George's testimony at trial

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Did the cut edge tape on the can matchup with the cut edge of the tape on Caylee?
odds are one end of that tape on the gas can should match up with an end on a piece found on Caylee. Might be to degraded though to tell.
George said (today) that when ICA returned the cans, the yellow vent was missing and he had t put tape over it. This means he must have placed it on the can after the return on 6/24.

Why is this a point of contention? Is it because of "Who had custody" of the tape? Did LE fingerprint the roll? I haven't followed the case after 2/09.
I don't think they have the roll of tape. They just have the tape that was on Caylee, the tape on the can and the tape on a poster. All those were the rare one with the name printed on it every so often.
After hearing today's testimony from George on the gas cans I went back and read the deposition from Aug 2009 and think I have a pretty good feeling for what was going on in both days of questioning.

The state showed George a picture of his gas can with a large piece of duct tape on it, and it was put on sloppy. This rattled George to his core. Here was LE showing him evidence he knew they fabricated and trying to get him to identify it as real evidence. Being ex-LE this threw up many red flags and he was trying to figure out what the heck was going on, were they some how trying to frame him or get him to identify false evidence against his daughter.

Next they tell him well look here we have blown up picture of it, a closer view does that help. Poor George is thinking now they are trying to get me to agree to two fake pieces of evidence. The fact that this shook George up so bad that he stumbled around on the next questions is really in his favor because it showed he did not know what they were up to.

He probably came to the logical conclusion that they had someone got Casey's fingerprints or found Casey fingerprints on a roll of duct tape and put it on that can for some reason.

I believe the State was simply trying to get George to say that is not the tape I put on there because it does not have the writing on it like the duct tape does that I had. They were trying to get him to admit to the ownership of the rare duct tape found on Caylee's mouth. That is why they had the blown up version of it too so he could see there was no writing on it.

I am sure by now George knows what is going on and he admits if there was tape on there and it was a neat little square of duct tape then he put it on.

Jose does not realize what was going on and why George got so upset with the State and wanted to distance himself so far from those gas cans during the deposition after being showed what he thought was fabricated evidence. That is why George's answers messed up Jose so bad today.

you know, this whole duct tape thing has always confused me SO badly, and just now you made it finally make sense. I too agree that this must be what happened.
I found GA's answers about the duct tape yesterday to be highly credible. The fact that JB was trying to plant doubt in the jury's mind by introducing a half truth and letting that stand, just showed me that he's the worst kind of snake oil salesman. It seems very damning to hear GA say that he put that duct tape over the can to cover the vent, and then read his statement in an LE interview where he says, "I didn't put that duct tape there." Until, of course, GA makes us aware of the fact that the gas can was taken by LE twice, and when it was returned the 2nd time, there was fingerprinting powder and different duct tape on the can, and that the picture of the can JB is showing GA (and the jury!) isn't even the picture of the can GA was referring to in his LE interview.

Getting caught in games like this paint JB is the worst possible light, imo. And I think MANY of the jurors probably see it the same way.

I personally think that George has been basically "hamstrung" on the subject of Casey. I think he WANTED to be a better father and to discipline her and to make her responsible for her actions to a point and that Cindy, as ruler of the roost, would not allow that. SHE ruled Casey AND George AND Lee and nobody was going to usurp her authority. Thereby, Casey and George apparently had a somewhat antagonistic relationship, and if we recall (taken with a grain of salt of course) when Leonard P. was on the scene and George's close friend was there, it was said that HE said "That ***** in there knows where Caylee is but she is not talking"... IF in fact he did make that statement? I think it tends to reinforce the idea that all was not roses between George and Casey, and since she already holds ill will for him, it was a hop skip and a jump to this entire fiasco with the abuse, setting her up, covering up, etc. I think this is ALL her plan, and poor George is HER victim. Not the other way around.

I think so too.
there was this discussion in his testimony re why he didn't confront Casey when he found out she wasn't working where she said she was and he said something like well,I told Cindy and.....IMO CIndy made him drop it,in order not to upset "poor princess" Casey.
George wasn't blind,he felt things were wrong and I think he feels pretty guilty now that he didn't listen to his gut feeling and it's too late.But with Cindy on Casey's side I can imagine how difficult it must have been for him.
I think so too.
there was this discussion in his testimony re why he didn't confront Casey when he found out she wasn't working where she said she was and he said something like well,I told Cindy and.....IMO CIndy made him drop it,in order not to upset "poor princess" Casey.
George wasn't blind,he felt things were wrong and I think he feels pretty guilty now that he didn't listen to his gut feeling and it's too late.But with Cindy on Casey's side I can imagine how difficult it must have been for him.

IMO upbringing and the actions you guys are discussing have alot to do with all of this. Just not the tales JB tells.

CA was an enabler and coddled this girl way too much!
I don't think they have the roll of tape. They just have the tape that was on Caylee, the tape on the can and the tape on a poster. All those were the rare one with the name printed on it every so often.

I have not seen anything outside the trial. I thought the point about the gas cans was to show that George Anthony not only had access to that duct tape but had a habit of using that duct tape during that time when Casey was not home.

But I have a question about the gas cans that I did not hear answered in court.

George Anthony filed a police report about the break in and the missing gas cans. George Anthony recovered the "missing" gas cans from Casey on June 24, 2008.

Did George Anthony ever notify the police that the missing gas cans were recovered?
Whisperer, I kept waiting for George to say the obvious, I reported the gas theft because it was a breaking and entering burglary. It was not just a simple gas theft.

Or....I was about sick and tired of trying to confront KC only to have CA block me, so in this instance, I bypassed that train of thought completely and just went to police. If police found out it was KC, great! Let them tell CA what KC is all about!
What is the evidence surrounding the trash bag? Why would it have mattered if George touched it or not?
If GA wrapped the tape around Caylee's head would he be so ignorant as to use the same tape to hang posters?

Your guess is as good as mine. My post was informing another poster as to why I think the gas cans are important to the case.

But, I don't know if ignorant is the right word, but GA is not as bright as HE thinks HE is imo.
What is the evidence surrounding the trash bag? Why would it have mattered if George touched it or not?

I suspect JB is trying to draw attention to GA driving the car home.
GA had the forethought to NOT touch the garbage bag but drove the car home? I think thats what he is trying to get at...

he had a line of questions regarding george KNOWING that moving the car was tampering with evidence. Meanwhile GA had no idea then to what extent that car would come in to play. He just knew he had to get the car home.

I think in time where things are as emotional and scary and overwhelming, confusing, and totally Unknown as things MUST have been for GA and CA that day, they would have just been running on auto pilot.

Car in tow yard, better go get it, better take it home, gonna cost more money if we dont... I mean, they didnt KNOW Caylee was dead at that point. All they knew as far as im concerned is ICA was MIA and Caylee was MIA and ICA was avoiding them, the car was in the impound and it stunk. They needed to get that car home and make some phone calls.
Remember this?.......

“All they care about is Caylee…uh…and you know what, that’s all I care about too.”.....afterthought. She tripped herself up right then and there as far as I'm concerned. Note the word "they". If that statement had any truth to it, it was in the word "they". If GA had anything to do with it, it wouldn't have been expressed as "they".
Okay, so if your gas cans are simply missing... you get more gas for your lawn mower... then you can mow your lawn.

He got new gas cans.

He got his old gas cans back.

He had from June 24th - July 15th before his Granddaughter was reported missing. Sure he had time to mow his lawn.

I guess I could see if they were trying to say he was doing yardwork instead of looking for Caylee or something. But he had 3 weeks before he knew she was missing.

WHY does it matter if he mowed his lawn from June 24th - August 1st?

We just mowed ours for the first time since October! Our Beagle literally got lost in the grass, couldn't even see her. The cops used our driveway to catch speeders because they thought the house was abandoned. :innocent:

What I am not getting, is why it matters when, or IF he mowed his lawn?

Is it just trying to show an inconsistent statement, or is there some meaning behind mowing his lawn that I am completely missing.

My guess is it's because GA is very methodical about taking care of his yard and his cars. Under normal circumstances he'd mow on this day, rotate tires on that day, etc.
He knows what he does and when he does it regarding those two areas of maintenance imo. Then, during the timeframe in question, he claims he doesn't know/remember. :waitasec:
very proud of GA for keeping his composure today when faced with JB's onslaught of repeated snark and baiting.

Hey JB, even we here at WS aren't allowed to do that and we aren't officers of the court! Bottom line: Stupid internet bloggers know more about exhibiting decorum than a certain defense attorney. Just sayin
If GA wrapped the tape around Caylee's head would he be so ignorant as to use the same tape to hang posters?


I reeally dont think he would be that dumb. The duct tape was not wrapped around Caylees head. The tape was placed more or less ear to ear. This is stated in the autopsy report.:seeya:
Geez, I felt a little sorry for george today..there was this moment where his face just looked so ashamed and confused and it touched me. But I have to say that these people brought this upon themselves and if he thinks it's bad now just wait until all the subterfuge that he and cindy did is brought up, especially the collusion with that PI going to the burial site, the pain they are in now will seem like a picnic.

The behavior these two displayed is going to come back and slap them in the face. JB will use this as the two of them covering up not just for KC but also for george and cindy..after the fact. It is going to get ugly and the jury.. I assume knows very little about the extent of this and it will affect them and their verdict.

JB will viify these people and that IMO will be how KC finally kills the people she most wanted to kill, her parent's.
I noticed that, too and it set my hinky meter off. Something I find very odd -- go watch the jail tape where Cindy tells ICA that there is a theory in the media that Caylee drowned in the pool. ICA says "surprise, surprise".... watch George's face when she says that or shortly after. How does that strike you?

To me, when someone says 'surprise, surprise', it means 'figure the odds' or 'go figure' or 'what else is new?' as in that would be an obvious conclusion for peeps to make and/or, surprise, surprise they're saying what really happened.

Whether or not only GA and KC knew that Caylee drowned at that time (if true) and not CA, one can only guess. CA could be acting too for all I know or she could have
been in the dark until later on.
Not the small duct tape that GA placed on the hole of gas can but the long duct tape that baez was trying to address. Right?

ita and ONLY when confronted with the cans- nothing else has set him of like this. whhyy?

I suspect JB is trying to draw attention to GA driving the car home.
GA had the forethought to NOT touch the garbage bag but drove the car home? I think thats what he is trying to get at...

he had a line of questions regarding george KNOWING that moving the car was tampering with evidence. Meanwhile GA had no idea then to what extent that car would come in to play. He just knew he had to get the car home.

I think in time where things are as emotional and scary and overwhelming, confusing, and totally Unknown as things MUST have been for GA and CA that day, they would have just been running on auto pilot.

Car in tow yard, better go get it, better take it home, gonna cost more money if we dont... I mean, they didnt KNOW Caylee was dead at that point. All they knew as far as im concerned is ICA was MIA and Caylee was MIA and ICA was avoiding them, the car was in the impound and it stunk. They needed to get that car home and make some phone calls.

He was a homicide dectective. He knows much more about how thing investigations work and what can is included as evidence. He on purpose made the neighbor a witness to the gas can thefts and then he on purpose made the car guy a witness AFTER HE SMELLED DECOMP.
I want to know if Cindy found that roll of tape in the car and cleaned it up like she did everything else...and placed it back where it was kept. My suspicions have been that ICA grabbed the tape and then went to the kitchen and grabbed a stainless steel steaknife to cut it. Cindy said she found a knife in the car but did she find the duct tape in the car also?

A little o/t but today, the lady from Amscot said she saw a blanket in the back seat of the Pontiac. I'm not sure I've heard about a blanket before. Where is the blanket Catherine Sanchez claims she saw? Is that something else the A's removed from the car?
See, that's what is confusing me, and at this moment it isnt to hard to do. Any who, I have great difficulty believing anything from CA/GA right now. How exactly does one believe them when everything they have said over three years has been full of deceit, deflect and lies. What exactly is their truth. What exactly do we take on face value.

Exactly. I may be in the minority but I am wondering now if this wasn't the DT and the Anthony's strategy all along. And boy it might just pay off for them (feel sick as I write this.) Over the past three years, I've heard the very same things out of Cindy's mouth that I did out of Jose's mouth.

I was 99% sure this was 100% Casey. First day of trial, I was even more certain. Now, I am beginning to feel some doubt about George. It is a catch 22. Is he playing along with the defense to save Casey? OR is he simply trying to save his own reputation? At this point I am just not sure.

Make no mistake about it. I don't believe for a minute that George was implicated in Caylee's death or coverup. Casey is just straight up evil I am more sure of that than ever. But I am wondering if what we are seeing between George and Jose has been rehearsed over the past 3 years.

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