Geraldo Rivera show 1/17/09

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If LE requests to talk with the client, then yes they do have to go through the lawyer. However, if the client on their own decides that they want to speak with LE, for example Casey, she would have to do exactly what George told her she could do, write a letter to the Sheriff, or whomever working with the case and say she would like to speak with them, she can request her lawyer be there or not.

I just wondered if it was different if it wasn't initiated by Casey. Clearly if Casey suddenly wanted to speak to LE without her attorney she could do it. But I didn't think they were allowed to approach HER and ask her for a meeting - without it going through an attorney. I think JB feels that LE encouraged the meeting and so I was wondering if he felt it was a back door way of getting her to talk without her attorney.

Frankly I don't have a hard time believing they might have purposely approached her when JB was out of town. But if she agreed, then I don't have a problem with it. I just hope they can figure out a way to get it in at trial.
Sorry for the off topic, watch the landing from a security camera ..

Wow, it really was amazing skill and the great weather conditions, what a miracle.
Thanks for the link.:blowkiss:

Watching GR again, He said SA took unprecedented step in releasing jail house discussion. I know this is bs, but Grrrrrr, also hated that he said "serious allegations of police misconduct" several times before interviewing BC. We need those documents! JB wanted em, let's see em. probably not until after the holiday?
Will plant this here. It is posted in RANT thread. This discussion is Geraldo - but that includes discussion of outrageous doesn't it???

Ok. I get that they can't say what she died from, but they can say that she died, was placed in a trash bag and dumped off of the side of the road down the street from the A house, her decomp is in the trunk of her mom's car, and she wasn't reported missing for 31 days! I just can't see her walking away from that! I pray they are wrong!
Will plant this here. It is posted in RANT thread. This discussion is Geraldo - but that includes discussion of outrageous doesn't it???

Ok. I get that they can't say what she died from, but they can say that she died, was placed in a trash bag and dumped off of the side of the road down the street from the A house, her decomp is in the trunk of her mom's car, and she wasn't reported missing for 31 days! I just can't see her walking away from that! I pray they are wrong!

Even without a body the grand jury indicted her on first degree murder charges.
chefmom: Ok. I get that they can't say what she died from, but they can say that she died, was placed in a trash bag and dumped off of the side of the road down the street from the A house, her decomp is in the trunk of her mom's car, and she wasn't reported missing for 31 days! I just can't see her walking away from that! I pray they are wrong!
If all evidence was destroyed ... I can not imagine anyone getting passed 31 days. I have always felt that way. 31 days.
I guess they have to blow smoke just to have something to say these days..and the thought of them going after Kronk who found Caylee when Casey wouldn't give anyone anything to help, just makes me sick. I have to give it to defense attorney's. There is no way I could do what they do every day.

I can assure you that there are lots of defence attorneys that couldn't and wouldn't do what JB & BC do either. Most defence lawyers can see these guys are not doing a very good job by their clients and only make them look guiltier and guiltier with each appearance they make on tv.
If all evidence was destroyed ... I can not imagine anyone getting passed 31 days. I have always felt that way. 31 days.

And 31 days of partying, and stealing from friends to buy clothes and beer at Target no less. No searching, no depression. Just having a jolly good time with her new boyfriend and hanging out in hot body contests. Oh yea - and let's not forget the tattoo. That 31 days is a big pill to swallow.
And 31 days of partying, and stealing from friends to buy clothes and beer at Target no less. No searching, no depression. Just having a jolly good time with her new boyfriend and hanging out in hot body contests. Oh yea - and let's not forget the tattoo. That 31 days is a big pill to swallow.

ITA! I just don't see her "walking away" from what we know! I just wish we were privy to the stuff we DON'T know! (rubs hands together wickedly) You KNOW LE has to have some good stuff they are holding on to! I sure hope so!
ITA! I just don't see her "walking away" from what we know! I just wish we were privy to the stuff we DON'T know! (rubs hands together wickedly) You KNOW LE has to have some good stuff they are holding on to! I sure hope so!

Me too. But frankly, I think there is so much evidence - circumstantial or not - that points to her that I think it will be very difficult not to get a conviction. Even if you throw out all the "forensic evidence" in the car, and the cadaver still have GA, CA, the tow service guy, LE saying the car smelled of a dead body. It was clearly abadoned for some reason - and smelling like a corpse is a good one. Combine that with the circumstantial - like Casey being the last to be seen with her, never reporting her missing. Partying while she is missing. Still to this day showing no concern or remorse. Body dumped right around the corner from where she lived. All her lies exposed. Her "nanny story" not holding water. What is there that is in her favor? She lost the only reasonable doubt I could think of...that Caylee might be alive out there. So what does she have to point to now? Someone else dumped the body on Suburban because it was placed there after she was in jail? Ok - let's go with that. Now explain how the decomp smell, chloroform, and Caylee's hair with the death band got in HER car? At best this might show she had an accomplice. But nobody will buy that either because I think at worst, they won't be able to prove when the body was dumped there. And that isn't enough to show an accomplice. JMO
Watching GR again, He said SA took unprecedented step in releasing jail house discussion. I know this is bs, but Grrrrrr, also hated that he said "serious allegations of police misconduct" several times before interviewing BC. We need those documents! JB wanted em, let's see em. probably not until after the holiday?

...snipped & bold by me........

I know. WTH is he talking about? All the other recordings were released, as per the sunshine/discovery laws in florida.

The thing I think JB is looking at as misconduct on LE's part is when they are discussing in the tape having a private, face to face meeting w/ KC and a family member. That is what is unusual, and GA was able to get LE to agree to it. Aren't all inmate visits except with attys / clergy recorded? That meeting with GA (which didn't happen) that KC requested in her note to Sheriff Beary is what JB has his panties in a wad about.

~~He is not happy that she agreed to visit w/ G&C either, because he told her not to see them, but to have an unrecorded 'special' meeting is unusual.

I'd still love to hear what she's 'saying about LE so they don't release this' That is bugging me big time!
...snipped & bold by me........

I know. WTH is he talking about? All the other recordings were released, as per the sunshine/discovery laws in florida.

The thing I think JB is looking at as misconduct on LE's part is when they are discussing in the tape having a private, face to face meeting w/ KC and a family member. That is what is unusual, and GA was able to get LE to agree to it. Aren't all inmate visits except with attys / clergy recorded? That meeting with GA (which didn't happen) that KC requested in her note to Sheriff Beary is what JB has his panties in a wad about.

~~He is not happy that she agreed to visit w/ G&C either, because he told her not to see them, but to have an unrecorded 'special' meeting is unusual.

I'd still love to hear what she's 'saying about LE so they don't release this' That is bugging me big time!

You might be right! It would be unusual to allow them face to face contact, private and unrecorded. I can see why JB would have his panties wadded over that one. But it never happened that we know of - so it seems like a mute issue. I don't know that it can even be proven that it was approved by LE.

I also am curious as to what she said during the visit that would cause them not to release it. Perhaps this special meeting? Her attorney clearly hasn't informed her of the Sunshine Law which makes the video public once it becomes part of discovery. LE didn't release it....JB did once he requested it.
LOL, sounds like JB tried to set LE up.

Picture this.... JB leaving the jail says "I am going out of town and KC is not to have visitors." Visiting day comes and here comes GA and CA. Ok, LE has attorney orders and if they follow them, they can be accused of depriving KC of her right to see her family. So LE goes to ask KC if she will see her parents and she says yes. Now JB says they defied his orders.

LE was in a no win situation. How much you want to bet that protocol says that if visitors show up the client/prisoner has the right to see or not see the visitors unless they are otherwise occupied with offical business.

BTW it didn't look like KC was dragged into the visiting room did it?
What else can he possibly say about this tape? (He being Baez) He has to allege something to distance KC's responsiblity for this "taste of KC" tape just like he has to try to discredit MR from seeing the bag in August because it messes up the claim that it was moved to that location while KC was in jail. It is all just talk and none of this will come to anything at trial. He is just getting GR to do his PR, free.

GR talks out of both sides of his face. "She is a child kiling biotch, but LE is sure setting her up!" Come on GR, if you are going to promote biased reporting, at least pick a side.
WS forensic astrologers have been right on about this case.
If you have not had a chance to read their thread this weekend, everyone should check it out.

Can't see any recent threads.

What have the planet gazers been right on about?
LOL, sounds like JB tried to set LE up.

Picture this.... JB leaving the jail says "I am going out of town and KC is not to have visitors." Visiting day comes and here comes GA and CA. Ok, LE has attorney orders and if they follow them, they can be accused of depriving KC of her right to see her family. So LE goes to ask KC if she will see her parents and she says yes. Now JB says they defied his orders.

LE was in a no win situation. How much you want to bet that protocol says that if visitors show up the client/prisoner has the right to see or not see the visitors unless they are otherwise occupied with offical business.

BTW it didn't look like KC was dragged into the visiting room did it?

It will come down to the fact that JB works for Casey... Casey makes the overall decisions and she willingly met with her parents. Baez can talk out of his butt until his face is blue, but he is an advisor, and if Casey decides not to follow his advisement, then she and only she is to blame for the outcome.
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