George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General discussion #2

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Just want to add that a revolver is a great and often overlooked choice of a handgun for protection. IMO, it is much less complex than a semi-automatic, and for people that are new to guns and maybe even a little fearful of them, but want a handgun for protection, I always recommend a revolver.

I also have a .357 S+W Model 19 revolver, and it is my favorite bedside handgun. I have a smaller 380 Bersa semi-auto for carrying.

For people who do not know, a double-action REVOLVER has the cylinder in which you put the shells and each time you squeeze the trigger with the hammer down in its normal position, then the cylinder rotates to the next shell and the hammer falls onto the shells primer in that location in the cylinder. Its the kind of handgun we see in the movie deer hunter where they spin the cylinder during the russian roulette scene.

I think too many people like to purchase semi-automatic handguns just because they are more "cool" and is what we see in TV all the time. The often overlooked revolver is a safe and less complex choice. IMO only of course
OH, and virtually no risk of shells "jamming".

Will add that peeps that get SA pistols and don't spend time practicing with it have a tendency to get pinched by the slide when it ejects the shell. :facepalm: And I don't like to pick up expended shells :blushing:
My BF likes his pistols and extended clips, but I figure, if you can't get the job done with 6 in a revolver (which is really 4-5 too many), 13 in the clip isn't going to help you if your marksmanship sucks :floorlaugh:
Hi Guys I will be closing this thread in 10 mins.. Here is the link to Tricia's Question thread for tonight's show. You can post questions there even though the thread is closed. We will open this thread back up after the show!

[ame=""]Tonight (6/25) 9 PM Eastern True Crime Radio Case Discussion/Post Questions - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Ahhhhh! So it's OK for TM to be curious about what GZ was up to? That was exactly what GZ did. He called the cops. He never approached TM. I'll say it again....all TM had to do was to go home. Approaching is confronting. Shouldn't have happened.

Well, if someone is following me, I'm going to be curious about their intentions. Though I'm not a large man and would not have the balls to confront them about it.
Ahhhhh! So it's OK for TM to be curious about what GZ was up to? That was exactly what GZ did. He called the cops. He never approached TM. I'll say it again....all TM had to do was to go home. Approaching is confronting. Shouldn't have happened.

And I'll ask again, if GZ wasn't following TM, and never approached him, why did the shooting not happen at GZs truck?

Sent from my LG Spirit using Tapatalk 2
But you said he was just trying to keep him in sight. If you're trying to keep someone in sight then how do you end up fighting with them and getting your head bashed in? I don't believe he was pursuing him trying to corner him or hold him. I think he was just trying to see where he was going to alert police. People who aren't pursuing someone don't end up shooting the other person. I found if I call the police I wait for the police I don't continue chasing the person, which GZ did.

BBM 2nd part.

Unless they are attacked. And since they are trying to say GZ set out to kill TM, why on earth would he even call police? GZ is doing the same thing he's done over and over again. He calls police to report a suspicious person in the neighborhood. GZ has never attacked any of the people he's called about. Why this night?
I remember when I first heard of this case, i though GZ was guilty at first but by the end of may last year, it was getting to be pretty clear as more and more evidence came out that GZ was acting in self defense.

It also does not help the state one bit when they are trying to hide certain evidence from the defense and the defense has to force them to turn it over.
They do if the other person hides, approaches them, and punches them.

Then GZ was following him and wouldn't quit. GZ could have easily purchased a stun gun and would have been able to floor TM but he would still be alive. GZ purchased and used a weapon that is meant to kill, and it did.
Will add that peeps that get SA pistols and don't spend time practicing with it have a tendency to get pinched by the slide when it ejects the shell. :facepalm: And I don't like to pick up expended shells :blushing:
My BF likes his pistols and extended clips, but I figure, if you can't get the job done with 6 in a revolver (which is really 4-5 too many), 13 in the clip isn't going to help you if your marksmanship sucks :floorlaugh:
Marksmanship isn't the concern over number of rounds if there's a home invasion with multiple people. In fact, there have been instances of people being shot multiple times and surviving.

I'd say the more rounds you can put on target, the better. But I appreciate your difference of opinion.
I'm not sure repeatedly posting this will have any more effect than when you posted it the first time.


Perhaps the post is being reposted for the same reason that I continue to see false posts being reposted. It is an important part of information because of the killing that took place that night, imo. There has been talk about the trace amounts of THC in Trayvon's blood and yet there is clear information that George himself was on three different meds the night of the killing.
Then GZ was following him and wouldn't quit. GZ could have easily purchased a stun gun and would have been able to floor TM but he would still be alive. GZ purchased and used a weapon that is meant to kill, and it did.
Or Zimmerman was walking back to his vehicle from the end of the cut-through and was intercepted by Martin.

Martin could have called 911 from his phone instead of instigating a fight. Instead, he allegedly punched Zimmerman and bashed his head into the sidewalk repeatedly.

I'm sure we can go over the "should have/could have"s all day.
Perhaps the post is being reposted for the same reason that I continue to see false posts being reposted. It is an important part of information because of the killing that took place that night, imo. There has been talk about the trace amounts of THC in Trayvon's blood and yet there is clear information that George himself was on three different meds the night of the killing.
Please link to the source in which it was stated he was conclusively on any medications that night.
I'm not sure repeatedly posting this will have any more effect than when you posted it the first time.

Well, I never saw it so kinda glad they did. The guy was a mess. It doesn't make me feel all warm and cuddly inside knowing he possessed a weapon. Yikes! jmo
And I'll ask again, if GZ wasn't following TM, and never approached him, why did the shooting not happen at GZs truck?

Sent from my LG Spirit using Tapatalk 2

We know GZ got out of his truck. He answered "yes" to the question, are you following him. GZ was trying to see where TM went. He never said he returned to his truck. I don't know how long it would take to get from the truck to the spot where TM died, but it doesn't look very far to me. GZ was concerned that this guy had gotten away. He was only trying to keep TM in his sights till the cops got there. GZ did not break the law by getting out of his truck, and he had as much right as TM to be walking in the neighborhood. Maybe more. So, I don't see the fact that GZ didnt hide in his truck till the cops got there as a deal breaker. I just don't!
Please link to the source in which it was stated he was conclusively on any medications that night.

It is in the EMS report that was filed the night of the killing. George told EMS he was on the two drugs but neglected to tell them he was on Adderall. George's dr admitted to the Adderall, I believe, at a later date and George admitted to him having ADHD.
So Trayvon is right by his father's girlfriends house, could have gone inside and called 911.

Why would TM need to ask George a question? Trayvon did not even reside in George's neighboorhood.

he had a phone on him, so why not call 911 and say there is some freaky person following me, I need the police here asap?

see this is what i do not understand, why is it tm fault for not running home fast enuff, gz did not know if he lived there or not because these were not his direct neighbors - tm walked to 711 and walked back home, he did nothing wrong or illegal, gz took it upon himself to chase after him, so saying that tm shoulda run faster is not even a fair statemnet imo

gz even said in his statement tm asked why he was following him and gz never told him he was w/ neighbor hood watch and did not no him, even if he had said that, nothing prolly would have happened, but you have a grown man chasing a teenager, w/ a teenage brain that isn't even fully formed yet, who doesn't even identify himslef, w/ a loaded gun it breaks my heart when i keep seeing it was because he didn't run fast enuff - imo :(
BBM 2nd part.

Unless they are attacked. And since they are trying to say GZ set out to kill TM, why on earth would he even call police? GZ is doing the same thing he's done over and over again. He calls police to report a suspicious person in the neighborhood. GZ has never attacked any of the people he's called about. Why this night?

I feel he wanted to be the hero like the stucco guys were. He saw how impressed the community was with these guy and he wanted to have an e-mail go out that he stopped another burglar. He picked the wrong kid, Trayvon was just visiting his dad only armed with a can and skittles.
he obviously was not afraid of him if he punched him in the face and broke his nose and then started bashing his head into the sidewalk.

IMO you are correct. "If" as you say, he actually did that. The only evidence of that is GZ's word. He's in trouble and I believe a person in his position likely would try to talk his way out of it. Another "If" which I believe is very important, is if GZ had stayed in his vehicle and let the police handle it, as he was trained to do as a Neighborhood Watch volunteer, he would have gone on his way grocery shopping and TM would have gone to his father's fiancee's house where he was staying and that would have been the end of the matter. Everybody alive and well.
BBM, I have to disagree. They showed injuries to his head today in court. He was battered and bruised, had huge lumps on his head and abrasions all over his head. IT was not just in the back but had large lumps on either side of his head.

I disagree that his story changed or that the evidence does not match up because it does. So far what he says happened fits what is coming into evidence.

Respectfully, if you do not believe his story has changed -- and dramatically -- you are misinformed. Understandable, as we all cannot follow every case (be kinda crazy if we did), but there it is.
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