GK's convoluted theory... what's yours? Please share!

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May 5, 1993 started out like any other day in West Memphis, Arkansas; by the end of the next day, three little boys would be found dead in a drainage ditch and a town would soon be gripped with a “Satanic panic” mentality. Timelines for most of the individuals involved in this horrid set of events on the day of May 5th can be readily established; however there are the timelines of a few individuals which are problematic/questionable. Conjectures are strictly a matter of personal opinion; please do not consider them as factual or more than speculation. The following paragraphs contain information gleaned from the various statements given by various individuals, including CJB, found in police records, alibi statements, and court documents. This in no way should be considered an official statement, although statements and facts are taken from official documents available at http://www.callahan.com associated with each individual noted. Any other sources used, such as http://www.jivepuppi.com and Mara Leveritt’s book Devil’s Knot, will also be noted. Please note that a number of websites (and books) are biased in one way or another, and therefore citations other than Callahan’s should be approached critically. I apologize for the length and constant citation, but I am attempting to compose a coherent and viable timeline for all individuals connected in any way to this horrendous event. Please bear with me, and if anyone has anything to suggest, add, delete, edit, correct, whatever… please let me know so it will be right! Thank you so much in advance for your help and patience, it is very much appreciated.

PF’s opening statement in CJB’s trial portion was given February 28, 1994. After defining “opening statement” and “trial” as the picture on a box which shows what the puzzle pieces within should be when assembled, the attorney began to define CJB. CJB was a 16-year-old boy who helped his mother care for his younger brothers. On the day he finished 10th grade the WMPD arrested him as an accomplice in the murder of SB, CB, and MM. This flew in the face of the evidence that CJB was an average student, not known for making trouble. In fact, school officials were flummoxed that he had been accused of such a heinous crime. This was not the CJB they had come to know during his time at the high school (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/ebtrial/fordope.html).

In closing his opening statement PF stated that the testimony the jury was about to hear contained evidence the WMPD chose to disregard: suspects, statements, and physical evidence. The puzzle pieces didn’t fit the picture they wanted to make. The evidence therefore had to be distorted and manipulated to fit. Taken together, or independently, that evidence, coming from the prosecution witnesses, would display one overwhelming fact – CJB was innocent. He then asked them to fulfill the oath they took as they began to serve as jurors, to listen carefully to what was presented. Thanking them for their attention, he brought his brief opening statement to a close (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/ebtrial/fordope.html).

So what happened? What went so wrong that his optimistic opening statement was overlooked and a verdict of guilty was rendered? Justice went awry, was truly blinded in that awful moment. But what happened?

Four days after the three second-graders disappeared, and three days after their gruesome discovery, BD and SG from WMPD spoke with DWE, DAT, and CJB in CJB’s front yard at 245 West Lake Drive South, in the Lake Shore trailer park. All three shared they had gone to CJB’s uncle’s house (however, they could not recall the time nor the address, only that it was off Dover behind the Blockbuster Video store), where CJB mowed his uncle’s lawn. Shortly before 6:00 pm, DWE telephoned his father and asked to be picked up at the laundromat on Missouri at North Worthington. DWE’s father picked them up there at 6:00 pm, dropping off CJB and DAT at their respective trailers before taking DWE home (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/bddjd.html, cf. Leveritt, Devil’s Knot, 59).

SG began reading the questionnaire, completing the entire sheet with DWE. He had almost finished the process with CJB when CJB’s mother, AGG, arrived and put a stop to the questioning. She (AGG) was quite disturbed and accused the officials of harassing her son. She told the officials to leave; they tried to convince her of their reasons for their presence, but she refused to listen, whereupon they left the premises (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/bddjd.html, cf. Leveritt, Devil’s Knot, 60).

If I may, I would like to ask some questions of my own. First, JLM Jr. had not been questioned yet, and would not be until June 3, 1993. So why were these three teenagers being questioned? Could it have been the statements of SJ, a county juvenile probation officer, who mentioned the name of DWE to a WMPD officer, JS as the most likely occult suspect (http://www.jivepuppi.com/a_twilight_kill_part_two.html)? Second, how and why did SJ even determine that this was an occult murder? Surely it could not have been the fact that he and his boss, JD, spent full moon evenings driving around in the West Memphis area looking for cult meetings and ritual sacrifices, could it (Reel, et al., Blood of Innocents, 97)? Third, how did JS manage to put together this questionnaire so quickly? These and a few other questions should be answered. One, raised by another Websleuths member, zencompass, concerns SJ:

Just wanted to tell you that I reread your theory this morning. It got me to thinking that S.J. could have been there, especially after Compassionate Reader wondered why he was there searching and how at that exact second of discovery he started rambling about "satanic sacrifices". JMO
This is a very good question, and one that perhaps should have been asked more than two decades ago. Just why was it that SJ decided to go assist with the search? Just how was it that he happened to remain behind and stumble onto the first evidence of the floating shoe(s)? Why were his first comments concerning occult ritual killing and DWE as a suspect to the exclusion of any others? (See the references made above for this last question.)

To be continued...
Now, let us return to CJB’s timeline and alibi analysis.

CJB attended school on the day the three children disappeared. His mother, AGG, was in possession of school records to prove his full-day attendance, and had spoken with the principal of the Marion Senior High School. CJB would have been in school from 8:00 am until 3:00-3:30 pm on the day that the “confession” of JLM Jr. put him in the Robin Hood Woods contemplating murder (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/jmjune1.html). Since it was not possible for him to be in two places at one time, either JLM Jr. was mistaken about the time or the presence of CJB. Is it possible that the JB he referred to was actually JHB? Considering JHB’s arrest record, the fact that his uncle LLB III was a known sex offender, and the difference in size between the two, it is more than likely that JHB would have made a more convincing murder suspect than CJB (http://www.jivepuppi.com/other_baldwin.html).

After school on that day, which attendance records clearly show he was present, CJB then went to his uncle’s house to mow the lawn (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/grinnells_ridge.html, http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/gail.html, and http://callahan.8k.com/pdf/jb_habeas_rule37/exh51_affidavit_angela_grinnell.pdf). AGG gave the address as 1037 Park Drive, West Memphis (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/grinnells_ridge.html). A look at a map of West Memphis places this as north of South Worthington Drive. It is not actually connected to Dover Road in any way. However, landmarks are often a teenager’s means of direction, and the Blockbuster Video might have been their connecting point to this uncle’s house.

The statements from AGG place CJB at his uncle’s house from 4:30-6:30 pm (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/grinnells_ridge.html and http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/grinnells_ridge.html). The uncle corroborated these statements (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/hubb.html); however, a report written by detective BR on the same date concerning this statement contradicts the assertions of others that DWE and DAT were with CJB on that date (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/h_bartoush_report.html). Was this ineptitude on the part of WMPD? Or was it intentional, setting up a contradiction in order to discredit any statements made by defendants and alibi witnesses at a trial? There is a partial grain of truth in BR’s report; CJB would have been alone at 6:30 pm, as DWE’s father picked him and DAT up at a laundromat at 6:00 pm. However, CJB was also present in that vehicle, as he was dropped off, as was DAT, before DWE was driven home. This definitely needs clarification; and I am on the side of the defendants here, as their statements agree, whereas the “official” report does not.

Continuing on, CJB was paid by his uncle for mowing the lawn. Now comes a bit of confusion about what happened next. We have seen that one scenario given above had DWE’s father picking up everyone and taking them home one by one. BR’s report gives a different story, as does HB’s statement, that CJB was going to go to Walmart to play video games (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/h_bartoush_report.html, http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/hubb.html, cf. http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/bddjd.html and Leveritt, Devil’s Knot, 59-60). This is a troubling situation that needs to be rectified; however, it could be that DWE’s father took everyone home after picking them up at the laundromat, and shortly thereafter, the Walmart trip occurred. This would then make both statements correct, as they would no longer contradict each other. It would also make HB’s statement in BR’s report that he saw CJB leave on foot but did not know where he went true as CJB could have walked up to the laundromat (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/h_bartoush_report.html). However, there are still two issues to consider which need to be clarified in order to remove the apparent discord between the two. The first issue is time; HB’s statement and BR’s resultant report rely on television shows to fix time. It is not known upon what the other statements base their reckoning of time. However, the correct departure time needs to be fixed, either before 6:00 pm or closer to 6:30 pm. The other issue is whether or not DWE and DAT accompanied CJB to HB’s house, as their statements contend. BR’s report has HB saying that on 5/5/1993 CJB was alone.

Moreover, there is the account of KCW with which to contend. AGG’s statement of June 4, 1993 names a KWalker who went with CJB to Walmart to play videogames. AGG worked a night shift from 3:00-11:00 pm, so she assumed that CJB arrived back home approximately 7:30 pm to babysit his younger brothers and help them get ready for the next day of school. TG offered that she had called him on the telephone sometime around 8:00 or 8:30 pm, so she knew he was home at that time. TG himself was at his mother’s house, since she had had an ear operation and he was helping take care of her overnight. AGG offered that a DD was staying there to help CJB out, and it is very possible he was there that night; however, she did not know where he was at the time of the interview with WMPD (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/grinnells_ridge.html). Unfortunately, that precluded him being called as a witness, since the WMPD apparently did not attempt to locate him either in West Memphis or in Memphis across the Mississippi River.

Before continuing on, it should be noted that if CJB was at home sometime between 8:00-8:30 pm, and he left his uncle’s house to go to Walmart to play videogames, this does not leave very much time at all to commit three murders, hide the bodies, clean up, and return home to his younger brothers and a live-in friend. One of the best ways to clear up when he did return home is to locate DD, if he is still living, and can remember that night lucidly, and have him give a sworn statement, preferably to another entity than the WMPD. A timeline considering that the AGG/KCW recollection is correct: From HB’s house to the Walmart Supercenter takes about 26-30 minutes walking. If the time of leaving is 6:30 pm, the arrival time would be 7:00 pm. To walk from the Walmart Supercenter to the Lakeshore address for CJB takes approximately 50 minutes. To arrive there at 8:00 pm means a departure time of 7:10 pm, leaving 10 minutes for videogames. If the time was closer to 8:30 pm, then that would leave 7:40 pm as the latest one could leave and arrive on time. This timeline leaves about 35-40 minutes of playing time. If pressed, I would say that this is the correct timeline: leave HB’s house at 6:30 pm, arrive at Walmart at 7:00 pm, leave Walmart at 7:35 pm and arrive home at 8:30 pm.

Continuing on, if one studies that statement, it is clear that BR is desperately attempting to get AGG or TG to convince CJB to talk without benefit of legal representation. This is reprehensible. Once it was clear that there would be no such interrogation of CJB without a lawyer present, the interview should have been concluded, or moved on to other topics if it was to continue. To repeatedly attempt to convince them to allow the police “free access” to CJB is a slap in the face of honest law enforcement everywhere.

To be continued...
Now let’s look at the portion of the September 23, 1993 interview of AGG that is relevant to this part of the timeline (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/gail.html). At that time, DD was at the penal farm according to AGG. There is no evidence that the WMPD contacted the penal farm to interview this man. Instead, the next question concerns the last name of one of CJB’s friends, whose name is KCW. Originally, AGG gave his last name as “Walker,” but here it is correctly given by the prosecutor who is conducting this interview. In this statement, AGG avers that DWE and DAT left CJB at his uncle HB’s house; thereafter, CJB and KCW left for Walmart and then walked home. The prosecutor, after switching tapes, inquires when CJB told her he had arrived home, to which AGG first replied 9:00 pm, then about 8:00 pm, and finally 8:30 pm. Also, she now stated that CJB had gone to AP’s house after Walmart and before going home. I have searched the records in Callahan’s as well as several websites, and even read through several books, but have failed to come up with a mention of this individual anywhere else. My question here is why did the WMPD fail to record any interviews with AP?

Another item covered was the times the uncle said CJB was mowing his lawn, to which AGG replied it was from 4:30-6:30 pm, which is consistent with her earlier statement, as well as HB’s statement. Since there seemed to be no inconsistency the prosecution could exploit, the next area of questioning concerned whether or not CJB was at home and asleep when she arrived home and did she check on him. She asserted he was home and asleep, and that she checked on him. She was insistent on this point, as the prosecutor asked about it several times apparently looking for a different answer or an uncertainty, which he did not receive (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/gail.html).

Now we should examine the statements made by KCW on September 16, 1993. There were two statements, one made at 11:12 am (and obviously erroneously concluding at 11:30 PM). The other statement was taken at 1:47 pm and concluded at 1:58 pm (thus making the previous statement’s ending time mistaken, which seems to be usual for the WMPD). In the first statement, KCW makes no mention of CJB going to his uncle’s house on 5/5/1993 to mow his lawn. Instead, he claims that at 3:30 pm, he, DAT and DWE went to CJB’s house, but only DD was there, as CJB hadn’t gotten home yet. When he did, they all went to Walmart to play videogames. LGH Jr. showed up, and they managed to avoid being around him. KCW then left about 5:30 pm to go home to babysit and eat. DWE and CJB arrived back at CJB’s house around 7:00 pm, at which time KCW went over to play Nintendo games (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/kenw1.html).

It is later in his interview with BR that KCW mentions CJB mowing HB’s lawn, but states that the date was not 5/5/1993, but the following Saturday or Sunday (which would make it either 5/8 or 5/9). Uncertain of the location of the house, he mapped it out for BR, who then supplied the street names and location of the house for KCW. Moving on, KCW then furnishes information on his return to CJB’s house later the evening of 5/5/1993. At first, close to 6:30 pm, he goes over but no one is there, so he returns home and tries again 20 minutes later. That time DWE, DAT, CJB, and DD are there, so KCW joins the group, remaining there until 9:00 pm, when Bonanza came on.

Again, even though stories are not completely corroborating one another, one area in which they do agree is that CJB was at his home (as was DWE, by the by) when the murders of three young boys are supposedly taking place according to a “confession” that had been given. It is not only intriguing that these witnesses were never called in CJB’s trial as alibi witnesses, but it displays ineffective counsel, which, as will be seen, resulted in a Rule 37 petition.

The rest of that earlier interview focused on vandalism and other, minor and petty offenses which were not of any great relevance to the charges against CJB. The afternoon interview of KCW was conducted with his mother, SW, present and concentrated mainly on DWE, and only incidentally mentions CJB a few times (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/kenw2.html).
Finally, we can examine the affidavit of AGG given as Exhibit 51, and made May 15, 2008 in preparation for CJB’s Rule 37 Hearing, scheduled to begin September 24, 2008 (http://callahan.8k.com/pdf/jb_habeas_rule37/exh51_affidavit_angela_grinnell.pdf). In this affidavit, all of the items are important, but some are more so than others. Item 10 shows the familial relationships and responsibilities CJB assumed for his mother and reiterates her earlier statements to the prosecutor in her September 1993 interview of checking in on her children when she arrived home. Further, item 12 not only reinforces that fact, but also that CJB attended school both 5/5 and 5/6.

Item 14 recalls the fact that AGG had procured school records showing CJB’s attendance and had shown these records to the officer who requested them, GG. She believed the interview was tape recorded and would show that she provided this information. (I have found an audio recording of the September 1994 interview, but not one for the June 1993 interview. However, the June 1993 clearly shows that AGG had obtained said evidence and was willing to provide it.) Item 17 delineates distinctly that the WMPD seemed more interested in anything other than solving the case properly. AGG’s behavior and emotional state, her accusation that TG had turned CJB in to the police, etc., all seemed to be of interest to them rather than information that cleared CJB of involvement.

Items 18-20 reveal that AGG was open, honest, and assisted CJB’s lawyers in any way she could. She told the truth to the police, the prosecutors, and defense team members. She found people who could have served as witnesses for CJB had they been called; it is a wonder that his defense team ignored these people, giving as an excuse (which I have always thought of as the skin of a reason stuffed with a lie) that they believed it would serve to distance and keep CJB under the radar if they did not present a complex defense, but a very simple one. In fact, it was so simple, that only one person was called. That was a trace and fiber analyst from a Dallas forensic science institute, CL (http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/ebtrial/clinch.html).

Item 22 is especially vital to the heart of the case. AGG slept on the couch overnight on 5/5-5/6, and would have been awakened had CJB attempted to leave or return to the house. With plastic on the windows, any opening of the door would have created movement of the plastic, with attendant noise. AGG, asleep on the couch, would likely have heard the noise and awakened. It is more than probable she would have then checked on the sleeping boys once again before returning to sleep herself. This alone makes it very unlikely that CJB was in any way involved in the crime under examination. It is mind-boggling that this was ignored by the WMPD; more than that, it is criminal that prosecution of CJB was allowed to proceed had this been known, and I believe it must have been. Why this information was not recorded can only make sense if the WMPD was advancing their ideas about who was responsible. Wait… that is what happened. Never mind.

Items 26 and 27 are interesting as they deal with AGG’s accustomed habit of checking on her sons while she was at work to ensure they were home and behaving properly. If she had been called as a witness, she would have testified to this habit before the court. Further, she displays a fear that the police would not have freed her son, as they had claimed, but would have found a way to twist and use his words against him. Therefore, she felt it in CJB’s best interest not to speak to the police for any reason, and not to answer any questions put to him by them.

Perhaps the most intriguing items of all are numbers 28 and 29. In item 28, AGG declares that had CJB testified, he would have told the truth; further, that between his testimony, the school records she had obtained, and the testimony of those people who had witnessed his activities on the day of the murders and her knowledge of his presence in the house that night, there could have been no doubt of his innocence. Item 29 puzzles over why his defense team did not present any evidence at all from family members, friends, or school personnel who could have testified to his activities and school attendance both days (May 5-6, 1993). This is the basis for the Rule 37 hearing, the incompetence of CJB’s defense team. AGG was able to ferret out all of this information, she took it to the police, and it never made its way into testimony, except to be pre-empted by the prosecution.

Thirty-one items were recorded in this affidavit prepared for the Rule 37 hearing (http://callahan.8k.com/pdf/jb_habeas_rule37/exh51_affidavit_angela_grinnell.pdf). Remarkably, the WMPD did not rebut a single one of the items, most notably the ones which involved their ineptitude and inexperience. It is no wonder that CJB was found guilty of three counts of capital murder and sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. With such obvious tunnel vision and guilt by association mentality in play, it is truly a wonder CJB did not also receive the death penalty.

I apologize for the length of this post. It seemed only fitting to break it into three posts, rather than to keep it at its original size (seven pages in MS Word). But think about it, three posts… for three innocent lives snuffed out; three innocent young men spending over 20 years in prison; three victim’s families forever changed by such a heinous crime; and three other victim’s families who lost time with their sons they can never recover.

May 5, 1993 was the beginning of one of the worst cases of injustice and jurisprudence that gave lie to the word prudence. This marks the end of the timeline and alibi portion to date. Now begins the reworking of the original theory I posted, as I can see a number of changes need to be made. I wish to thank all of you for your suggestions, additions, questions, ideas and theories which improved mine in many ways. I would ask that I be able to incorporate these as I begin to go over my 3x5 wall and try to make sense of the many holes and questions the independent timelines open up when brought together. I would especially like to acknowledge Compassionate Reader for her encouragement and suggestions and reminders; Ausgirl, Miranda!, missy_g, and Tulessa for support and suggestions; zencompass and Graznik for support, suggestions, encouragement and offers to help.

You are ALL appreciated (and I apologize I could not mention everyone) for all of your hard work and efforts to create a coherent and lucid thread out of my wild-eyed and lunatic fringe theory. I applaud each of you, appreciate each of you, and acknowledge each of you! Much love and many best wishes and prayers for success in all your endeavors, whatever they may be, and wherever they may lead. I have come to think of you all as friends I merely haven’t met yet, but hope to someday before I leave.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming, and will see you in the funny papers!

Your humble servant,
Another tour de force, GK! I guess the most obvious statement here is to reiterate your suggestion that CJB's attorneys didn't put on a vigorous defense. I think that we should question, "Why?" Were they coerced by the State of Arkansas, or were they simply incompetent? You decide!
Excellent GK, your work is really appreciated. You have almost compiled a complete book. Don't forget to look after your health while you are doing this. Your commitment is priceless!
Thank you, CR. That's a very good question. I would like to say incompetent, as I don't believe either of them had had experience with triple murder cases. However, the decision not to put on any defense at all? I just can't believe incompetence enters into it here. There must have been something else in play. Not necessarily coercion, but something else for certain.

And thank you, Cher Lockholmes. I have always enjoyed seeing your name; I know that I am about to read a post that is well-researched, given much thought, solid and coherent. I believe your commitment is priceless, as well, and your example for the rest of us is one of never tiring in the face of adversity. You've inspired me to keep at it, every bit as CR inspired me to start in the first place!
Greetings to one and all!

I have just finished going over this thread; and I noticed that I failed to greet some who have been on here. For that I apologize and beg your forgiveness. In other cases, I failed to thank someone for a post, and I apologize for that as well. Everyone here has been a great inspiration to me, and my failure on those points is utterly miserable.

So, allow me to say welcome to those I have forgotten, and thank you to those whom I failed to do so. Each idea, every suggestion or addition to these discussions has helped me in some way to come up with theories that sometimes conflict, but in the end, I know will find resolution. You have all helped in that regard, asking questions, offering answers, finding references, providing websites…

That 3x5 wall has grown in the months since it was first started. At first, it fit on a 6’ x 8’ wall. Currently, it takes up two walls, one 16’ x 10’ by 10’ tall, the other 16’ x 8’ x 10’ tall. I am going to have to explain the hourly markings to one side, as well as all the different colored yarns connecting many of the 3x5cards. I will have to take a photo and enclose it with one of my next posts, so you can all see how much you have helped me!

(As an aside, there are three of you who have offered assistance, and be assured, I will PM you all soon to see if you’re still interested in giving a hand. Mostly, it will be proofing and editing my poor efforts at trying to be coherent and intelligible. There may be a special project or three or twelve as well, so if you want to back out, or not do anything too time-consuming, just let me know. I don’t want to encumber anyone with too much!)

And rest assured, for all the hard work that you have all done here, you will be remembered and credited! I will not take credit for another person’s labours, and believe that those who have done so much deserve to be recognized. Many thanks for helping this work to move forward!

Now, as always, I return you to your regularly scheduled programming!

Love and thanks to everyone,
GK, are you also working on a timeline for TH's movements on May 5th and May 6th? I would love to see it!
GK, are you also working on a timeline for TH's movements on May 5th and May 6th? I would love to see it!

Thank you for the question, Lethalmatthew (my son's name is Matthew, and he can be lethal when he plays his guitar although I taught him a lot of what he knows, so I guess I shouldn't complain!). I will revise my earlier post on TH, and will include all of his known movements both by his own admission, for all that's worth, and that of others for those two days. I just hope everything comes out better than it looks at the moment! I've started a spreadsheet to work off of my 3x5 walls, but I'm hopelessly mired with it right now... but it should be posted within the next couple of weeks! Thanks again!

Bring on the special projects! I'm just glad that a sane and logical mind is at work on this case. I've long ago lost my sanity. Although I feel that my logic is still intact, it is certainly tested and stretched at times.

Bring on the special projects! I'm just glad that a sane and logical mind is at work on this case. I've long ago lost my sanity. Although I feel that my logic is still intact, it is certainly tested and stretched at times.

Dear CR,
Thanks for the response! You're certainly going to be helping, as I need another set of eyes on this work in progress. As for being sane, I'm not so sure I am any longer... either that or dreaming (?) of rolling a giant jelly doughnut along a beach while being attacked by F-15s piloted by pygmies with tin foil on their elbows is a hallmark of sanity! And this case will definitely stretch and test one's logical limits, most certainly. But that's the way with the "good old boy" network. Outsiders must be kept outside at any and all costs; close ranks and admit nothing, least of all any mistakes that are big ones... little ones, okay, but nothing that could change anything! So trust me, sweetie, your offer is most welcome, and thank you!
Warm regards,
I know I've mentioned the report from JMB that GG told him that the brown coat he (JMB) saw in the woods had been there for a while (or something like that). Again, I wonder how GG knew that and if the GG statement can be verified in any way. Maybe GG should be investigated! Was GG on duty or off duty on May 5, 1993 between the hours of, say, 7 pm and 11 pm? I realize that the "good ol 'boy" network will probably balk at that intrusion into their ranks, but he's retired now, and he seems very reluctant to discuss the case. Isn't that a bit odd?
Well, I don't know how GG knew that the coat had been there for a while, but he was right. RC also said that he had seen the coat lying there way before the murders: http://callahan.8k.com/wm3/ryanclark.html
'saw the brown jacket but knew it had been there for some time.'
Still, it does seem a little odd that GG knew that. Why would he have been going to the Robin Hood area in the months before the murders?
OK, I thought I'd just drop into GK's convolution chamber again (that feels better, where's ma cuppa coffee GK ?), and *spice things up a bit (*Judge David Burnett).

Not only did this brown jacket(coat) reside in the woods, also a man living in a tent. I found this article describing this occurrence:


Collom said she knows in particular about one man, with a long beard, believed to be about 40, who lives in the woods.

I brought this subject up on the "Brown board" and a nice well informed poster thought it might be the transient John Witner, who lived in the woods at the time of the murders. This person was not very pleased when children got too close to his tent. The wmpd did take some samples off him, but that was it.

^ This guy has always interested me. Do you know exactly where his camp was located? I'm imagining it was near the Devil's Den part of Robin Hood, and not the Blue Beacon Woods.

Some witnesses overheard the boys saying they were going to go to their secret hideout/clubhouse that day, and I always wondered if perhaps they had a tent that they went to there. Moreover, perhaps it was a tent that they had discovered -- that was already there -- that they had found unoccupied at the time; but upon this day, the camper discovered them in his tent. This is extremely far-fetched; I'm just throwing it out there. If the killer was living in the woods, and he committed this crime, he obviously would leave this area immediately; it's not like he'd have anything to keep him around if he's homeless.
Do you know who these witnesses were that overheard the boys' plans? That's new and significant information to me!
Lethalmatthew, I will try to find the source, but in the mean time, basically I remember reading somewhere that during the door-to-door interviews, a classmate of MM's said she saw him around 4:30 pm on the 5th and he told her that "he" (may have been "they") was/were going his secret hideout.

EDIT: here it is, from the door to doors (don't have the exact link; found this on the other board) -- 1202 Proctor - Michael Thomas - daughter is in class with Michael Moore - saw him Wed - at 4 to 4:30 pm playing with (large blank) told her he had a secret hideout behind Mayfair and was going to go down there.
OK, I thought I'd just drop into GK's convolution chamber again (that feels better, where's ma cuppa coffee GK ?), and *spice things up a bit (*Judge David Burnett).

Not only did this brown jacket(coat) reside in the woods, also a man living in a tent. I found this article describing this occurrence:



I brought this subject up on the "Brown board" and a nice well informed poster thought it might be the transient John Witner, who lived in the woods at the time of the murders. This person was not very pleased when children got too close to his tent. The wmpd did take some samples off him, but that was it.


So nice to see you again, Cher, ma cher! Make yourself at home, you know you're always welcome here... coffee is percolating, and we now have three different flavors of creamer! I've missed you, you shouldn't stay away so long... :blushing:

Thank you so very much for bringing these links and article quote to our attention! I will look through my notebooks and find the one that has it and see what else I've written down about it. It is always a pleasure to see your name since I know dependable research and sound logic follows. :lookingitup:

Next time I will have the coffee ready, and your favorite chair warmed and the massage turned on... :coffeews:
I wonder if RC "knew" that the coat had been in the woods for a while because JMB told him (per GG). The confusion and ambiguity in this case never ends!

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