George's testimony at trial

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I agree with you here. I can't wrap myself around the fact that GA & CA were so supportive of KC all along, and now basically calling her a liar.
JB asked him if he was "coached" by the pros as to his testimony. I wish the pros would have asked him the same - if he was coached by the dt. I am of the impression that it is the dt tactic to have the jury not know who to believe, therefore not guilty.
It would also explain the lack of anger that we previously saw in GA, he was expecting it. I also believe that ICA wrote the letters to her prison friend, knowing they would be published, getting the idea of sex abuse out there in the public. I do not think that any allegation of sexual abuse should be taken lightly, but it seems that ICA used that allegation in the past to garner attention/sympathy.

all moo, thank you everyone for the amazing insight you provide here on this forum.
Aha, finally someone who agrees with me.:great:
Not sure if this was discussed or asked. But was GA holding a picture when he was testifying. I noticed a small photo facing him and he even grabbed it, in the beginning of questioning.
eeeeeeek! I just had a horrible thought guys.

What if this was all set up between GA,CA, ICA and the defense team, just to create reasonable doubt? OMG, I totally believed GA today but now I don't know!!!

I thought it was just the defense but maybe GA & CA are in on it!

ETA: See, ICA makes all these accusations which can't be proven, so GA doesn't go to jail. GA denies it all. ICA walks due to reasonable doubt!!!
Totally agree with your thinking. It struck me early this morning that George knew what would be said about him. It was done to just gain one juror.
While the pros proves how cassey was leading the good life w/today's testimonies it also supports the defense theory that she covers up the truth w/ her actions. Like it or not there is a good shot at creating reasonable doubt w/at least 1 juror. My constant question is how can a mother intentionally kill her child?
According to the Anthony's lawyer, the Anthony's knew about the accidental drowning 6 weeks ago, but had no idea that they were going to say George was there and covered up the crime and basically framed his own daughter for 1st degree murder.

It appeared to me that it was the State and not the defense who took the initiative to bring this to the Anthony's attention. I do not think the State or the Anthony's knew that they were going to go as far as they did and place George at the scene at the time of Caylee's death and cover it up.

I believe George had met with the State for about an hour... I believe it was yesterday? Judge Perry even had to instruct the jury to not put that into account and that there is nothing wrong with it. The same way there would be nothing wrong with a witness meeting with the defense prior to testifying. I actually think that is standard practice?

I pray that George has finally begun the process of healing and that he stays strong for Caylee. Caylee needs her JoJo.

One thing I am a little worried about is JB made a comment in his opening statement that Cindy was probably hearing all of this for the first time? I really hope that Cindy did not fall for any of this and that she is also willing to take the first step towards healing. The truth will set you free.

I bolded that sentence because Baez lied in the opening statement. The Anthony's lawyer revealed that Baez met with the Anthony's some time ago to make them aware of how Caylee died and the defense that would be presented. Baez is reaching for every straw he can get a hand on.
Remember when the Anthony's spent time in Baez's office a few weeks back?
What is the possibility that George was told then what they needed to do to instill doubt in a juror's mind?
During the Frye hearings, George told us all that he would do anything to save his daughter's life. Do you recall that?
Could it be that George did not lose his temper because he was in on the plan for the DY's OS?
Could it be he agreed to it in advance with the understanding that the state would come back and be able to take his true statement while under oath?

Exactly! I'm convinced of it.
I bolded that sentence because Baez lied in the opening statement. The Anthony's lawyer revealed that Baez met with the Anthony's some time ago to make them aware of how Caylee died and the defense that would be presented. Baez is reaching for every straw he can get a hand on.

Okay, so question then....why would Baez need to meet with GA to tell him how Caylee died and what their story would be if GA was there when KC died?

That's what I don't get about the DT theory....let's suppose it went down like they said and GA's knee jerk reaction was to help ICA cover it up....but things come to light eventually and she's charged with murder which he knows she is innocent of....don't you think at some point he comes clean to save his own daughter the needle?
Okay, so question then....why would Baez need to meet with GA to tell him how Caylee died and what their story would be if GA was there when KC died?

That's what I don't get about the DT theory....let's suppose it went down like they said and GA's knee jerk reaction was to help ICA cover it up....but things come to light eventually and she's charged with murder which he knows she is innocent of....don't you think at some point he comes clean to save his own daughter the needle?

I can't answer that question honestly. I only know the answer because I saw The Anthony's attorney on television giving an interview on Day 1 of the trial after court had been adjourned for the day. I don't get why he wanted to tell them this ahead of time. I wonder if he thought GA might admit something.

I think that Baez is hoping that the jury doesn't notice the holes in the DT theory. It doesn't make any sense. When I listened to Baez's opening statement it sounded like to me he was blaming everyone BUT Casey for Caylee's death. Basically he made it seem like the only person(s) responsible for her death her GA, CA and RK and all ICA did was go along with it instead of tell the police.

The theory just makes NO sense. The DT would have had a better shot at just saying Caylee drowned in the pool while ICA texted on the phone like she always did and she panicked. So at first she buried the body in the backyard. After it had been there at some point but at some time it was IN her trunk and moved to the final location. That's what I think anyway.

The theory the DT is using right night just leaves me going :waitasec:
I dont think its a plan that the a's are in on.. I think that ica is just a totally evil creature..... I have to watch again.. and after i find it i will come back and post it.. but there is one point in ga's testimony in an answer He made it clear that he put caylee first above casey.. .. and the look on kc's face was pure jealousy and hate.. as soon as a. idol is over tonite ill go back and rewatch and post a link
My always so humble take on the testimony so far-

George has given a couple of slightly different versions of when he found out KC was pregnant, IIRC. There is the version where they are elated, and I think that version came along between his Zenaida depo and his State depo. In his first interview and the 07/24/11 interview with LE, George was a bit more salty-Not that he was necessarily dishonest on the stand, but there have been times prior when he laid it out that KC was working his nerves, did things he did not like and he vocalized it. Somewhere along the line he sanitized it, and who's to say that is not due to soul searching (ie, did it really kill me to know she was single and pregnant? Naw,I am happy Caylee came along).

I believe he remembered precisely what Caylee was wearing because it was discussed when LE arrived on July 15/16th. IIRC, he told LE nearly word for word the same thing KC told them, so likelihood is that KC "reminded" her parents what Caylee was wearing.

If I could have changed anything about his testimony, it would be that I believe that GA is still sanitizing things to make his family, his daughter, out in the best light. I know the state did not want to give him a hard time on Tuesday as JB did a good job with that on his own, and the state skillfully used it to their advantage to bring GA back into their graces with finesse. If we go detail by detail, GA had a lot more harsh things to say about KC especially in the 07/24/08 interview, and I guess I had hoped he would revert. Yep, asking too much.
Not sure if this was discussed or asked. But was GA holding a picture when he was testifying. I noticed a small photo facing him and he even grabbed it, in the beginning of questioning.

I don't know for sure, but I think it was a picture of Caylee.
I dont think its a plan that the a's are in on.. I think that ica is just a totally evil creature..... I have to watch again.. and after i find it i will come back and post it.. but there is one point in ga's testimony in an answer He made it clear that he put caylee first above casey.. .. and the look on kc's face was pure jealousy and hate.. as soon as a. idol is over tonite ill go back and rewatch and post a link

He did-It was in regards to the morning of June 15th, he said he was more concerned about spending the morning with Caylee than worrying about what KC was doing, she was probably on the computer or something.
Of course she hated to hear that, but no other rational person would care. Duh, what's he supposed to hawk over KC everyday? She stopped needing a legal nanny 4 years prior to that.
Does anyone have any thoughts on why JB was harping so much on whether or not George knew anything about the Nanny? If she isn't the kidnapper what does it matter?
Especially since JB says there was no kidnapper since Caylee accidentally drowned?

Or is JB just confused by his own opening statement like we are!!
GA back on the stand on 5/26/2011

HHJP: received in evidence.

JA: as you go though refer to diagram. okay?


JA: you went to shed, lawn equip?


JA: which shed that is? far right corner?


JA: playhouse? what is that?

Caylee's playhouse got prior to second birthday.

JA: is that a pool?


JA: other shed?

bikes, plant things things for our pool.

JA: patio is enclosed screned?

yes, enclosed screne.

JA: what happened?

the lock was broken off and the door was open three inches

JA: so what kind of lock was on it?

small master key lock, nothing extravagant a key to open it. the shed had a eye lit plastic connection and I slid it though to lock it.

JA: was shed broken

just eyelit pieces

JA: was anything missing?

the lock was inside the shed and I thought it was unsusal. tools the blower edger and generator and I look above where I keep gas cans and they were gone.

JA: just the gas cans?

just the cans

JA: what was your response?

I shook my head and said why take gas can? I need to make a report this could be hearsay but neighbors do talk gas from cans in area...if they are found I will get them back.

JA: who did you call?


JA: time?

by 10:30, a deputy came within a short time, he was nice I explained what happened.

JA: make a report?

I filled out a report. said worth 50 dollars.

JA: did he make a investigation? dust for prints

he made report.

JA: how long was the deputy there?

five ten minutes

JA: what did you do about your plan to do yard work?

had to put on hold when to buy new gas cans and went to tell the Burners what happened.

JA: did you get your lawn mowed that day?

I did not get it mowed that day.

JA: from june 16th to this point had you seen Casey?

I don't remember seeing her from the 16th to report.

JA: did you see her that day?

shortly after 2:00

JA: normally you would be at work?

yes interview wasn't until 6 pm

JA: what led up to you seeing casey?

I had come back from back and was easing into my thought process about the interview.

JB: objection


JA: in your living room?


JA: in your living room tell us what happened next.

the garage door goes up and here is Casey coming in the house.

JA: is you concerned about who is coming in?


JA: when you first saw casey where was she?

near the door area

JA: she was coming through the garage? is that where she came thru?


JA: were you happy?


JA: what was her reaction

somewhat surprise on her part

JA: conversation?

yes, where is Caylee? how are you asked about her, how is Caylee at has mom been talking to you. she was a little evasive but she was rushing.

JA: upon seeing Casey, did you become to suspect she might know something about the gas cans?

I had thought the gas was used without my knowledge and it does not evaporate that quickly. I asked Casey about it, she said I don't know what you are talking about, I didn't have gas to mow and she said aww dad...I have seen indications of spill marks on the particular sunfire she has

JA: you thought she had maybe taken the gas?


JA: what did you do?

I wanted to question her a little more about, I was planning to rotate my wife's tires I do those kinds of things at home, the jacks to hold the car up casey had them back there. I said casey I need something from your car. She said what do you need from my car. Dad I will get it for you. Casey I got the key.

JA: you have a key?


JA: talk here and there very nice conversation cordial. the garage door is open and kc brushes past me and says dad I'll get it, she nearly runs to the back of her car. I say, okay a little funny time now between me and her. Casey opens the trunk and gets the cans and says I hate to say this "here's you ****ing cans" I said why she said I needed them. I been having problem with car, I run low on fuel, I don't have money. I picked up the cans and set them on the freezer and told her we would talk later. I was motified and I wanted to talk later, I had caught her with them.

JA: you were annoyed.


JA: her car was it in the garage or in the drive.


JA: smell anything?

the smell of gas cans

JA: so you got your cans back, what did kc do then?

she backed out of drive way and I didn't see her again.

JA: ?

Mom knows about it.

JA: had you told your wife?

after I made the report I called her it made her chuckle a minute...I told Cindy yes.
Totally agree with your thinking. It struck me early this morning that George knew what would be said about him. It was done to just gain one juror.

GA did testify in court that he would do anything to save Caylee AND ICA. It's not such a stretch to say GA would be willing to be the 'fallguy' to save ICA's life. I am just dying to hear CA's take on all this.
He looks terrible today. Inappropriate weird laughter about not funny questions. I find it bizarre.
I think GA is doing a really good job testifying. I believe him. I think JB looks really bad talking to him the way he is. I don't think its going to go over well with the jury either.

I'm glad the judge got JB back under control. I think George is holding up very well under this.

May favorite part was when George says to Jose...I'm gonna get real technical with you and then proceeds to explain how the gas could explode. :floorlaugh:
Did JB ask George that on June 24th he reported his granddaughter missing or his gas cans missing?

and George answered "yes".

I know it was one of those two questions.
One thing we should remember is that in the beginning when George and Cindy did not know anything they were in protect Casey mode and were not entirely forthcoming and or honest. We all knew this and saw examples of it repeatedly. NOW George KNOWS that Casey killed Caylee because he KNOWS he was not present the way the defense claims he was when Caylee died. So he is more prone to telling the truth now more than ever...


there IS always the possibility that he is in on some plan for creating reasonable doubt...I guess we will have to wait and see.

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