George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General Discussion Thread 9 (For Friday)

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Why would he go back out and look for GZ? He ran from him twice, why go back? That doesn't make sense to me. TM didn't need to go inside his house, he has a right to be in the neighborhood, talking to his friend on the phone. Why didn't GZ simply ignore TM when, in GZ words, jumped out of the bush and said "got a problem, homie", why didn't GZ ignore that and move on, but he said, in his own words, "no, I don't have a problem" then proceeded to look for his phone. Why would he do that? Why, if he told the police he got out of his car to look for an address, he could have simply said to TM, that he was looking for an address instead of "I don't have a problem". :twocents:

If TM "ran from him twice," why didn't he arrive back at the apartment TM started from? How does GZ "ignore that" when TM starts flailing away? And why didn't TM simply run back to the apartment?
He gave a range from a minute to 10 minutes, correct? TM was dying and most likely didn't have energy to move himself around, IMO. I do not believe he pulled his arms back under himself after GZ said he spread out his hands out, (like a T). I believe when he fell off GZ, he landed the way he was found, that makes sense to me. :twocents:

Why would you think GZ would state he pulled TM's arms out if he didn't?

(This is an honest question, I'm interested).
You know, I was just thinking about how sad it is that this defendant is one of the most honest and believable defendants that I have ever seen. I think it is incredibly sad that Casey Anthony and Jodi Arias are given the benefit of the doubt by many, but this guy has cooperated, his story makes sense and is absolutely reasonable, it is consistent and what every "innocent" person's story should be like, in my opinion.
If only every defendant were so easy to believe. Let this be a lesson to any future defendants. THIS is how you should come off to the public.
I hope that this jury is listening very closely to this evidence.


GZ is doing this (self serving) to protect himself from a sentence, IMO. Why, and this maybe OT, but still is related to this case, he started his own GZ fund to get money to help him, self serving and that doesn't sit right with me. Yes, he has that right and it's not illegal to do, but doesn't, IMO make GZ look too good.
Why would he go back out and look for GZ? He ran from him twice, why go back? That doesn't make sense to me. TM didn't need to go inside his house, he has a right to be in the neighborhood, talking to his friend on the phone. Why didn't GZ simply ignore TM when, in GZ words, jumped out of the bush and said "got a problem, homie", why didn't GZ ignore that and move on, but he said, in his own words, "no, I don't have a problem" then proceeded to look for his phone. Why would he do that? Why, if he told the police he got out of his car to look for an address, he could have simply said to TM, that he was looking for an address instead of "I don't have a problem". :twocents:

But that does not support murder2 charges on GZ. All we see so far is a tragic meeting that resulted in a death. Not a plan to hurt or kill, Not a hunt and destroy mission..

I don't have any reason yet to believe that GZ's account is not true and in fact it has been backed up by a lot of state witness testimony.

Ignore him? A big guy jumping from the dark at you and you ignore him and walk away?

GZ said he reached for his phone to call Police back and was punched. He has a wound that shows that. He said that TM had him on the ground and was beating his head into the ground. There is marks and injuries to support that.

So far the state has not proven to me any thing different than GZ's account. They have to prove that he committed murder. I have been waiting to have it proven to me. They have not reached that for me. OMO
Can someone tell me what TMs mother testified to?

There were all these sidebars, etc., then the prosecution approached her with something in a baggie, but I missed what she identified.


If she identified it, I did not catch what she said.

"Could not move after shot" is very vague and can mean different things. It could mean riogor has set in. It could mean the muscles flex and unflex. It could mean he could not pick up the phone and dial 911 after the shot iw conscious movement.

I worked in the medical field. He could have been in shock, Not ALWAYS, but shock can render you motionless.....IMO.
Will there be any doubt GZ's parents will do what it takes to keep their son out of jail? We have seen this predictable lying in too many trials.

In my opinion, it is TM's family that is lying on the witness stand. Very sad indeed. At first it wasn't TM and now it is. My opinion is that they full well KNOW that it isn't TM screaming for help, but they know what they NEED to say to get GZ convicted of murder. All my opinion only.
IMO that's impossible and I heard no witness state that,it's even hard to do when you have not just been shot in the heart to lay on your stomach and move your arms under your body...

It appears GZ is lying about the arm spread to explain what he was doing on top of a dead teenager. IMHO Because no witness saw Trayvon move his arms by himself after the bullet wound. How does John explain the arms?
IMO - West is now worse than Nurmi and I never thought that would be possible.
Why would you think GZ would state he pulled TM's arms out if he didn't?

(This is an honest question, I'm interested).

Idk how this would help him at all. IMO the only reason he said it or did it was to explain why he was on top of TM. Also it makes him sound like a cop when he describes the actions.

But that's just IMO.

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The ME is giving the defense a hard time just as I thought he would.

Why doesn't the judge intervene here? He's being asked to quote from a report in his possession. Why is the ME so unwilling to do that?
In my opinion, it is TM's family that is lying on the witness stand. Very sad indeed. At first it wasn't TM and now it is. My opinion is that they full well KNOW that it isn't TM screaming for help, but they know what they NEED to say to get GZ convicted of murder. All my opinion only.

yep and add to the fact Rachel's testimony where they were all in Sybrina's living room.
The judge needs to rule here whether this witness can quote from the report within his packet that he didn't write.

Point of law.
Could someone answer a question for me? What is the significance of trying to prove if the gunshot was contact or more inches away? Is it trying to prove they were standing?

I just honestly don't understand and have been wondering.

If TM "ran from him twice," why didn't he arrive back at the apartment TM started from? How does GZ "ignore that" when TM starts flailing away? And why didn't TM simply run back to the apartment?

First of all, it's none of GZ's business (IMO) why TM ran or why he's in the neighborhood, (he called in the report and he should have left it at that) GZ KNEW to not follow the "suspect", but he did. TM was doing nothing wrong at all, NOTHING, but was suspicious of this "creepy" guy watching him/following him. Maybe TM didn't feel all that threatened until GZ and him got face to face and GZ decides to fumble around looking for his phone which could have given TM concerns he may have a gun, in which we know he did. This whole incident is all because GZ ASSUMED. GZ started and ended this whole thing. TM, IMO didn't.:twocents:
GZ is doing this (self serving) to protect himself from a sentence, IMO. Why, and this maybe OT, but still is related to this case, he started his own GZ fund to get money to help him, self serving and that doesn't sit right with me. Yes, he has that right and it's not illegal to do, but doesn't, IMO make GZ look too good.

I fully agree...and it goes much further in my the action of a psychopath, always self centered and self serving. When Laci Peterson was killed in California, the defendent had his family set up a fund for him as well....along with involvement of his I believe the Defense lawyers did the same in this case as well.
I would think Shellie Zimmerman doesn't appreciate her husband's self serving efforts either, as that means she has to stand trial after his. IMO
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