Geraldo - Sat., 1/31/09

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I agree, I am glad she didn't show. I would hate to think she would start back on her media thing again.

ITA, as a matter of fact, now that I think about it, if she didn't show up at court to see casey, it doesn't make much sense that she would go on national TV, KWIM?
Don't know what to say. Wat wa wa. I wonder if GR has a clue to what is going on in this case. LE leaks? Geez. Ms. B gets her discovery from People Magazine. Right!
GR should be ashamed of himself.
That was a waste hughe waste.

JB just told the judge he got his lastest discovery from a reporter & then pointed her out in the back of the courtroom..The judge didn't say a word to the SAs..They didn't stand up to defend themselves..Everyone just ignored him..It was kinda :crazy: to watch it play out like that.
if the defense atty is going to explain everything and show his client is innocent what difference does it make where the jury is seated

i mean, uhhhhh ummmmm i thought he would be able to SPLAIN everything and we would all understand and we would all go

"ohhhhhhh i see the light now"

JB talking about changing venue because of LE's leaks to media. Says the story is all over Orlando. Please, it's all across America.

You can make that North America. It's a huge story here in Canada, too.
no no no no no it was a "duh Rhetorical question" - I don't want that to grow legs

I didn't think so, Okie! I knew what you meant, but was just pouncing lest the conspiracy theorists jumped up all over that. :D

I was watching the video of Casey from the most recent doc release on my work PC a couple of weeks ago.

One of my co-workers came up behind me and asked, "Who's that?"

I told him it was Casey Anthony. Swear to God, he replied "Who?"

It took me half an hour to explain the story. I was shocked that he was so utterly unaware of it, even more so because his wife works on Dr Phil's show.

He doesn't read the paper or surf the news online - the closest he gets to current affairs is watching Jon Stewart.

It made me think that maybe there are people in Florida as clueless as my co-worker, albeit outside Orlando where the coverage is at saturation level.
You would surprised at how many dont know anything about this case even in Orlando:)
The key questions is: did you read it? And were you cruel enough to regift the other 4 copies?

lol-- I totally read it. I bought one of the 5 copies :dance:
I donated 3 copies to a book drive. I retained 2 copies and display them prominently on my bookcase to alienate newcomers. lol.
ok so this whole Geraldo thing annoys me. I think Geraldo was lying and I agree with Chilly Willy that Geraldo would have announced it if Cindy had randomly pulled out of the interview.

Capone's vault redux.
They can try but IMO not gonna happen. JB being look at by the bar has nothing to do with KC or her case. Its true TB dont work for JB why because thats not TB real name. It was easy for JB to say he didnt it wasnt a lie but it wasnt the truth either JMO:)

It makes a difference if a helper within the prosecutions team is the one that made the call or requested the investigation. They're going to prove that and the guy is already leaving, if he hasn't left already...b/c the job "just isn't for" him.
For some reason, I find it doubtful that Cindy would give an interview to Geraldo, especially the first interview after Caylee's remains being found.

I think it's more likely Cindy would have an interview with one of the national morning shows.
Question for everyone:

So do you think Cindy actually WAS scheduled to do an "exclusive interview," but it was cancelled for some reason?
Or did Geraldo just make this up?

I sort of think he made it up!

I think there may have been a misunderstanding somewhere. I don't think he would lie about who's coming up in the show. I can also not seeing her doing any shows... "Someone" said she would be on. "Someone" was wrong
Didn't JB say something to the effect that LB was too well known in that area as a reason for change in venue....isn't she like well known everywhere?
Ok thanks for letting me know when AC was off - speaking of monsters....I am off to watch "The Thing" on SciFi
Has he interviewed her before? It doesn't say it is a current interview. Maybe it is just a rerun.
Question for everyone:

So do you think Cindy actually WAS scheduled to do an "exclusive interview," but it was cancelled for some reason?
Or did Geraldo just make this up?

I sort of think he made it up!
It seems if it were really a scheduled interview with Cindy and it fell through for whatever reason, Geraldo would mention that! Instead he doesn't make reference to it at all? Why not???
I think it was false advertising, plain and simple. Bait and switch.
We tune it and we get to see Baez and Baden whining and telling carefully manuevered half truths! And the questions posed to them regarding Casey's smiles and smirks went right over both of their heads! We all want to know WHY she is so light hearted and smiling, playing goofy, and smirking in general while in the court room, why she acts as though she's in court trying to beat a minor traffic violation! Why she shows no visible signs of upset, sadness and depression! Her baby girl was found tossed by the roadside by the evil kidnapping nanny!
Neither one of them appeared to have " got it "! Kenney-Baden seems just as dense as Baez to me! Oh boy! Good luck with that, Casey.:dance:
Okay peeps, "No Show" for CA. Patty taped the show for you anyway and will post it later.
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