George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #11 Tues. July 9

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Right hand or left hand? Don't people use both hands in a fight, no matter which is their dominant hand?

Also, can a left-handed person shoot using the right hand? Of course.

My head is spinning.



Edited: Commenting on the hearing only, not on anyone's posts here. :wink:
Thread will be closed in ten minutes. I know the hearing is still going on but too many alerts and snarks. Done for the day in 10 minutes

I'm so disappointed that folks have been unable to keep snark out of their posts. :sigh:

TY Tricia, for providing a place for us to discuss this case.
Sigh. Jurors aren't totally stupid-- though they are stupid enough to avoid jury duty.

This is an animation. The jurors know that it is an animation and not an actual movie. They know that it is not totally accurate. They know they are not suppoed to use details as evidence. They are bnot going to take out rulers and make distance estimations based on scale.

Oh yeah and animations have been shown in court often.

Just let it in and be done with it.
Let's get on to the next issue.
we were talking about his school discipline.

Which we aren't allowed to do here. That's why I was confused. If it's not allowed at trial, Trayvon's past is not allowed to be brought up here. He is the victim. MOO
IMO, all I can say is that I'm glad I'm NOT on the jury!! Seems to me that all testimony has been he said/she said/they said & nearly all has favored the invidual whom they favor whether it be GZ or TM. Personally, I think both bare some responsibility of wrong doing. Just not sure GZ should just be able to walk away unscathed. He was the older, supposedly more mature & should have used better judgement. I'm extremely tired of the defense attempting to make GZ look like "poor George". Trayvone is dead!

if the jury follows the law, according to the experts, it isn't even close.

the state has not met its burden.

i'm extremely tired of the babyizing of a 16 year old.

how is it that you construe mr goods testimony as him "favoring" GZ?

is there ANY chance he just told the truth?
In my opinion, Dr. Rao did not testify that GZ was struck by TM's left hand - but could have been accidental, caused by GZ himself - who is left handed. Wasn't he holding large flashlight? In my opinion, only
"Scale in terms of their height." said Mr Shumaker.

Except they were on the ground and the defense, adding in the tennis shoes and negating the fact that the hoodie came off TM's head but is added to his 5'11" height making him a fictitious kneeling height of 6'3"...OMG!!! What an unprofessional presentation. ALL MHO. (If I had a locker I would now paint my own WTF! on it.)

Not unprofessional- deliberately deceitful!! He could have moved the camera any way at all to show the gun. They didn't want to. Cherry picking season- can;t wait till it;s over! IMHO
The defense has been caught cheating twice in the last 24 hours. I wonder how many times we don't know about?

I think Good and Donnelly's testimony should be thrown out! In fact, I think there might be a mistrial due to the antics of the defense. MOO
IMO, lots of time devoted to the entering of the re-enactment video, knowing full well
that this judge is not going to let it in. The judge indeed keeps this trial moving and on time, but her obvious disdain for the defense attorneys really bothers me. IMO. (animation video)
This is scary to here this man worm his way through make believe world. IMO
What about the danged button that was right over the bullet hole?

Has it ever been said who's picture was on the button? I've often wondered but can't find any info on it.
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