George's testimony at trial

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I thought the day they picked up the car was the day CA made the 911 call about something being wrong, found daughter's car and the smell ...........??

Yes, CA did call that evening AFTER she cleaned out the car, washed a bunch of items that were in the car, returned to work, tracked down KC, begged KC, along with Lee, to tell her where Caylee was (so CA says) before calling.

IMO the odor in the car, considering the circumstances, should have triggered a call to LE directly from the tow yard. It troubles me that SB didn't see fit to call LE either.
My ever changing impressions ~ Finished watching GA's testimony that he gave about picking up the car at the tow yard just now. This was right before lunch break today. As he is answering the questions, he sounds calm. Then, when JA shows him pictures of the inside of the Pontiac, GA becomes noticeably introspective and it appears to me that he switched from being in a general frame of mind to very, very sad upon looking at those pictures. He almost cried.

What is it about the inside of the car that triggered his reaction? Caylee's car seat is in the back seat but the other items in the car are KC's. :waitasec: At times it seems like GA wants to blurt out the truth - it would be so much better if he did.

Now I'm back to wondering if Caylee may have died in the car (heat, overdose, etc) and GA knows that's what happened. :waitasec:

I was reading today (can't remeber where) about the car seat. They were discussing where the straps were for a child of Caylee's size, which I know was discussed here somewhere as well but I was thinking as many were back then that CA had switched the car seat for another one ( In my personal opinion I think ICA was a pig unless she was trying to impress someone and God only knows what CA took out of that car). IIRC didn't they have like 3 car seats? If she did switch them out she probably wouldn't think to change the straps to fit Caylee at almost 3 years of age...KWIM? So it might be possible that GA was thinking of that or he could have been imagining Caylee sitting in her seat (OMGosh how sad that is to write) maybe even both.
I can't believe that every time the camera pans to Cindy that she is sitting there with her reading glasses on either reading or writing (just like Casey), while wild accusations are flying all over the courtroom.

Is she really calm?
And if so, is it because she knows what the "script" is?
George acts and walks like he is about 15 years older than he really is. He looks haunted. As much as he and CA tried to stand behind their daughter, and indeed are still sitting on that side, he has realized that he is going to be sacrificed and has enough self-preservation to not allow that to happen. She (ICA) just sits there staring through him, and I was thinking tonight, OMG if that were my Dad I would do anything I could to spare him the pain and could not stand to see how upset he was. This is a horrible thing for all of them to be going through. IMHO Baez is scoring points here and there but he is so disrespectful that that can't help him in the end. But JB thinks he is tearing it up! Pathetic. Really. MOO.
Its three years later - things are bound to change. I also think there are fluid movements that are being picked apart second by second that seem A LOT larger actions than they are....follow me? Like the two of them are staring at each other both silently acknowledging what they are smelling, a small comment is made, one takes a step toward the trunk, raises an eyebrow and the other follows. Its a two second exchange but when asked about it - it would be "Did you ask SB to accompany you to the trunk" well the answer is "kinda" it is completely normal to me that the answer could be either or.'s three years later....who remembers those little details. All of the answers could be "I might have."

What George needs to do is tell it like it is.....

"We did call 911 that day."
"We called 911 THREE times that day"
"My wife even drove to the station THAT DAY"

also -

"I can only tell you that I sit here as a man who wanted so badly to believe the reason my daughter was MIA and not responding to my wife's request to bring the baby home was just angst...something that was going to blow over. Denial set in in that moment and ate me alive for the next year..."

I agree. He should. I also wonder if George could hear SB on the witness stand as he answered these same questions, coz, he was sitting in the courtroom.

I find it very off that JB made a point of asking about this and George getting up on the witness stand and saying, No. I never asked him."
BBM And that may be why Jose pressed George to admit the smell of decomp was stronger when he opened the trunk. I caught something that was said today that would greatly help the defense in that scenario, but I am not going to say it b/c I'm convinced they read here and I'm not gonna help them. :snooty:

and maybe have members who post to sway public opinion there are PR companies who do this as a business on all sorts of topics like politics, why not a criminal trial? They will post and respond to anything they feel hurts the tow line.\

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GA has not liked JB from the beginning and even less now. I sure that is why he is acting the way he does. GA may get himself some self satisfaction from it but it could make him look questionable to the jury IMO.

I wish GA would just answer with as few words as possible quit making JB have to ask the same question over and over. I hope there is someone out there that can talk to GA and make him see he is just falling into JB's trap.
I can't believe that every time the camera pans to Cindy that she is sitting there with her reading glasses on either reading or writing (just like Casey), while wild accusations are flying all over the courtroom.

Is she really calm?
And if so, is it because she knows what the "script" is?

I wonder too which way will she go when her time comes. But one thing I think we can count on is more long drawn out answers.
Baez asks what KC spent her paycheck on. GA says insurance for her car, gas for her car, things like that. GA never had contact with the nanny nor did the nanny ever call the house. (I spose he thought KC was paying for the nanny too....)

How WAS she paying for the car insurance? I'm guessing she was still on their family policy. Here in California you can't register your car unless it is insured and since the car was not registered to her in the first place, that's probably a lie, although Cindy might handle that stuff. Still, if he was a cop, he'd know about that kind of thing, especially since he was in a Stolen Car dept at one point when he was a police officer. I can fanwank it to say that Casey supposedly gave Cindy the money for her share of car insurance each month, but we all know THAT didn't happen.
I don't think that GA is "in" on the Defence strategy at all! I think he is mortified and doesn't know what to do! BUT I do think that they are trying to implicate him as having hidden Caylee's body and that he might have used KC's car to do so. They are going to say that he helped her by eliminating the body but that he made sure that if any evidence ever surfaced that it would point to her. Hence...THE CAR. They are trying to PIN HIM TO THE CAR.


ETA - Same thing with the duct tape. They're going to suggest that he also had access to the tape. They now have him on record as having stated that HE put the piece of duct tape on the gas can...So, is it such a stretch that he did the same on Caylee? And WHY would they do that? Because they're going to say that he was framing KC!

ITA. He is trying to defend himself, honor his granddaughter and yet still not make things look bad for ICA. It's a sickening predicament! And JB is taking total advantage. So sad!
This is kind of crazy but remember when Lee said, "Is this like before?"
Maybe the reason Caylee's father is never spoken about is because Casey
killed him and the whole family helped her cover it up.

Yeah, i'm tired and this case is making me nuts.
Good night all.
Maybe it would be better to not have GA testify further? Is there any other topic or time that the state really needs him to speak to?
July 16th, GA felt very tired, edgy, hadn't eaten or drank, running on fumes, running in different directions, hard to concentrate on one thing.

Plus he probably couldn't get the smell of his decomposing granddaughter out of his nose/mind. That kind of smell will stay with you because it's so incredibly awful and nauseating that your mind keeps going back to it and you relive it. You don't WANT to, but it's kind of like poking at a sore tooth with your tongue to see if it's still sore. You can't help it.
This is kind of crazy but remember when Lee said, "Is this like before?"
Maybe the reason Caylee's father is never spoken about is because Casey
killed him and the whole family helped her cover it up.

Yeah, i'm tired and this case is making me nuts.
Good night all.
Many things likely happened "before". This family is beyond strange. They've shown their colors all along and we've all been perplexed here. CHITE will come out for sure now. What to make of it and how to place it relative to the crime is what is left...

I don't think that GA is "in" on the Defence strategy at all! I think he is mortified and doesn't know what to do! BUT I do think that they are trying to implicate him as having hidden Caylee's body and that he might have used KC's car to do so. They are going to say that he helped her by eliminating the body but that he made sure that if any evidence ever surfaced that it would point to her. Hence...THE CAR. They are trying to PIN HIM TO THE CAR.


ETA - Same thing with the duct tape. They're going to suggest that he also had access to the tape. They now have him on record as having stated that HE put the piece of duct tape on the gas can...So, is it such a stretch that he did the same on Caylee? And WHY would they do that? Because they're going to say that he was framing KC!

Wouldn't surprise me. It won't work, though. The jury will wonder why she cooled her heels for three years in jail.

Here's my problem. We have seen George give his testimony many times. I found it odd how suddenly it seemed the world had turned upside down. Suddenly the roles had switched. How cordial George is to SA and stubborn to the point of looking obtuse and even worse, suspicious with the Defense.

So, which George am I to believe?

Granted, he was accused of something straight out of left field.
But, everyone knew they were gunning for George. George knew they were gunning for George. Speculation told us pretty much what they were going to use as amo.

I believe we are being led down a primrose path.

I have to wonder what the jury sees.
No, I believe you! I've watched them alot and you're correct. I should have said so about the LE interviews. And he did tell the truth. Until it got to tough for him (I guess cause Cindy got ahold of him.) And then GA did what was easiest and that was to go along with party line. I think he would still be going along with the party line if he wasn't being called a child rapist.

I agree. And I will admit that I did not watch the entire depos because the two of them (CA and GA) started to make my blood boil. I mean, we can all understand some denial, some protectiveness, but when they started to really act ridiculous and lash out at those trying to help Caylee or those "against" their princess, it got to be too much.

I think in GA's case he is not as bad as CA but like many spouses of personality disordered people, they are passive and mute observers of the dysfunction, except for some feeble attempts now and then. And sometimes they just get sucked right into it and become almost as bad.

I think that GA, though, has suffered more because he did have a little voice telling him that what he wanted to deny was inf act true. But I think it did take these sick allegations to prompt him to finally speak up. If they had not turned on him, I agree that he may have continued to try to twist the truth to protect his daughter.

I still feel very, very sad for him though. I think he's been through more than enough.
I give him props for not coming off the stand and b-slapping Baez today. Or sticking that calendar where I'd like to stick it. Baez was totally out of line and I'm sure KC told him to do it. George needs to answer with yes or no answers if he can. I know it's hard. I will say that their new attorney has been a miracle worker with the As. I think they are finally seeing reality. And it must be hard for them.

ETA - wait, did I just say something kind about the Anthonys'?? Why, yes I did. THANK YOU CAYLEE. I know it's because of you. You are lighting the way.
I've never posted before, so hi!

But, I've felt for a long time now that both CA and GA have been playing ICA. They know what she is like, and that she is a liar who often times didn't tell them the truth. I think going along with her stories, acting as if they supported her, was just that, an act. I would bet this was something the family often did...go along with her and let the situation work itself out. That would be enough to be a breaking point between GA and CA and have him telling people his marriage could be ending.

I know this means they would have had to have really put on an act for a really long time...but if they thought for all that time that they'd eventually convince her through their support and actions to let her guard down and give them any piece of would have been worth all they've done, said, and made people believe about them. They would have done anything for Caylee, but they were willing to let Casey think they'd do anything for her.

I think George is testifying for Caylee. I don't think he's lying, beyond the omission of the fact that yes, he thought Casey did something long before he is willing to admit to.
Maybe it would be better to not have GA testify further? Is there any other topic or time that the state really needs him to speak to?
GA will be a pop-tart throughout this trial. The Defence has accused him of molesting his daughter, being present when his grand-daughter died, helping to cover up an accident and most significantly of framing his daughter in his grand-daughter's death. He will be called up again and again and again. I hope CA doesn't have any strange illusions that she won't be brought up in this sordid affair. If she does, she just might want to look up for a moment, there is FREIGHT TRAIN there,.

Dang!!! That would explain why the DT announced that there was decomp in the trunk. I'm beginning to think all the A's are trying to make the SA look like chumps. Why else would Jose sound like he was a prosecutor and making the SA's case for them?
O/T-Is it just me or did ICA not look like she was at a bar, looking to be noticed?

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this case is beginning to smell worse that the Pontiac's trunk.
On Tuesday when JB laid out his fantastic story neither George or Cindy raised an eyebrow. Cindy never even looked up, she just kept texting or whatever she was doing on her lap. Shouldn't we have seen their jaws drop and their eyes bug out? Wouldn't that have been a normal reaction to such horrible accusations?

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