Ghost on security camera!

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
That was weird. It could be someone in the school creeping around, but who knows? That said, I think the teacher in the clip is a loon.
Hmmm...I am assuming the school also has a security alarm system, too. If it was a shadow of a person, it should have tripped the alarm. The second shadow on the floor is quite curious coming from a different angle. This would preclude it was cast from outside the room. Also, the shadow appears to raise above the hall doorway when you first see it. I would have to say...they could have something paranormal there (meaning only it is not normal and if they have the camera checked out and rule out other options of what it could be...they might find it cannot be explained).
If not a human manipulation done for sh*ts and giggles, then I say moth... or some other flying insect. Sure, it probably doesn't look like the outline of a moth, but being as the camera is encased in a bubble type protector, anything getting very close to the camera could easily be distorted in shape by the curved glass. As for the shadow seen casting on the floor: could easily be a an artifact of light where the bug's shadow is actually projected onto the camera glass, at that exact placement of looking like it is on the lighted floor. This could also stand to say it is a piece of fluff/dustbunny that is floating on air currents near the camera, thanks to a fan system kicking in and the air waves circulating around the room.

Yeah, yeah, your crazy board skeptic is at it yet again: I'm a slave to the debunking side of life. LoL But I keep this as a rule of thumb: it is far too easy to manipulate video or film... thus one can't put 100% trust in anything they see on these kind of image mediums.
Yes you're right for the blue thing it could work. I thought the shape it had when flying was weird but if distorted that makes sense. Well I guess it was just some blue fibers flying over the camera screen.
At first glance I said it was a shadow ghost.

It would be interesting to see if a lot of paranormal events start to happen there.:ghost::nerves:
OK, in the opening shot, showing the camera's position, we see a ceiling fan through the window in the room behind the camera. While it doesn't look like that fan could trigger the camera, I doubt that's the only one in the school. The shadows, to me, do not look like a person, but a long narrow object, like a, ahem, ceiling fan blade. I'm by no means a 100 percent certain, but I think that's more likely than a ghost.
I'd like to see more pictures of that interior from angles other than the camera one.
Don't you believe in ghosts? They are just earthbound spirits!
Don't you believe in ghosts? They are just earthbound spirits!

Well, it's hard to put faith into something you don't see on an every day basis. But as you can see, you can't always believe what you see either.

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