Gilbert Attorney: Escort's Affidavit Implicates James Burke in GB Murders

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It doesn't tie in to LISK, at least not directly. Some of you folks don't seem to get it. It is a story about how just effed up they are out there and showing you they are capable of most anything.

The Burke case really comes out of Manhattan, and not Melville FBI.

What I know or think I know can't be expressed a a few simple blog posts.

OK, chances are good I am just plain wrong about Burke being related to Jimmy The Gent. But what if I am right how do you think that relates to the LISK case or ANY case for that matter?

IMHO, this is how LISK could happen and all that has been revealed can be cast aside.

A very well known Go-To lawyer once told me he was amazed on wthat they do in Suffolk - They lie when they don't have to. They have perfectly good cases but they have to lie. He doesn't mind because the lies are so bad they help the defendant.

I completely agree with all that and if Burke was related I wouldn’t be even remotely surprised. Now I saw someowhere in these post about someone being tied I belive to Burke who’s mom was involved in prostituation and was abused I think went to far rock away well that guy sure fits a profile.
Yea.. the burke/gent connection, if verified, would give more insight and understanding into the level of corruption/mob tactics that assisted in burying the lisk case by keeping the feds out initially. Why wouldnt scpd top brass and suffolk DAs office want the feds help in catching a lone nut serial killer? Imo, its cause of 2 things.. one, the killer may be someone whos connected to top suffolk public officials and two, they just didnt want the feds meddling in their affairs over worries their years of corruption would be exposed.
Yea.. the burke/gent connection, if verified, would give more insight and understanding into the level of corruption/mob tactics that assisted in burying the lisk case by keeping the feds out initially. Why wouldnt scpd top brass and suffolk DAs office want the feds help in catching a lone nut serial killer? Imo, its cause of 2 things.. one, the killer may be someone whos connected to top suffolk public officials and two, they just didnt want the feds meddling in their affairs over worries their years of corruption would be exposed.

I belive Burke didn’t want the Feds in the case beacuse the Feds never just investigate one thing they investigate all areas and everyone around the situation, that would expose Burke’s criminal activity. And now Burke has been tied to Oak Beach through Leeana the escort who came forward, the Febs would have probly found that out a long time ago if they got involved.
DeeDee, this one you will have a hard time wrapping your head around because I haven't figured it out yet. This service man is at my house. Usual things like where are you from etc. Guy tells me Howard Beach. Yada, yada, he tells me The Gent is his uncle. The guy is Italian=American. WHAT!!! I quiz him and he is the real deal.

I ask him about if he knows Jimmy Burke the cop? Never heard of him. I ask him if he knows Frances. He whips out his cell phone and calls his mother. His mouth drops open because his mother tells him that is the real name of Aunt Mickey(Michelle) which is the name of The Gent's wife. He asks his mom how do you get Mickey out of Francis? She tells him I don't know but it is what it is.

OK, I put in a search for a Francis A Burke, Ozone Park and guess what I find? I find a Francis A Burke and a Michele Burke and others living at the house of James and Michele Burke.????

So is this Francis the same Francis that is Jimmy's mother? I DOUBT IT. The two Frances's are ten years apart BUT something is not right about this.
I think I found it. Jimmy the gent had two sons. Jesse and Frank. Franks real name is Francis. Hes dead. Doesnt matter. Name can still appear.
I belive Burke didn’t want the Feds in the case beacuse the Feds never just investigate one thing they investigate all areas and everyone around the situation, that would expose Burke’s criminal activity. And now Burke has been tied to Oak Beach through Leeana the escort who came forward, the Febs would have probly found that out a long time ago if they got involved.
Vernon Geberth said LE should have hit that community. Meaning Oak Beach. LE was selective about whos door they knocked on. Now we know why.
Burke does look like Jimmy the gent. Especially one picture in particular.
I completely agree with all that and if Burke was related I wouldn’t be even remotely surprised. Now I saw someowhere in these post about someone being tied I belive to Burke who’s mom was involved in prostituation and was abused I think went to far rock away well that guy sure fits a profile.
That would be Jimmy the gents mother.
Jimmy The Gent had 2 sons: FRANK JAMES BURKE (deceased) and JESSE JAMES BURKE. James is a Nassau County lawyer who seems to be involved with real estate transactions. He appears to be connected with some pretty serious criminals. Jesse is a lawyer and I believe some of his clients are known to him because his father is Jimmy the Gent. Nothing wrong with that due to his father. It is remarkable that Jesse made a life for himself by going to law school and getting a law degree. Burke has a daughter named Cathy .
If you understand why I continued harping on the frame job of my son in law you will understand it has ALL to do with protecting Jimmy Burke. IMHO it has much to do with LISK in some manner or other. You would have to be blind not to see it. I have been doing for so long it amazes me no one has done a thing about it.
If you understand why I continued harping on the frame job of my son in law you will understand it has ALL to do with protecting Jimmy Burke. IMHO it has much to do with LISK in some manner or other. You would have to be blind not to see it. I have been doing for so long it amazes me no one has done a thing about it.

Iam haveing a hard time following how LISk connects do you feel LISK is one of these people in that circle? It would make sense as to why these girls would trust to go with him with out anyone knowing if he is politically connected. Also iam sure these girls did a google search on the killer to check out his credibility as to why he needed them to not speak about him to anyone. I sure if the computers those girls used could be searched they may find the killer name being googled.
Yes, I do and I can tell you a good number of people told me Burke was involved in some fashion or other if not the killer of some of the gals.
Yes, I do and I can tell you a good number of people told me Burke was involved in some fashion or other if not the killer of some of the gals.

Not only have I been told
that Burke was involved, I've been told he was wearing his uniform.

I've never posted this publicly.

I've also been told that a male prostitute tape recorded
himself negotiating a price to have sex with Spota.
Yes, I do and I can tell you a good number of people told me Burke was involved in some fashion or other if not the killer of some of the gals.

Thank you for your contribution hawkshaw I felt the killer was in that group of people my self it makes sense from that point of view and possibly why LE wants to keep things quite right now maby until JB is released they may very well know who lisk is and who knows with sini running for DA things may be announced then. I have one question for you though, on another form titled Person of interest there was someone that was consider a strong poi a guy who I belive owns a jiujitsu/Kung fu school do you belive he could be involved or just someone that fits a profile?
Not only have I been told
that Burke was involved, I've been told he was wearing his uniform.

I've never posted this publicly.

I've also been told that a male prostitute tape recorded
himself negotiating a price to have sex with Spota.
Scorpio, do you believe that LISK is responsible for the killings dating back to Fire Island jane doe and Peaches, or just the GB4?

SPOTA? :floorlaugh::
Did you ever see the last episode of Seinfeld where George's mother tries to influence the judge? After all this time people still don't understand what is going on. They describe Burke as being the protege of Spota - it's really the other way around -Spota is the protege of Burke.

There is an old and funny saying - It goes like this: A woman's pubic hair is so strong it can pull a locomotive. In this particular case I think there was a pubic hair pulling a locomotive and some 'peach fuzz' for dessert.
Did you ever see the last episode of Seinfeld where George's mother tries to influence the judge? After all this time people still don't understand what is going on. They describe Burke as being the protege of Spota - it's really the other way around -Spota is the protege of Burke.

There is an old and funny saying - It goes like this: A woman's pubic hair is so strong it can pull a locomotive. In this particular case I think there was a pubic hair pulling a locomotive and some 'peach fuzz' for dessert.
Hawk, you are so bad. LMAO
Did you ever see the last episode of Seinfeld where George's mother tries to influence the judge? After all this time people still don't understand what is going on. They describe Burke as being the protege of Spota - it's really the other way around -Spota is the protege of Burke.

There is an old and funny saying - It goes like this: A woman's pubic hair is so strong it can pull a locomotive. In this particular case I think there was a pubic hair pulling a locomotive and some 'peach fuzz' for dessert.
I love the way you get ur point across.

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This was the post i remembered.. it mentioned kings park psych center.. the pic from the video in ambers thread i posted earlier, says amber lynn in graffiti on the wall... LE may want to consider going in those buildings and combing through all the graffiti there. Im gonna go through some more videos of that place to see if any more lisk names pop up. Who knows where it leads but its certainly interesting.

Post 958 on this thread was posted by plotmasreram:

A 20 yr halt in killings,,,I'm saying these killings were ritualistic murders as sacrifices to second generation children of the Church..
in the early 90s female patients went missing off of Kings Park Psychiatric Center grounds,never found..I don't ever see any info related...
Lindsay Henry and Kevin Cadden. Are two twisted sociopathic low life Church attending scum.........just like their suffolk county elitist dads...I'm stating Kevin Cadden made those taunting phone calls to the family....that's his MO...
I wrote a lot of see the reactions of the LH /KC and their "non " reactions were most telling...the Prosecutors offices of Suffolk and Mays landing (Atlantic City) are culpable along with filth from the police departments...Lindsay a Henry was assigned as my lawyer w/o my knowledge by Judge Tinari..who attempted to incarcerate me 6 mos ..I bailed out of Yaphank w/o Judge Tinari/Lindsay Henry and that little JEW prosecutor stalking me 5 yrs in that Cohalon complex ,,,false arrests to intimidate me..jail house scum targeting me etc..I find it humorous...choir boys,legal eagles acting like mafioso...cleared of all chargesc...I taunted LH and his Daddy over and over..and they ignore me in the Cohalon complex..Daddy Henry took a sh:t in his pants when that po scam into court to check me out..I locked eyes on him..and he panicked a got out of that court room real quick..that was most telling..the prosecutors office playing games with my legal **** ..arresting me..putting on holds/pushing for extradition so as to miss trial dates ..a big game..cleared of all charges in I deal with the 3 false arrests from atlantic city...offered me probation on aggravated assault charge...jumped by the owner manager of Pic a lily bar in AC...ATLANTIC City chief prosecutor John's another choir boy they threaten me with up to 5 yrs ...and I told them stick your probation where the sun don't shine..AC.POLICE/prosecutors /Jewish family services practicing Sharia law in AC..upon arrest ..I was brought to atlantic care hospital were I was shackled to a bed 6 days straight,given 2 trays of food in those six days and attempted to do a surgery (Debridement) stating I had flesh eating bacterial infection..when I received all my MEDICALS as a RN I requested all my info..I had NO INFECTION....denied phone call 3 weeks ,no arraignment ,from hospital to prison..where I sign my receipt for prison clothes...and the AC freeholders /mays landing Sherrifs dept /prosecutors office....STEAL POWER OF ATTORNEY FROM EVERY INMATE..WHO SIGNED RECIEPT SINCE 1996...Wells Fargo Bank involved .....HSBC bank cut a 1.9 billion dollar kickback with Supreme Court judge John Gleeson and Preet Bharara..a kickback....JOHN GLEESON FROM NJ...WELLS FARGO AND HSBC WERE PARTNERS AT ONE TIME...THEN U HAVE GOLDMAN SACHS ERIK MADOFF OF THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND...THE PEOPLE WHO SACRIFICED THESE GIRLS COMES FROM THE PROSECUTORS OFFICE...MY KNOWLEDGE AS A DRUG REHAB PROFESSIONAL WHO WORKED KPPC/pilgrim psych FROM 1976 to 2001 in a family of state administers...KPPC staff like me were co worker Linda wicks was murdered..and they broke my neck on purpose on chiropractor table in 2001..,,I fixed it in 2009 with cervicle traction and have all my functions some..Lindsay Henry propped up by babylon pal Carl Copertino...and their is going to be a JESUIT CONNECTION...FORDHAM JESUITS ANDY CUOMO,CARL COPERTINO,STEVE BELLONE AND TIMOTHY SINI...HAVE THEIR own up on Jesuits and heretics..or shall we say woman are promiscuous with their Church ( body)...I've had front row seats watching the whole game...making comments on the web....THEY TARGETED ME FOR MY KNOWLEDGE..and I have knowledge...that is hidden from the public....such as 2nd generation anti -psychotropics cause akethesia not acknowledge on the BARS British akethesia rating scale since 1996...this is how the STATE NY ERIK MADOFF HAD the sister of that girl murder her mother,,,.using drugs I have known will cause suicidal /homicidal behavior since mid 90s...3rd generation Registered nurse who worked ny state drug rehab OMH these mutts in ac target me for trials...I know THE SYSTEM...the prosecutors manipulate...and attempted to do an unneeded surgery..
3levels of gov't corruption backed up by Jesuits of Fordham (the deep state) NY Jew Raymond Sakler marketed oxycotin as non addictive in 1996 ..oxycotin created in 1916 Germany ..well known documented addictive qualities..the Sakler marketed Valium as non addictive in the 70s created a nationwide benzo addiction crises in this country...this time they created a gov addiction,euthanizing program...and anybody with my kind of knowledge is a threat to...Their entire fraud...those bodies on the beach...and the people OD ing...all way or the other....via Fordham Jesuits and suffolk county FILTH...WITH THE HENRY FAMILY IN THE THICK OF IT...This is 2nd generation sacrificing here...Kevin Cadden..a psychopath and he's another PARTICIPANT..he was my lawyer for a year..along with John Powell...the babylon lawyer specializing in protecting sexual big party
What's the LH/KC ? Also, I find it interesting that it's everyone else and never you causing problems for you.

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