George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin Discussion Thread #10 Mon. July 8

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To me it's because GZ fans are determined to paint his victim as someone he was not. IMO

(snipped by me for space)

I'm a little confused as to why GZ supporters are being called "fans?" jmo but that's a little over the top.
It's a sad day when a kid goes to a store for a drink and skittles and ends up shot to death. All while chatting it up with a girl on the phone. Normal teen behavior and the kid ends up dead.

And I will say it is a VERY sad day when teenagers are committing a lot of crimes and even alleged JUMPING ON AND BEATING neighborhood folks that are keeping an eye on them only have society say well even if the teen jumped on GZ and beat him it ain't no big deal, teens do that these days and shouldn't be judged harshly for it..

IMO opinion may here have said "well the injuries on GZ weren't that bad" which in MY MIND basically means they are ADMITTING they think TM jumped him but they don't care! Yes it is a very sad day when our society has learned to make excuses for attacks of that nature.

Is it normal for the defense to call this many prosecution witnesses as defense witnesses?JMO

They were Defense witnesses BEFORE they were State's witnesses. But, the State presents their case first and in my opinion their witnesses already proved Self Defense. '

Again, JMO
Well, if you (as TM was) are basically at your front door, I recommend you go inside your house. If you feel threatened, call 911.

I would never allow a stranger to follow me home, never. IMO
I had to go away for two plus hours and just now read that we can't speak on GZ's possible mental/personality traits.

I see that my response re: the reply to my earlier post is deleted. I didn't mean to address the issue after the mods request.

On this issue, the State is arguing that GZ made a conscious choice to shoot TM inferring that GZ could have avoided this entire result.
I GZ made his report and stayed in the truck, no murder would have happened.
The police I am sure are capable in their jobs. But GZ thinks the bad guys always get away. IMO

IMO, no murder did happen. But it's not up to you or me to decide that. It's up to the jury to decide. And I hope they acquit GZ.
CNN just stated that that the judge ruled the toxicology report WILL come in.

Am I wrong? I thought she already ruled against it. Did she reverse?

She previously ruled that it couldn't be referred to in opening statements. She allowed it in for the defense case and specifically mentioned that it would be reversible error for her not to under the relevant cases. Not my opinion. I listened to the livestream
Well let's see. I can not go home. I can not continue walking.
What would you recommend?

Going out the back entrance to the community and doubling back to the 711. Calling 911.
BTW after punching GZ and mounting him he could have run away and the state GZ was in he could not have seen where he went.
I feel really bad that TM is dead, BUT....I truly believe he is the one who started the fight. The evidence points to it, and I believe the Martins know it was not their son screaming for help on the 911 tape. It's common sense to figure out the one who was getting beaten up is the one screaming for help. It's also common sense to believe if TM ran from GZ, there's no way GZ could have caught up with him.
Looks like he is on drugs, carrying a lighter, swaying in 7-11.
This is getting scary.
This Judge better watch out for these jokers. IMO
Have you seen the photos of GZ introduced at court? The broken nose, blackened eyes, busted lip, & abrasions to the back of GZ's head? And the testimony of the ME that 'other than the single gunshot wound and some knuckle abrasions, TM had no other injuries to his body?

Per trial testimony by prosecution.
See, I always thought it was possible that TM was grabbed and that he could have elbowed GZ in the face (lack of bruising on his hands). Unfortunately, we will never know what really went down. You have the victim who is dead and the defendant who is trying to save himself from going to prison.
She did rule that it could come in.

I realize it is in now. I thought when the ME testified for the state, she ruled the toxicology reports were not allowed to come in.
My question is - did she rule, then reverse, or did she not rule at all before the ME was called?
It isn't confrontation to ask a simple question for clarification.
GZ was in a car with his windows more than likely up due to the rain and then their was no communication because TM ran from Zimmerman.
I think it would be normal when coming fact to face with a person that has been watching/following you to ask them why that might be happening.
I just can't imagine how TM would have had time to double back on GZ.This happened within minutes of the first call by GZ to police.
Every action by Zimmerman supports that he wanted to catch up to TM and every action by TM indicates that he wanted to get away from GZ.
Yes, IIRC the times of the phone calls support what you're saying.
Why did GZ follow? Athletic teenager? Trayvon hadn't played football for 3 years. Also, Trayvon was not running the entire time, this is testimony at trial. He thought he lost GZ...he was wrong! Trayvon was waiting for the rain to pass, chatting on the phone. This is in the testimony. Trayvon had NO responsibility or obligation to do anything! He was doing nothing wrong! GZ was the one who should have changed what HE was doing! So, the victim holds the responsibility..if he had run faster, done this or that..he would still be alive? What a world we live in when the victim is blamed for not being fast enough or not reading the mind of the person following him. :furious:

IMO to insist the victim is responsible for their own death in a case like this is UnAmerican, unChristian and just plain old wrong.
If we're following a trial, shouldn't we be concerned about what the State thinks? ITA, this case has been mishandled from the getgo. But, (Yikes!) I thought that's what WS was about...not just a bunch of opinions flying back and forth. I feel a lot of anger, but perhaps I'm overly sensitive being a mother of 3 not always perfect children.

ITA. However, I am not angry, just saddened by this case. BUT, if it was my child, Lord help the other person. My children have been raised with morals and values and an education. Some of their choices have caused me heartbreak. I have heard their language with their friends and I know that is NOT how they speak in polite society. I have also seen some of their FB posts that have prompted me to tell them to take them down. My children are young adults and I realize I have to give them room. However, their actions and speech does reflect on us as their parents. Perception is everything. JMV
thats not fair, blaming the dad because he let him walk to the 711 for candy which he had every right to do, don't you think his heart is broken enuff, that now you have to blame him too, instead of the man who actually shot tm??? and as far as tm's crazy background you keep referring to, besides a few dumb tweets and fb posts over the years, what evidence is there that tm was some kind of criminal or ??? the only one in this situation w/ a police record is GZ

and i am sorry but it just breaks my heart that ppl are now so busy shifting the blame, that now tm's parents are being attacked after their son was murdered, there is a line of decency that shouldn't be crossed imo

A man is on trial for second degree murder. IMO, "decency," whatever one believes that means, is not an issue. The truth is the only issue.

Plus, for me at least, it's not blame "shifting." It's putting some of the blame where it properly belongs. I don't blame George at all, so there's no shifting from my perspective. all jmo
Going out the back entrance to the community and doubling back to the 711. Calling 911.
BTW after punching GZ and mounting him he could have run away and the state GZ was in he could not have seen where he went.

Interesting, but I have as much right to be there as this civilian. I am not going to walk a mile because of his behavior. I am going to confront the person and get it over with so I do not live in fear for the rest of the week. IMO
thats not fair, blaming the dad because he let him walk to the 711 for candy which he had every right to do, don't you think his heart is broken enuff, that now you have to blame him too, instead of the man who actually shot tm??? and as far as tm's crazy background you keep referring to, besides a few dumb tweets and fb posts over the years, what evidence is there that tm was some kind of criminal or ??? the only one in this situation w/ a police record is GZ

and i am sorry but it just breaks my heart that ppl are now so busy shifting the blame, that now tm's parents are being attacked after their son was murdered, there is a line of decency that shouldn't be crossed imo

How do you know all the truth has been told? We do not know Trayvons background because it can't come in. The judge only now ruled that drug use can come in. It's the duty of prosecution to paint GZ as a bad guy. It is the job of the defense to defend him against those accusations. And if TM has a bad past, drugs or otherwise, that should also be considered. Let the trial continue. The mods did say NOT to use the word murder here until there has been a conviction.
And I will say it is a VERY sad day when teenagers are committing a lot of crimes and even alleged JUMPING ON AND BEATING neighborhood folks that are keeping an eye on them only have society say well even if the teen jumped on GZ and beat him it ain't no big deal, teens do that these days and shouldn't be judged harshly for it..

IMO opinion may here have said "well the injuries on GZ weren't that bad" which in MY MIND basically means they are ADMITTING they think TM jumped him but they don't care! Yes it is a very sad day when our society has learned to make excuses for attacks of that nature.


Well that is in your mind. What I am thinking when I say that his injuries aren't that bad -- and I do say that -- is that this does not support GZ's stories about being severely battered and afraid he was going to die. IMO, GZ confronted Trayvon, failed to tell him he was with neighborhood watch and wanted to know if he had a legitimate reason for being in the neighborhood, attempted to restrain him, and Trayvon defended himself as he had a right to do. I think George Zimmerman then shot him. I do not think that Trayvon jumped him.
I don't think we're ever going to know what happened. The only thing I can see is that Zimmerman was getting whacked and he shot Martin. If the law says thats okay, then its okay. Not saying I condone it. IMO
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