George's testimony at trial

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Could Casey have been going home to steal the notices from the post office (from the tow yard) out of the mailbox so George and Cindy wouldn't know and the car would eventually just sold to settle the tow yard storage debt? To cover the evidence of her crimes since she obviously did not anticipate the odor of human decomp?
I don't believe George is such a bad guy but some things that he said and did does not make sense. Especially after being asked by JB about the smell of the car at Amscot...George states the smell was decomposition and he was obviously very worried. JB asks if he called 911 after going to Amscot and George admitted he did not. This is a bit bizarre. Is George just senseless or what?
Could Casey have been going home to steal the notices from the post office (from the tow yard) out of the mailbox so George and Cindy wouldn't know and the car would eventually just sold to settle the tow yard storage debt? To cover the evidence of her crimes since she obviously did not anticipate the odor of human decomp?

Would not have put it passed her one bit....TL's place is close to Amscot and I am sure she checked whether the car was still there on a regular basis.

Be interesting to know if she ever asked any of her friends what happens to a car once it is towed.
I didn't like JA's "hypothetical" question today because it made it clear to me that the State still doesn't understand what the Defence is doing but I sure did like when he (JA) picked up the calendar to ask his question. It was a parody of Saturday Night Live which is what always comes to mind for me what JB picks the calendar up. I HATE that Baez makes GA step down to "fill out" that calendar and I'm positive that the Jury finds it offensive. BARF. I hope the Defence is reading. NOT because I want to help them but because I do believe in fairness. Baez was a bully and cruel today and any juror worth his/her salt could see it!



I didn't catch it when GA was told to "stand down" as opposed to "step down" (I guess) and thought he was being dismissed from the stand and when he stopped in front of JB & the calendar, I thought he was gonna slug JB right there in front of the Judge and Jury!

once I realized he was asked to come down there to write on the calendar, I wanted to slug JB for him
God! Simple answer about why he called the police about the gas cans THIS time, compared to other times the inmate stole them: She broke the locks on the shed door! D-uh!

Previously when she took them from the shed, she was *living at home*, so she would have used a KEY to open the door, no?

Not only that, but those sheds cost several hundred dollars, as opposed to a $3 lock. Did they break the lock? No, they broke the shed.
I didn't like JA's "hypothetical" question today because it made it clear to me that the State still doesn't understand what the Defence is doing but I sure did like when he (JA) picked up the calendar to ask his question. It was a parody of Saturday Night Live which is what always comes to mind for me what JB picks the calendar up. I HATE that Baez makes GA step down to "fill out" that calendar and I'm positive that the Jury finds it offensive. BARF. I hope the Defence is reading. NOT because I want to help them but because I do believe in fairness. Baez was a bully and cruel today and any juror worth his/her salt could see it!


Quite the opposite for me. To me JA knows exacting what the DT team is doing and did this today to try to relay that info to the jury.

I love that the SA are not changing their game plan to match JB's opening statement, it seems to be frustrating him to no end. I think he thought he would leave them scrambling at the last minute. The SA is going to plod along the path following the charges. They will cover the bases of JB's ridiculous theory all in good time.

As to the way JB is treating GA...I agree it shameful, JB has crossed the line in my opinion. There ought to be a law against anyone treating a witness like that in a court of law. Sorry to see that HHJP allows it.
My heart goes out to George. JB is sure out to get him. However, I do wish, like others has said on here, that he would simply answer the questions with a yes or no. What got me about George was when JB simply asked if the smell got worse when the trunk was opened, and George kept saying "I told you, I saw a bag in the trunk" blah blah blah, and that wasn't answering JB's question.

I don't believe George is such a bad guy but some things that he said and did does not make sense. Especially after being asked by JB about the smell of the car at Amscot...George states the smell was decomposition and he was obviously very worried. JB asks if he called 911 after going to Amscot and George admitted he did not. This is a bit bizarre. Is George just senseless or what?

I totally agree with you. He was a cop, he knows what to do etc BUT in his mind he thought Casey or Caylee might be in there - they weren't. Auto denial could have kicked in - "They are ok, they are not in the car, they must not be dead."

He was a cop for 9 years over 20 years ago, and while the LE training is hard to shake it can be shaken. I think in this situation he was actually being a father/grandfather first. CA wears the pants, she would fix it and rip ICA a new one. From what I have seen, even though he may have a lousy temper at times it was never towards ICA nor never ever Caylee.

I wish he would have answered "According to you Mr Baez my LE experience should have made me call 911 immediately, and that may be true. Hindsight is 20/20. What is truer though is that if I had found my grand daughter face down in a pool my natural LE experience would have been to scream for someone to call 911 and start CPR immediately."

SB should have called 911 too - he knew the smell as well.

I cannot begin to imagine what GA is going through. I don't think he is the demon many think he is. Did he not hose protesters? - That wasn't going to really harm anyone. It was someone else that was going to go at them with a baseball bat.
I don't believe George is such a bad guy but some things that he said and did does not make sense. Especially after being asked by JB about the smell of the car at Amscot...George states the smell was decomposition and he was obviously very worried. JB asks if he called 911 after going to Amscot and George admitted he did not. This is a bit bizarre. Is George just senseless or what?

As usual, Casey put her parents in an almost impossible position. IMO, George knew instantly that Caylee had been dead in the car. How could he NOT come to that conclusion? But Casey is his DAUGHTER, his own CHILD! He doesn't know what happened yet. Do you call the police on your own child? A dead body has clearly been in the car. Knowing Casey it could have been a complete stranger, but she probably would have had a hand in it. Was it Caylee? Did Casey DO something to her or leave her in the hot car? Can the mind BEAR that thought? It's practically a Sophie's Choice situation. Maybe it seemed better to hold off until he could hear Casey's side of it, although he probably knew she would deny anything and everything. If nothing else, he could buy time so she could get far away if that's what she was trying to do -- she probably already WAS far away. He wasn't strong enough to plow through this. Better to let Cindy handle it, whatever it turns out to be.

Cindy was strong enough to do whatever had to be done.

No, George isn't senseless. Just a father and a grandfather, and a former cop.
He knew the smell was human decomposition. So, did SB. Neither called LE.

IMO, GA knew his daughter became rotten-to-the-core. Of course, the leap to murder at that point, would simply be too much for even GA, but I believe at that point it was a strong possibility in his mind.

I say he's fibbing as to why he didn't call the cops, but respectfully if I were a juror (at this point in the trial), I would overlook this fib, this untruth, and conclude that GA is HUMAN.

Father and Joe-Joe: first. Cop and citizen: second.

Once again, GA came across today as credible. He knows she is responsible-it was no accident. His goal may be that his daughter's life be spared.
I think GA's testimony was honest and believable. I was so proud of him for testifying his honest opinion about the car odor. I really expected him to continue to cover for casey. I really felt for him; his testimony must have been painful. I can't imagine how the DT is going to make him look like a molester! I wouldn't be surprised if CA tries to throw him under the bus when she's up.
The atty. for GA said they have known since Feb. what the defense was going to be.
I don't believe George is such a bad guy but some things that he said and did does not make sense. Especially after being asked by JB about the smell of the car at Amscot...George states the smell was decomposition and he was obviously very worried. JB asks if he called 911 after going to Amscot and George admitted he did not. This is a bit bizarre. Is George just senseless or what?

I think he didn't know what the hell was going on. If he called teh cops, what would he say? I smell decomp in the car? At this point, there is no proof of a crime or anything else. I think he did what many parents do, try to figure things out before getting the cops involved.
I think he didn't know what the hell was going on. If he calle dteh cops, what would he say? I smell decomp in the car? At this point, there is no proof of a crime or anything else. I think he did what many parents would do, try to figure things out before getting the cops involved.

.. and maybe ... his subconscious kicked in to protect him thinking the car had been stolen and used in a crime (not that of Casey and Caylee) ... our minds are a VERY powerful thing.
My heart goes out to George. JB is sure out to get him. However, I do wish, like others has said on here, that he would simply answer the questions with a yes or no. What got me about George was when JB simply asked if the smell got worse when the trunk was opened, and George kept saying "I told you, I saw a bag in the trunk" blah blah blah, and that wasn't answering JB's question.


BBM- I think I eventually understood what GA tried, but failed to express:

That his nose told him there was decomp in that car, but once the trunk was opened, his visual senses took over. He couldn't see death, only trash, so the visual sense didn't validate that original sense of smell of decomp.

The fact that the the tow yard guy expressed that the bag was the source of the odour did validate GA's second thought wishful as it may have been.

He clearly wasn't trying to lie, since he had testified just moments before that the smell was so overwhelming that the windows had to be down- even though it was raining.

BBM- I think I eventually understood what GA tried, but failed to express:

That his nose told him there was decomp in that car, but once the trunk was opened, his visual senses took over. He couldn't see death, only trash, so the visual sense didn't validate that original sense of smell of decomp.

The fact that the the tow yard guy expressed that the bag was the source of the odour did validate GA's second thought wishful as it may have been.

He clearly wasn't trying to lie, since he had testified just moments before that the smell was so overwhelming that the windows had to be down- even though it was raining.


Sure. George said that when he got in the car, there was a smell of decomp that concerned him enough to check the trunk. When he opened the trunk the smell was stronger, but when answering Baez questions, he refused to say that the smell was stronger in the trunk. At that point he was still trying to defend Casey by insisting that there wasn't a body in the trunk - it was only garbage - and he was somewhat relieved.
Quite the opposite for me. To me JA knows exacting what the DT team is doing and did this today to try to relay that info to the jury.

I love that the SA are not changing their game plan to match JB's opening statement, it seems to be frustrating him to no end. I think he thought he would leave them scrambling at the last minute. The SA is going to plod along the path following the charges. They will cover the bases of JB's ridiculous theory all in good time.

As to the way JB is treating GA...I agree it shameful, JB has crossed the line in my opinion. There ought to be a law against anyone treating a witness like that in a court of law. Sorry to see that HHJP allows it.

***MOO*** It will be all explained by the State, by the end of the trial When Yuri Melich and John Allen take the stand and introduce the Universal Studios Interview of ICA (audio preferably) they will be able to hear or read that the detectives gave her every opportunity to admit Caylee was dead and it was an accident but Casey continued lying that interview will get her the needle if played in court ***IMO***
***MOO*** It will be all explained by the State, by the end of the trial When Yuri Melich and John Allen take the stand and introduce the Universal Studios Interview of ICA (audio preferably) they will be able to hear or read that the detectives gave her every opportunity to admit Caylee was dead and it was an accident but Casey continued lying that interview will get her the needle if played in court ***IMO***

Think back to all the joy rides she took with police before admitting that she didn't have a job. There is no end to how far she will try to push something.
I think he didn't know what the hell was going on. If he called teh cops, what would he say? I smell decomp in the car? At this point, there is no proof of a crime or anything else. I think he did what many parents do, try to figure things out before getting the cops involved.

I like that! It's probably true that by the time Cindy called police, she had figured things out. She had the decomp car, she found her daughter (who she discovered had been lying for 31 days), but her granddaughter was no where to be found - with some unknown nanny. She probably figured it out and drove Casey straight to the nearest police station ... too bad it was closed.

What are they going to do for an income after the trial ... write a book?

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