Girl Stoned to Death

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Aug 6, 2004
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I read these stories am I get just plain sad.
I grew up with a girl from Pakistan who returned to that country at 13. About a year later her mother returned to America telling people that this girl was pregnant and fell against a stove and burned to death. I really didn't get a full grasp of what really happened for years.
I watched the video and got physically sick afterwards. If you watch it, please keep the volume turned down. It isn't as bad if you can't hear her scream. Very blurry video. Unfrigginbelievable. I stand by my position since Sept 11. Bomb the whole stinkin place. Animals.

AND the whole time they are murdering her with rocks, they keep pulling a jacket over her exposed buttocks to preserve modesty as they kill her. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
unreal--pretty barbaric--bunch of animals over there--but you know,speaking of animals,why can't we stone to death these serial killers of ours over here? you know, like Manson,Ramirez(near death anyway),that Canadian that killed 17 women in Vancouver,Robert Pickton the pig farmer,and that pizza delivery guy in LA who killed a dozen people----that would be a better punishment than that painless lehal injection stuff,and there would be no shortage of volunteers to do the stoning I'm sure
There is just something about this that I can not deal with!!!!!:(
The video has been taking off due to violations, and I think I finally have a good reason for not bothering to fix my broken speakers........

Very sad..... although, what immediately came to mind was something to do with females and mutilation...... when it comes to relationships. How one justifies violence, I couldn't fathom if given eternity.

I'd add a comment regarding a trunk lid, but I think it might get me in trouble here........
i can't watch it.. and i agree, they are unevolved animals. sorry,, i can respect many other ways of life and traditions different from my own... but some.. no way, we have evolved beyond that, and there is a very good reason why. and i plan to keep evolving, thank you very much. when i spoke up against the women who wanted to cover their heads with black sheets in england (and everywhere else). i got raked over the coals for not 'celebrating diversity' enough... being a bigoted westerner, hey, i'm sorry.. if you want to go live in the stone age,, there's plenty of countries you can live in... don't try to drag england back to the stone age with you. sorry... there's nothing anyone can do to make me like muslims or the muslim religion.
and don't even get me started on the time-honored, 'ethnically diverse' practice of female circumcision!!!

btw.... i could not watch the video. there are some things i just cannot look at. i can already imagine how bad it is. these people suck. and while i do think this whole war has been a disaster,,, i do agree some people deserve to be obliterated. come to think of it... maybe if we're gonna have a war we should just get it on already and quit pussyfooting around... just let the gloves come off, let it be all-balls out, east vs. west, apocolypse now.. make the bible predictions come true!! none of this careful stuff like we're worried about stepping on anyone's toes (which we always end up doing anyway). war is ugly,, and our modernism can't get pretty up that fact. maybe a civilized war isn't the way to go.. let's just pull out the stops and just get it on, get it over with. come to think of it, i think we're ready for a few civil wars here too, on a few different fronts.
well..... so much for romeo and juliet!
I found the video using a link to an Arab TV station. I will see if I can find it. I do not like watching these movies (Nick Berg etc) but I don't think the public should be sheltered from it. I think that just like shows on TV, people can change the channel or not click on the link if they don't want to see it. To prevent it from being shown just sugar coats the situation over there and, in my opinion, it becomes easier to ignore/forget it. I would rather see the movie and then go puke and remember why we are fighting to keep these azzes out of our country (again).

ETA: Am I allowed to post links to the video or would that be TOS violation if they have been removed from the web??
YouTube doesn't control Websleuths, so I don't think it'd be a violation of TOS here - at least not for that reason. I won't watch it - but yeah, those things need to be kept out in the open, not ignored by the rest of the world.

It's barbaric, uncivilized, and completely and totally wrong - I don't buy any 'cultural' defenses for that type of thing. Of course, it's all about the rules where you live if the law and country are civilized - but it's interesting how much more prosperous and successful countries are that have liberal and open-minded laws.
I watched the video and can't get it out of my mind. How sad that men would do that to a sixteen year old girl because she "shamed them." The shame should be on them for their awful behaviour. Real big men who can kill a young girl by throwing big stones at her. Really brave and courageous. They should hang their heads in shame, yet they have the nerve to call it an "honor killing". What a strange and cruel world we live in! Not saying all of it is strange because most people would not dream of doing a thing like that. That poor girl that the ones who should have loved her could do that to her.
I found the video using a link to an Arab TV station. I will see if I can find it. I do not like watching these movies (Nick Berg etc) but I don't think the public should be sheltered from it. I think that just like shows on TV, people can change the channel or not click on the link if they don't want to see it. To prevent it from being shown just sugar coats the situation over there and, in my opinion, it becomes easier to ignore/forget it. I would rather see the movie and then go puke and remember why we are fighting to keep these azzes out of our country (again).

ETA: Am I allowed to post links to the video or would that be TOS violation if they have been removed from the web??

That is such a misconception- that's not the reason your country is in another country declaring war on terror and blowing up the place whilst innocents die- just sayin'
That is such a misconception- that's not the reason your country is in another country declaring war on terror and blowing up the place whilst innocents die- just sayin'
And not everyone who is arab, lives in the middle east, etc. believes in this crap - not even most of them do, imho. Nor is it part of the muslim religion. It's old tribal behaviors.
Poor girl. Barbaric and inhuman '. :furious:
And not everyone who is arab, lives in the middle east, etc. believes in this crap - not even most of them do, imho. Nor is it part of the muslim religion. It's old tribal behaviors.

I agree.
What a sad, tragic story of horror and evil. One of the greatest tragedies hidden within this story is the missed opportunity that could have happened if the boy and girl from two different factions had been allowed to fall in love and have children. They were obviously more evolved than the scum who stoned her to death. They were at least capable of seeing good in others who were different. Narrow minded biggots are often the root of evil.
Here is a link from a middle-eastern women's right's site that contains the video, broken into segments with each segment explained. Personally, I think you can judge a society by the way it treats it's women and children. If a society does not respect or value the life and dignity of it's own mothers and daughters, that society is lower than any animal on the totem pole of life on earth.
it broke my heart to watch this. i cant get pass the fact of how i cried for a girl i didnt know yet it was her family doing this to her.

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