George's testimony at trial

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While the pros proves how cassey was leading the good life w/today's testimonies it also supports the defense theory that she covers up the truth w/ her actions. Like it or not there is a good shot at creating reasonable doubt w/at least 1 juror. My constant question is how can a mother intentionally kill her child?

Check with Susan Smith on that one.
I get the feeling that Baez is really trying hard to get GA to snap!
Good on GA for keeping it together and playing the games at the same time.

Was there deeper issues with this family? IMO its pretty obvious.
But, I don't believe the story that GA knew from day one.
I give GA alot of credit for not punching JB in his face though. I also like the way he is not making JB's job any easer. Can't say I blame him.
I personally think that George has been basically "hamstrung" on the subject of Casey. I think he WANTED to be a better father and to discipline her and to make her responsible for her actions to a point and that Cindy, as ruler of the roost, would not allow that. SHE ruled Casey AND George AND Lee and nobody was going to usurp her authority. Thereby, Casey and George apparently had a somewhat antagonistic relationship, and if we recall (taken with a grain of salt of course) when Leonard P. was on the scene and George's close friend was there, it was said that HE said "That ***** in there knows where Caylee is but she is not talking"... IF in fact he did make that statement? I think it tends to reinforce the idea that all was not roses between George and Casey, and since she already holds ill will for him, it was a hop skip and a jump to this entire fiasco with the abuse, setting her up, covering up, etc. I think this is ALL her plan, and poor George is HER victim. Not the other way around.
I looked through Val's awesome searchable discovery links at:

and as best I can tell is that the gas can incident wasnt fully described in GAs 7/24/08 interview with OCSO but was discussed with the FBI on 7/31/08 and with OCSO on 8/4/08...

so i am guessing that by this omission JB is trying to discount GAs credibility and highlight the fact that GA didnt bring it up so it therefore implies collusion with ICA over the drowning

does this sound right? i was confused by JB as well...
I really thought GA was making a complete turnaround in this case....but I am concerned now that the DT is really railroading us...........much smarter than most of us give them credit for........and all we can do is wait it out now..........................
I think George is doing a great job. My heart goes out to him.

I personally don't feel that he or CA are in on any kind of conspiracy to create reasonable doubt.

After all, ICA has not only thrown GA under the bus, but LA as well.

LA is also GA and CA's child and I think that was the final straw to get their heads out of the sand and do the right thing.

They can't protect them both, guess who they picked?!
Remember when the Anthony's spent time in Baez's office a few weeks back? What is the possibility that George was told then what they needed to do to instill doubt in a juror's mind? During the Frye hearings, George told us all that he would do anything to save his daughter's life. Do you recall that? Could it be that George did not lose his temper because he was in on the plan for the DY's OS? Could it be he agreed to it in advance with the understanding that the state would come back and be able to take his true statement while under oath?

I remember saying he would do anything to save Casey, but how is all this necessary to achieve that??? Why would he agree to the sex abuse allegation? JB could have said she was so traumatized by Caylee's death that she blocked the whole thing out and even convinced herself that "Zanny" was watching Caylee. Or the dirty coping defense. I don't understand why they would have to throw in the sexual abuse. Even if they convinced George they needed to say he was the one who found Caylee in the pool and maybe he agrees to that, I don't see him saying "Yes, it's okay by me to go ahead and say I sexually abused my daughter for years."
God! Simple answer about why he called the police about the gas cans THIS time, compared to other times the inmate stole them: She broke the locks on the shed door! D-uh!

Previously when she took them from the shed, she was *living at home*, so she would have used a KEY to open the door, no?
I think it was pure genius to get GA & CA to testify for the prosecution.

From prior experience with depositions, they knew they'd be in for a world of PITA trouble with the wordiness, the long-winded answers that veer off topic, the smart-arse answering back. Get them to do all of that which is practically in their DNA but to the DT, and ding ding! Give them both a prize!

Although if I was on the SA team, I would really caution them to answer questions as simply and in as few words as possible no matter what. All the bumbling and "extra" info GA volunteers just makes him look slightly shady- like he's hiding something, and he's being overly careful in choosing his words with looooooong explanations.
MOO, but I think JB is alienating the jury with his "silly" cross examinations and idiotic questions that have no purpose what so ever? It is not my intention to be mean, its just how it looks to me. If I were on the jury he would have lost all credibility by now.

So how many of you think Baez is trying to get GA to lose his temper so he looks evil in front of the jury?

Will Baez succeed?
I remember saying he would do anything to save Casey, but how is all this necessary to achieve that??? Why would he agree to the sex abuse allegation? JB could have said she was so traumatized by Caylee's death that she blocked the whole thing out and even convinced herself that "Zanny" was watching Caylee. Or the dirty coping defense. I don't understand why they would have to throw in the sexual abuse. Even if they convinced George they needed to say he was the one who found Caylee in the pool and maybe he agrees to that, I don't see him saying "Yes, it's okay by me to go ahead and say I sexually abused my daughter for years."

At first I thought it was to have a witness to the drowning but since he got up on the stand and said no that cannot be it. I think the day GA told JB he would do anything was supposed to be a hint to GA from JB to just agree with whatever he said. JB cannot come right out and ask GA to lie so he tried it this way thinking that GA would go along and he didn't.
Does anyone have any thoughts on why JB was harping so much on whether or not George knew anything about the Nanny? If she isn't the kidnapper what does it matter?
Especially since JB says there was no kidnapper since Caylee accidentally drowned?

Or is JB just confused by his own opening statement like we are!!

There were a series of questions all made to make GA sound like an idiot imo. Uninformed and detached from his daughter and her life. Didn't care about Caylee as much as he claimed, etc.
I really thought GA was making a complete turnaround in this case....but I am concerned now that the DT is really railroading us...........much smarter than most of us give them credit for........and all we can do is wait it out now..........................

I don't think they're smarter, just sneakier..
I saw some video of him talking back to JB while on the stand. That seemed like the kind of dream every witness who has been abused by a lawyer would have. I wonder why the judge allowed him to speak back?

So how many of you think Baez is trying to get GA to lose his temper so he looks evil in front of the jury?

Will Baez succeed?

After the Opening statement and then today I believe he is trying to get GA to snap. I don't think he will succeed. After what was said in the Opening, if GA hasn't snapped or knocked his head off by now I think GA has got it in check.
After the Opening statement and then today I believe he is trying to get GA to snap. I don't think he will succeed. After what was said in the Opening, if GA hasn't snapped or knocked his head off by now I think GA has got it in check.

Absolutely!! George is totally focused on Caylee and only Caylee. He will hold himself in check until Caylee receives justice.
I'm kind of wondering why HHJP gave GA the latitude to give JB the long winded response. Not that I minded. It was nice seeing someone push back at JB but I figured that the judge would have cut him off at some point!
MOO, but I think JB is alienating the jury with his "silly" cross examinations and idiotic questions that have no purpose what so ever? It is not my intention to be mean, its just how it looks to me. If I were on the jury he would have lost all credibility by now.

I'm one of those people who believes defense attorney's play a vital role in our judicial system, so I'm able to view them without emotional attachement to a case. In other words, I harbor no ill will towards defense attorney's in general, in fact, I very often admire the job they are able to do for their clients regardless of how I view the client. Having said that, JB completely rubs me the wrong way. NOT because he's trying to do his best for his client, I expect that and admire that, but he's a sneakly little SOB who tries to pawn half truths off on this jury like they are mindless idiots. And he comes off as smirky and entitled when he's caught in his little half truths. He's the worst kind of snake oil salesman, imo...and I don't doubt that there are at least a few jurors who get the same impression of him.

I have watched George on the stand and I am not getting the' he did good' vibe.

If you believe what he is saying on the first day,

When he starts getting asked about duct tape in his home, he acts like he didnt remember the tape ever ,he was trying not to respond to the questions about it and made himself look , just bad.

Then today we hear he had been using duct tape during the time period Caylee was missing and he acted that way with baez, which IMO (having not seen baez in court for other hearing) I thought was really over the top for george. Baez was doing what George knows he is supposed to so him acting like a butt and speaking out at baez like that was immature .

IMO I believe I caught GA in a lie on the stand based on only what has been stated in court this far.

Also I am not sure I have to check facts but I believe george said casey threw the gas cans and the next time he said she sat them on the ground.

The story of calling the police before asking Casey about the gas is silly because as a person who was LE trained (who btw stated he saw signs that gas had been leaked out on the side of her car ) figuring out you kid took gas from you should not have been that hard. So he should have admitted he thought she did it AND if he thought she took it why when he called Cindy to tell her did they share a chuckle over it?

So he calls the police (record)
He walks to tell his neighbor (record)
He calls his wife (chuckle)

And he doesnt even cut the grass.

Now GA is trained in LE so of course he would know how to set a person up. If he was inclined to and it is starting to look like georges actions are a little suspect.

He has a Key to Caseys car, he put duct tape on gas cans , he goes to talk to the FBI when no one is looking to implicate Casey ..

If I was JB I wouldnt want him impeached. IMO

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