George Anthony Seriously Injured in Car Crash

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I thought I heard awhile back that they no longer lived in that house on Hopsrping Dr.
Does anyone have a link to video of George and Cindy's interview on Dr. Oz today? My husband said he set our tivo to record it. Turns out he thought I said Dr. Phil.

I just checked and someone has posted it on YouTube if that helps The Dr. Oz Show Oz Exclusive: 01/14/2019 Casey Anthony’s Father Speaks Out - is the Title. Sorry I can’t link it I must comply with Websleuths rules.
Dr. Oz Might as well pay for the entire back mortgage payments, fines and remaining balance. Then the A’s should be caught up on bills....well maybe. They Don’t need a second car for awhile so no bill there. So many other people should be knocking on Dr. Oz’s door for help too. JMO
IMO, Dr. Oz is wanting something from them.. or, something's happened with his somewhat checkered reputation that needs a nice shiny boost.. IDK. He's too weird for me.

I'm so glad I've despised him for years now.
I don't have to be a bit disappointed or think he's just now lost his mind. That happened when he supported all kinds of dangerous herbs and crap for weight loss a few years ago and profited.

This freaking family reunion reeks of " Dr. Phil" to me. If he's in on that, does he really think people are going to applaud him for reunited two aging and apparently not too mentally sharp OR honest parents with their murderous daughter who called Daddy a pedophile and murderer?
Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me with the timeline concerning the living situation of CA and GA:

Didn't we learn sometime during the time Caylee was missing that they moved from the house on Hopspring Dr. ( hope I have that right)?
This is the plain beige stucco small house which has been the subject of threatened foreclosures for at least 8 years, probably longer as I think negative info was found when her disappearance was first known to the public.

Just asking with no sympathy implied- Could it be that they moved out, the area was hit by a storm or storms over a period of years while it was vacant and forgotten ( there have been some monster cells in the area which are " once in a lifetime" each) and caused " some" damage which they didn't fix because they weren't living there? You know, their " Out of sight, out of mind" way of living. If any of this is valid then, could it be a problem of no way to sell it, whether bank, Anthonys, or sheriff sale on the courthouse steps because of the following:

1) Unoccupied for a matter of years in the part of FL that is super duper humid most of the year. Thus probably sealed up
where mildew/ mold lives and flourishes when there's not fresh circulating air.
2) Add in some possible boo boos ( nothing major like the roof blowing off) from weather events over the years which could add to the moisture factor inside the house.
3) The amount I've read that's owed on it is more than I'd think anyone would pay unless it was on a major beach road or in an otherwise much better location and larger.
4) Last, but most importantly, this house is strongly associated with Caylee. For some, it's memories of her life, others- her death. For me, it's both as I know she lived there and think she might have been there in a drugged state. Some people think she died in the backyard. ( the old above ground pool can be removed if regulations haven't already required it to be disposed or it wasn't taken as potential evidence, which I don't think it was.)

Any way you look at it, whether GA and CA are there, or haven't been there in years, where that precious baby was dumped is right there in the neighborhood, and NO ONE will forget that this is a metaphorically cursed house for many years.

So, what we have, IMO, as a non-realtor who peruses properties for sale online and in the hidden real estate information service for the area, is a property that will be a burden for the bank/ mortgage company.
They have skipped several measures:
1) Realtor sale or lease/ purchase option.
2) Short sale.
3) Public auction cash sale.

I don't believe Cindy and George have lived here since Caylee died and it all went south with Casey. That's what was said at the time and then- crickets about where they live..
As far as photos, I don't study their photos for details compared to the house where Caylee died, so I'm not a good judge in that aspect. Also, I'd like to point out that tract stucco houses with a lanai and similar features of this small house are legion in mid- Florida and they could have moved to one that looks extremely similar.

While I respect and appreciate all the thought and work you put into this post, please let me tell you that no, they haven't abandoned the house. They've been there all along. It's often been discussed that while they destroyed the car, the pool remains standing. They've done interviews there at the house several times. They're just bilking the system.

As far as the Dr. Oz show, I only watched the first 10 minutes last night, I'll watch the rest today. But in the first 10 minutes I found two discrepancies - 1) He said that five months after Casey declared that Caylee drowned in the pool, her remains were found in the wooded area. That is NOT TRUE. It was 6 months after Caylee went missing that she was found, and 3 more YEARS before Casey said anything about the alleged drowning.

2) While showing the Anthony house, Dr. Oz said this is where the Anthony's live "and where Caylee sometimes stayed." WRONG. Caylee didn't 'sometimes stay' there, she LIVED there her entire young life.

I swear, I don't know how this moron gets this nonsense on the air when it's so clearly incorrect.
Does this mean they don't have car insurance or health insurance? Actually car insurance would pay for this, right?

Cindy made a twitter post that their car ins wouldn't hardly pay anything and that she had no idea their limits were so low blah blah blah. Always blaming someone else. Never taking responsibility. Its the Anthony way of life.
While I respect and appreciate all the thought and work you put into this post, please let me tell you that no, they haven't abandoned the house. They've been there all along. It's often been discussed that while they destroyed the car, the pool remains standing. They've done interviews there at the house several times. They're just bilking the system.

As far as the Dr. Oz show, I only watched the first 10 minutes last night, I'll watch the rest today. But in the first 10 minutes I found two discrepancies - 1) He said that five months after Casey declared that Caylee drowned in the pool, her remains were found in the wooded area. That is NOT TRUE. It was 6 months after Caylee went missing that she was found, and 3 more YEARS before Casey said anything about the alleged drowning.

2) While showing the Anthony house, Dr. Oz said this is where the Anthony's live "and where Caylee sometimes stayed." WRONG. Caylee didn't 'sometimes stay' there, she LIVED there her entire young life.

I swear, I don't know how this moron gets this nonsense on the air when it's so clearly incorrect.

Thank you for your post regarding the house.
I know they've said they didn't live there many times. The comment is always something like : The house where they lived at the time of the child's death, having moved since.
I can't believe that awful pool is still there. Surely they don't use it? Mosquito haven right there, and there are likely children in the neighborhood at risk for West Nile virus.

Do they just lie about the house or do they have a PR person?
I wouldn't put either past them.

What Dr. Oz is doing is not going to go over well with most viewers, I'd think, if they know how long it's been since the house has been in foreclosure status. He won't say the truth, I don't believe, and that's a shame.
Cindy made a twitter post that their car ins wouldn't hardly pay anything and that she had no idea their limits were so low blah blah blah. Always blaming someone else. Never taking responsibility. Its the Anthony way of life.

I've seen many adult patients with stable healing fractures of the cervical vertebrae wear a halo brace. I feel sorry for George because of his pain and injury but to use his own severe injury to get back into Casey's orbit is nuts. If he's that vulnerable physically, how can he even trust to be around her?

Do they think she's going to give THEM money? She would never part with a dime to help them, if she has one.
So after the trial was over, did they both just go back to their financially troubled house and hunker down and not do anything productive?

As far as the truck, it's 20 years old now. They probably had the bare legal minimum coverage on it, but lacking health insurance unrelated to the darned old truck is just completely irresponsible and Cindy knows that. She worked in a home health company office as an RN and the major function other than maintaining staffing is to get insurance benefit coverage for continued care of every single client.

Neither one of them looks healthy to me. How have they managed without health insurance? I'm seriously wondering.
Have they received handouts before now for medical issues?
Maybe their son Lee helped them? We know who didn't help but I really don't blame her for that. Maybe they are close to Medicare coverage age now.
Yep, you have been saying it, along with others: they are still exasperating and draining emotionally. A disaster or " heartbreak" around every corner, but of their own making now.
Cindy made a twitter post that their car ins wouldn't hardly pay anything and that she had no idea their limits were so low blah blah blah. Always blaming someone else. Never taking responsibility. Its the Anthony way of life.
The insurance company will give you what your car is worth. I believe they pay for injuries. Everyone has this on their car insurance.
I read where someone posted they met the Anthony's at Home Depot. She said they were the nicest people ever and told her they no longer live in that house on Hopsrping so is it abandoned?
I read where someone posted they met the Anthony's at Home Depot. She said they were the nicest people ever and told her they no longer live in that house on Hopsrping so is it abandoned?

I suspect the Anthonys aren't in the habit of delving out private information to every nutjob they meet at Home Depot, so....
Dr. Oz Might as well pay for the entire back mortgage payments, fines and remaining balance. Then the A’s should be caught up on bills....well maybe. They Don’t need a second car for awhile so no bill there. So many other people should be knocking on Dr. Oz’s door for help too. JMO
They will definitely need continuous monetary help if GA makes amends with CA and she starts hanging around the house and taking $money$ out of their accounts like she did in the past.
Cindy made a twitter post that their car ins wouldn't hardly pay anything and that she had no idea their limits were so low blah blah blah. Always blaming someone else. Never taking responsibility. Its the Anthony way of life.
Don't forget their way of life includes casting the "poor me" hook out there to get sympathy and donations.

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