Grandma Hollars speaks

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Fame is a double edged sword - both sides are sharp and cruel. What kind of fame is there when 90% of the world doesn't even care or have never even paid attention to the plight of Haleigh Cummings? The reward, possible but to sell out 3 grandkids, including your favorite, and loose the attention of your own children for doing so for a mere $35K ? JMO I don't see either of these scenario's as plausible, especially doing so on Nancy Grace who has nothing but disgust for Misty Cummings. Maybe she is simply a God fearing woman who understands that it is only truth that sets one free.

Charlie...I can make an argument for her on both sides of the fence....I am leaning towards her doing this for the right reason: Haleigh. But for some people, an appearance on JVM or NG might be appealing BUT the thing that tips me over to believing her is she has SO MUCH to lose by telling her truth--in that she is losing her family. Tragic all around.
I think its great she's back; but I would LOVE to see someone else on the show, like Lisa or Hank or SOMEONE, for balance who is not on the same page--kind of like a Point-CounterPoint type show and see how that plays out.Might make for good Pay-Per-View. :innocent:

It is strange that we have not heard from anyone else. No one to my knowledge has had an interview, commented or anything. Maybe it is because they haven't been asked do you think. Maybe they are just flabbergasted at what Miss Hollar is saying. idk
Charlie...I can make an argument for her on both sides of the fence....I am leaning towards her doing this for the right reason: Haleigh. But for some people, an appearance on JVM or NG might be appealing BUT the thing that tips me over to believing her is she has SO MUCH to lose by telling her truth--in that she is losing her family. Tragic all around.

I agree.
It is strange that we have not heard from anyone else. No one to my knowledge has had an interview, commented or anything. Maybe it is because they haven't been asked do you think. Maybe they are just flabbergasted at what Miss Hollar is saying. idk

Hank Sr was appraoched at a gas station while fueling his vehicle - he didn't want to say anything. Any of the media that has been following this case would not IMO pass up an opportunity to interview any of them. They seem to be in hiding now.
Yeah, I think Lisa's known all along. I think she would have been Misty's first call, if Haleigh's health was in question for any reason. Then call Timmy. Then call Tommy. Lisa avoids talking to Misty about this entirely on jailhouse calls. She stops Misty when Misty goes anywhere near strategy. "you need to talk to your daddy about that."
I agree, Emma. Were you around while the poll was active which addressed who, if anyone, Misty told the truth? I can't remember if it was before or during Lent. At any rate, I was one of about five members who believed Misty told Lisa what happened that night. And I think it was Lisa who told Granny the "piece of wood" story. That's why Granny gave a vague response when asked about her source.
Yeah, I think Lisa's known all along. I think she would have been Misty's first call, if Haleigh's health was in question for any reason. Then call Timmy. Then call Tommy. Lisa avoids talking to Misty about this entirely on jailhouse calls. She stops Misty when Misty goes anywhere near strategy. "you need to talk to your daddy about that."

BBM: Lisa has probably always taken the "wait 'til your father gets home" approach to resolving disciplinary and/or other serious issues involving her children. jmo
Fame is a double edged sword - both sides are sharp and cruel. What kind of fame is there when 90% of the world doesn't even care or have never even paid attention to the plight of Haleigh Cummings? The reward, possible but to sell out 3 grandkids, including your favorite, and loose the attention of your own children for doing so for a mere $35K ? JMO I don't see either of these scenario's as plausible, especially doing so on Nancy Grace who has nothing but disgust for Misty Cummings. Maybe she is simply a God fearing woman who understands that it is only truth that sets one free.
Yeah. Maybe I'm just desperate to find a person with an old-fashioned sense of duty and ethics, who isn't looking to excuse the inexcusable, because I've had it up to here with enabling parents. :no:

But ...I don't know... Remember, she was the one who taught Misty to read and tried to get her to stay in school...? That always made her seem like a refreshing voice of sanity in the whole sad saga.

She does have flaws: she's unpolished and very parochial, and as such, she adds her personal conclusions to things she has yet to suss out. I haven't caught her in a conscious lie though, and I think she does mean well.

I just really want to like her. :eek:
I think its great she's back; but I would LOVE to see someone else on the show, like Lisa or Hank or SOMEONE, for balance who is not on the same page--kind of like a Point-CounterPoint type show and see how that plays out.

Might make for good Pay-Per-View. :innocent:
Now that would be a real doozy! LOL If folks were shocked last night they'd never make it through a show like that.
Yeah. Maybe I'm just desperate to find a person with an old-fashioned sense of duty and ethics, who isn't looking to excuse the inexcusable, because I've had it up to here with enabling parents. :no:

But ...I don't know... Remember, she was the one who taught Misty to read and tried to get her to stay in school...? That always made her seem like a refreshing voice of sanity in the whole sad saga.

She does have flaws: she's unpolished and very parochial, and as such, she adds her personal conclusions to things she has yet to suss out. I haven't caught her in a conscious lie though, and I think she does mean well.

I just really want to like her. :eek:

I agree, she seems like she's just done with all the drama and wants the truth to be told, even if it's her that tells it.

I do like her.
Charlie...I can make an argument for her on both sides of the fence....I am leaning towards her doing this for the right reason: Haleigh. But for some people, an appearance on JVM or NG might be appealing BUT the thing that tips me over to believing her is she has SO MUCH to lose by telling her truth--in that she is losing her family. Tragic all around.

Yes, and what exactly would she be lying about? I mean, does anyone really doubt that Misty and Tommy told her those things? :confused:

She obviously knows LE tapes the convos, so what would she have to gain by lying about what was in them?

If it were purely to throw Joe under the bus and protect Misty, she wouldn't be telling things like "I heard Misty hit her with a board."

The fact that she so obviously wants Misty to be innocent, and yet still brings herself to voluntarily admit things like that, makes me trust that she's being honest about all she knows and about her innermost thoughts and feelings...
Now that would be a real doozy! LOL If folks were shocked last night they'd never make it through a show like that.

LOL I agree. She speaks plain but peppers her statements with colloquialisms and is fascinating. Straight from central casting in some respects and I mean NO disrespect by this comment. I think I need to rest up, though.
LOL I agree. She speaks plain but peppers her statements with colloquialisms and is fascinating. Straight from central casting in some respects and I mean NO disrespect by this comment. I think I need to rest up, though.

King Solomon - "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks".
These people plum wear me out. Imagine how Grandma Flo must feel. Oh so weary.
That's exactly what Grandma said. It was because Misty always wanted to go to his house, so Grandma said, "she must have liked it". I mean, can you imagine somebody's grandmother saying that?

Here's your flag :truce:

Well as we've all learned, as disgusting as it is, incest DOES happen. I don't think granny was trying to say it happened for sure..I think the point she was making was that if it DID happen, MC never reported it, never complained about it, and continued to willingly be around if it is true, it must not have hurt her too bad considering she did nothing in granny's eyes to stop it. MOO.
Granny Hollar will be back on JVM tonight!!!
I want to believe Granny. She is a typical southern bell from the "old school" deep in the woods. My Nanny was a lot like her (God rest her sweet, sweet soul). I could see my Nanny doing "what's right" regardless of the consequences.
I think there's a lot of truth in what she said, especially when she made the remark about Haleigh having grandparetns too. I know I would not stand by my G-kids if I knew anything about them being envolved in something like this.
Misty Croslin's grandma is back to talk one-on-one!
What happened to little Haleigh Cummings on the banks of that river?

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