Geraldo 10/19

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Geraldo always knows how to pick the winners in any situation, doesn't he?! LOL

*respectfully snipped*
"Vault!" Hahahaha~
Can you believe I watched that fiasco live :crazy: all of that hoopla for nothing!
So you say, my dear, so you say:blowkiss:
Still saying will not go to trial, maybe we will be spared at least that.

Hi Blink~~
Just curious how you see this going down. His earlier "negotiations" with LE were so ham-handed, I can't really see them giving up much to him. Are you thinking guilty plea in exchange for taking the death penalty off the table? Or are you thinking it won't go to court because Casey will remove herself from the situation?

I think, at the moment, she still thinks she's going to walk away from this. Lord only knows what plans are being cooked up in her diabolical brain. But, once she realizes she's really looking at long prison time, I have thought she might attempt suicide.
They are making it up as they go along. Baez won't know what he's going to say in court until he gets to see the evidence against KC and listen to the prosecution's case. His defense will be written on fast-food napkins, made up as they go along.

My personal experience with people like Cindy--it will not die down as she will become the issue and the focal point. Normally in a case like this it would die down till the trial BUT this is the Cindy Show and learn.....People with Cindy's pathology do not go away quietly---Cindy will not be going home to a quiet home with Casey gone and Caylee gone and Lee back at his house........NOPE Cindy will make waves big ones.....everything will be about Cindy with her attention seeking behavior and micro managing style- IE control freak.......jmho.......

I wouldn't be at all surprised, though Lord knows I am sick of that woman. She does seem to be pathalogically incapable of accepting an opinion that differs from her own. Is there such a thing as "know-it-all-itis"?
I was under the impression that LE was covertly following Casey from the moment she left her house that day, in both counties. Maybe I'm wrong, but it just seems like when it's a murder suspect it shouldn't matter what county they're in when it's time for an arrest on Murder One charges.
I heard a report, I think it was on NG last week that LE was tailing her and were'nt about to "allow" a captital murder suspect to dictate where and when to surrender themself into custody. LE is calling the shots now that she has been indicted. Not Casey, not Cindy and not JB.
Didn't you listen? Baez has instructed her to wait for the right time and place. :waitasec:

LOL - this is legal speak for "we don't know what the hell to say right now but we're working on it. .. we'll have something by trial." Good luck, fat *advertiser censored* Baez!!
Not knowing what the prosecution has in way of evidence or how strong it is, I can't say whether they'll be able to pin 1st degree murder on her or not. But if there is as much as we all suspect, with a competent atty. (NOT Baez) KC might be convinced to plead guilty in exchange for taking the DP off the table IF she gives up Caylee's body. That's the only way I see this ending w/o a trial because I doubt KC would kill herself.
Originally Posted by Chilly Willy
Didn't you listen? Baez has instructed her to wait for the right time and place.

When Baez said that I thought he is going to lead her right to the chair. (I know it is a done with a needle now.)

How can anything she has to say make it worse than the DP? I still wonder if she has told JB the truth. I highly doubt that she has. After all the lies that have come out he really seems to believe her.:confused:
So does this mean she will testify for her own defense?? How else is she going to tell her side of "the story" If she is so wanting to tell her side why dosent she come clean now and help find Caylee?:bang:

Casey is anxious to tell her side of the story - Baez is telling her there's a right time and right place.
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