George Makes Debut As Kidfinder's Spokesman

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Do you think once Casey get life in prison and this
is over George will go into looking for missing children ect.

I don't know, but if he does then maybe CA can teach anger management classes and KC can give parenting tips from her jail cell.:bang:
i guess he has as much experience finding kids as kid finders who have NEVER found a kid. I think george needs a job and is trying to spin this whole tragedy into an easy well paying job. They feel they are celebritys and seem to enjoy it so any way they can stay in the public eye and on tv they will try. At the moment he is more likeable to the public so hes on tv noramlly you would expect cindy to be right next to him and doing all the talking but shes to hated right now. Soon she will be right by his side on her new mission to save children. Does anyone want goerges help ? or is he just showing up to get on tv again and try to get sympathy for casey because no one wants to attack a man who was recently suicidal ??

Bolded by me -- I think you're right.
I think George misses the command center because people were nice to him there. After what we have heard about how he was treated within his own home ("Job Finding for Dummies"), he probably ate the kindness up with a spoon! However, there is a larger point here, as you mentioned, and now, he has no job, no signs to pull behind his car, no more meetings with LE and even the media attention has dropped off dramatically. What's a guy to do? Employment will be difficult to find for George because of the perception of his "mistruths" and lack of judgement. I am not sure many businesses owners would place much confidence in someone who appears to be so whipped.
I could see a parent/grandparent who has suffered the loss of a child wanting to participate in efforts to bring awareness or assist others who may be going through the same thing, but I would think that would come at a point later than the day of said childs memorial/funeral.

My bolding.

So, businesses may not hire him because of the perception of mistruths and lack of judgement? Does that mean parents who have a missing child should take advice, possibly be led by, such a person? Don't the parents of the missing have enough grief already?

My opinion only
I think GA and the rest of the circus should stay away from this sad case and let the authorities do their job with no distractions. The two cases have nothing in common.
And George is being paid to be a spokesperson for missing children but he can't even answer a simple question regarding his OWN GRANDAUGHTER without having his lawyer take over.

(my bold above)

I wonder if Haleigh's family knows that Kid Finders Network takes a big cut of the donations they receive before giving any (if any) to the intended victims.

Oh, and, went to KFN site and guess what…


:liar: :liar: :liar:
I'm sure the local community can figure out how to donate just fine. As far as national donations, all the family has to do is put out the word to the major media covering this story and they would come pouring in -- BUT I doubt the family is even thinking about it at the moment. Who can think about money when your little girl is missing? Who can eat? Who can sleep? Does GA think Hailey's dad needs Target or Staples gift certificates or an unpaid personal assistant? WTH?

Cripes, this KFN/GA thing sure sets a whole new record for LOW.
Bolded by me. I agree with what you have said except I do not believe, in my opinion that it was an error in judgment. I feel he knows all about the Milsteads. And also, I do not believe the Milsteads are taking advantage of GA. It has been stated throughout this thread that he is being used and it is a shame in his condition. I believe he did and does know exactly what he is involved with and it is by his choice...not manipulation. IMO.
I agree.
IMO, George knows exactly what KFN is all about, that is why he is
working with them. He seems to like the get rich schemes and this one is a doozy.
My bolding.

So, businesses may not hire him because of the perception of mistruths and lack of judgement? Does that mean parents who have a missing child should take advice, possibly be led by, such a person? Don't the parents of the missing have enough grief already?

My opinion only

Absolutely not! The last thing George needs to do is dispense advice to anyone, least of all parents of missing children, unless he is explaining how to lie with a straight face.
I am sorry if I conveyed the impression that I was placing a business owners concerns about hiring him over the needs of a frantic, frightened family with a missing a child. I thought that already went without saying.
I agree.
IMO, George knows exactly what KFN is all about, that is why he is
working with them. He seems to like the get rich schemes and this one is a doozy.

Exactly. Although, when he was on Geraldo last night I was surprised that he didn't mention KFN. He was talking exclusively about himself and what he can contribute to the missing children arena. Maybe he is thinking about ditching the Milsteads and making this an A family only campaign. He looked and sounded like a d#mn fool. I hope nobody buys into his con.
It is difficult to believe that George actually wants to "find missing children" when he just shows up, has lunch, lectures the media on camera, asks for donations, hugs and leaves.

It was like a visit from a politician.

You find missing children by looking for them.

He could have volunteered with TES, picked up a stick like the other searchers and walked through brush. That is looking.
I don't know, but if he does then maybe CA can teach anger management classes and KC can give parenting tips from her jail cell.:bang:

:rolling: And Lee can teach English as a second language.
Do you think once Casey get life in prison and this
is over George will go into looking for missing children ect.

IMO, I don't think so. I think at this point GA is trying to make himself and his family look good. The last thing GA needs to be doing right now is looking for another missing child. He needs to focus on his own problems and his own family. He can't help put an end to his own nightmare let alone someone else's.
he misses the command center ?? I find that very odd. it should have been an extremly stressful sad place to ever have to be .he was there because his grandaughter was missing !!! I think hemisses it because they got lots of attention and hes just an unemployed guy and this gave hm a sense of importance. They all seem to be trying to make carreres for themselves out of this tragedy. This was a grandaughter not there own daughter yet they have still ot gone back to work after all these months. Most parents who have lost a child or loved one have no choice but to go back to work they cant sit home and tryo to spin thier loss into a money making job for themselves. They are not celebritys as they seem to think they are.

I think you are totally off base but we each have our opinions and that is alright. I think being at the center gave George a purpose in his life. I think he could be himself there where he couldn't be himself at home. I don't think he was allowed to have a thought of his own there.

It no doubt was stressful at the center but I can understand why George felt like he had something to offer other families that had a child missing. I think his heart is in the right place. No one who hasn't lost a child through murder or has had a missing child can possibly understand what that is like and the emotions a person goes through. The thoughts that they have. The emotional strength it takes just to keep going each day. Anyone who has lost a child or grandchild can be of value to others going through the same thing. They can be a listener. They can talk to that other person about that person's loved one and what they were like or are like if they are missing. That parent wants to talk about their child...needs to and most people are uncomfortable with that because they don't know what to say.

Give George a break. You may be surprised. I would like to see him do a little more healing and to work for a different organization though. I think he could be a great asset later on.
I think George could probably give some pretty good advice to families of the missing. Most people don't keep up with crime or watch the gossip crime tv shows either, so they have no idea what will happen. George could warn them about saying much at all to any media because every word, every action will be twisted, judged, and scrutinized. If the tv Hostess is afraid to say things herself, she'll get some colorful character on who will say bad things. George can warn them that this behavior does not help the victim at all. But, I'm guilty of scrutinizing words myself. I hope George is able to handle this, it has to be very emotional and upsetting.

Much better resources than George would be: Marc Klass, John Walsh, Carol Sund-Carrington, or Beth Holloway. Any of them are much better than George Anthony who has lied to LE and isn't over his own tragedy.
I think any legitimate organization would not take George at this time. Maybe never. But definitely not until after the trial and until he showed some maturity and stability.
Most definately, he should be beyond reproach and suspicion. He hasn't even coped with his own tragedy!

I think you are right about being a pawn for KFN.

<snip from video transcription> :
"I've also mentioned to them, we've got to get some donations coming in for this family. We've got to do stuff to support them".

I think KFN is using George's ability to get media attention to obtain donations. I think it is Cindy pushing George to begin his new job as spokesman for KFN, so the Anthony's will benefit from donations.

He obviously is not helping anyone by telling them to be anything but honest, open and grateful to LE.

We don't know what he said to Ron and Misty. I don't think that they were asked to leave. If they had been why would they have stopped in to see how the family is doing the next day? That doesn't make a bit of sense. They might have only been planning on being there for the one day and then George and Cindy decided to go back the next day to give a little support.

George has every right to work with parents of missing children. His granddaughter was missing for months. He didn't know who had her and was no doubt torn between wanting to believe Casey and the smell of that car trunk when they found the car. He did have a missing grandchild though and can understand the fear and feelings and pain that go along with that. He had no idea where Caylee was until she was found. So in my opinion he had a missing and a murdered granddaughter. This wasn't aimed at you sirensong.
George requested donations in this video clip when he visited Haleigh's family.

He mentions Kid Finders and says "we got to get some donations coming in for this family" at about 1:37 on the clip.

I haven't read or seen in a video that George arrived with donation jars. He did say that the family needed donations which they do. The dad isn't going to be able to work until he knows something about his little girl. They do need gro's, etc. I don't see anything wrong with asking for donations for a family whose child is missing. It would be better if someone set up an account at a bank though. Josh Duckett did the same thing and no one seemed upset about that. One account was for the cost of living expenses too.
I just can't shake the poor taste in judgment here. The Anthony's are not experts on child abduction cases. They wouldn't know a child abductor if they had their hands around their necks choking them.

GA needs to heal (as well as the rest of that family). But there are no similarities in these cases except the eerily similarity in the child's name. I just sit here and shake my head that just this week they are claiming the innocence of their daughter in the death of their granddaughter, yet they hop in a car and head up to inject themselves into this case (donation jar in hand). Caylee's case was never treated as an abduction because LE knew it wasn't. I'm still just at a loss here.....

There are no experts on child abduction or child murder who reach out to others. There are no classes to tell a person how they should feel or think or how to handle the horrible pain they are in. We learn by trial and error as we are thrown in head first without knowing it is coming. That is why one person
can help another person who is going through the same thing that they have been through. It is knowing that you both have been in the same shoes and can understand how each other is feeling that counts.

Caylee was missing so George does fit the bill here. He also lost her to murder.
With all due respect, I believe the A's knew Caylee was dead when they retrieved the car and located CMA at Tony Lazzaro&#8217;s on 7/15. The smell of human decomposition in the car was so strong that it saturated their house when they tried to air it out in the garage, per Lee Anthony to detectives. They knew this smell; George was an ex-cop and Cindy an RN.

When these people found CMA's car reeking of death, George disposed of the maggot-filled trash bag from the trunk at the tow yard and Cindy tampered with items in the car by removing/washing them. Neither of them immediately reported the decomp smell to authorities, despite the fact that they didn&#8217;t know if CMA & Caylee were both dead. Instead, George went off to work and Cindy told coworkers she wanted to give CMA a chance to explain&#8230; did they already suspect that CMA had harmed her child? I would have freaked out and called police if that horrific smell was in my car and my daughter & granddaughter were missing. Lee told detectives that Cindy confronted CMA asking, "What have you done?" and a fight ensued between the two, but CMA refused to reveal Caylee&#8217;s whereabouts. George told LE that CMA & Caylee left a month earlier on the afternoon of 6/16 and described exactly what they were supposedly wearing, but he didn&#8217;t know neighbors told LE & reporters about the terrible fight they heard between CMA & Cindy the night before and that CMA was seen storming off with the baby. Cindy intentionally gave the wrong hairbrush to LE when they requested Caylee's, & then bragged about what she'd done in an email. And they both told conflicting stories to detectives & the FBI. As Detective Allen said to CMA at Universal where she lied about working, &#8220;how is that going to help us find [Caylee]?

From almost the beginning, these people have acted deliberately to help CMA avoid responsibility for murdering Caylee; they did not want to find this little girl or have the truth about her death exposed. In fact Cindy told reporter Rozzi Franco, &#8220;we can&#8217;t lose another one,&#8221; meaning Caylee is already dead so just kick her to the curb to save CMA? They viciously battled everyone trying to help find Caylee while purposefully leaving her body in a swamp, rotting like garbage. Now they license & sell her images to pay their bills and CMA&#8217;s defense team. And they reportedly have a $2 million movie deal on hold with Lifetime. And they are trying to collect donations under the guise of a missing children&#8217;s &#8220;non-profit&#8221; organization that will pay them both salaries and will, as Cindy wrote in her eulogy to Caylee, &#8220;assist in the well-being of those children in need of comfort and support during difficult and stressful times.&#8221; Huh? What exactly does that mean?

The A&#8217;s have no business at a child abduction scene after obstructing the investigation of their own murdered granddaughter. And for George to "warn" this devastated family not to cooperate with LE - what true victim would do that? I wonder whom George thinks he&#8217;s fooling when he says they belong to an exclusive &#8220;club&#8221; of families with missing children, when they clearly tried to interfere with Caylee being found. They knew their daughter was troubled and realized she had done something to Caylee. They knew a stranger had not abducted her. These people, along with their ex-con Kid Finders Network cohorts, need to take their donation jars and go away, leaving families with true missing children alone. I would be happy to never see their faces in the media again after they turned their backs on Caylee, that is, unless law enforcement has other plans for them.
The club they belong to includes Lee & Jackie Peterson, the Ramsey's, the McCann's, and OJ's mother!:furious::furious::furious:

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