George's Possible "Suicide" Letter

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I noticed that. I'm truly surprised BC revealed as much info. about the situation as well. You would think he would refuse to discuss such a delicate, personal situation. My question is why??:waitasec:

Probably to try to allay the speculation and rumors that would be rampant. He knows people are going to be talking about it.
I have found it necessary to STOP watching the NANCY GRACE SHOW as I think she should be censored in that it is totally wrong and it is none of her business to continually slam the Anthony Family. And I think too that we all need to show respect to the Anthony Family and their personal business. They have gone to Hell and back!

Nancy has ALWAYS supported the A's. Now if ya want to quit watching for another reason......:crazy:
I have found it necessary to STOP watching the NANCY GRACE SHOW as I think she should be censored in that it is totally wrong and it is none of her business to continually slam the Anthony Family. And I think too that we all need to show respect to the Anthony Family and their personal business. They have gone to Hell and back!

You should tune back in. She slams Casey and is not very nice about it, but she doesn't slam G&C.

As much as I despise her way of going, nobody can say she is not a victims' advocate.
What baffles me...over and over again, is the amount of bleeding hearts who would have everyone crucified for wanting to know the contents of these communications. So far, all we know is hearsay. What IF these texts and the letter has major evidential value? What IF some people are correct in the feeling this was all one big dramatic smokescreen, and perhaps that would be proved by going over these texts and the letter with a fine toothed comb? People can scream shame on you all they like- fact is, if it is applicable, it will be shown. If not, the conversation is a bit moot, no? Thank you all for doing your best to save our souls, but really, is this the place to do that?

:clap: Thank you.
George most likely wrote the note KNOWING it would be published. Otherwise why would he make references to Casey and the veiled references to her friends?

He wrote it to be READ, imo. We don't know to whom it was addressed but as I said, considering how everything else in this case has been revealed, and George was well aware of that, he knew that his letter would be revealed to the public.

So true. Towing the company line even unto the edge. I have a little compassion for G., none for the other A's, but not enough to care about whether or not something he INTENDED to be widely distributed is.

I thought he was the only good player until he flip flopped on the smell.

imo, one cannot say that the smell of human decomposition is UNMISTAKABLE and then say "WOW LARRY I DIDNT KNOW GARBAGE COULD SMELL SO BAD."

GARbage CANT be mistaken for decomp. and, as he said, anyone who has ever smelled it will NEVER forget it.

At some pt, he abandoned the truth for the dark side, no doubt at the urging of the DARK WITCH, and he is having trouble handling it along with everything else. I get it. I understand. But he opened himself up for public scrutiny when he succumbed to the DARK WITCHES version of events.

I guess until we actually can see the note there will be lots of side tracking there is no way around it. :)

However yes if the police took it then it is public record and will be available. When my roommate committed suicide I bought the police report so I could read the letter.

I hope the letter is released in it's entirety, including scratched out words(if any). There could be something in that letter that could incriminate any person in that family. If released, I have no problems with reading it.
This is not the first mention of suicide that we have heard in this case is it? We have heard (from Cindy's own mother) that if it were not for Caylee, Cindy had stated she would just kill herself to escape the horror that WAS her life. Early on in the case, we heard that George was having suicidal thoughts. Now, George has actually sent messages that he wanted to be with Caylee and ran away to a motel with medication and alcohol with the potential intention of committing suicide. This is 3 times we have heard suicide from these parents in 6 months. Granted, they are under a tremendous strain, but there has to be some underlying MENTAL issues for a perfectly NORMAL person to become suicidal. Those mental issues should be addressed in them both to determine if they are at risk of trying this in the future.

Personally, and this is just ME and my own personal opinion, born of having a brother and a mother who continually attempted suicide by drug overdoses, suicide is a cowards final solution. It is often used as an attention seeking ploy. And the individual who is doing the "committing suicide" act is no longer in a sound and rational mind, and likely were not sound of mind BEFORE they made the attempt. I hear folks saying attemtping suicide is a cry for help, but MANY MANY MANY times it is purely a PLOY for attention. I have ZERO sympathy for it, and find it to be a cop-out and an excuse.

My burning question in THIS attempt, if that is even what it was, I am leaning toward the "ploy" more than anything, is what was it that was agonizing inside of George that there was nothing in this world that could comfort him? What was SO horrible that his son and his wife and his INNOCENT according to him daughter could not help him through? What was EATING a hole through George so BIG that he wanted to kill himself to stop the hole growing larger? All the lies maybe? Guilt? What DROVE him there, besides the fact that his granddaughter is dead...I mean, she has BEEN dead for 7 months now, so what drove him there NOW is what I am wondering?
What baffles me...over and over again, is the amount of bleeding hearts who would have everyone crucified for wanting to know the contents of these communications. So far, all we know is hearsay. What IF these texts and the letter has major evidential value? What IF some people are correct in the feeling this was all one big dramatic smokescreen, and perhaps that would be proved by going over these texts and the letter with a fine toothed comb? People can scream shame on you all they like- fact is, if it is applicable, it will be shown. If not, the conversation is a bit moot, no? Thank you all for doing your best to save our souls, but really, is this the place to do that?

Hi, "bleeding heart" here. :crazy:

I think those who are against the release of the letter feel that it shouldn't be released to the public, unless and until LE determines it has evidentiary value and will help in the prosecution of KC. If it's just a soul-bearing letter written by a despondent father and grandfather, I don't feel that it is necessary for the public to read it.

As to your soul, well... you're on your own there. :blowkiss:
I have found it necessary to STOP watching the NANCY GRACE SHOW as I think she should be censored in that it is totally wrong and it is none of her business to continually slam the Anthony Family. And I think too that we all need to show respect to the Anthony Family and their personal business. They have gone to Hell and back!

I'll respond to this kinda o/t post - I noted that she was brought to tears by this and was very thankful that he was found. George had her utmost sympathy, was it Friday night? She was all about George and how much he had been through.

Now, back on topic-like the other poster stated so very well, if I were George or anyone I wouldn't want them released...but if they are, count me on reading them, of course.
One more thing...George knows full good and well that his family is under INTENSE scrutiny and that ANYTHING that they do, say OR write has the potential to wind up on national television. KNOWING this he is well aware that IF he did something like this is was going to be blasted across front page news in a matter of hours-whether he was successful or not. He KNEW this and that is why I think it was simply a ploy for attention, or a diversion...I do not believe he was ACTUALLY going to kill himself.
This is not the first mention of suicide that we have heard in this case is it? We have heard (from Cindy's own mother) that if it were not for Caylee, Cindy had stated she would just kill herself to escape the horror that WAS her life. Early on in the case, we heard that George was having suicidal thoughts. Now, George has actually sent messages that he wanted to be with Caylee and ran away to a motel with medication and alcohol with the potential intention of committing suicide. This is 3 times we have heard suicide from these parents in 6 months. Granted, they are under a tremendous strain, but there has to be some underlying MENTAL issues for a perfectly NORMAL person to become suicidal. Those mental issues should be addressed in them both to determine if they are at risk of trying this in the future.

Personally, and this is just ME and my own personal opinion, born of having a brother and a mother who continually attempted suicide by drug overdoses, suicide is a cowards final solution. It is often used as an attention seeking ploy. And the individual who is doing the "committing suicide" act is no longer in a sound and rational mind, and likely were not sound of mind BEFORE they made the attempt. I hear folks saying attemtping suicide is a cry for help, but MANY MANY MANY times it is purely a PLOY for attention. I have ZERO sympathy for it, and find it to be a cop-out and an excuse.

My burning question in THIS attempt, if that is even what it was, I am leaning toward the "ploy" more than anything, is what was it that was agonizing inside of George that there was nothing in this world that could comfort him? What was SO horrible that his son and his wife and his INNOCENT according to him daughter could not help him through? What was EATING a hole through George so BIG that he wanted to kill himself to stop the hole growing larger? All the lies maybe? Guilt? What DROVE him there, besides the fact that his granddaughter is dead...I mean, she has BEEN dead for 7 months now, so what drove him there NOW is what I am wondering?

I hate to even think or type this...but I have to wonder. The way he flat out lied on Larry King, as the posted stated above, gee Larry, I didn't know that garbage could stink so bad,..makes me have to think and wonder about this. We've seen some counteraction with/from them with almost every doc dump. could a person go so low and be that bad to fake a suicide attempt??? Well,,I do have no doubt that he is depressed, feels terrible and has trouble living. Especially with Cindy harping all the time. that as it may..anyone who can get on LKL and state that about the garbage makes almost think they could be coerced into this. Especially with an attempt to throw someone else under the bus.

Like I said......I do feel for George....I'm sure he's hurting and needs help and more importantly a break from Cindy.
I shouldn't even have the option to read or not read it. It's wrong.
Then just don't read it...simple.

I hate to even think or type this...but I have to wonder. The way he flat out lied on Larry King, as the posted stated above, gee Larry, I didn't know that garbage could stink so bad,..makes me have to think and wonder about this. We've seen some counteraction with/from them with almost every doc dump. could a person go so low and be that bad to fake a suicide attempt??? Well,,I do have no doubt that he is depressed, feels terrible and has trouble living. Especially with Cindy harping all the time. that as it may..anyone who can get on LKL and state that about the garbage makes almost think they could be coerced into this. Especially with an attempt to throw someone else under the bus.

Like I said......I do feel for George....I'm sure he's hurting and needs help and more importantly a break from Cindy.

The problem with the attention seekers, they actually MAY make the attempt, ie: take SOME drugs, make non-lethal cuts to themselves, whatever their method, they may engage in suicide-like behaviors without actually INTENDING to die. OR they actually may over-dose, but not until they have made good and sure that someone will find them in time. I have seen nothing to lead me to believe that this was a genuine suicide most of THOSE end in death.
"shoulda, woulda, coulda..."

it is what it is...

in the words of Col. Jessep:

"You can't handle the truth".

the truth is, its out there, however anyone feels about it.

I hate it that the economy is what?
I have found it necessary to STOP watching the NANCY GRACE SHOW as I think she should be censored in that it is totally wrong and it is none of her business to continually slam the Anthony Family. And I think too that we all need to show respect to the Anthony Family and their personal business. They have gone to Hell and back!

is there a sticky that pats itself on the back?

should be

One more thing...George knows full good and well that his family is under INTENSE scrutiny and that ANYTHING that they do, say OR write has the potential to wind up on national television.
Indeed, which brings up another potential scenario.

For all we know, George carefully composed his letter knowing full well it would be released for public scrutiny, and it may be the written equivalent of his "rotten pizza" comments - a MacGuffin.

Question everything.
there is a thread in the PL about the possibilities of this being staged or not what it appears to be. please take that discussion to the members only area. thank you.
Well, shifting the conversation a bit, I find it interesting that KC reportedly had no reaction to the news of GA's attempt.

She also had no reaction to LP's BP search because there was nothing there.

She freaked when Caylee was found.

It makes me wonder perhaps GA has been kept "out of the loop" and doesn't know anything that can really hurt KC's defense. In other words she wasn't worried about what he may have stated in any suicide note.

Hmmm....He did sleep on the couch while KC and CA conspired in the Master Bedroom. (per LP) Maybe he was actually not involved in any cover up ect...I haven't heard rumors of him being charged, just CA and LA.
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