Gilbert Attorney: Escort's Affidavit Implicates James Burke in GB Murders

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Thanks for posting these kings park/pilgrim state links western artist. Very interesting material there although very sad to see how some of these individuals were treated through the years.

Plotmas - since you worked at kppc, do you remember when the state/kppc stopped using potters field, at the kppc grounds, as a mass burial site for patients with no family and nobody to claim them?
KPPC from 1976 to 1996...pilgrim 2001"""out on disability..
pi remember they were still using potters field in early 80s.. Probable used it until 1996"".though once patient confidentiality laws created in 1996.,all patients /people on. SSI /SSD..became targets...
on another side..never heard of any red eyed demons walking around any grounds..and if there was one at a Pilgrim..The Dogs would have ate it...
WOLVES.or Jesuits are the problem..Anybody who dismisses Religous elitist/fundamentalist..of the COUNTY elite..for NOT BEING INVOLVED IN THESE MURDERS..just does'nt get it...
Judge Carl Copertino ..the Fordham Jesuit wolf in sheeps clotthing ..went out of his way to put an innocent person in jail..with his CORRUPT little county clerk.ALL THE clerks...are doing Gods work...Faith Based health Care..Copertino put me in jail...where Yaphank Corrections attempted to set me up in their Kitchen...the Same kitchen were young incarcerated woman were brought fed romanced..and
Only putting the article here, because this is a John Ray

article says John was appalled.......

"Ray said in an interview a portion of asset forfeiture funds is intended to compensate victims of crimes, such as some of his clients.

He said he was appalled when he read in Newsday that the district attorney’s office justified the bonuses because of low morale."

John Ray's lawsuit seeks to force Suffolk Count district attorney employees
to pay back $3.25 million in bonuses that were funded with asset forfeiture money.

That's the pot calling the kettle black.
Only putting the article here, because this is a John Ray

article says John was appalled.......

"Ray said in an interview a portion of asset forfeiture funds is intended to compensate victims of crimes, such as some of his clients.

He said he was appalled when he read in Newsday that the district attorney’s office justified the bonuses because of low morale."

John Ray's lawsuit seeks to force Suffolk Count district attorney employees
to pay back $3.25 million in bonuses that were funded with asset forfeiture money.

That's the pot calling the kettle black.

In his letter, Bellone said the bonuses, paid for through an asset forfeiture fund, were not authorized by the county legislature and there is “no authority in . . . [the county code] for bonuses to be paid for to county employees.”

Bellone has said it appeared the payments were made “in secret.”

Im not a lawyer, others on this board are, but it would appear that John Ray has no legal standing in this matter.
You might be right Scopio, but the FEDS do and they have taken an interest in the matter. More to come from what I hear in a Ray related case.
You might be right Scopio, but the FEDS do and they have taken an interest in the matter. More to come from what I hear in a Ray related case.

OH Hawk - why would the oh so busy FEDS
waste their time on John Ray the nincompoop of the century.

John Ray would louse up a one car accident. He doesn't have
the brain power to win a lawsuit against anyone. All he does
is exactly what he did in this case - he files a notice of claim -
as you can read - is a precursor to a lawsuit.

He files a notice and then screams to the rafters - look at me, look at me,
I got a new outfit at Sears Bargain Bazaare or Salvation Army -
look at me - look at me

I'm a somebody - I'm on tv.
What I did say is the FEDS are INTERESTED in this case and have issued subpoenas. I am saying is the matter Ray is talking about is probably related to the investigation. I have no opinion as to his competency in such matters.
Im not surprised.
Bellone did say they were running a criminal enterprise.
Everything is for the taking.
Is anyone surprised?
May he die the death of a thousand cuts. Someone should run down the rumor he broke a hooker's arm in Brooklyn. But certain folks in the SCPD wouldn't like that. Shame on you Newsday because you had the story how they intimitaded you into not writing it and you folded like a cheap tent.

speaking of Newsday folding like a cheap tent, look at what they call Burke

Spota's protege - barely call out Burke by his name.

I look forward to the comments sections, with glee actually, for your posts - and there aren't any
comments by you in this article, pray tell - why not?

Did you not see it? Because of the veiled writing?
I actually just wrote something in a Newsday column/Comment //board. That paper continues to call Burke Spota's protege when the truth really is Spota is Burke's protege. Once you guys understand that you will understand a lot more.

Burke was the pimp and in turn he had a stable of pimps. These guys used to go to the Gentlemen's Clubs to bring girls to their sex parties.
speaking of Newsday folding like a cheap tent, look at what they call Burke

Spota's protege - barely call out Burke by his name.

I look forward to the comments sections, with glee actually, for your posts - and there aren't any
comments by you in this article, pray tell - why not?

Did you not see it? Because of the veiled writing?

Peter Fiorillo ·
Tommy and Chris your boy David says he just won $500.00 and is looking to give it to someone with a worthy cause........every little bit helps. Your campaign funds won't last much longer and you will know what it means to see your money flying out the window. And Mr.Kessler when are you going to get it right? Burke is NOT Spota's protege it Spota who is Burke's protege.
Like · Reply · 16m

The above is my comment. I wouldn't want you to think I was slipping.

YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN the stuff I was writing on one of Burke's Boys when he went on FACEBOOK to tell the world what a great guy he is. Someone called me and told me about it and I jumped right on it. In less than 24 hours it was gone.
TRICAMO, DAVID Detective Sgt (Police) Police $149,940.00 $91,552.00 $276,985.00 09/14/1987

The kid is struggling to get by. The $91,552 is only overtime. He does have a couple of businesses to help him get by. He works out of the same unit that McPartland ran, i.e., Corruption Unit. Last year he pulled down 77K. When he had more free time he was on the Board of Directors of Harbour Entertainment. That operation was run by a stock swindler waiting to go to jail. Little Dave the so called sharpest tool in the corruption bureau just didn't know his pal was a convicted felon and was waiting to go to jail.
t Marlowe Walker clear Clear Form
Register Number: 59170-053
Age: 56
Race: White
Sex: Male
Release Date: UNKNOWN
Walker walked away with about $3 1/2 Mil. He left NY bankrupt and with a lien by the IRS for $200K. No sweat because despite all this he managed to buy two pieces of property in Bradenton, FL for a total of $1 1/4 mill and mortgaged them to the hilt.

IMHO, Tom Spota and his band of Merry Men must have had a ball with any money Walker gave them to get out from under.
In his letter, Bellone said the bonuses, paid for through an asset forfeiture fund, were not authorized by the county legislature and there is “no authority in . . . [the county code] for bonuses to be paid for to county employees.”

Bellone has said it appeared the payments were made “in secret.”

Im not a lawyer, others on this board are, but it would appear that John Ray has no legal standing in this matter.

I'm not a lawyer either. The county I live in has a taxpayer advocacy group. It has a lawyer. The Lawyer makes inquires to the county and also files suits against the county on behalf of taxpayers.

So Ray could file suit on behalf of the Suffolk Co. taxpayers or if he is a resident of Suffolk County he would have standing as a taxpayer.
May he die the death of a thousand cuts. Someone should run down the rumor he broke a hooker's arm in Brooklyn. But certain folks in the SCPD wouldn't like that. Shame on you Newsday because you had the story how they intimitaded you into not writing it and you folded like a cheap tent.

I thought it was a GREAT article on the $1.5M that Chris won.

all you had to say was

"[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]I think if Loeb went to trial he might get much less. What he should do is get someone to manage him to get him on various shows and tell the people exactly what those videos and sex toys were really about. Lot more to be told of juicy information"[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]that's IT?[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]didn't you think it was a great article?[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]they are still going to sue Chief Stars and Bars.[/FONT]
I thought it was a GREAT article on the $1.5M that Chris won.

all you had to say was

"I think if Loeb went to trial he might get much less. What he should do is get someone to manage him to get him on various shows and tell the people exactly what those videos and sex toys were really about. Lot more to be told of juicy information"

that's IT?

didn't you think it was a great article?

they are still going to sue Chief Stars and Bars.
Payday for the drug dealers.
If they gave Christopher a little more rope he might be the one being sued. He is the classic example of turning gold into ****. Marty Tankleff is no Chris Loeb.

Be patient and hope the FEDS don't get lazy or bored.
If they gave Christopher a little more rope he might be the one being sued. He is the classic example of turning gold into ****. Marty Tankleff is no Chris Loeb.

Be patient and hope the FEDS don't get lazy or bored.

Here is the article for those of you to read:

and below are some choice paragraphs - I cut and paste, but it's not the ENTIRE article, so it's only a couple of awesome paragraphs.

“In this particular case, we have an admission from the perpetrator of wrongdoing, so we don’t have a lot of defenses,” Brown said, adding that Burke is not covered under the settlement and could still be held liable.
“His acts, even though he was the chief of police at the time, were not something that the county condones nor is it something that occurred within the scope of his employment.”

re: Burke beating Loeb - as per Barket.
“But I will note that there is no settlement with Burke and we intend to pursue our case against him vigorously,” Barket said. “He is separately liable for the damages he caused and punitive damages, which are certainly appropriate in this case.”

DuWayne Gregory (D-Copiague), presiding officer of the Suffolk County Legislature, said he would vote for the settlement because going to trial could “run the risk” of a higher cash award.
“It’s frustrating that the taxpayers of Suffolk County have to pay for the egregious actions of any individual that works for the county,” Gregory said.

Legis. Robert Trotta (R-Fort Salogna) said County Executive Steve Bellone should pay the settlement. Trotta said he would “absolutely not” vote to float a bond to pay it.
“Steve Bellone violated the trust of every taxpayer by hiring and supporting Jim Burke despite his history of misconduct. Now the taxpayers of Suffolk County will pay yet again for another Bellone blunder.”

Newsday has reported that Bellone was warned in an anonymous letter about issues with Burke, but got assurances of his character from Spota.
Elan, in response, said: “It is the height of hypocrisy coming from a man who has been accused multiple times of workplace violence.”
And in other long island news..

Candidate urges firing of Babylon Town attorney accused of abuse


A local congressional candidate delivered a letter to Babylon Town Hall on Thursday calling on town officials to fire a part-time assistant town attorney charged in September with beating his girlfriend.

Liuba Grechen Shirley, who is seeking Democrats’ nomination to challenge Rep. Peter King (R-Seaford) in November, wrote and delivered the letter, which called Lindsay Henry, a former town councilman who pleaded not guilty to misdemeanor assault, “unfit to serve as a governmental official.”

“At a time when women are bravely stepping forward to tell their most intimate stories of abuse, the Town of Babylon should not hire a man facing charges for assaulting his girlfriend,” the letter read.
I thought it was a GREAT article on the $1.5M that Chris won.

all you had to say was

"[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]I think if Loeb went to trial he might get much less. What he should do is get someone to manage him to get him on various shows and tell the people exactly what those videos and sex toys were really about. Lot more to be told of juicy information"[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]that's IT?[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]didn't you think it was a great article?[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]they are still going to sue Chief Stars and Bars.[/FONT]

Nothing less than calling for Burke to be put naked into a cage and paraded through the streets for people to throw garbage and human/animal waste at him is less than what I call a good article. Maybe it is too close to home for Newsday to write about.

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