George Hamilton had sexual relationship with stepmom

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you have to remember the year it took place...predators were unheard of and during that era if an older woman had sex with a teen it wasnt seen as molesting but sort of glorious or maybe educational i guess would be a better way of putting it.
I think if you asked most men if they had an encounter such as this would they have felt molested? I think the majority of them would say no
Anyone recall the movie, Summer of '42?

Yes and it was a beautiful came out the summer I graduated from high school in '71. My friends and I saw it many times!
What bothers me about this is he says it placed no burden on him etc...but this is the same man who claims to have slept with around at least a thousand women!
Most men I know would have felt molested at the young age of twelve if a grown woman did this, especially their dad's wife. Good grief, most boys aren't even physically maturing at that age and will still cry occasionally if very frightened, in bad trouble at school, or hurt.
This is an interesting topic. I once had a boss who told me, quite inappropriately and in a great deal of detail, that his first sexual experience was at the age of 12 with a next door neighboor who was in her 20s. He, like Hamilton, was adamant that this was not abuse and he was vocally delighted at this introduction to sex.

Like many victims of child sexual abuse, this man (my boss) was hyper-focused on sex and known for sleeping around even though he had a wife and two children. A lot of people do not deem male promiscuity to be anything but a good thing. Society sends a constant positive reinforcing message that such behavior is terrific.

I think it is a fairly common occurrence for child victims of molestation to feel some sort of satisfaction (sexual, emotional, mental) from the adult attention no matter how blantantly inappropriate that attention is. For males who are at the age that they are interested in sex and responding sexually - having an older woman stimulate you might seem like pure positive fantasy.

We all know that a 12-year-old is in no way, shape or form able to make a viable decicion to have sexual relations with an adult, but I think one of the ways the mind protects such a person from the abuse is by painting it with rose-colored glasses.

Hamilton's story reminds me of my boss. Who really knows the price either men has paid in terms of loneliness, failed relationships and the constant search for something that never truly satisfies? It is never right for an adult to have sex with a non-adult.
Nice post SouthCity! I agree one hundred percent!!!!

It probably varies from person to person.
I had something very simular happen to me with a woman who was older while I was much younger.
I wouldnt say I felt victimized either but then again if you look at my history of relationships since then you might wonder too.
Interesting observation on that point.
It probably varies from person to person.
I had something very simular happen to me with a woman who was older while I was much younger.
I wouldnt say I felt victimized either but then again if you look at my history of relationships since then you might wonder too.
Interesting observation on that point.

Thanks for sharing your perspective, kline. I think this happens to more adolescent boys than we might suspect.
Most men I know would have felt molested at the young age of twelve if a grown woman did this, especially their dad's wife. Good grief, most boys aren't even physically maturing at that age and will still cry occasionally if very frightened, in bad trouble at school, or hurt.

I like your point a lot, txsvicki. We mothers know there is still a lot of "baby" in a boy this age. But I think societal messages try to club that out of them. We hear a great deal more about how we sexualize girls at too young an age - but, believe me, we do it to boys too. The messages may sound a little different, but they are both - "Hey - you're ready for this - no big deal - you don't want to be a baby do you?"

This message, coupled with the normal natural sexual feelings that begin to develop in most humans around this age, is dangerous. It is a disservice we do to our children.
Good heavens, if he thinks that was okay, I wonder what he's done over the years himself? Scary thought.

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