJ, I just want the truth.

:clap: Ditto that...I think George's body language and eyes all along have told the story. He knows, he is trying to appease both sides and ending up appeasing no one.

The driving around was his salvation...his penance so to speak. Being in that house with no work and no place to go...must have been unspeakable.

His letter, or what I caught from the 8 o'clock airing of NG...I think was a gift of sorts to his family. But...I was disappointed to see the letter mentioned Casey's friends...enough innocent people have been hurt by this.

IMOO..the minute that man lets it all come out he can begin healing.

Blinding fog would be so lovely...thank you will go so well with the slop from this last round :)
Thank you for your post, Tricia! It is exactly how I feel about it!

I am praying for George!
sorry if my theory of George was not well received.It was just a theory.

I agree that it is more likely that he just snapped today and perhaps this was just all for a cry of help.

But there are just some red flags that came up on my radar.The Lawyer calling the police after being advised by another police officer to do that.Seems strange.

Then there is how he was taken in to custody and the almost immediate press release he would be possibly released tomorrow.

Its a riddle wrapped in a enigma if you ask me.
I have felt sad since I read about George's disappearance and possible suicide attempt (I was surfing the Orlando news websites Friday morning fairly soon after the news broke) and all I can say is God bless George. I hope he will be able to heal from all of the sadness and grief that he's been put through.
Something was mentioned about George applying for a job Thursday. If he was treated badly at an interview due to all this, I can see that making him even more depressed and upset. I imagine the family is in dire financial straits by now and I can't imagine having that worry along with murder of a grandchild and a daughter in jail.
According to what I heard on GVS, he went to a job fair and had no luck getting a job.
I just listened to the news confrence that george and cindy's attorney spoke on wesh 2 orlando. It was a very interesting and puts the things we have all been talking about in the right frame of mind. I would suggest u all listen to his confrence that he had with the news media
Yes. Caylee does get lost in the larger picture of all of this. She IS why we are here and why we have been here since we all saw the words...31 Days.
The bottom line is Caylee and Justice for Caylee.

Thanks SS for that. Yes, It is all about Caylee and we need to hold that bottom line high.

I agree so with Trisha, and tho I am sorry George snapped and sank so lo, if that us the true case, I feel he has become so imbedded in the case, he and his wife CA are fair game to discuss as long as we maintain TOS.

It is my opinion he has known for a long time exactly what happened to Caylee. He is the first one who sniffed her death. It had to be unmistakable. Sorry, I'm gonna be honest and that is how I see George.

Could it be he just learned of imminent arrests or charges in the case in*ol*ing the immediate family that threw him for an absolute loop? Possible, most possible IMO.
IMO, George's emotional problems and possible suicidal tendencies have deeper roots that dig back into his past family and behavorial problems, low self esteem and the lack of respect shown him by his family. Perhaps he deserved none, not sure, but we know that Cindy's family thought him something of a deadbeat and it's rumored his children belittled and ridiculed him as well.

Caylee's murder is the straw that is breaking George's already fractured back.

I appreciate that Tricia understands that discussion of this family should be allowed. I have always said crime forums is NOT a place for the victim's family and friends and if they choose to read them, they should be prepared. Their own websites and condolence or victim support sites are for the families. Crime forums are for discussion.
Thanks SS for that. Yes, It is all about Caylee and we need to hold that bottom line high.

I agree so with Trisha, and tho I am sorry George snapped and sank so lo, if that us the true case, I feel he has become so imbedded in the case, he and his wife CA are fair game to discuss as long as we maintain TOS.

It is my opinion he has known for a long time exactly what happened to Caylee. He is the first one who sniffed her death. It had to be unmistakable. Sorry, I'm gonna be honest and that is how I see George.

Could it be he just learned of imminent arrests or charges in the case in*ol*ing the immediate family that threw him for an absolute loop? Possible, most possible IMO.
I wrote this on another thread, but it has meaning here, imo.:

No one would be against this family if they had chosen another path. I don't know one family that lost a child that has been in their position...and it goes back to them.

The entire country would have put their arms around them if they had not gone on television to do what they have done in Caylee's name. We would have wrapped our arms around them and been on their side to find her, to grieve with them, and to bring justice to her killer. We were quickly shown this was not to be. The truth was not going to be forthcoming from anyone close to Caylee.

This is not how we envision people to act when they love someone and cannot find them. It is certainly not how we react to finding the body of a beautiful child and have to endure it without the family even acknowleging it is her. It was Caylee from the first time it was released that her body was in the trunk of Casey's car.
I have been sitting here thinking about making this post for over an hour. It's not the first time I have done that on this board and usually I just let it go. But this time after today's events I just cannot let it go. The hurt and frustration I feel inside is just too strong.

Several years ago I was falsely accused of a crime. The thought of this ever happening to me was completely unfathomable to me. I grew up as the kid who never go into any trouble, and at the time in my early adulthood had never had as much as a traffic ticket. Then one day completely out of the blue I was being read my Miranda rights.

Anyone who knows me personally to this day will tell you that I am honest to a T, but all of a sudden people where not taking me at my word, I could not comprehend that either.

My accuser was one of the "everyone is guilty until proven innocent" type of people. And then worst of all, I didn't act the "right way", whatever the supposed right way is supposed to be. Apparently the right way was to act like a crazy man falsely accused rather than look people directly in the eye and allow my words and my soul to tell the truth that I was innocent.

My life became a living hell. I could not sleep, I could not eat, my insides felt as though they were being eaten alive. I just wanted the pain to go away and telling the truth which I had always been taught was always the solution wasn't, and I attempted to take my own life.

Fortunately for me I thought of my wife and children who loved me, I cried out and was rescued before the massive amount of medication I had taken took their full effect.

As it turned out the charges against me never went anywhere because quite frankly they were false. Yet a significant part of my life was taken from me, it took years to get it back on track both emotionally and financially, all because of a false accusation.

I think about what George must be feeling and I think given the circumstances is likely ten fold what I felt in my darkest moment. I feel so sorry that people have used him as a punching bag as if his every action was logically thought out. I cannot even imagine the turmoil of emotions he has been called upon to endure.

I think if everyone just took ten minutes to try and feel some empathy for the man and his family, as hard as that may be. It might just change something in your feelings towards the positive, not so much about this case but perhaps life in general.

Great post SH. Thanks for sharing your perspective. I posted in the 1st tread about an experience I had where no one believed me I thought alot about it and struggled with whether to post it as well . . .

quoting myself from earlier: "I respectfully submit the following post . . .

I just don't understand why so many people state as if it is a known fact that there has been a cover up to a murder on the part of the A's. No one knows that for a fact.

I realize some of their (GA, CA, LA,) actions and statements have been confusing and seemingly contradictory to those who are viewing the situation from outside, and that has, of course, brought them alot of criticism. But none of us knows at this point what exactly happened. We don't know there was a murder, so we certainly don't know there has been a cover up.

I think it's obvious KC had something to do with what happened to Caylee, or at least had knowledge of it. That seems obvious, but I still don't know it as fact. I cannot in way condone or dismiss her not reporting her daughter missing and continuing to party on like she did. But, beyond that we don't know there was a murder (let alone any cover up on the part of her parents/brother) it could have been an accident. An accident she and the others with have to live with the results of for the rest of their lives.
I'm still not convinced of anything beyond that in any way. Yes, it was very wrong in the way she handled it.

Many years ago I was accused of abusing my child. I was innocent. The only thing I was guilty of was being a young mother (17) who was naive and didn't watch her as closely as I should have. (I never made that mistake again-I became way over protective of both she and her sister after that-better safe than sorry.) But I did not abuse her. (Thankfully, she healed and was, and is, ok BTW.)

It was terrible time in my life and NO ONE believed me-except my husband. My own parents, in-laws, most of my family and friends, with a couple of exceptions, thought I either had caused the abuse or was covering up for someone who I knew had. Neither accusations were true. I was innocent of

The police also stated that I did not show any emotion or concern for my child when they were interrogating me. And I didn't. Why? Because I was IN SHOCK and confusion about what had happened. From the moment I saw my baby hurt, I couldn't think straight, I was so shocked and confused that I myself missed evidence that would have helped my case. I unwittingly made myself look worse and worse.

About 12 years later the truth actually came out and so no one now believes I was capable of such an act. But for years they did. the shame was terrible to live with. People can be so cruel. (of course, it wasn't on the news or anything) It was so awful, because the way the "evidence' looked, it all pointed to me. (Although I did voluntarily take a lie detector test, several actually, and passed them, that didn't help me in court-or change anyones mind about me.)

Anyway, it's really a long story-too much to explain it all-but what I'm trying to say is that people can be innocent and no one believe them because of the situation. The worst part was, at the time, I had to try to forgive them because I knew I probably wouldn't have believed me either, had I been on the outside of the situation, looking in. I hated knowing that about myself, that I would probably not have believed me either and would have condemned me too had I been outside the situation. But it taught me never to assume someone is guilty without really knowing again. No one knows what really happens if they weren't there to see it. No one knows another persons motives, or what is in their heart.

In my case, I immediately took my child for medical attention when I discovered she was hurt-unlike the way KC handled things and I understand and agree with everyone's criticism and suspiscion of her because of that. I don't, however agree with all the suspicion of GA and CA and LA.

I'm just saying it bothers me to see so many people state things as if they know there was some kind of cover up on George and Cindy's part. I respectfully would like to say that here is NO PROOF of that. Denial yes, proof of a deliberate cover up, no. Proof of a deliberate murder, no.

MOO--just trying to give a different perspective on things. Not trying to argue with anyone. "
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