George has Casey's car destroyed

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:clap: :goodpost: :tyou:

ZADARI, this post and other posts you have made, is like you just took the words straight from my heart and mind! Thanks is not enough! I couldnt have said it better & i am so glad someone else here feels and thinks the way i do and has posted it.

ITA the car, the video of the car having been crushed, was the right thing to do, as several have said here also.

<modsnip> "Evil happens when a few good men do nothing". Cindy and George were responsible for their grand daughter's safety and well bing as well, especially if and since they knew Caysey was dangerous and a pathological liar. Dont ever believe for a second their stance that they didnt know wha Casey Anthony was capable of. George especially, he knew what his daughter was capable of. Isnt that why he DIDNT call police over the smell in the car and DID call police over the gas cans?
IF the destruction of the car had not been filmed and shown on the MSM news, then it wouldn't be long before people would be calling them liars, that they didn't really destroy the car. Kind of like the same people who think that Elvis is still alive, or that man did not really land on the Moon, or the Holocaust never happened.

Also, it would leave a rather large opening for some truly unscrupulous profiteer to find a similar car, tell the public that it is THE car and attempt to sell it, whether it is on eBay or whatever. The Anthonys did the absolute right thing, imo. And, it is a good thing it is on film.

The reason the Anthonys can't win at this point in the game is because they have repeatedly made horrendous/dishonest/unconscionable choices every step of the way - from dealings with TM, ABC, to their testimony in court. It's not as if people are out to get families of murder victims - the Anthonys have earned the public's distrust because ALL of their actions have been unbelievably repulsive since this began.
IMHO sicnce KC was ordered back to Florida GA is making sure that IF just IF for any reason they need to refer to anything that may be tested again.he is getting rid of it.

I do not think he harmed the baby. IF he has any guilt which he should it would be tempering with all the evidence. I don’t think CA gave him the orders to clean up. He knows who is behind it all and he knows how to clean up the evidence so well that they coulod not have a direct link to KC.
KC cant tell who she was wrapped up with but he does know.

Me too. I do not believe GA and CA ever had anything to do with Caylee's death. They just behaved rather unusual after the fact and became pretty predatory/opportunistic for bucks and media attention. I do not even blame them for trying (successful) to keep their child from getting DP.
I still think most parents would under similar circumstances.Prison term yes, DP no.
As for the car , it was just good P.R. IMO for their "Anthony Fund" and public image.Nothing more or less.. No destruction of evidence or such and/or keeping the car from KC etc., etc.
Sorry your forgetting something "Evil happens when a few good men do nothing". Cindy and George were responsible for their grand daughter's safety and well bing as well, especially if and since they knew Caysey was dangerous and a pathological liar. Dont ever believe for a second their stance that they didnt know wha Casey Anthony was capable of. George especially, he knew what his daughter was capable of. Isnt that why he DIDNT call police over the smell in the car and DID call police over the gas cans?

I can understand GA's reluctance to believe that the dead body smell he smelled in the trunk of the car was Caylee. I remember when I heard that a plane hit one of the towers on September 11th and I thought to myself it had to have been a small plane, stupid accident until I actually saw the second plane hit the second tower. I believe this is the way it hit GA and that is why he asked Yuri to look at the car. We all know what GA was thinking, he just wanted someone to tell him it was not true. jmo
All evidence has already been removed from the car and is being stored by LE. Do you think LE missed something?

Maybe. The Anthonys had plenty of time to fish around in that trunk before LE formally took it:(
We know CA was wiping down items with clorox wipes, washing pants frm it, spraying Febreez and maybe we didnt hear: vacuum? Ive always thought it was suspicious they found so few hairs in the trunk.
Why put a smelly car in the garage when you are trying to air it out in FL in Hot July? Didnt make sense but thats what they did. I would think most people would leave it out in the driveway with doors and trunk open.
I'll be glad when this thread is gone. Of all the things that upset me about Caylee's death, this car still really really gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, even a couple of months after the verdict. :sick:

It's weird isn't it - I can go on and on about Baez,and the evidence and the verdict, but just thinking about the car brings me to tears. :anguish:

So not joining you all here - just saying.....:ufo:
I can understand GA's reluctance to believe that the dead body smell he smelled in the trunk of the car was Caylee. I remember when I heard that a plane hit one of the towers on September 11th and I thought to myself it had to have been a small plane, stupid accident until I actually saw the second plane hit the second tower. I believe this is the way it hit GA and that is why he asked Yuri to look at the car. We all know what GA was thinking, he just wanted someone to tell him it was not true. jmo

True. It's like having a few pebbles hit you on the head and then you look up and realize it's actually the prelude to an avalanche.
IIRC, when he first noticed the smell he stated "Please God don't let it be Casey or Caylee". At that point, he had no idea -the avalanche was only still forming.
I just pointed out where GA said he didn't think Caylee drowned in the pool. Are we twisting ourselves into pretzels trying to find fault here?

Fault for what? Who murdered Caylee? I've never said CA nor GA were at fault for the murder of Caylee. My point is CA and GA have lied during the last 3 years, why would there not be suspicion around the destruction of this car? As for you just pointing out GA said he didn't think Caylee drowned in the pool, and actually I think GA said he had no knowledge, either way, you also said posters on this thread seem to think Caylee drowned in the pool, and then you quoted me as being one of those who believe Caylee died in the pool, yes? I do not believe the DT's lies of where, how, or who was involved in the murder of Caylee. Regardless of anything else you post you do know CA and GA have told many many lies in the last three years, yes?
I'll be glad when this thread is gone. Of all the things that upset me about Caylee's death, this car still really really gives me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, even a couple of months after the verdict. :sick:

It's weird isn't it - I can go on and on about Baez,and the evidence and the verdict, but just thinking about the car brings me to tears. :anguish:

So not joining you all here - just saying.....:ufo:

Yes, we can never ever forget that a precious little defenseless toddler was in there and might have died in there. Although I prefer to think , Caylee had expired already, and died rather quickly if chloroform was used.
ppl lie about affairs everyday .. and with his wife sitting there in the courtroom lol id lie too ... sorry but hes the one that has to live with her .. just bc he lied about that doesnt mean he did lie about everything else .. and for all we know he didnt lie ..we werent there watching him and whats her name on cam .. my point is none of us know the absolute truth its he said she said .. none of us are ever going to know .. im not meaning any disrespect at all towards you or anyone on here .. i think your all wonderful posters but the truth is ppl only tell what they really want us to know . no matter who they are .. everyone lies at some point in their life .i could say i have red hair when its really blue .. we just dont and wont ever know the truth about anything the anthonys said my only defense for them is that they didnt murder caylee their eyes show that when they talk about her ..

I agree with what is bolded. I've always believed we can never believe anything CA and GA say. I've never believed CA or GA murdered Caylee.
This post gets my vote as POST OF THE DAY, nay, POST OF THE WEEK.

IF the destruction of the car had not been filmed and shown on the MSM news, then it wouldn't be long before people would be calling them liars, that they didn't really destroy the car. Kind of like the same people who think that Elvis is still alive, or that man did not really land on the Moon, or the Holocaust never happened.

Also, it would leave a rather large opening for some truly unscrupulous profiteer to find a similar car, tell the public that it is THE car and attempt to sell it, whether it is on eBay or whatever. The Anthonys did the absolute right thing, imo. And, it is a good thing it is on film.
If you call a realtor and ask, Florida, especially the Orlando area, is/are one of the few areas in the country where a pool, inground, or above ground, does ad resale value to a house. Most areas it does not, infact, they decrease the resale value, but not here.

Without knowing the real estate market in Florida, I was going to add the very same thing. An in-ground pool might be different, but above ground pools are not very expensive...
IIRC, Lippman stated that blue book value was about 3G's for that car at that year/mileage.

I wish they would have given that car back to Casey. I wonder if she would have drove it. She probably would have just sold it.
I wish they would have given that car back to Casey. I wonder if she would have drove it. She probably would have just sold it.

That's what I've wondered too. Would she have just jumped in as though nothing had happened, and headed off to Target in it?
The Anthonys had nothing to lose by cremating the car. Nothing.

The only thing, in my opinion, that they can do right at this late date is nothing. Just, FGoodnessS, keep quiet and quit drawing attention to themselves with 6-digit-dollar interviews and phony foundations. Can't they just plain do nothing?

I am tired of them insulting the public's morals. They are doing the bashing ~ not those of us who post here and hope to hold some line on societal integrity. It's bad enough to see our neighbors or strangers in our communities do immoral things ~ but to see one family flagrantly wave their low standards over headline news and get international attention is disgusting. It's an insult!

Hiding in denial, parental love, medication, emotional distress or abuse ~ doing a wrong thing or making a poor decision is still not right. Explanations of why an immoral action was chosen does not make that decision right or moral.

I reveal, along with my goals and standards, that I fall very short of fulfilling them myself. Almost on a daily basis. No one can. But I at least try ~ and it doesn't even make the headline news. The opinion I hold is criticized, instead, for lack of compassion or, worse yet, bashing. And that is not what it is. I hope to see effort to improve, not excuses. All I ever see with the Anthony family are efforts at self preservation and aggrandizement.

I will continue to keep trying. I wish they would.
CA switches on and off like a light switch. The day she cried and actually told the truth on the stand, I had compassion for her. THEN, she switched back with an attitude and outright "alleged" lies! She makes me sick! JMO

Wasn't that just amazing how she did that? The crying, the head on the table, the asking of the judge to please take the PIC of Caylee away....saying it was too much for her to look at? Really? Her house is a shrine to Caylee.

When I saw her walking down the hall with that Teddy Bear, I knew something was up. That was a walking dichotomy for sure...cindy holding a teddy bear?..:floorlaugh:

She put on a performance..there is no denying that. The woman is a drama queen. In fact the whole family thrives on drama. The next thing we will hear is that they have their own reality show.
The Anthonys had nothing to lose by cremating the car. Nothing.

The only thing, in my opinion, that they can do right at this late date is nothing. Just, FGoodnessS, keep quiet and quit drawing attention to themselves with 6-digit-dollar interviews and phony foundations. Can't they just plain do nothing?

I am tired of them insulting the public's morals. They are doing the bashing ~ not those of us who post here and hope to hold some line on societal integrity. It's bad enough to see our neighbors or strangers in our communities do immoral things ~ but to see one family flagrantly wave their low standards over headline news and get international attention is disgusting. It's an insult!

Hiding in denial, parental love, medication, emotional distress or abuse ~ doing a wrong thing or making a poor decision is still not right. Explanations of why an immoral action was chosen does not make that decision right or moral.

I reveal, along with my goals and standards, that I fall very short of fulfilling them myself. Almost on a daily basis. No one can. But I at least try ~ and it doesn't even make the headline news. The opinion I hold is criticized, instead, for lack of compassion or, worse yet, bashing. And that is not what it is. I hope to see effort to improve, not excuses. All I ever see with the Anthony family are efforts at self preservation and aggrandizement.

I will continue to keep trying. I wish they would.

This is the only way I know to say thanks.....TWICE. Again, thank you.
The Anthonys had nothing to lose by cremating the car. Nothing.

The only thing, in my opinion, that they can do right at this late date is nothing. Just, FGoodnessS, keep quiet and quit drawing attention to themselves with 6-digit-dollar interviews and phony foundations. Can't they just plain do nothing?

I am tired of them insulting the public's morals. They are doing the bashing ~ not those of us who post here and hope to hold some line on societal integrity. It's bad enough to see our neighbors or strangers in our communities do immoral things ~ but to see one family flagrantly wave their low standards over headline news and get international attention is disgusting. It's an insult!

Hiding in denial, parental love, medication, emotional distress or abuse ~ doing a wrong thing or making a poor decision is still not right. Explanations of why an immoral action was chosen does not make that decision right or moral.

I reveal, along with my goals and standards, that I fall very short of fulfilling them myself. Almost on a daily basis. No one can. But I at least try ~ and it doesn't even make the headline news. The opinion I hold is criticized, instead, for lack of compassion or, worse yet, bashing. And that is not what it is. I hope to see effort to improve, not excuses. All I ever see with the Anthony family are efforts at self preservation and aggrandizement.

I will continue to keep trying. I wish they would.

Wasn't that just amazing how she did that? The crying, the head on the table, the asking of the judge to please take the PIC of Caylee away....saying it was too much for her to look at? Really? Her house is a shrine to Caylee.

When I saw her walking down the hall with that Teddy Bear, I knew something was up. That was a walking dichotomy for sure...cindy holding a teddy bear?..:floorlaugh:

She put on a performance..there is no denying that. The woman is a drama queen. In fact the whole family thrives on drama. The next thing we will hear is that they have their own reality show.

Wait for it ... they will undoubtedly shop around for such a reality show. And ask Miss I murdered my daughter and got away with it to join them.
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