George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin Discussion Thread #10 Mon. July 8

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JMO, If the Prosecution had a poor case, it is mostly because of errors made from the moment Off Smith arrived on the scene. It is MPO that GZ was never treated as a suspect and that even the ME and crime scene techs treated Tm's remains as those of the suspect.

the Kleenex and water bottle he used to clean his head and wipe his hands were not bagged as evidence

Officer T Smith handled GZ's gun (bare handed)

No blood was drawn on GZ at the police department

Before, the scene was cleared by all emergency personnel, several people/witnesses were allowed to remain within the taped off area.

I'm not even sure if the inside of the cloth holster was bagged and handed over to Crime scene tech or if the inside of the cloth holster was ever swabbed.

The crime scene tech, rather than bagging critical items, instead, put TM's tribute button and the headphones into TM's pocket.

There is more but that is enough for now. But the above horribly tainted the prosecution's case.

Wonder if it was believed that there would be no charges filed very early in the investigation, meaning while investigators were still on scene. This may be why the work seems so sloppy.
I wonder if you can post a link to one of the legal sites, I'm curious to read because I don't see that happening. TIA MOO

One site that does a daily analysis is (run by a law professor at Cornell). JustOneMinute is not legal per se but many lawyers and legal professionals post there... (it is a political conservative site)....there is another one my dh belongs to but it is members only (must have bar number) Legal Chat or Legal Forum Chat something like that....

So you honestly think the judge is showing NO bias in her rulings? What about her tone of voice and her facial expressions (countenance)???? (IMO)
This witness said GZ using the word *** does not mean hate or spite, so does GZ use it as a word of endearment?

Bravo !! Can just imagine how much Shellie Z. would enjoy that!!:moo:
If you want to take Zimmerman's *hateful* words into consideration then it's only fair that you pay attention to Martin's words as well.
It's strange to find myself on the side of the Defense this time but really I'm on the side of Truth and Justice.

This Judge is biased and on the side of the Prosecution. Clearly.

I feel so sad for Zimmerman. What a nightmare this must be for him. Poor guy. I hope the jury finds him not guilty. Prayers for him...[/QUOTE

I have to say I am with you, the prosecution witnesses could have/and should have been defense witnesses! I did not feel the uncle lied!

As for the voice, I have heard chaos in the background of a radio transmission...but easily picked out the cries of my loved one....and had never in 22 years heard those sounds coming from him!

Zimmerman is very soft spoken, his voice is kinda feminine! Trayvon is young and I have not heard his voice on anything, so I am not sure!

Lets face it, GZ should have stayed in the car! Avoid this pain for both families!

OT: I am glad that this site was opened back up, for the last month I have been taking care of nine grandkids, and trying to keep up what is going on in the world! When the last forum closed, and I saw one of my post disappear and then come back....I though I had done something wrong.....and I had only look at the forum for a day or two! lol I am so behind with all these youngins! I get to go home weds, Thank you Jesus...I love them all but this is one tired old lady!:truce:

Bolded by me.

There is one youtube with TM voice. Sorry, I didn't save the link. Those screams are definately not TM. IMO
This witness said GZ using the word *** does not mean hate or spite, so does GZ use it as a word of endearment?

Did TM use "creepy *advertiser censored* cracker" (per Rachel Jentiel's testimony) as a term of endearment?
Please remember to put "In My Opinion " or IMO to your posts if your post is not fact.
Speaking of bad language- how many times have kids walked across your flower garden or someone bang your car in the parking lot and you might have said- those freakin brats or~ that a__ just messed up my car door? Its a term of disgust when people get away with bad acts-

No difference in this situation. moo
"He is coming towards me. He is a black male. He has his hand in his waist band.."

The OPERATOR SAYS " Let me know if he does anything else... "

That to me means KEEP WATCHING HIM FOR US!

SO TM runs away...

But- that wasn't an order, he had no obligation to keep watching, right? Works both ways.
She clarified that she did not want him to follow. In a crystal clear fashion-so, that he would continue on same path as Trayvon is a decision GZ made in oppostiion to the advice he was given.
IMO I hear anger and spite in that irony not exasperation

sorry,I had the meaning of exasperation wrong,just looked it up exasperation does mean irritation and anger ?

From the online free dictionary: "The state of being exasperated; frustrated annoyance." BBM
IMO, thank goodness B De L asked if MO was testifying as an expert.
I've been going over, (yes, I need a life :blushing:) some the statements GZ gave to police. Here is one statement (see below) that makes me wonder how GZ knew these "burglars" cut in between the buildings, did he actually see a house being burglarized and saw the suspect running or is he just assuming?

"Zimmerman: Um, I had called before and the police had come out, but these guys know the neighborhood very well and they would cut in between buildings and lose..
Singleton: You’re saying these guys. Who are these guys.
Zimmerman: Ah, the people committing the burglaries.
Singleton: So you’ve seen more than one person like looking suspicious and doing these burlaries?
Zimmerman: Yes, ma’am"

He did see someone breaking into his neighbors house, messing with a screen. And called it in..

So he does have a reason for thinking they cut between the buildings. It makes sense and he most likely did see this before... OMO.
Positively!! Plus the idea a Victim whose shooter is on trial for murder, has to be berated and accused , falsely or otherwise, is not reasonable...There is no doubt TM was shot dead by the that TM's hacked social accounts are totally he is not on trial. IMO

No, TM is not on trial but IMO he has been treated as if he were the defendant all along. For example, TM's school suspensions and throwing a punch at a bus driver are not allowed as evidence. This would be the case if TM were the defendant.

Why are the classes GZ took relevant?
The prosecution didn't prove second-degree murder or manslaughter. Now they're trying to make us believe that they can tell that George wanted Trayvon dead because of a few curse words. There is no way that he is showing hatred, ill will, or malice. If we're going by words, we can use Trayvon's "creepy *** cracker" to show what Trayvon said specifically about George. George was talking about burglars in general.

"*advertiser censored****** and *advertiser censored***** punk shows ill will,placing a gun point blank close range against someone's heart and pulling the trigger shows you want someone dead IMO."creepy cracker" and running away proves fear IMO
Another statement GZ made in his 2nd or 3rd interview: GZ said it wasn't his voice in the background when Serino was playing the 911 take with the screaming. GZ claimed he was yelling for help but when asked if it was him in the background, he said no. He also said "that doesn't sound like me"

(playing a witness 911 call and questioning at the same time)
"Serino: You’re that voice in the background?
Zimmerman: No, sir.
Serino: That’s you. Are you hearing yourself?
Zimmerman: Um, it doesn’t sound like me.
Serino: It’s you.
(listening to the 911 call)
Serino: OK, right there. He smothered you, correct?
Zimmerman: Yes, sir.
Serino: At what point did he smother you?
Zimmerman: After…
Serino: Was it right before you shot him?
Zimmerman: Right…yes, sir.
Serino: OK. Immediately behind the shot?
Zimmerman: (sigh) I don’t remember.
Serino: OK.
(plays 911 call again)
Serino: I need you to give me an approximate time of when he starts to smother you.
Zimmerman: I don’t know when. It’s hard to…
Serino: That’s you, yelling for help.
Zimmerman: (unintelligible)
Serino: Help me, help me.
Serino: That’s when you shot him. (clears his throat) Can you recall (coughs) excuse me…at what point the suffocation happened? Prior to, prior to you shooting him, he was on you, correct?
Zimmerman: Yes, sir.
Serino: OK. And you were able to reach into your holster.
Zimmerman: Yes, sir.
Serino: OK. You shot him at point blank range. He was on top of you, right?
Zimmerman: Yes, sir.
Serino: OK. And in the middle of all that yelling, nobody came out to help you. And I can’t, I can’t pinpoint where you were smothered. That’s the problem I’m having. And nobody’s saying they saw him smothering you. People are saying they saw you, saw him on top of you, but they didn’t see about the smothering part. So…
Singleton: And when we’re listening to the screaming, doesn’t sound like there’s a hesitation in the screaming. It sounds like it’s continuous, and if someone’s being hurt (imitates scream being muffled) It’s gonna stop. But we don’t hear the, we don’t hear it stop."
But- that wasn't an order, he had no obligation to keep watching, right? Works both ways.
She clarified that she did not want him to follow. In a crystal clear fashion-so, that he would continue on same path as Trayvon is a decision GZ made in oppostiion to the advice he was given.

I believe the non emergency operator said- we don't need you to do that-
gz says okay and turns to go back to his truck- then gets jumped. Correct me if I'm wrong here. moo
If the word *advertiser censored**hole goes to the heart and soul of ill will, spite and hatred, then 99% of the population are horrifically mean spirited and spiteful people.

This just doesn't wash for me in that vein IMO

When I refer to someone as an *******, it means I do not like them and I am judging them negatively. If I shot someone I had just called an *******, I would expect my words to be evidence in the case.
He did see someone breaking into his neighbors house, messing with a screen. And called it in..

So he does have a reason for thinking they cut between the buildings. It makes sense and he most likely did see this before... OMO.

Do you have a link for that? :)
I believe he also said rapist as well.
Unless that was his friend, I honestly cannot recall at this time.

RJ testified that she said "maybe he's a rapist" to TM. TM then said "stop kidding me", or something like that. IMO, it was just two friends joking with each other.
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