Geraldo 10/19

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I agree Baznme.
Of course then Cindy would have been upset with them for putting KC in an unfavorable light!:)
This is CA's latest rant with People Magazine, 'they showed Casey in an unfavorable light'! :biglaugh:

What the heck does Cindy expect? Favorable light for someone who's murdered her baby, lies, cheats, steals, sleeps around, etc! Cindy better wake up and smell the coffee pretty soon, or she's going to find herself alone, with no George or Lee. :mad:
Just a quick thought.

Maybe Caylee really loooved her Minnie dress and when she outgrew it she was upset so CA (or somebody) bought her another one in a larger size..

I've seen that happen with Princess dresses and such.

I am so distrusting of everything that Cindy Anthony does that when she held up the little dress on the hanger, my first thought was she ran out and bought another identical dress in a bigger size(for her big day on The Today Show) because she probably didnt still have the smaller sized 18 months anymore. I recycle my grandsons clothes when he outgrows them. Sometimes I feel I too need to take a break from all this info and garbage spewing out of the mouth of Baez Central. I swear my family is about ready to pull and intervention! :crazy:
OK, what I want to know is who is Baez going to use to tell his phoney story to the jury? What sort of people that are 'in the know' could tell the story on the stand if KC doesn't testify (I will tell you now she will never testify!). Who is on her side other than mom, dad and brother that would know what happened with her daughter?

He couldn't possible try to tell that stupid story that CA tries to portray that this unknown person that has Caylee will kill her if they try to get her back? Who the heck would believe anything out of CA's mouth???

This is what I have wondered for a long time. Who will the witnesses for the defense team be? Who will he call to tell the story if not Casey? I agree that he won't put Casey on the stand. Maybe he won't call anyone. Isn't there some rule that says he can have the last word in closing if he calls no witness to the stand? Seems like I heard this some time ago during a trial of someone I know.
Casey is anxious to tell her side of the story - Baez is telling her there's a right time and right place.

Timing is critical if they want to be considered for the movie awards next year for KC Candy Land, JB is seeking Best Attorney Actor in a Supporting Role and KC is obviously vying for Best Actress, with a full cast of phantom co-stars, as follows:

The Other Jeff H, Juliette L, Zanny, Annabelle, Tom F, Raquel F, Tom M, Zanny's 3rd roomate, Zanny's mother, Gloria, etc.
JB sent LE a fax and LE sent him a message as to who is driving this case.

BTW. The faxes probably get lost in a lot of spam faxes and JB likes to childishly use that to show a lack of LE cooperation to his ineffective communications. Sad.

Just the Fax JB.
Someone intimated on the board that this is a nice ploy for attorneys to use to say "See, I did tell you my plans", but in actuality they mean, "I really plan on doing it my way". I wish I could remember where I read it, but whoever it was worked in a law office at one time. Hasn't JB heard of a telephone?
You're right. Do ya think she might get her own talk show?
Now there's something she really excels at.:floorlaugh:
She could play the role of the host AND the guests 'cause there really wouldn't be any room for anyone else's opinions. (sorry, OT)
I missed the program and am just reading here too wondering if I missed anything important. But, from watching JB for the last few months, I think he's making up his strategy as he goes along.

It's on again now, if you are still up.

I just need a baez funny to finish off the night.:boohoo:
I know, wierd, right? Look at the big production they made when they swooped in that Friday night to arrest her for economic crimes! Yet, for murder one, this is how they go about taking her into custody? Very strange.
I think that's WHY Baez orchestrated it the way that he did. Didn't want to give any of us here the satisfaction of whooping it up in front of the tv.
that's a lot of Kool Aid for them to be handing out if they want us on board.

In order for them to get anyone on board, they'd have to spike that Kool-Aid with 120 proof vodka and put us into a stupor! :crazy:
Another disappointing Geraldo! Baez is a looney too.

Can some one please tell me under what conditions would there be No trial????
Another disappointing Geraldo! Baez is a looney too.

Can some one please tell me under what conditions would there be No trial????

Guilty Plea, as part of a plea agreement, or on her own.
Thank you Blink, you are always so knowledgeable!
So , if she pleads guilty, she stays in jail and no one ever gets to hear more lies/stories?
It's on again now, if you are still up.

I just need a baez funny to finish off the night.:boohoo:

I just watched it, and agree with everyone here...........JB needs to just shut up. He's sinking the ship all by himself!
WHY was he contacting them ALL DAY??

He didn't know there was an indictment until late afternoon.


he has the same problem CA has, it's a new fangled thang called telling time.
I am so distrusting of everything that Cindy Anthony does that when she held up the little dress on the hanger, my first thought was she ran out and bought another identical dress in a bigger size(for her big day on The Today Show) because she probably didnt still have the smaller sized 18 months anymore. I recycle my grandsons clothes when he outgrows them. Sometimes I feel I too need to take a break from all this info and garbage spewing out of the mouth of Baez Central. I swear my family is about ready to pull and intervention! :crazy:

I am seriously and completely distrusting of everyonein that family CA LA GA KC...the lot of them. A waste...a huuuuuuuuge waste. imo

You and I had the same thoughts on what she did to have that dress.
And ya know, I still can NOT believe that woman went on the Today Show mere hours after the GJ indited her spawn. Especially after ca and ga supposedly spent the entire night crying over their darling being back in the slammer.
Who does something like that?

From the minute we knew our family member had been kidnapped, everyone was in high gear. I was very young but I clearly remember the fall-out it caused. NOBODY and I mean NOBODY acted like fools.
IMO, they have all disgraced precious little Caylee.:mad:
I just watched it, and agree with everyone here...........JB needs to just shut up. He's sinking the ship all by himself!

It is quite amusing tho.

It would be best if he just laid as low as possible for a bit. IMO, he isn't helping he cause. Between him and

The only thing tho, it's all at Caylees expense and I hate them all for it.:mad:
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